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Final Tribal Council -

Topic » Final Tribal Council -

2667 days 16 hours ago
Hey guys I'm just now getting home, it's gonna take me a bit to catch up.
2667 days 16 hours ago

Hey you guys! I congratulate you on making it this far! I have a couple of questions/statements and I'll start with this one.
n list format tell us your honest opinions about the jurors and the strengths and flaws in each of their games:
Tom- I liked him as an ally, he .............

Hey Tom! Thanks for the question. I'll start by giving my honest opinion and then one strength and one flaw of each juror.

1. Justin — I really love Justin and the two of us have been friends for a while, and I saw his immense potential in Survivor Legends. One pro of his game is his highly-developed sense of strategy and how the game works. I would say a flaw is that I didn't really think his heart was in it and I don't think he gave it his all; if he did, he would be sitting here right now.
2. David — David is one of my best friends on Tengaged and the two of us have slayed so many group games together. A huge pro of David's game is his likability. I mean, how could you not love the guy? His social game is on point and in every game I've played with him, he's proven to be a formidable threat in the aspect of interpersonal relationships. A flaw of David's game was his big personality. My buddy isn't very good at flying under the radar, and that oftentimes comes to bite him in the ass in games.
3. Tim — One of my biggest rivals on Tengaged. Gotta love Tim. I think that his biggest strength in this particular game was his ability to predict the path that the season was going to take if people didn't listen to him. He had a very good sense of strategy and knew that the Kavachi four could run it all the way to the end if not dealt with. However, I think this ties into his biggest flaw in this game, which was not being able to get people to listen to him. People were just kind of like, "Lol Tim you're just being paranoid we'll listen to you later," and by the time people realized he was completely right, it was too late.
4. Jimmy — one of my favorite people ever; I could listen to his French accent for days! Jimmy's greatest strength is his strategic prowess. Like him or hate him, the guy is a strategic powerhouse. I think his biggest flaw was his inability to hide his deck as everyone knew he was a mastermind and everyone saw how close he was with Fred.
5. Brady — I'm so glad that Brady and myself became friends this game. Brady's biggest strength is his ability to manipulate others. There were so many times when Brady should have gone home but was somehow able to stay and survive. I think Brady's biggest flaw was his mouth. He's loud, volatile, and outspoken, which is hilarious as fuck to watch, but also makes him a huge recurring target.
6. Hudson — the two of us have a weird relationship from a past season and I didn't really talk to him that much. I would say a pro of Hudson's game is his sneakiness. A con would be his unwillingness to talk to people on my side.
7. Ethan — My queen. Ethan has a lot of pros to his game, but I think that his biggest is his ability to read people and tell when they're lying. He always knew when people were just spewing bullshit at him, myself included. A flaw of Ethan's game was that he wasn't really able to get himself into a solid position in any alliance, and I'm not quite sure of the reason why.
8. Mearl — Ugh, this grandpa. Just kidding! Mearl's biggest strength is his ability to just.. do everything. He's so damn good at the game and was able to survive time after time when people really wanted to make a move against him. I think that Mearl is the best player this season hands down. However, I think that that also works as a con as well. Like he said, his reputation preceded him and he found himself on an almost impossible road.
2667 days 16 hours ago
9.  Tom — Tom and I connected a lot in the later part of the game. A pro of Tom's game is his sociability. He is one of the most likable people I've ever talked to on Tengaged. A flaw of his game in my opinion is when he told everyone in my alliance at once that we were the vote and that we needed to be loyal to him to stay.
10. Robby — he lowkey should have won this season, and that's exactly why I felt the need to go behind my buddy Kevin's back and get him out. Robby's biggest strength is his ability to just attract other people and avoid getting blood on his hands. Everybody loves him and even though he voted people out, he's so likable that nobody was ever mad at him. I think that, like Mearl, his biggest flaw was being unable to hide the fact that he was so good. He didn't really do much else wrong.
11. Smitty — Smitty and I were not closely aligned after I found out that he was playing both sides, but I do think he was a solid player. A good thing about Smitty's game was his ability to get information out of people and seemingly get most people to trust him. A flaw in his game would be him shutting me and the rest of my alliance out completely after we attempted voting him. 
12. Kevin — My bestie <3 Kevin's greatest strength in the game was his ability to create really strong relationships that got him far and meant that he didn't need to rely on challenges. His greatest weakness was a general sense of inactivity, which wasn't really his fault.
2667 days 16 hours ago
7 hours 26 min agoMearl
Brandon, to be clear, that's the jury's depiction of you not my own. You didn't do what I wanted you to do all the time, nor did you follow fred all the time or Brady. So at the end of the day you were making moves. The jury needs to see that so I'm glad you brought that to life.

However about your plan... why would you risk taking Fred so far? I feel that was always a flaw in your game.tell me why I'm wrong

I was willing to risk taking Fred far because I knew the jury would give him a hard time about his cheating scandal and I thought I would be able to possibly beat him. Additionally, he and I are very good friends and I wouldn't want to cut him loose until I had to.
2667 days 16 hours ago

Anyway Fred and Brandon. In one sentence why do you deserve to win

I deserve to win because I am a Survivor; I maneuvered through, influenced, and had insight to more votes than either of my fellow finalists.
2667 days 16 hours ago
2 hours 0 min agoRifles25
I just love how cheating in 1 challenge could cost him the win personally I think it's  smart to try and do that lol

That just shows what type of player you are
2667 days 16 hours ago
1 hour 52 min agoferdinandz
Mearl feels more like you are mad that I outplayed you, you where not talking like this when we talked in game before.

Nope not at all. You are there and I'm not and whether or not I think it's by you earning it or getting pretty damn lucky it doesn't matter.  Part of this game is luck. But of course i never talked like this to you in strategy. I was still playing the game and that wouldn't have been in my best interest.
2667 days 16 hours ago
Brandon- You're gonna really have to convince this jury if you want to win. You're asking us to excuse YOUR real life interfering with your activity in this game by saying you used it as a strategy to seem weak, then making the argument that Lord shouldn't win because Kevin's inactivity is the only reason he's here today. You used your inactivity to your advantage, Lord used Kevin's inactivity to his advantage. Don't tear down Lord using the same basis that you're trying to build yourself up on. Sorry this really isn't a question, but feel free to argue that you aren't a hypocrite.

I am not saying that my real-life interferences were strategy, I am saying that they were an additional element that I had to overcome. I think that there is a major difference between my absence at challenges and Lord making it to the end due to Kevin not being here. In my case, not being able to go to challenges most of the time was something that hindered me. However, I was able to adapt and used this as a selling point as to why I should not be targeted. There was no luck involved. The same cannot be said for Lord. The only reason he is here is because Kevin sent his vote in moments after they were due. Lord completely relied on luck and rode the coattails of someone else's mistake while I turned my disadvantage into something that could benefit me long-term.

Don't apologize for how you're coming across. I think I did a poor job of explaining myself the first time.
2667 days 16 hours ago

Brandon & Fred: First thing we should know, is that when both series had merged, you two were a part of the Kavachi tribe that was at a HUGE numbers disadvantage against Tinakula. Yet for some reason you two are able to vote out a majority of the ruling Tinakula and make it here. Explain to me what you did to be able to turn things around.

Hey, Hudson! Thanks for the question. I would say that I played a pivotal role in getting my alliance out of our numerical disadvantage. The biggest thing that I did to help us was kindle relationships with Brady, Smitty, and Mearl from the other side. I built strong trusts with them and was able to add on a couple of extra votes. Additionally, my relationship with Mearl allowed me to know who from our alliance was being targeted going into Tribal, so that helped us a lot in the sense that it gave us an opportunity to talk around and flip the target off of us. Later on, I was the one who was preaching "Kavachi Three" the most out of us. It was by doing this that I was able to convince my allies to eliminate Tom, Smitty, Robby, and almost Lord without having them flip.
2667 days 15 hours ago

Final Three
1) Rank the jurors based on who you think most deserves to sit in the final 3 to least deserves it.

Mearl/Mearl E.
Robbyjak/Robby J.
Jimmytv/Jim B.
bradyspaulding16/Brady S.
Brittney/Ethan C.
MooseAntler86/Kevin P.
flippo135/Tom T.
rapidsmartypants/Hudson H.
Osiris/David M.
lionsden121/Tim M.
rapidsmartypants/Hudson H.
BeastBoy/Justin L. ~ Only cause he was first merge boot
2667 days 15 hours ago

- Brendon : Great speech, but I'm wondering if all of that is true. I have a few questions :

. Why are you proud of having the most vote received against you? The goal of this game is not to be voted against, so the person most deserving is the one who received less vote in my opinion. The reason why I won last season is because I never received a single vote, I wouldn't have won if I was a target every week. — I am of the belief that the more votes you receive, the more you have had to endure as a player. Some of the greatest Survivor players of all time have received several votes, such as Parvati and Spencer. Does this mean they are completely incapable of being fine winners? Of course not. I don't really catch your point.

. You're saying that you had a great social game and talked to everyone in an everyday basis? This is straight up bullshit, you never answered my messages on skype. I was literally monologuing most of the time. How can you explain that? I can show you screenshots if you don't remember. —I said I tried to talk to everyone on a daily basis. Again, I'm not perfect, I admit to my faults, and I had things going on in real life that sometimes prevented me from answering right away. I could say the same about you; sometimes it was a pain to reach out to you. But I really did try to talk to people as much as I could.

. Why do you feel you deserve to win over Fred? (without mentioning the cheating accident). You keep bashing Lord but you seem to forget that It's a Final 3.  — I think I deserve to win over Fred because I had more to overcome than he did. I had a less-privileged path to this point, and I think that I had to work harder than he did to make it here. I'm not going to say anything bad about him if that's what you're getting at.

. How can you expect jurors who played SO hard and wanted to play this game so much voting for someone who FORGOT TO VOTE once? That's just unbelievable and almost unforgivable to me. — Now you're just searching the depths of hell for reasons to vote me. Seriously? One self-vote PRE-MERGE is a reason to not vote for me? Come on. The reason I self-voted was because I was mistaken about the voting deadline and thought it was an hour later than it actually was. I didn't "forget to vote," I just forgot the deadline. Again, I'm a human and I make mistakes.
I know you really want Fred to win, but you don't need to try and dig at me so hard lmfao
2667 days 15 hours ago
Question:My question to you is why did you decide to take Fred to the end? To me it made more sense for you to take me and Kevin to the end based on the final 5. You did state to me how Fred needed to go (which I believed you at the time because it was true. Fred had and has a high chance of winning this). I wanted to go the end with you, but instead you choose a different route. I strongly believe as most of the jury that you would have had a higher chance at winning against me and Kevin. I’m looking for a straightforward answer on your mindset nearing the final 3.

Two reasons:
1) He's my closest friend in this game and it wouldn't have felt right to be here without him.
2) I believed that you guys would hold him to his actions and I would at least have a shot of beating him.
Smitty, I actually did plan on taking you to the end with Kevin. However, when Lord won immunity at Final Five, I was forced to choose to either vote out you or Fred, and I had to pick you. If I blindsided my closest ally and took the risk of going into the final four in a 2-2 tie, I was putting myself in a position where I either had to win the firemaking challenge or win immunity, whereas if I took you out I had a virtually guaranteed spot in the end. I felt that my chances against Fred were not bad enough to make that risk. Had Lord not won Immunity at final five, we would have voted him out, and then I would have attempted to cut Fred at Final Four (and I think I would have since I slayed him in that challenge).

Also I troll all the time on TG don't take my GIFs seriously LMFAOO
2667 days 15 hours ago
Fred: We have some history. In our last group game together we worked closely together and were in a duo twist. We were so close at one of us winning that game but fell just short. I didn’t really interact with you at all during this entire game until the end.

Statement: Honestly, I don’t really care about the cheating incident. Although it was a mistake, I’m not basing my vote tonight on how many mistakes a player has made. I am basing it more on how a player coped with their mistakes. My mind immediately goes to MvGX winner Adam Klein. He did make mistakes in the game, but those mistakes didn't define his game. He still marched on and continued to play a very good game. Seriously, a lot of people thought you had an idol. I believe Jim did tell me that the Kavachi idols were gone but people on the TINK side were paranoid until the very end. I think you played a solid game. You seemed to have a few relationships on both sides WHICH IS IMPORTANT PEOPLE. You also weren’t one of the self-entitled people. You didn’t expect votes to just align, you worked for a lot of them (especially late merge). You weren’t frustrated and you didn’t yell and taunt at people when things didn’t go as planned. You kept moving forward. The bad characteristics I’ve listed above have really annoyed me during this game and I am happy that you showed the good ones  listed

Question: Why do you think we didn't really work together this season? We did towards the end but were always distant. This question is more for curiosity than anything.
Answer: Thank you Smitty for being fair, I really appreciate it and it shows why I actually liked you, wish some of the other people would be like you and a few more here. When I saw that you were on this season, I got happy since I remember how we were a power duo in that survivor season, I was seeing you as an allie to work with if I would make the merge. We did barely talk since I felt like you maybe were not wanting to work with me and it was not the same thing like the last time. I later found out that you were going for me and Jimmy, I did not get mad at you personally since this is just a silly game but I just realized that we might be opponents this time. When we found out that you were with Mearl, I realized that it might be hard to work and I did not yell at you since I dont like to go personal on people for a game. When you survived the rocks, I was actually happy since I wanted to give you a chance to reubuild our old days and that was when we started to talk, I never wanted to promise you anything since I had many allies and connections and I felt like had to be realistic and didnt want to lie to you and promise finals since I liked you and felt like you dont deserve to be lied to. But my plan was to still bring you in to the final 4 and give you a chance in the challenge even if you were a challenge beast.
2667 days 15 hours ago
". Why are you proud of having the most vote received against you? The goal of this game is not to be voted against, so the person most deserving is the one who received less vote in my opinion. The reason why I won last season is because I never received a single vote, I wouldn't have won if I was a target every week. — I am of the belief that the more votes you receive, the more you have had to endure as a player. Some of the greatest Survivor players of all time have received several votes, such as Parvati and Spencer. Does this mean they are completely incapable of being fine winners? Of course not. I don't really catch your point. "

My point is that you're bragging about receiving the most votes out of everyone but the goal of this game is not to receive votes (except at the FTC) so I'm kinda confused.

And no Brandon I'm not trying to do anything for Fred to win, I straight up told him he might not have my vote because I'm voting on who had the best game. I digged at everyone hard, not just you.
2667 days 15 hours ago
Damn these are some good answers lol.

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