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DanZ Survivor Indonesia - Confessionals

Topic » DanZ Survivor Indonesia -..

1438 days 15 hours ago
Kolby voted out 5-0
1438 days 13 hours ago
Nick / nnewman3:

We have a lot of hyenas & a lot of lions in this game and it’s going to be crazy tonight
Idk if I want to throw the immunity challenge today because we have a lot of threats in this game & I don’t want to be a target or a threat right now or tonight because we have Tiffany & Rohan going after each other right now & idk what side I’m on it’s going to be Complicated & I’m really nervous about the vote tonight after the immunity challenge it’s going to be really really hard
1438 days 13 hours ago
Brandon / Coolbrandonman:

I had no doubt in my mind that I’d make it here. Now we got fab five back together, and Ellie tagging along with us. At least for the beginning of the merge. Now the plan was to take out Rohan before merge but hey; it is what it is man. I guess he’s gonna have to be first jury member. After that. . . Well I don’t really have a plan but I’m sure something catastrophic will occur. But until that happens, I’m chillin.
1438 days 13 hours ago
Candi Box: 7
1438 days 12 hours ago
Candi Box #2: 1
1438 days 12 hours ago
Patrick / pkpkpkpk:

Its time for the KING TO BE DETHRONED
1437 days 20 hours ago
Brandon / Coolbrandonman:

I won immunity. Good job me. I’m not gonna get too ahead of myself, I mean after all, I only typed words into my phone. . . Nothing special. I said this before but I kinda feel the need to say it again; Everybody wants a piece of Brando. After I won immunity, I had Tiffany/queen/ Catherine/Jaesus/ whatever other fucking name she wants to call herself and Renny Message me for the first time in the game. Good for them for trying to build new relationships but it’s a bit too late for that. I’m spoken for baby. . . I would like to think Rohan is gonna be waved goodbye, but With Tiffany getting that idol and stirring the pot, people might want to split the vote. She says she’s gonna play her idol tonight but only a fool would believe that shit is set in stone. Oh some more good news, I believe Britany is sticking to her roots and cementing her loyalty to fab five! Woohoo for that. And I guess that’s all for my confessional tonight so I’ll catch ya on the flip!Update: Renny just informed me that he has no idea if there are any alliances being formed yet! Hahaha that guy is royaly fucked. Oh poor guy never had a fucking chance! Sucker!!!Brandon, 11:35 PMConfessional:

Hey! I’m back for the third time tonight. I’m trying to orchestrate Ellie’s elimination and I feel like I’m making some progress. Slowly but surely, I should say. I got myself, Yung, Ryan, and possibly Tiffany so far. Haven’t gotten a clear answer from Tiffany yet but I’m optimistic. So that’s hopefully 4 votes for Ellie. Rohan wants to vote out Britany so I’m assuming Nick is going to as well. I have no clue who Renny is voting but I’m going to talk to him after I finish this confessional. And I believe Ellie still has to earn her advantage by either not voting, or voting herself. If not, then she is voting Rohan. Britany and Patrick might still be voting Rohan as well. Ok as of right now I have tallied 4 votes Ellie (hopefully), 2 votes Britany, and 3 votes Rohan. I still have to figure out where Renny stands but my main concern now is getting Tiffany to vote Ellie.Ok nevermind I guess, Tiffany wants to keep Ellie. That’s cool. . . THATS SOOO FUCKING COOL. Fuck now I have to make sure Renny votes Ellie if I want there to be a chance of this happeningAnother Update:

I just took another look and it turns out Tiffany added Renny to the group too! PERFECT! Fuck me! If Renny really has no alliances, there’s no way he’s gonna turn on this group that Tiffany made. Fuck man I don’t think I’m in any danger yet but I wanted to Get Ellie out. Why can’t anyone else see that she’s too dangerous? Damn fools
1437 days 19 hours ago
Nick / nnewman3:

This is the toughest vote by far because Everyone is Scrambling who to vote for tonight I heard Tiffany, Rohan, Ellie & brittney names pop up & it is so difficult to vote for us to choose from.  This tribal council is Chaotic u have 3 to 4 names out of box it’s hard to vote for my mind is confused right now with everyone is coming after each other it like hyenas & lions right now fighting each other & fireworks are flying out tonight wow
1437 days 19 hours ago
Brandon / Coolbrandonman:

Fuckers finally came to their senses and decided to vote out Ellie. Damn dude it took way too long to convince people. Patrick doesn’t want to vote her but he isnt understanding how much of a threat Ellie will be in the long run. He needs to recognize this opportunity he has in front of him. It doesn’t matter I guess because I think we have the majority to take out Ellie.Type a message
1437 days 19 hours ago
Brittany / LaFierceBrittany1:

Okay so things have been looking up for me, I think! I’ve decided to just sit back and stay quiet for a little bit while letting everyone else stick their foot in their mouths and put targets on their backs. Hopefully tonight works out in my alliances’ favor and Ellie does go because she is the biggest threat left.

She’s one of the only people that I don’t really have a relationship with (including Renny, Nick and Rohan) so I have no problem voting them out. However, I know that soon enough, I’m going to have to stick my neck out and make a big move in order to build my resume if I reach final tribal council.

With that being said, my individual connections with OG Sewu will keep me safe for a bit so I have to add onto them while I still have time. I don’t want “the boys” (Brandon/Ryan/Patrick) to get any closer and take control of the game. I know that Yung is a threat moving forward but he’s a shield for me, I gotta keep Tiffany in the game for as long as I can also so nobody comes for me while I’m working behind the scenes.
1437 days 19 hours ago
Ryan / Basketball200:

MERGGGGGGGEEEEEEEE I finally made it out of the shitty tribe I was on and the Fab 5 reunited LOL
Damn a lot of drama rn between Rohan and Tiffany. They seem to be going after each other as of right now. Welp Tiffany just found an idol lol. Also Tiffany thinks myself and Brit are on the bottom but that’s not true at all.
Confessional 16
Today’s been a wreck the Fab 5 wants to vote Rohan because he’s the easy vote but I don’t want that. If we keep Rohan he’ll be a shield for us because Tiffany will be going after him constantly lol and that’s good for my game. However, Pat is against it and that makes me wary. I don’t wanna piss Pat off but I gotta what’s best for my game tho. Update it looks like the vote is going towards Ellie now.
1437 days 12 hours ago
Brandon / Coolbrandonman:

I am pissed at myself for having doubts about that vote. But at the end of the day, I got the result I wanted. Ellie is out, Rohan has backed against a wall, I got Renny pleading his loyalty to me. And Fab five is still strong. The only problem I can see from here on out, is the jury thinking that I’m being carried throughout the merge. Granted, the game has been really easy for me so far but that’s because of the relationships I built and the trust I’ve gained from people. I have played a strong social game and I could argue that my strategic game has been en fuego. As of right now, I would say that there’s only two people left in the game that don’t trust me anymore. And the only person on the jury literally said I was their right hand man. Thats gotta say something about my social game. I know where everyone in the game stands too. But like I said before, I’m not gonna get too ahead of myself. I’m staying on my toes and have tunnel vision to finish the game off strong.
1436 days 19 hours ago
Tiffany / Jaesus123:

So the first Tribal was a wild one. And I’m taking full credit for it hehehe I was the one who planted the bad seed in everyone’s mind that idols was this huge mastermind threat and social threat that had that huge allaince scared to vote her out. I’m happy I didn’t have to use my idol. This morning everyone is telling me that the vote is on nick and it hit me with confirmation that there was an allaince in this game that I’m not apart of it’s the Brandon Ryan Patrick Yung Brit allaince leaving Me Renny Rohan and Nick on the bottom. But if y’all know how Tiffany plays this game I’m not letting this five person allaince win this game not on my watch!!! I need to pool the other three on the bottom together and then flip or trick on of the five to pull this blindside and who knows maybe I won’t even need the idol until final 8 haha.
1436 days 19 hours ago
Brandon / Coolbrandonman:

Damn. I’m gonna try to pin people into Nick because he voted for Brittany with Rohan. If we can’t get Rohan out now, then I say we get rid of his minion. I tried talking to him earlier but he wouldn’t cooperate so he has clearly chosen which side he’s on. I’ll be back with more details soon. Ok as if I wasn’t pissed at Rohan enough. Holy shit. I literally convinced everyone to save his ass last tribal and now he’s plotting to get me out just because I didn’t listen to his stupid ass motherfucking plan! Oh my god this really got my blood boiling. The audacity of that little shit. Rohan is trying to tell me he has an inside source tell him about Ellie’s blindside. Sure buddy. But then he told me he has the safe from tribal advantage or whatever it’s called. If that was the case, he would’ve played the advantage for Ellie since he wanted her in the game longer. Now he’s trying to tell me that his “inside source” told him that I want Renny out. Ahahahaha what a fucking flop. God Renny isn’t working with him, why would I want him out? Oh wait, I forgot; I’m a coward that’s too afraid to switch up the game. Oh buddy buddy buddy. Oh how wrong he his holy shit. Rohan has no inside source and has no advantage and has no clue who we are voting. Thinks he’s fucking slick. He said he got it when we voted out Mickle. Thing is that he didn’t vote with the minority sooo. No advantage for Rohan. He can lie to me all he wants but he has no clue how aware I am of this game. He honestly thinks I’m stupid. So Tiffany is getting all paranoid and shit and is threatening to use her idol. But we don’t know if she’s gonna use the idol on herself or on Nick. So we are splitting the votes between those two so there are no loose ends. God I hope this works
1436 days 19 hours ago
Nick / nnewman3:

I think that I’m going on the jury with Ellie tonight i love everybody in this game
Gl everyone to amazing journey so far. I’m voting u out Brandon tonight because u are really good this game & u are a huge threat to win immunity challenges Sorry buddy nothing personal u are going to win this game bud ☹️

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