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Final Tribal Council -

Topic » Final Tribal Council -

2659 days 6 hours ago
My speech:
I came to this game for my third and maybe final time to prove Erik that I still have my all to give and my goal was from day 1 to sit here and plead my case. I joined the Kavachi tribe and I started to make sure I would be in a good spot from day 1 but I saw Tim and David on the other tribe and knew they would come for me in a swap or merge (we have a bad history from before, still been acting respectful towards them no matter what) so I had to make sure I am in a good spot. I also had Lord and Brady on the other tribe that were my close friends on this site so we agreed to work together if we merged or swapped.
Our first votes went anonymous and I was afraid of Sahmosean but we managed to get him out early. Everything went great and I made an alliance with Jim (TeamEurope), Brandon and Mikey, us 4 decided to go all the way. We also added Brandan and Kevin to be a part of that to make a solid 6. I also had to keep in touch with Aria and Violet so I would have everybody on my side.  The problem with it was that I ended up being friends with everyone and every vote would be a hard one for me but I was glad as long as no one would target me. After that cheating incident (I already explained in the post before so are not going in details here) Ben knew I was going for him so he tried to throw me under the bus and suddenly make everybody go for me, I managed to convince my tribe to give me a new chance and I was lucky that I had a strong bond to the people on my tribe, Ben went home anonymous.
We started to lose and i wanted to keep our 5 of me, Brandon, Jimmy, Mikey and Kevin strong, it felt like Brandan was playing both sides so I suggested that we should get him out or else he would go for us next with Aria and Violet, so we blindsided him. Then Violet went home even if I liked her but I felt like I could not keep her in the game.
"Operation coconut idol": I was afraid that everyone would go for me in the merge so I needed the coconut idol but I did want it since day 1 and tried to convince my alliance to let me take it since I have a different time-zone and no one would notice me taking it. Me, Jim and Mikey wanted to have some fun since we thought a swap would come so we decided to make some fun and act like I was going for the idol and that they would also join me and be like "wtf Fred" and also smash the coconuts, and then one of us would have it.
I was lucky that I smashed the most coconuts and that Robby visited our tribe since he told the other side that I got the idol. That was good for me since I knew that I would get the 15 th place, so I talked to Jeremy (lord) and made sure that he could give me a chance as a number for few rounds so they would not go for me. I also talked to Brady and wanted to reunite his alliance and mine even if he was not friends with Brandon and Kevin. Mikey actually got the idol but only I knew that and we made a deal that he would let people think that I got it, and it was fun when people came and told me "Mikey is false, he is telling us you got the idol, he not keeping your secrets" so I knew people trusted me and I was in a good spot. We all voted for Ethan since we were not working back then but Aria played the idol on him and forced a tie between me and Mikey and me and Mikey but he went home, it sucked since he was one of my closest allies back then and he had the idol that would be for us, so I had to act like I still got the idol. I had to act to Aria that I would be loyal to her if she kept me over Mikey, but I took her out as soon as we went to tribal again because she was acting powerful and would be dangerous later in the game, I was playing my own game and would never sheep for anyone.
For the challenge before merge, we knew that they would all go for us and we needed to win that challenge so they could get split, it happened and Tinakula got divided for the merge and that opened a door for me.
Merge came..
2659 days 6 hours ago
Lol Brady you are such a pathetic twat. Always have always will be. You honestly embarrass yourself every game you play.

Anyway I'm between Fred and Brandon. I respect Lord for being in it since Day 1 of your game but I don't think our tribe should be penalized for this. Not like we asked to be dropped in into the middle of your game. It would have been a lot more fair for us to have our merge group merge with your merge group.

But Lord I don't think you did enough strategically. You were Mearls puppet for most of the game and that's why I ignored talking to you. Also your convos never seemed to have a grasp of the game.

Anyway Fred and Brandon. In one sentence why do you deserve to win
2659 days 5 hours ago
Anyway Fred and Brandon. In one sentence why do you deserve to win
: From being sampled the first boot in merge, I managed to outplay anyone and make it all the way by targeting Tinakula and using their division to our advantage by using Lord and brady on both sides to further us, and at the same time keep Kavachis safe (we almost made it).
That was more than a sentence lol, also working on my Merge speech
2659 days 4 hours ago
Oh how I wish I were on this jury.

I have things I would love to say to Fred but I won't try to sway this jury. Thank your lucky stars Jim was on your side is all I'm going to say.
2659 days 4 hours ago
Alright Guys. It's my turn for the questions. First of all congratulations to you three. Although I wish I was sitting there, I am not, you guys are and you outlasted people who wanted to sit there just as much as I did. That's not easy to accomplish. Now for my questions.

Brandon & Fred: First thing we should know, is that when both series had merged, you two were a part of the Kavachi tribe that was at a HUGE numbers disadvantage against Tinakula. Yet for some reason you two are able to vote out a majority of the ruling Tinakula and make it here. Explain to me what you did to be able to turn things around.

Jeremy: My closest friend in the game. Dude, I'm glad that you made it to the Final 3 man. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to vote for you to win. What I want to hear from you is the same story but from your point of view. Why do you think there are two kavachis sitting there? Did they do anything that worked in their favor? Did anyone on Tinakula (You can name people, even me) make a mistake that resulted in this to happen?

Also a lot of people are criticizing your games and some of it if not most of it is negative. After you answer my questions about the turn around, I want each of you to give credit to one of the other two sitting next to you and why you think they deserve to win. I'll remind you that you cannot explain why you yourself deserve to win. It has to be one of the other two finalists.

Good luck guys and may the best all star win.
2659 days 4 hours ago
My speech:
We made the merge where me, Brandon, Jimmy and Kevin agreed to stay together no matter what. I felt like a was key for our good position since I had a bond with Lord and Brady and both of them where on opposite sides which gave us a chance to pick a chance. I made sure that Brandon and Kevin would join up with Brady while me and Jim kept a stronger connection to Mearl and lords alliance and we would make sure that both sides did not target the kavachi members.
Justin vote: It was hard to know that everyone hated me and would prob go for me so I had nothing to lose and that is why I went all in to make deals with everyone and act like "use me as a number" but I had more plans in my head.
Justin went home for the first vote and it was a easy one (didnt see a point in why people wanted him gone as I wanted David or Tim gone), it felt good that we survived the first vote. So Lord and Mearl thought me and Jim was with them so they included us in their alliance, BUT I had to all the act like I did not like Brady since I didn't want them to think that we were friends, i also had to act like i would be good to vote Brandon and Kevin out. At the same time I tried to update Bradys side, my goal was to take David and Tim out but the problem was that Bradys side had him as a number, and Mearls side as Tim as a number.

David vote: I realized that David would be a number for Bradys side and I wanted to keep that side with numbers since we could have him to go for Mearl later, and us Kavachis had more numbers in that alliance so David and Brady would not have the chance to backstab us later in the game. I told Mearl and Lord I really wanted David out, so much that it was my goal in this game, but I voted Tim so they thought that I voted David. David went and I was actually sad about it because I did not want Mearl to have full control of the game.

Tim vote: Lord and Mearl decided that we should go for Brady, I got nervous since I was afraid that this day would come. Me and Jim tried to drag the vote for someone else but Lord and Mearl was set on Brady and I was not happy with it but I had to act like I still did not want him in game but just that we should go for Tim since they promised me that if they want me to work with them. Mearl realized he couldn't trust us and decided to vote for Brady but he still told that he was okay with voting Tim, me and Jim got Lord throwing his vote for Brandon and voted Tim, so things got better since I had the chance to keep Lord and Brady and got Tim out.

Jimmy Vote: Me and Jimmy got mad at Mearl for lying to us and it showed that he really did not trust us, we realized that mearl is over for us. The problem with this was that they first targeted me but Lord convinced them to go for Jimmy, me and Jimm took the risk and targeted Robby, I wanted to make Lord think that he was going or that Tom is going so he would play the idol but he found at the vote was Robby since we had a leak in our alliance. Lord actually suggested that we should vote Ethan but I still wanted Ethan in the game and took the risk to target Robby instead and weaken Mearl more.

Brady Vote: This is actually the round where Lord stayed here thanks to me. I had just lost Jimmy, and I was not going to lose Brady too! I had to win the immunity challenge since I knew I would be next. I made "amends" with mearl but I had in mind that I would avenge Jimmy. Mearl and Lord wanted me to prove my loyalty by voting Brady, that would never happen and Brady wanted Lord out so I had to figure a way to keep both of them in the game, we also found out Smitty was leaking our plans so I suggested we could get Smitty out since he was a reason Jim went home and would not work with me, everyone agreed with it (1 hour before vote) but Brady went home since someone still voted Lord, so lord would have gone if we had kept our votes for Lord.

Hudson vote: Now I had proved Mearl I was not with him and I w
2659 days 4 hours ago
FUCK half of my speech dissapeared.. took me 2 hours to write..
2659 days 4 hours ago
Can i recreate it somehow?
2659 days 3 hours ago
11 hours 12 min agoOsiris
Ah question

YOU were my favorite ally and friend and hilarious to talk to but still spoke very intelligently about the game so I wanna know other than 'we grew apart' why you voted me and teamed with Robby and Mearl who were two of the biggest threats and didn't warn me I was a target 

It wasn't just that we grew apart. I gradually was losing trust in you, and I noticed you were making connections with some people that I didn't necessarily trust. As for my teaming with mearl and Robby, it was actually pretty limited. I was always planing behind there backs to vote them out with tom and Hudson. Where as I can see many scenarios where you are able to paint me as a bigger target than you, I assumed mearl and Robb wouldn't be able to fade to the background. They were also sharing more information than you with me at that time.  Basically mearl and Robby were the 2 biggest threats so I assumed the votes to remove them would be easy to find later.

As for why I didn't warn you and why I voted for you. I saw you as a threat and was worried about you creating an onion type alliance. That said, it is one of my moves that I'm not proud of. I don't think I could have ever fully trusted you just because we weren't sharing very well :P.  I do think I should have valued you as a smart ally more than other people as potential shields.

If u need any clarification please ask. I suck at typing on my phone.
2659 days 3 hours ago
This is not a final 3 I would have ever expected when we first merged. However by the time I was voted out, I was saying that Lord or Fred will win this game. I'm glad to see you've both made it here because now there's a little competition for the win! Congratulations to all three of you on making it here.

Brandon- You're gonna really have to convince this jury if you want to win. You're asking us to excuse YOUR real life interfering with your activity in this game by saying you used it as a strategy to seem weak, then making the argument that Lord shouldn't win because Kevin's inactivity is the only reason he's here today. You used your inactivity to your advantage, Lord used Kevin's inactivity to his advantage. Don't tear down Lord using the same basis that you're trying to build yourself up on. Sorry this really isn't a question, but feel free to argue that you aren't a hypocrite.

Fred- I read your explanation for the cheating. Are you saying that you had a friend play the game and submit it for you? Did you tell your friend to change the score? If not, why did they change the score on their own? Also why didn't you mention your friend playing the challenge for you sooner? I'm confused about why you went to these lengths to win the challenge when you claim to have had a 6 person majority alliance on a 10 person tribe at that point and would have been in no danger had we lost fair and square. I just want to give you the chance to clarify the situation as much as possible because that is going to be your biggest hurdle in this FTC. You played a solid game on all fronts and had this not happened, I don't think people would have a hard time sending their votes in for you. (Also don't say it was to benefit the tribe. You couldn't have given two shits about the tribe considering you were willing to help carry Kevin's dead body all the way to merge which cost us many challenges)

Lord- You played a great social game and your physical game was good too. Strategically, people are criticizing you for making mistakes and personally I can't say we talked much game so I don't know what to think. Is there any move that you would take 100% responsibility for? Also did you at any point have an ideal final 3 and how did you plan to get that group to the end?

My vote is mostly still up in the air, so answer wisely. :))
2659 days 2 hours ago
Half of my merge speech dissapeared..
2659 days 2 hours ago
Jimmys question
If you were in the jury and let's say someone in the Final 3 cheated like you did, would you consider voting for that person? Be 100% honest because I'm not perfect but I know a lie when I see one?: IF saying yes, it will come out like I am just trying to be selfish and get votes, but I am studying to become a social worker where you have to help alcholics, criminals get a second chance in life, this is just a silly game but as a person I think that every body deserves a second chance. If had or not would have a reason, I would still show some mercy or empati even if I hate cheating but I would not let it affect the persons whole game.
. If let's say The Sexy Four (yeah that's our alliance name don't judge) made it to the Final 4, would you have voted me off (because I'm obviously a biggest threat than Kevin and Brandon) or would you have stayed loyal? Once again, be honest: Being honest, I loved you and just as I had to cut lord in final 4 or 5, I would have to do it in final 4, but this is a hard question since a part of me would want to still sit there with you and have a fair and square Final.
2659 days 2 hours ago
How many majority votes after I left were you on the right side for?: I was in wrong side when Ethan and Hudson left, then I was in majorty whole game

What was your biggest obstacle you faced in this game: To first being hated and targeted for my past and then stay in the game without getting my allies out.

And what was your biggest move: Sucks that half of my speech didnt come up.. Nvm my biggest move was the Tom and Robby vote. Lord was not smart by telling me he would take me out in final 4 or 5, I had to vote Tom out in order to make Smitty and Lord have to need me in the game since my plan was to go to the finals with Kevin and Brandon but Kevin and Robby was close to eachother. Also voting Tom was the only chance to have Robby voting us. I was afraid that Robby would get people to take me out next, I still kept Kevin and voted Tom since I wanted the kavachi final 3 to happen. When Tom went I convinced Smitty and Lord to go for Robby by lying that he would take Kevin and Brandon to f3 and target them IF I went home, I did not tell Robby or Kevin and Robby went. I had to promise Lord final 4 to make him do that so I told him that and lied even IF he is my Buddy (we both knew this was a game and would not be bitter). I know made sure Kavachi had full majority and I had no one in the game going for me so now it was just to go for Smitty and Lord, and it all were going as planned IF it was not for the fire making in f4. It was a risk since I could take Kevin out and be with lord and Smitty to take Robby out and go to final 4, but I took the risk and still got Robby out and made Kavachi majority to happen
Mearl vore was also a big move since I went all in for 3 rounds to get him out and had to make both sides to do it, I could have kept Mearl and do Kavachi plus Mearl but I knew he would go for me next no matter what, still told him that honestly but my biggest move was the Robby move.
2659 days 2 hours ago
Mearl vote*
2659 days 1 hour ago
Alright so I have question for all of you too

Final Three
1) Rank the jurors based on who you think most deserves to sit in the final 3 to least deserves it.

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