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Kolby's Survivor: Thailand

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: Thailand

2394 days 15 hours ago
Hey guys! Love the input, and how active not only the cast but the Viewers Lounge is. Kolby's Survivor is really moving up haha.

Just read the first two assessments Robby about to read Mien's & then post the most recent confessionals. You're giving me a run for my money on my cast assessment, I need to step it up! Well at least next season you most likely won't be in the Viewers Lounge ;)

But I definitely agree on the majority of what was said, especially Akha's. This tribe really is a mess, i'm honestly confused myself with having a firsthand view of what was going on. Hopefully these next confessionals will clear more of it up and I've requested Clark to send his point of view.

Once again great input! I'm excited to see what y'alls opinions are in the following episodes.

Oh and Will, glad you noticed! It wasn't Tengaged... My file size for the Thailand logo was just too big, I had to scale it down.
2394 days 15 hours ago
Richard | Confessional, Day 2, Akha

Ugh I’m so pissed like I would vote me out at this point I fucking hate speed challenges I wish there weren’t so many challenges based off of speed like ugh
2394 days 15 hours ago
Ikah | Confessional, Day 2, Mien

I can finally guess today

If I correctly guess then the idol is on my side

If I’m wrong

Then I’m surely in for a rough ride
2394 days 15 hours ago
Andrew | Confessional, Day 2, Akha

This is a big shitty tribe :))) How could you want to mantain Richard into the tribe after he's saying that he doesn't want to play a challenge anymore, a challenge we were sill on?! How could anybody cooperate to that idiot who almost eliminated himself because he 'wanted to vote against Alex, cause Alex was targeting him'?! Erik is the only smart person in this tribe and that is why I think that he voted against Clark. If he wanted to create chaos, he succeeded and that chaos could turn against me. Clark will be paranoid, we don't have any evidence about who from us voted against Clark... it will be an interesting tribal council. I just hope to stay in and wait for a switch, in this tribe the stupidity is too big to survive for a long amount of time.
2394 days 4 hours ago
Clark | Confessional, Day 2, Akha

i fully expect to go this tribal i only trust Richard so theres that, Uhhh Alex hates me for whatever reason. Right now gonna do damage control
2394 days 4 hours ago
Dono | Confessional, Day 2, Lahu

Okay so our tribe keeps winning. I'm not 100% loving that, but it's the best situation I can be in. I'd like to test some allegiances to ultimately see where I'm at, but the longer I go without seeing tribal, the better.

Half of me says Logan's half-hearted responses are a sign he is not willing to work with me. It could also mean I'm just coming on too strong and need to gear it back. I'm going to. I may have been too forward with him. I took a shot thinking his username referred to a smoking piece, but it wasn't. Here's a transcript of our conversation thus far, lol:
DONO: "what's up dude?"
LOGAN: "Hey what's up. "
DONO: "just chillen lol. smoking some flower before i go to bed. we're on the same tribe in kolbys survivor, we should team up! our tribe also won immunity today so we good."
LOGAN: "Noice and year we should"
DONO: "lolllllll cool. Does your username mean the smoking thing?"
LOGAN: "Nah I don't smoke haha"
DONO: "Haha oh that's cool though it's just like a state of being. You are super chill. So chill, it's like chillum"
LOGAN: "Yea I get it haha"
Thats' word for word (do I need to post screenshots?). I'm not sure what to think. He didn't seem unenthusiastic, so i'm not willing to read that far into it. Logan is still safe in my eyes, but he's on the radar.

Quinn, on the other hand, is a bit of an oddball. My conversation with him went noticeably better, but I haven't responded because he just got eerie real quick:
DONO: ">i'm dono nice to meet yaa. we're on the same tribe in kolbys survivor!"
QUINN: "I saw }:)"          "Nice to meet you too"
DONO: "omg that is a sinister looking eyebrow i love it. lmao i think just patrick and ryan are also checked in, we have a chance to win i think!"
QUINN: "I think we have a shot too" "It's trivia though, so you don't need a lot of people to win"
DONO: "definitely true. do you have skypee?"
QUINN: "no, I use discord :/"
DONO: "What is discordddd? Lol good job in the challenge we kicked butt!"
QUINN: "More like you and pizza did" "But it's like Skype, but better in my opinion"
DONO: "i see i see. and lol thank you. i pretty much google things for a living so i'm kinda quick on the keyboard :P"
QUINN: "That’s a good talent to have I would do something questionable for it"
DONO: "lmao what questionable things would you do for mytalents lmao"
QUINN: "Idk"
I think I would prefer to align with Quinn. He seems unlikely to do things on his own, which is exactly what I am looking for. I can feign it as looking for someone trustworthy or intelligent or nice or whatever. That ain't the truth.

I am talking a bit with Ryan on Skype, but there is nothing of substance. I don't know if I can trust him, but I have the quickest line of communication with him, so I'm going to try to take advantage of that. Stay tuned to hear more about Ryan. As for Adam, he hasn't been to either challenge, so he can be medically removed for all I care. Actually, I hope that wouldn't happen, because in the event we go to tribal, easy first vote. His blogs are fucking savage though and I like that he is definitely just trying to piss the sensitive people off.

Step One is in full swing in Operation GRAPE. The plan now is to get Ryan, Quinn, Logan, & myself into a core foursome alliance. I figure with fifteen there is a chance for a tribe swap into three tribes of five, but more likely a tribe dissolve into two tribes of seven at final fourteen.

Step One is in full swing in Operation GRAPE. The plan now is to get Ryan, Quinn, Logan, & myself into a core foursome alliance. I figure with fifteen there is a chance for a tribe swap into three tribes of five, but more likely a tribe dissolve into two tribes of seven at final fourteen. Well, who knows. I don't know your Survivor Series history that well. I'll have to look it up soon. I love the wikia by the way, I helped with the CBS Survivor Wikia for a couple years way back in the day, before Ian turned it into the beautiful work of art it is today. Anyway, the four person alliance works in that any tribe swaps put me in a tribe with hopefully at least one of those guys, but maybe even two. I can't forget to try to forge an alliance with the outsider Pat, even though I think he could be a potential power player. He's the person that scares me the most, and there is absolutely no reason for it. He seems active, and that is the driving factor in voting him out as soon as possible. But, until an opportunity arises, attempting to craft a relationship with him could change my own mind and result in positive ends. Who knows, it is always important to be open-minded for these reasons.

I'm enjoying the game thus far, thanks for letting me play!
2394 days 4 hours ago
Clark, Richard, Erik & Andrew | Group Chat, Day 2, Akha

Clark: So i wanna apologize for the first week i'm dealing with some family things so if i came off rude or anything like that from the bottom of my heart i apologize. I really dont care who voted me i wanna move forward and win the next challenge so on my end i have 0 beef with you guys

Richard: So it’s settled then Alex is the vote simple as that

Clark: Im okay with that
2394 days 4 hours ago
Dono | Confessional, Day 2, Lahu

Also, I'm super psyched to see Mikey go home on the other tribe. I think he is a...

(cover your eyes, kids)

cunt. Yep, I said it. I hope foul language isn't against the rules in your series. If so, the first one's hopefully a freebie because I ain't erasing it. In other cross-tribal news, I have been communicating a lot with Erik, just because I've played in his series before and guess what... it was that c-word Mikey that beat me in erik's season. I forget how, but it was gruesome (probably, haha). I remember being pretty heated about it, and I never got heated about tengaged group games before. ha, i just put that together. pretty cool.
2394 days 4 hours ago
Ikah | Confessional, Day 2, Mien

Alright I don’t want to drown the Confessionals

So I’m going to just give a quick update on my game and peace out, Lmao My tribe won immunity, I have nothing to talk about anyhow

I was just thinking how nice it’d be if Erik went home early so I don’t have to vote him out tbh later in the game.

So I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t just trying to whisper a few sins in the ears of his tribe, Only the people I know pre game ofc.

Erik Is one of those that Knows My True identity, I’m over here like the Zodiac Killer on this cast and I want the people that see me as the Zodiac Killer to go quick and The people I can make think I’m a Good Church Boy stay longer ye know?
2394 days 4 hours ago
Brian | Confessional, Day 3, Mien

So my tribe wins immunity and eriks tribe loses. I could not be happier. Look i respect erik because he is good at comps but he is such a little b****. He acts as if he is entitled. Get the f*** over yourself

Anyway i am still in a goid spot Althrough i worry my tribe sees me as a leader
2394 days 4 hours ago
Chris | Confessional, Day 3, Mien

Im so happy i survived that tribal, Mikey deserves to go though. I have an alliance of 4, azri ikah and brian.

This is our first win, hopefully we have a winning streak because i want to stay in this game and show what im capable of.
2394 days 4 hours ago
Richard | Confessional, Day 3, Akha

At this point idk what’s gonna happen I haven’t heard my name come up yet but you never know. I’ve tried to not be so overbearing with my strategy and I’ve tried to not be so bossy so people are comfortable with me and will tell me things. I realize now Erik is working with Alex at this point because Erik is trying to vote out Clark and Clark wants to vote out Alex at this point me and Dallas are in the middle and need to chose a side. Clark is weak and emotional so that’s why we would vote him out but Alex is with Erik and if we keep Alex and have to go to tribal again it would either be a tie or I’d have to flip on Dallas and I don’t want to have to do that so honestly I’m pushing more for Alex to go home. I hope Dallas listens to me and goes with me on this one
2394 days 4 hours ago
Richard | Voting Confessional, Day 3, Akha


Good Bye Message:
Sorry but again you haven’t talked to me and now I know you’re working with Erik so I want to stay in the majority I’m just hopping Clark and Dallas stick with it.
2394 days 1 hour ago
I'm rooting for Patrick this season, mostly because he was the host of the first group game I ever played in
2393 days 23 hours ago
Patrick will either go out early merge or will make it to the end his biggest problem is he is a comp beast so he will get targeted .

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