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Holocaust Remembrance Day x2

12thApr 8, 2021 by tycoon1234
imageWhen I was 17 years old, I had the opportunity to visit Auschwitz, the most deadly concentration camp where the Nazi's brutally murdered 1 MILLION + Jews, homosexuals, etc, as well as Treblinka, which was only a death camp (only contained gas chambers).. where an additional 700 000 - 900 000 Jews were murdered, and 5-6 other camps that I won't get into.

Honestly, I don't like to talk about it, because it was a very somber experience, and at 17, I couldn't really process what I was seeing, but it's important that I do. When Jews arrived at Auschwitz, after spending days in a cattle car, where they couldn't even sit down because they were so cramped, they were separated into two lines. Mainly men and older boys in one line, and women and children in the other. A man would stand in front of each person and briefly examine them before deciding their fate with a flick of his finger. If you went to the left, you "survived"... (would be exposed to brutal labour/starvation and may be killed at any moment).. right, and you were gassed in what people believed to be the "showers." Arriving at Auschwitz was better than Treblinka, where all Jews were immediately gassed. These are just two examples of hundreds of camps, and are just the TIP of the iceberg in terms of horrors that people experienced.. children being shot in front of their mothers, people digging their own graves before being shot into them, folks starving to death in ghettos after not having eaten in days/weeks, people being shot in concentration camps for looking the wrong way… i'm getting kind of 'comprehensive' here because this shit happened and it shouldn't be taken lightly and forgotten.

I stood inside the gas chambers and toured several camps. They are real and horrific. What was so perplexing and unique about the Nazi's system of murder was their efficiency. They had murdering innocent people down to a science (literally), and could effectively wipe through tens of thousands of people a day. They completely depersonalized the enemy, and viewed them as pests infecting German society and the world. What really changed my life, in the sense that I will NEVER forget this, is when I saw some of the victim’s shoes in Auschwitz. Before the Nazi’s would murder people, they would strip them of their belongings, and currently, in Auschwitz there is a display/commemoration containing thousands upon thousands of shoes. That was the most striking for me.. shoes that belonged to everyday people like you and I, who had hopes, dreams, significant others, and families. People who did not deserve their fate. There was a similar ‘display’ of hair, real people’s hair that they shaved before they murdered, but to this day I still have trouble processing that…

It’s important that we listen to Holocaust survivor’s stories, such as this one I’ve posted below. If you have time, please watch. I have friends whose entire families (except for their grandparents) were wiped out. It happened, it is real, and we must never forget.

Thank you galaxies for posting and inspiring me too! No form of hatred is okay, and that includes antisemitism! I’ve included a picture of the memorial at Treblinka, where each rock represents an entire community of Jews that were killed.

Tbh, I really don't connect with Judaism, i've always rejected it (I wear my Jewish star on here as a personal joke and a way to make friends with fellow jews), but this is the one day a year where I like to appreciate my heritage and reflect, out of respect for all those lost. Never forget.. i'm committed to visiting Auschwitz again as an adult.

Tagging some fellow Jewish chaverim!


Thank you for sharing this 💙💙
Sent by Galaxies,Apr 8, 2021
Sent by unkown,Apr 8, 2021
Wow. That was a really impactful read. I’m glad we get to live in a generation where we’re loved and not oppressed in nearly as harmful ways and is a reminder of both how far we as a society have come and also how much further we can go.

You’re an inspiration thank you ❤️
Sent by FromAWindow,Apr 8, 2021
Great blog <3
Sent by Kindred7,Apr 8, 2021
This was a really good, important blog, thank you for sharing. I learned some new things from it as well.
Sent by cheritaisdelicious,Apr 8, 2021
Sent by noobsmoke13,Apr 8, 2021
thank you for this blog
Sent by Symmetry888,Apr 8, 2021
Thank you for writing this, you’re a beautiful soul ❤️
Sent by Tommeh208,Apr 9, 2021
i am jewish you can tag me!!!!!!!
Sent by Allison,Apr 9, 2021
Sent by JasonXtreme,Apr 9, 2021
This is powerful. Thank you for sharing.
Sent by KrisStory,Apr 9, 2021

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