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Final Tribal Council -

Topic » Final Tribal Council -

2643 days 3 hours ago
Lord I also have another question for you

Do you think you should win this game since you r the only person in this final  three to play 42 days?
2643 days 3 hours ago

Not counting us in final I guess
2643 days 3 hours ago
Alright thank you for your honesty but if Lord and Brandon arent man enough to say that question then they aren't getting my vote so thank you fred
2643 days 3 hours ago
Ethan- I told him to just make a good score and send it to me but he made 1000 something and changed to higher, I was so down irl that moment that I just sended it. You are right but I still wanted so many of us in merge and I was afraid Brandan would betray that 6 with you guys and I felt like I left the team before so that is why I did not want to be the reason to lose.
For you in merge, still wish you would have voted Mearl, I was really wanting to keep you in the game and work with you to get far since Mearl was going for you that round and they voted you in the round before. I know we had a bad relationship in premerge but still hope you can give me a fair chance. Also my idol was fake :P :P
2643 days 2 hours ago
Fred, there is no explanation that validates cheating no matter how sad the sob story is. You can tell me the real Fred died and his dying wish was for you, the new Fred, to win that challenge at all costs and continue playing the game for him. I still wouldn't find it acceptable. The truth is I learned not to trust anything you said in this game so making up a sob story to try and validate cheating only makes it more repugnant. After you got caught if you fessed up and said "I did it, it was a mistake and I'm sorry it won't happen again" then maybe I'd consider giving you my vote however you continued to lie about it saying it was a phone error because you had too many tabs open and seemed to be unremorseful for your actions after the fact. I find your sudden remorse to not be genuine and if it is I'm sorry but I have to base my thoughts on what I've seen.

Ethan made a lot of valid points, your cheating was a very selfish move that tried to create an unfair playing field. Not only did we learn you cheated but we learned you weren't even doing the challenge.

Now with that said,I won't hold this against you in any future games but I can not allow it to go unpunished this game. As the jury it is up to us to determine if you've already served your term for your crime to be eligible for us to even vote you. Some people here will vote you I'm sure, he'll maybe even a majority of them. But as a host and an honest player, who has every opportunity to cheat as well but never does, I can not give my winning vote to the person who was willing to play that unsportsmanlike.
2643 days 2 hours ago
Me when Brandon and Jeremy don't even bother answering my questions
2643 days 2 hours ago
I just love how cheating in 1 challenge could cost him the win personally I think it's  smart to try and do that lol
2643 days 2 hours ago
Mearl feels more like you are mad that I outplayed you, you where not talking like this when we talked in game before.
2643 days 2 hours ago
I talked to Erik later, you havent seen my confessionals or explanations, I apologiezed to everyone on my tribe admitting it but they found it silly and appreciated that did it for the team and they even said that it wouldnt change anything so they were okay because they saw how Hurt I was.
Mearls campaign to make me lose, and do not dare to say I made the story about my mom up or I will lose my calmless, that is not a reason but just a way to make people atleast understand what I have been through, just tired of all hate. So you could tell me to quit in final 15, I played this game for nothing? So then you are lying to when you told I would win or that I deserve it and so on, do not call me a lier.
And you knew I was not working with you, it was clear, not my fault you were dumb and got outplayed
2643 days 2 hours ago
2643 days 2 hours ago
I even told I was voting you the round you went, still respect you but you are being harsh right now.
2643 days 1 hour ago
I will answer everything in a couple of hours. I'm still at work.
2643 days 1 hour ago
What’s up guys? Congrats on the three of you making the final 3. This group game was prone to many epic tribal councils, epic players, and hopefully an epic finish. Although I would kill to be in one of those three seats, I’m not in one of them. There seems to be 3 re-occuring themes throughout this season. Power Players vs. Sheeps, Mistakes, and Self-entitled players. I’ll get into those 3 in a sec. But firstly the final 3.

Lord. You were one of the people I was closest with on the island. I generally enjoyed working with you and socializing with you throughout the season. You have played the most days in this game out of anyone. You were the person at out of the final 3 that I understand and generally like the most.


This is where the Power Players vs. Sheeps point comes in. Constantly throughout the game we have players like Mearl and Robby that are pointed to as power players. That’s great, but as a result everyone else sometimes gets called a sheep, a goat, what have you (you being one of those people). But the thing is, you weren’t a sheep. Not many people this season were sheeps (I generally despise this term). You had a very solid physical game from helping the TINK tribe in immunities and individual immunities. People outside the TINK alliance/tribe may not know this but you did have a strategic mindset. You were an active voice in the group chats and discussions amongst alliances we were both included in. The 2-2-2 Vote plan was an excellent idea and I am beating myself up for not enforcing that plan and sticking with it. You had good game awareness and generally could pinpoint who was working with who, who might be targeted, why it’s important to target this person, etc. etc. However you did have some mishaps and mistakes.


This is my question with you that I still don’t understand to this day. Why did you decide to expose me and completely shit over me early in the merge? I had your back 100% and trusted you 100% thinking the feeling was mutual. I thought it was strong. I wasn’t mad by it by any means, in fact I actually wanted to laugh. Not because it was funny, but because I was shocked. Even after that point I still wanted to work with you and mend the relationship because I thought not working together would just be fucking stupid.
2643 days 1 hour ago
Brandon: I am neutral towards you. I don’t feel negative, but I don’t feel positive about you either. We started to form a brief relationship at the beginning of the merge. Then everything started happening and our relationship just cut off. Going into the final episode I didn’t understand or get a grasp of any of your game.

Statement: From my perspective you seemed cocky. The whole Brady tribal with the GIFS and the shit-talking may have been amusing at first, but really it made you look like a complete fool at the end of the day. You say you’ve made daily communication with everyone, but we didn’t talk for a nice portion of the merge. To me although your game was solid, it was pretty average and doesn’t stand out to me. The Kavachi triumph although compelling is divided between you and Fred. I’m not going to flat out say you’re not getting my vote as you have said to me, but it’s slimmer compared to the other two. You’ve stated how your relationships of Brady and Mearl helped you gain info in the game, which is good if you utilize that info.

Question:My question to you is why did you decide to take Fred to the end? To me it made more sense for you to take me and Kevin to the end based on the final 5. You did state to me how Fred needed to go (which I believed you at the time because it was true. Fred had and has a high chance of winning this). I wanted to go the end with you, but instead you choose a different route. I strongly believe as most of the jury that you would have had a higher chance at winning against me and Kevin. I’m looking for a straightforward answer on your mindset nearing the final 3.
2643 days ago
Fred: We have some history. In our last group game together we worked closely together and were in a duo twist. We were so close at one of us winning that game but fell just short. I didn’t really interact with you at all during this entire game until the end.

Statement: Honestly, I don’t really care about the cheating incident. Although it was a mistake, I’m not basing my vote tonight on how many mistakes a player has made. I am basing it more on how a player coped with their mistakes. My mind immediately goes to MvGX winner Adam Klein. He did make mistakes in the game, but those mistakes didn't define his game. He still marched on and continued to play a very good game. Seriously, a lot of people thought you had an idol. I believe Jim did tell me that the Kavachi idols were gone but people on the TINK side were paranoid until the very end. I think you played a solid game. You seemed to have a few relationships on both sides WHICH IS IMPORTANT PEOPLE. You also weren’t one of the self-entitled people. You didn’t expect votes to just align, you worked for a lot of them (especially late merge). You weren’t frustrated and you didn’t yell and taunt at people when things didn’t go as planned. You kept moving forward. The bad characteristics I’ve listed above have really annoyed me during this game and I am happy that you showed the good ones  listed

Question: Why do you think we didn't really work together this season? We did towards the end but were always distant. This question is more for curiosity than anything.

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