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Kolby's Survivor: Thailand

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: Thailand

2389 days 16 hours ago
OMG, I'm in love with Dono as well. Him, X and Pat are my favorites so far. <33

Btw, #TeamAndrew on Akha.
2389 days 16 hours ago
Lets see if the "extend the olive branch" curse takes place.... Luckily he hasn't said it to another castaway yet!

My current top three I'd say are Erik, Dono & Ikah! One per tribe, but there are a ton of people to root for this season tbh.
2389 days 16 hours ago
Brian | Confessional, Day 2, Mien

hi VL

so i am feeling amazing because i am in power on my tribe. i am allies with chris and then i have a F2 with subfriend and i also have a F2 with ZforZombie. i will not be going anywhere anytime soon. this is such a easy tribe to manipulate. no 1 should trust me long term because i will only look out for me and only me.

ok so my plan is to just keep making allinces or f2 deals to keep me safe. if i play my cards right my social game will be on point. erik worries me because he will be after me and he finds idols all the time but i cant focus on that RN because i dont care about him. i know i have who i need to stay even if i go to tribal
2389 days 15 hours ago
Richard | Voting Confessional, Day 2, Akha


Good Bye Message:
Honestly idk at this point you’re the only one who hasn’t talked to me and I’m hopping me and the shaky alliance I’ve built at this point will hold true until at least a tribe swap or something. Good luck and let’s hope it’s not me tonight!
2389 days 14 hours ago
Andrew | Confessional, Day 2, Akha

So I was casted! I am so glad about that, it is a huge honour to be accepted into a cast by a person that didn't like me at all when I was playing similar games with him. By the way, I hope his tumor decreased :)) I wasn't able to be present at the first immunity challenge, sadly, which could cost me the game from the start. The beginning being the most crucial part of a game, simply because it is mostly just about luck. It is somehow similar to a 100 metres race, a bad start doesn't allow you any other chance. You can be a great player, the start is the hardest for every player, if you are eliminated quickly, you have no chance to proove how much of a player you are. If you survive the first days, then you can start up building your game. That being said, an absence at the first challenge can be costly. Well, there were 2 other players in the same situation, I really think that the tribe wants to stay strong for the beginning and from what I've heard Alexander will go home tonight. I've formed an alliance with Clark and Richard so far, of course it is nothing at this stage, it is important for the first vote, at least I hope that. I was thinking a little about talking with the other 2 who were missing the first challenge, it would have sounded good for them, I guess, an alliance between us 3, but it would have been a little unusual and also risky, considering that they could be not so active to count on them. So Alex going out sounds really good for me, it is important to survive the first vote, than the game will start for real, with a lot of changes and I'm pretty sure, some 'expected unexpected' turnouts, considering that we started as 3 tribes.
2389 days 14 hours ago

Dayum Dono, I knew of you I just didn't know much about me and you are definitely impressing me with that type of stuff.
2389 days 13 hours ago
Also shout out to Erik for helping fix the issue with the seasons logo.. It wasn't Tengaged it was the file size! We know who the hero of the season will be I guess :P
2389 days 13 hours ago
Erik | Skype Confessional, Day 2, Akha

I'm going to be a villain :x
My tribe is hilariously nooby
Alexander wants to target Clark for god knows what reason
But Clark and Richard are both very much willing to sheep me til a merge
So, I'm voting off walker tonight and upsetting Alex
Andrew will do what he thinks is best for his game (that's usually voting with majority)
With all said. I didn't have to do jackshit to put myself in this glorious position on my tribe.

Side Confession
Mien Tribe looks horrid
I feel bad for Ikah
I <3 Azri. But, doubt one survives between Ikah/Azri
crossing my fingers they take out Enzo or Chris because I don't know them
Brian can still suck it
Mikey will play nice but he's so easily read that I know he's likely shading me at this very moment

Onto Lahu
I am glad I joined this ssn to contribute to this man's charity
He is a complete stud
And will make an excellent winner
He'll fall as a late game casualty for my Winner's Edit
And Ryan is cool. That is all...............
2389 days 13 hours ago
Erik & Clark | Conversation, Day 2, Akha

- Erik: Yo! How's it going mate?

- Clark: other than tribal good Im not nervous cause i feel like we could be 2 of the strongest players in game

- Erik: Yo Luikbb wants to vote for you tonight. I think he has Walker voting with him.

But, you can count on me when I say that both richard and I are very willing to vote against both Walker and Luikbb.

Me you and Richard are 3 votes. Which leaves Andrew as a swing vote. I think I can convince him to vote with us.

Me and Richard want to make a chat with us 3. We were also thinking about voting off Walker tonight. Let me know what you think!
2389 days 12 hours ago
Cant believe they r fallin for it and they r gonna sheep Erik. Another day, another game, but nothing new here lmao
2389 days 12 hours ago
Erik | Confessional, Day 2, Akha

Ok I'm Balding at this moment
These guys make me feel like a grandpa with my reaction timing
So let me explain what I'm talking about
I came home to mails from everyone. Alex wanted Clark gone. And everyone else was acting clueless and wanted to know "my" plan for the vote and said they'd be behind it
So, after I come home @ 3pm EST. I mail everyone back with my mindset on voting off Walker
Then this Richard kid made me question where I stood on this tribe
After talking to everyone on the tribe and only after I've said what I said to those Individuals. A Bomb is dropped. Literally
Richard tells me that "they" already decided to vote Alexander out
"They" meaning Andrew Clark and Richard
Which would make me #4?
It's a 6person Tribe
They are all morons
If they wanted to work with me long term. I would've known about this plan to vote off Alex long before I needed to pitch a plan to vote off Walker
Now I've said too much
And these fuckers done pissed me off enough to actually blow shit up for shits and giggles
So, I can go about this 2 ways.
Act clueless and follow the leader (which I'm sure is Clark) by voting off Alex
Or I can play a Suicide note
And force rocks for Alex/Walker
Granted I don't think it'd go to rocks
I'm sure if I vote with Alex and Walker
I believe Id be able to get Andrew or Richard to flip on the revote
But this is where my mental capacity had reached its limit LOL
So, I'm going to wait til the last minute and make my decision before the vote read
Play dumb and be #4? Or make a ballsy move just for entertainment :^)
2389 days 12 hours ago
Erik | Confessional, Day 2, Akha

Also I don't like the way Clark said "nd i dont know about the whole 6 players thing from what I've seen we only have Richard Erik and myself so we'll see"
I vote Clark for now
I might change it
But, pretty sure I'm Forcing rocks for these fools (cwl)
2389 days 12 hours ago
Brian & Enzo | Conversation, Day 2, Mien

Brian: Hey in ThePugs survivor are you down to be allies

Enzo: Sure

Brian: Ok the vote is mike
2389 days 9 hours ago
Logan | Confessional, Day 2, Lahu

Can't wait for the challege today I fell like I'll have to do well since I'll missed the first one and need to prove Im a  good player
2389 days 7 hours ago

- Adam (AdamLovesEverything): He didn't show up to the premiere and hasn't sent any confessionals. However, since his tribe hasn't been to tribal it's not too surprising. He definitely has potential to appear as an entertaining character, but unless he picks it up then it seems he will quickly be forgotten. Not much to write home about here.

- Logan (Chillum): Also missed the premiere, but has actually sent in some confessionals since then. The first one he states he's glad his tribe won him immunity since he's afraid he would've gotten voted out if they had lost. I presume he says that because he missed the challenge, rather than any talks he's had with anyone. His second he declares his desire to prove to his tribe, interestingly, that "he's a good player". Obviously, it's good to prove your usefulness to your tribe, but I don't think proving he's a good player is really something to strive for this early on. He's another person I don't know anything about and don't have high expectations. He seems fine so far, but just a background character that won't have a very large effect on the game moving forward. Of course, it is still very early and much can and will change. But as of the first episode, he's clearly a background player.

- Dono (donosaurus_rex): The clear star of this tribe. He showed up to the premiere and scored 2/4 points for his tribe. Very impressive. But the more impressive part was, of course, his confessional outlining his GRAPE strategy. He has a clear understanding of the game(as if that was in question) and definitely has the skills(and experience) to win the game. He's also charmingly entertaining which is wonderful to see. I agree with Cody that there is a Robby/me comparison to be made(mostly in the fact that we are both incredibly good looking)! And I would not be shocked to see him have a similar story arc in which he is a influential and strong player premerge and early merge before meeting his downfall late in the game. In fact I would say that I expect that to happen rather than see him win the game. He is not my winner pick, but I do think he's the clear front runner.

I am almost certain he will run his tribe premerge and run circles around his tribemates. I would be genuinely shocked(and disappointed) to see this not happen. If his tribe continues to win many immunities then his strong social game will send him into the merge with a solid and strong alliance, however, he will also enter with a large target on his back due to other strong players being well aware of how dangerous he is. Luckily for him, there's doesn't seem(yet) to be a Brady this season to openly call him out on his scheming and plots, so he could definitely "remain in the shadows" if he so desires.

My opinion on his GRAPE plan.
GAIN TRUST: He shows a very clear and strong understanding of the social game here. "Each tribe mate has to have their own flavor" is probably one of, if not my favorite line said in a confessional so far. It is so true and yet the majority of people on this site don't seem to realize it and even if they do they don't know how to incorporate it into their game. An impressive start to his plan.

RECEDE INTO SHADOWS: He mentions his reputation and the worry of it playing a role in this game. Which is a worry that I knew very well headed into my season. I doubt the majority of players this season know who he is or who he is capable of, but we know for a fact that Erik does. And I suspect a couple others do. Luckily for him, no one on his tribe appears to be one of those people. But once he makes the merge if anyone who does know him is also there then he could run into a lot of trouble.
This part of his plan is also very good. He obviously realizes he can't come out too strong(unlike some others this season fail to realize *cough* X *cough*), but that doesn't mean he has to sit back and do nothing. Once again, he shows an obvious understanding of the game.

ASSUME LEADERSHIP: I don't know if you have to necessarily be a leader to win survivor, but you do have to make decisions based on whether or not they benefit you and only you. This is the weakest part of the plan to me. And depending on which part of the game he takes this leader role will determine whether or not he wins(from what I can tell). If he takes it too soon then he is doomed. And I worry that he will take it too soon.

PREDICT ENEMY MOVES: Shows another clear understanding of a very important part of the game. Fact is, most people either directly or indirectly tell you what their plan is. It's up to you to find the relevant information to figure out what they're telling you. If he succeeds in that, then he will succeed in this part of his plan.

ESTABLISH DOMINANCE: This isn't a very substance filled section, it basically just says that he wins. Which if it does happen, will indeed be glorious.

Notes on his tribe assessment:
- Potential power duo with Ryan? Could be a fun thing to look out for.
- Also a potential alliance of the people who showed up to the challenge(Dono, Ryan, Patrick, Quinn) is another thing to look out for.
- He's done his research on his tribe, which is very fun to read and shows a lot of promise.

- Patrick (Pokepat): Patrick showed up to the premiere and scored 1/4 points for his tribe. Also sent 1 confessional. Not a lot of "screentime", but a healthy amount for someone whose tribe hasn't been to tribal yet. He knows Ryan, but not well enough to trust him. I could see him playing a big role this season.

- Ryan (Born2Pizza): Showed up to the premiere and scored 1/4 points for his tribe. No confessionals, but he's gotten talked about a bit from his more talkative tribemates. Despite us not getting his perspective and despite Dono being an exciting frontrunner, I think Ryan is actually starting this game from the best position of everyone in his tribe. What he does with it is clearly still up in the air, but if he plays well he could easily make the merge. He's got somewhat of a bond with Patrick. While Patrick says he doesn't necessarily trust him yet, that should be a relatively easy bond for him to get going. On top of that, he's got a very good relationship going with Dono already. He could definitely be the glue that brings together the potential alliance of the people who showed up to the premiere. Unless he flops and is inactive, he will easily be a big player on his tribe. Very excited to see what he does with this situation.

- Quinn (NeonGrape1): Showed up to the premiere, but didn't score any points. Didn't send any confessionals, didn't really get mentioned much in confessionals. Dono called him young and naive. So far, I'd agree with that. Not much to go off of, but he doesn't seem like a particularly interesting character. I expect to see him just float along with the majority and be a background character this season, but I hope to be surprised.

This tribe continues to be the strongest in challenges(but not by too much)
When they do head to tribal Patrick, Dono, Ryan, and Quinn get together and vote off Adam. Logan votes with them but isn't in the core alliance.
Dono, Patrick, and Ryan will all be large and influential characters this season.
The other 3 will all be small background characters. Even if they do make merge.

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[VL] Kolby's Survivor - Venezuela

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