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Kolby's Survivor: Thailand

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: Thailand

2394 days 18 hours ago
I can't believe that Clark almost went and was saved by an inact.At least this tribe is smart enough to go after a hard to get out villain
2394 days 18 hours ago
Episode #1 - "My Act Will End In Victory"
Immunity: Lahu
Eliminated: Walker (Walker) [3-2-1] & Mikey (MikeyKR91) [6-0]
Idols: N/A
#Akha - Tribal Council #1 (Double Tribal)
- Richard (richardcglover) --> Walker
- Walker (Walker) --> SELF-VOTE
- Alexander (LiukBB) --> Clark
- Clark (Clarkkent6969) --> Alexander
- Erik (YoundAndReckless) --> Clark
- Andrew (DallasAndrew) --> Walker

Walker: 3 (SELF-VOTE)
Clark: 2
Alexander: 1


#Mien - Tribal Council #2 (Double Tribal)
- Brian (FireX) --> Mikey
- Chris (Chrisdooger) --> Mikey
- Azri (subfriend) --> Mikey
- Ikah (ZforZombie) --> Mikey
- Enzo (Zizylion) --> Mikey
- Mikey (MikeyKR91) --> SELF-VOTE

Mikey: 6 (SELF-VOTE)
2394 days 18 hours ago
Also love the effort you went into creating the cast assessment/predictions Robby! Haven't read through it all yet since I've been busy updating the wikia but will after tonight's challenge.
2394 days 17 hours ago
Richard, Clark, Erik & Andrew | Group Chat, Day 2, Akha

Richard: Yes we made it through this vote I鈥檓 sure we can take this game easily

Clark: NOPE I don鈥檛 trust any of you until I get proof you voted Walker why? Walker self voted and I still got 2 votes I鈥檓 done
2394 days 17 hours ago
Pretty unsurprising first vote from the one tribe with the unanimous. If walker would have voted he may have been able to save himself. Gonna be interesting to see who wins immunity.
2394 days 17 hours ago
I can't wait to see Erik's confessional in Clark staying.
2394 days 17 hours ago
Im glad the inacts left though. Things will get alot more interesting.
2394 days 17 hours ago
Holy shit Kolby, forgot Andrew was the one who you pulled the ol' brain tumor on. Lol
2394 days 17 hours ago
Love this cast btw, I'm a bit intimidated, but in a "can't wait to see what happens" kind of way
2394 days 16 hours ago

- Richard (richardcglover): Showed up to the premiere, but didn't score any points. Had a bond coming in with Erik.

He comes into tribal pushing for Alex to go. Later switching his vote to Walker. If he had stuck to Alex then we would've had a very interesting 2-2-2 tie.
He also made the rookie mistake of telling Erik that "they" already decided to vote Alex. I didn't know much about Richard before this season, but that tells me he's someone who isn't a very seasoned player and is gonna fumble a lot around these more experienced players(i.e. Erik Ikah Dono). I am expecting that to be a reoccurring theme this season.(not gonna talk about episode 2 stuff yet, but it's already looking to be true).

Heading forward, I expect Richard to be a relatively important character storywise for Akha, but I don't see much winner potential here. And I don't think he's gonna be seen as a big threat ever. He'll probably leave in a pretty uneventful boot premerge(I expect Akha to go to tribal a lot. So I don't see him standing above the fallen Akha members, unless he's dragged there by someone else.)

Note: I'm writing this before looking to see what happened at the 2nd immunity challenge. So for all I know Akha beasted the 2nd challenge or completely flopped.
I'm avoiding all of episode 2's stuff except for a couple confessionals until I'm done writing these premiere stuff. I do intend to write up my thoughts for every episode though

- Alexander (LiukBB): I've actually recently played with Alex. Cool dude. Pretty likeable. Wasn't a very important character. He was quickly put into the minority at the merge and really didn't have much of an effect on the season. He seemed pretty easy to get along with though.

As far as this season goes we have gotten nothing from his perspective. But his name has actually been quite frequent in confessionals! He seems to have come dangerously close to leaving. And we also know he wanted to go after Clark for unknown reasons. Which we only know thanks to Erik. If Walker hadn't self voted himself into irrelevancy then I'd be higher on Alex. But due to the fact that he voted in the minority and his name came up a lot as a vote. I'll bet on him getting 16th.

- Clark (Clarkkent6969): Showed up to the premiere and didn't score any points.
I don't really know Clark, but I kind of get the feeling that he thinks very highly of himself, too highly. I think he sees himself as a much savvier player than he really is. Time will tell. I do think he will play a big part in Akha's story.
Clark was the sole vote for Alex. Who he was gunning for. It'll be interesting to see how he reacts to everyone lying to him. Especially how he reacts to getting 2 votes. I see it going one way or the other. Either he reacts terribly and is voted out for it. Or he reacts reasonably(For the record, I did not react reasonably when I got a vote last season early on, but that was purely for entertainment purposes. I wanted to channel my inner Lex. Although I hyped up my reaction in my confessionals way more than I actually reacted towards anyone in game). Either way it'll be entertaining to watch. I hope to see more confessionals from his perspective. Considering we got a whopping...0...confessionals from him. Which is actually surprising to me looking back, because he felt a lot more visible this premiere than that. But apparently it's true. I guess he just got talked about a lot.

- Erik (YoundAndReckless): Showed up to the premiere and was the only person on his tribe to score a point. I will say that Erik was my winner pick headed into this season, but he's gotten off to a very rocky start. While I see him rebounding with relative ease, my faith in my winner pick is definitely shaky. He voted the wrong way, although if flopker hadn't flopked then he would've been perfectly fine this tribal. I have a lot of experience with Erik, and I consider him to be a close friend of mine, so I'm VERY excited to watch him play. I think he will be very entertaining this season and I think he will be a very big character this season. If he get's cut depressingly short and gets premerged then he will at least be a big character while he remains in the game.

With all that said, it's kind of hard to get a clear picture of what exactly happened this tribal. It almost seems as though Erik successfully got the votes onto Walker like he originally planned, then Richard's bad choice of words sent Erik into voting the wrong way.
Not sure if that actually happened, but it does seem like that. It's kind of hilarious if that is the case. 
It's hard to tell though since we all the confessionals point towards Andrew and Richard voting for Alex alongside Clark and instead they vote for Walker like Erik originally told them too. And then we got absolutely nothing explaining the switch?
- Andrew (DallasAndrew): Andrew gave us a grand total of 1 confessional. And it really didn't say much. The first half was him saying the beginning of the game is really important. The 2nd half says that he's heard Alex's name and he's in an alliance with Clark and Richard. And that's it. Now IF Andrew Clark and Richard voted TOGETHER for ALEX. Then this confessional would've been satisfactory. BUT considering Andrew and Richard voted for WALKER leaving Clark to vote for ALEX alone. This confessional is completely confusing and makes me forgive Erik for getting a "bad" read and voting the "wrong" way.  Because he was right. Andrew and Richard are just inconsistent. Hopefully some of this gets cleared up.

I think Andrew could play a big role this season, but it's hard to tell when we don't get anything to go off of from his perspective.

- Walker (Walker): Flopker himself. What an absolute disappointment. He alone ruined what could've been a very exciting first vote as far as I'm concerned. He self voted out of the game?!?!?! He was barely even mentioned if you don't count the 8 or so times Erik mentioned his name. Fact: If he even showed up to play he could've played a huge role without even doing anything. Glad to see him go, sad to see him ruin Eriks plan.

This tribe goes to tribal a lot. Alex or Clark leaves next. I'll bet on Alex. Either way I see the other one leaving soon.
Erik is the best player on this tribe, but Richard and Andrew may somehow stumble their ways into being the ones who survive this tribe.
I'll bet on Richard and Andrew surviving, but I'll hope that Erik survives. I'm guessing only 2 will make it out alive.
2394 days 16 hours ago
I didn't know much about Richard before this season, but that tells me he's someone who isn't a very seasoned player and is gonna fumble a lot around these more experienced players

So basically what I did on both my seasons?
2394 days 16 hours ago
Damn y'all are breaking this shit down like it's the Talking Dead ;) 馃憤
2394 days 15 hours ago
I can't really say much about anyone. I haven't been on the site long enough to see how most of them play, but I have a prediction about Brian.

Brian: Very good at making multiple alliances without getting caught, but has a tendency to lie a lot more than necessary. He'll probably make it far, but as he's forced to vote out more and more "allies", his plan is going to unravel, and he'll either get voted out late-game or lose at FTC
2394 days 15 hours ago
Kolby, you managed to change the logo!
2394 days 15 hours ago
I'm admittedly getting tired of writing, so I'm probably gonna rush through this last tribe.

First up we have the 3 main characters of Mien: Azri Ikah and Brian.

- Azri (subfriend): Azri is in a really interesting position on this tribe I think. He has a close bond with Chris. He has a 3 person alliance with Brian and Ikah. But he has a very rough relationship with Ikah. I think Azri is much more willing to work with Ikah than Ikah is to work with Azri.
I can see this going so many ways it's really hard to figure out which way it's headed. It'll be very fun to watch though. I think Azri will be a very big character this season. I can actually really see him winning. But he needs to be careful about the Ikah situation, and right now he doesn't seem to be giving it the thought that he should be.
- Ikah (ZforZombie): Ikah is of course the other half of the Azri v Ikah situation. I don't know how aware Ikah is of Azri and Chris's relationship, but if he's not then I think that will come into play. Ikah is a great player and I think he will be a big player this season.

If Ikah does make the merge then I think he will be a very big player this season and has a great chance at winning the game.

- Brian (FireX): If Brian was on any other tribe I would say he's screwed and is gonna be an early boot. his ONLY hope is that this Ikah vs Azri situation plays in his favor. He's trying to be so iconic, but just isn't. I think he's gonna be very entertaining and oddly enough I think he's gonna make it relatively far this season. He's gonna be a very fun and very big character.

I will say that Azri seems to trust Brian a fair bit, but Brian as made it clear that he feels no sense of loyalty towards Azri. This could come back to bite Azri. In fact I suspect it will.

- Chris (Chrisdooger): Only one on his tribe to not show up to the premiere. He's got some solid alliances going with Ikah and Brian, however most notably is his alliance with Azri. The two seem very close and he will either get dragged down with Azri if Azri is taken down by Ikah, or he and Azri will make the merge and be a very powerful duo headed late into the game. I can see it going either way. I think Chris is positioned well, but so much could happen on this tribe that will completely determine his fate. I know that's not saying much, but it's true.

- Enzo (Zizylion): Apparently he's 12? Very young. We really didn't see much at all of him. I don't have much to say. I'm guessing he'll be a background character this season, especially considering the much bigger characters he has to compete with on his tribe. I can see him going far, but I could easily see that being because he get's dragged along. I do hope to see him do well. For all we know we're looking at a future tengaged GOAT in the early days of his career!
Considering he's a white level I do have to be worried about his ability to communicate with others. He's at a big disadvantage due to that. Don't get me wrong, I know others who have overcome that and won games at white level. But it's a big hoop to jump through.

- Mikey (MikeyKR91): The definition of a nonfactor. He's the guy who at finale night when his name comes up everyone goes "who?"

prediction: Despite the boring first boot. This tribe has a lot of potentials to be very interesting moving forward.

I think the most interesting factor is the Azri v Ikah situation. There really are a lot of ways I can see this going, but here is my prediction.
Next time Mien goes to tribal Azri and Chris plan to vote for Enzo. Brian isn't too eager to do this since he sees Enzo as an easy vote to control. Ikah smells blood in the water and goes after Azri. He gets Enzo on his side, but he tells Chris his plan and Chris tells Azri. Azri and Chris then switch their votes and push for Ikah to leave. This leaves Brian as the flip vote where he ultimately decides to vote off Azri. Meaning Azri leaves 3-2.

If that doesn't happen then my prediction is Enzo leaves 4-1. And then either Ikah and Azri catch onto Brian and vote him off 3-1 or Azri and Ikah clash and Ikah is voted off 3-1.

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