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Final Tribal Council -

Topic » Final Tribal Council -

2670 days 2 hours ago
Since when is the goal of Survivor to have the least amount of votes cast against you? Is that in the official rulebook? Like I said, some of the best players in Survivor history who by far played better than me received more votes than I did. The amount of votes that you have isn't necessarily a con to your game, it could be, like it is in my case, a sign that you were able to overcome more obstacles than anyone else.
2670 days 2 hours ago
^ Preach
2670 days 2 hours ago
I'm just saying that I respect more players like Earl or JT who have never received a vote in the game, and that's not for nothing that they're both considered the two best winners ever. And what obstacles did you overcame? You were only targeted by Tim twice because he's a dumbass that targeted you because he didn't like you.

If you want to use that logic, then fine : Lord was an underdog late merge and at some point had no one but still managed to survive. Fred was hated from the get go and was predicted to be the first merge boot but he managed to survive too.

And It's confusing how you're contradicting yourself by saying you played a good game for no one to target you but then you're saying that you were a huge threat and brag about receiving the most votes? So confused.
2670 days 2 hours ago
Hey you guys! I congratulate you on making it this far! I have a couple of questions/statements and I'll start with this one.
n list format tell us your honest opinions about the jurors and the strengths and flaws in each of their games:
Tom- I liked him as an ally, he .............
Justin- We never talked to eachother in game and I still dont know why everyone went for you when no one from both sides suggested to keep you in, I actually tried to convince people to go for Tim but couldn't convince them. Your strength is that you are a strong and veteran group gamer but your flaw was maybe that you should have talked to us Kavachis more.
David- I actually dont hate you and I am not going to talk in your level because I am Fred. I have even voted you too win even if you insulted me in that season too. We have been working well in games when we have actually worked but our old history's have always hunted us, your strength is your social game but your flaw is your loudness and old records, not expecting you to vote for me but I am not going to sink low and skip anyone on this list
Tim- If anyone would tell me to name my number 1 arch rival, I would answer you. We have been taking out eachother in every game we played and we will probably keep on with that if this is not my last game on this site. Your strenght is like David your social skills but your flaw is your cockyness (actually people wanted to keep you for that somehow).
Jim- RoboJim <3 I might not win this but I will still be glad that this game gave me new friends except my old friends I already have. We clicked on day 1 and we started to talk everyday about game and other stuff, you were like my other half and this game felt empty when you left but the reason I still fought despite the odds #TeamEurope. Your strenght was your wiseness, you had always a plan and that is why we worked well since we both were always on the same page or completed eachother like YingYang, your flawless was maybe being to paranoid or emotional (like me) which costed us you when we could have acted better and maybe Mearl wouldnt have targeted you when he found out we were pissed.
Brady- Unlike Jim, you were my older friend in this game and we started to work early in the merge since we already had planned how to make thing work, It was hard for me to act like I was not with you at all but I had to do it instead of loudly scream "brady is my allie" and that is why I managed to gain trust from the other side. Your strenght was your leadership, you where a team player and would use your advantages for other people which made your allies to respect it. Your flaw was your honesty, some people couldn't handle the truth and wanted you out sooner or later.
Hudson- We were allies in Aruba and we barely talked but I still had no plans to take you out but the rocks was maybe a bit of your fault, your strength was that you played an under the radar game and it worked that no one really wanted to target you expect when we used your name to flush idols. Your flaw was that you could have connected with the other Kavachis and not only with the TINK siders.
2670 days 2 hours ago
Ethan- Our relationship was up and downs but I somehow never was positive when Lord several times brought your name up, even if we didnt really work together. We later formed a relationship when I realized that you were not the one who leaked out information and I tried to save you but you went home. Your strength was you being a tank in challenges (together with lord and Smitty, I was not bad too lol) but your flaw was maybe trusting the wrong people and not giving the new people a chance.
Mearl- Do not vote for me but i still like you and respect your gameplay. I dont think that you were a really strong threat but it benefited me, we had that coach and ozzy relationship were we told eachother stuff and knew that it was not true but we somehow still could talk for hours. Your strenght was how good you make things sound, I voted for you in 3 tribals in row and even thinked for 2 seconds "what if what he said is true" but realized quick that you were  doing anything to stay. Your flaw was not being clear, it was sometimes hard to know if you were honest are not.
Tom- You were one of my favorite people when it comes to personal plans and not game, I loved talking football or what you guys call soccer.. and how we talked about Australia and Sweden, you were the only one I almost ONLY talked about private stuffs with and I liked it. I had the hardest time voting you but I had to do it to survive and force Smitty and Lord to vote Robby earlier or I could see a final 3 of you guys. Strength was that you were down to earth and people appreciated it but flaws were that you could have gambled a bit more earlier like you did in that round you went home.
Robby- I think that you was one the best players this season and actually sharper than mearl but you yet managed to not be a target like him, and I tried to tell people that but it was hard to out the focus from Mearl until final 7, I knew that you would take me out at final 6 or 5 so I had to do it before you. Strengths was that you made connections to everyone and managed to make Mearl look like the mastermind even if you were behind most of his plans. Flaws was that you joined up with the other side (us) too late and it atleast made me paranoid somehow since you still had a good connection with Smitty and Lord but at the same time Kevin.
Smity- Like I answered your question, you are great person but we just felt on different sides and did not want to promise eachother false deals since we were realistic about it. Your strenght was actually your gameplay, you gave both sides information and both sides didn't know whether you are with them or not and that is why you made it far, you flaw was maybe that you could have been a bit clearer with who you really worked with since I still didn't know if you were mad at Mearl or not after the rock-scenario.
Kevin- You should sit here right now and brandon winning that challenge would result in Lord being on jury. You played a good game even if you sometimes wasn't loud, you started to turn into a power player in final 10 when you played your own game and came up with moves and ideas that was really sharp. Your flaw was maybe that we didn't see much of you in pre-merge and early merge but I get that you had much going with your training's.
2670 days 1 hour ago
I can never come up with good questions so I'm just gonna give you all a 'basic' question followed by some statements that you're free to comment on.

Question: What was your biggest mistakes in the game and what was your best move

Brandon: I think you played a better game than most people know, and you played much better on the latter half of the merge compared to the first. And I do think you would've won if you made f3 with Smitty and Kevin, like you wanted, but I don't think you have a much of a shot sitting next to Fred and Lord. I'm open to voting you, but it's much more likely I'll vote Fred or Lord.

Fred: We really didn't talk much, so heading into this I didn't feel like I really knew much about your game other than the obvious stuff. While I am certainly against cheating, I am willing to give 2nd chances and am willing to vote for you if I feel you played the best game of the f3.
So as a bit of a bonus question, feel free to give me insight to aspects of your game that I may be unaware of. You certainly had a hard path to the end, but you did survive sometimes where I think you should've gone, however, you didn't, and despite having your target coming into the merge you did survive and I am impressed.
(Side note on the cheating: I'm disappointed in Brady for thinking it was smart to cheat. It's disrespectful to both the hosts, who put in so much work to host this game for us, and to the rest of the players to try to play fairly. It's both selfish and cowardly and Brady saying it was smart just shows naivety. With that said, I'm willing to look past Freds past and I'd like to put a little more focus on Freds game rather than the cheating. I also hope that Fred, as well as everyone else, will show better judgement when they are tempted to cheat.)

Lord: Out of the 3, I think I have the best view of your game, I think you played a great game and I definitely don't think you sheep'd anyone. You certainly made your mistakes, and while everyone made plenty of mistakes this season, yours seem so big. But you did make it to the end so perhaps from a result-oriented perspective, those mistakes weren't actually so big. I think I pretty much have your game down, but if you feel like there's anything that I don't know about then definitely feel free to point it out to me.

Alright I think that's pretty much it. I wasn't really sure what to say, I feel like I already have a pretty good idea of your games from your other answers. Although my vote is still very much undecided. This game took a lot out of me so I have a lot of respect for you guys having survived so long.
2670 days 1 hour ago
I'm just saying that I respect more players like Earl or JT who have never received a vote in the game, and that's not for nothing that they're both considered the two best winners ever. And what obstacles did you overcame? You were only targeted by Tim twice because he's a dumbass that targeted you because he didn't like you.

If you want to use that logic, then fine : Lord was an underdog late merge and at some point had no one but still managed to survive. Fred was hated from the get go and was predicted to be the first merge boot but he managed to survive too.

And It's confusing how you're contradicting yourself by saying you played a good game for no one to target you but then you're saying that you were a huge threat and brag about receiving the most votes? So confused.


Jim, I don't get what you're saying at all. First of all, the "best player" of all time is up to opinion; I don't know where you're getting the "JT and Earl are the definite bests" thing from. Just because someone makes it to the end with little to no votes doesn't mean they played a good overall game. Sugar Kiper and Lisa Whelchel both made it to the end of their seasons and played awful games. You can't tell me that either of them played better than Aras, who ended up winning with 11 votes cast against him in his season. I was not only targeted by Tim as my name was continuously brought up as a potential target long after he was gone. The difference between Lord's ability to survive and my own was that his was completely dependent on luck while I had to actually work for my spot here and execute strategic decisions. All he did was vote for the inactive and then hope for the best in the fire making challenge, which was another luck-based challenge. And I never said that I was a good player for not being targeted. I said that I was able to get myself out of a position of constantly being targeted to a position where I could downplay how hard I was playing. I think you misunderstood me there, but I might not have explained it well enough.
2670 days 1 hour ago
Robby I'll answer your question when I get back :)
2670 days 1 hour ago
oh question for Brandon
Why did you vote smitty off at f5 instead of Fred?
2670 days ago
Lord- We were allies day 1 but you decided to jump ship to try and improve your odds of winning. And you were a complete fool and blew your chance... except something happened at the end that I'm not quite sure of with Kevin self voting. I don't know.. All I know is your logic was flawed and you misjudged numerous situations. You were in the minority what seemed to be a lot. Yet you are still here. I don't get it. I made a couple slight mistakes and it cost me the game and yet you made multiple major screw ups and you still make it to the end.

Why should I vote for somebody who I think made so many mistakes in this game while other, stronger players, were eliminated for minor screw ups?

I don't understand the 'in the minority comment exactly.'  I already illustrated that Brandon was lying to you all when he said I voted in the minority the most.  The only rounds I was hopelessly in the minority were F5 and F4.

I concur with your statement that stronger and better players went home before me.  However, you can't win the game if you don't make it to the end of the game.  If I were here at the end with you, Robby, Jimmy, or even Brady and David to an extend.  I'm not sure what arguments I would have.  However, I'm not sitting next to those people.  I'm sitting next to one player that didn't work nearly as hard as me, and frankly ignored the social game unless he needed you (meaning anyone he needed) to do something for him.  And the other player is one that made some of the same blunders as me and similarly escaped punishment.

You should vote for me because of the final 3, I played the best social game.  I played physical game.  And while my strategic plans fell through often, I played this game as hard as anybody here.  I was always working.

And as for the Kevin situation, was I lucky... absolutely.  However, Brandon had the opportunity to get me out during that vote.  All he had to do was lie convincingly about wanting to vote for Fred and he could have 2-1-1 me.  However, Brandon chose a different tactic.  He chose to be silent after he won immunity and knew he was safe.  Brandon gave me the opportunity to be here almost as much as Kevin did.
2669 days 23 hours ago
Btw funny things for all the Kavachi out there, there is something no one know about pre-merge that could have change the whole game.

As you know, there was an alliance of me, Kevin, Brandon, Mikey, Maladus and Fred. But from the start there was also another alliance with me, Brendan, Ethan, Violet and Aria.

Maladus and I were in two alliances, that's why the first 4 boots were people that were in neither alliance, because we decided to play the middle.

Then when came the moment we had to choose an alliance, we really struggled, and tbh we were leaning on sticking with Violet, Ethan etc. But last minute I decided to backstabb Maladus because I wanted to be the only person in the middle. That's why I was called out so many times by everyone just wanted to share lol.
2669 days 23 hours ago
Thank you Brandon and Lord for answering my questions. It will be a hard choice that I'm still thinking through
2669 days 23 hours ago
And Brandon I feel like you think I'm 100% voting Fred so you're not even fighting for my vote, which is to me disappointing and a bad jury management.
2669 days 23 hours ago

. You're saying in your speech how you'd be able to do anything to win, even vote off your friends, and I respect that kind of gameplay, but you're contradicting yourself a little here. In that case, why did you told Fred that you were gonna vote him off at some point? One of the dumbest move of the season, It was made by guilt. It totally contradict what you're saying in your speech. Same goes for trying to save me even though you knew I was completely against you and that that would have fucked your game. Please explain.

Firstly, telling Fred about not taking him was absolutely a stupid thing to do.  It was absolutely motivated by guilt, and I absolutely knew that I royal fucked up immediately after I said it.    It was a mistake in the moment, and it absolutely made the game much harder than it might have been for me.  However, I don't view it as a contradiction.  I did intend to vote him off.  I would have absolutely wrote his name at the final 4 or final 5 if given a good reason.  I was willing to vote anyone out that came between me and winning.  However, for one moment, I let my guard down and wasn't as heartless as I needed to be.

Secondly, I don't think it was a contradiction at all trying to save you.  I was very conditional in the people that I was willing to go after if I was going to not vote you out.  You threw out several names from the Tink alliance/side, and I refused to go after those people.  I was willing to save you if I could find a way to save you and eliminate somebody that I felt was worse for my game than you.  As for you fucking up my game, I have no doubt that you would have eventually come after me.  However, if I saved you and somebody like Ethan was gone.  I doubt you would come after me before Mearl or Robby for the simple reason that you would know I had your back to a degree.

Frankly, if I knew the challenges beforehand there is a pretty good chance I would have gone as far as F6 with Mearl.  I was just always worried that he could win out on challenges.  The challenge that he lost is not really the type of challenge that should exist that late in the game, and the challenge at the F6 in part the same kind.  More or less they were the type of challenge where the person that has the least enemies wins.

Were all of these moves and potential moves motivated by emotion.  Sure.  However, I wasn't willing to lose the game outright or vastly hurt my position in order to save anyone.  For me a reality did exist where I wanted you, Mearl, and Fred in particular to succeed if I failed because you all breathed this game at times.  At times, I felt that other people were playing that hard as well.  If I lost, I would rather have lost to a person that played their asses off than... Brandon or Kevin.
2669 days 23 hours ago

. Don't you think that luck and challenges are huge parts on why you're sitting here? I don't value people who got to the end because they won a challenge at some point that saved them of being voted off. That means your strategic and social game has a problem at that point. Same with luck, we all know you survived because Kevin self voted and the fire-making challenge is basically based on luck. On the real Survivor, Kevin wouldn't have self voted (obviously), and you'd be gone. Defend your case.

I'm not sure if I actually needed to win the challenges that I won at F9 and F6.  But, you are correct I needed to win that challenge at F5, and I needed to have Kevin not show up and win the firemaking at the F4.  I was absolutely fortunate in those chases.

However, I didn't stop trying to win, and I feel as if I made the proper case to Brandon as to why he should vote Fred out instead of me at F4.  I believe that many of the people sitting here tonight that are likely going to vote for Fred would have voted for Brandon over me if Fred was gone.

And more importantly, Brandon had the opportunity to get me out in spite Kevin self-voting.  All he had to do was convincing lie about voting for Fred and vote me out.  I felt Fred was going to have more support on this jury than he does in fact have.  I felt he needed to go for me to have a shot at the time.  Brandon's usual silence forced me to vote for Kevin.  Brandon gave me that out as well.

Finally, I did have good luck at the F5 and F4.  However, I had absolutely rotten luck at the F6.  Normally, I am able to at least find a couple good minutes to discuss strategy between 5:00 and 5:30 when the votes were due.  I got extremely busy that day and made a bad decision that I wouldn't have made with full time to commit to the round.  If I had 30 minutes to work instead of 5.  I firmly believe Brandon is gone at F6.  Barring misplaced immunities, I could probably have gotten Robby out at 5 and Fred out at 4.  Basically, I had good luck and bad luck in the end.

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