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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

No title

1stMar 30, 2015 by hwest14


Theres no reason. He just blacklsited me for making hate blogs about him.
Sent by Aquamarine,Mar 30, 2015
Don't laugh houston or you'll be next
Sent by sahmosean,Mar 30, 2015
Sent by Danger,Mar 30, 2015
how are any of those personal attacks
Sent by obscurity,Mar 30, 2015
well obscurity i made a blog saying i'd try to dismantle his entire life and existence but deleted it.
Sent by Aquamarine,Mar 30, 2015
this was well written
Sent by Honalulue,Mar 30, 2015
Has Johneh's resume been posted on here? I'm trying to figure out how people know for sure why he got the job.
Sent by QueenDoe,Mar 30, 2015
Ehh this site isn't what it used to be.
Sent by Jkjkjk15,Mar 30, 2015
I'm going to say a couple things about this situation..

Aquamarine you know you and I are friends but you take this site way too seriously to the point where you made a blog about johneh much to often. I believe that you deserved the blacklist you got..

It just seems like you're salty that you didn't get the games coordinator position and he did. Let's all relax for a second, you can't expect him to jump into games coordinator and not make a couple mistakes along the way. He's a human, mistakes happen.
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 30, 2015
Resume? queendoe lol

It's Tengaged, there's no "resume" lmfao
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 30, 2015
I don't agree with Johnny or johneh so
Sent by ghrocky100,Mar 30, 2015
Damn I called Johneh out once for trying to cover up his own mistakes and he didn't even blacklist me LOL
Sent by Brandonator,Mar 30, 2015
he obviously deserved to be blacklisted lol
Sent by aaronstevens4444,Mar 30, 2015
mikeroro mistakes do happen roro but his entire blog was not JUST because johnny didn't get the games coordinator position. It's because Johneh banned and DQ'd him and Lucy in RTB just because of a technicality.

He has every right to be angry because I sure as hell would be too!
Sent by BluePill,Mar 30, 2015
Rules are rules bluepill

Lucy logged in.. They both lose. It's unfortunate but true.
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 30, 2015
But the fact is, MikeRORO, I DIDN'T log in. Apparently the same thing happened to owlb0ned where she got logged in and she didn't log in herself, so someone is logging into people's accounts..
Sent by LucyX3Jean,Mar 30, 2015
well that's odd lucyx3jean

There should be an IP check then
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 30, 2015
That's what Johnny wanted and asked for, but it didn't happen, MikeRORO, which is one of the main reasons why he's so annoyed. We shouldn't have been disqualified due to a technicality like that.
Sent by LucyX3Jean,Mar 30, 2015
But then again Johnny did nothing but complain the entire RTB.. lucyx3jean

So you can probably see why Johneh didn't go the extra length to IP check..
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 30, 2015
That doesn't mean anything, MikeRORO, there should have been an IP check regardless of Johnny complaining. He has reason to complain anyways, seeing as he was banned from joining games with certain people, even though he can't help who joins frookies. Not very many people play the game anymore, so of course the same people are gonna be joining over and over again. Also, coming up with rules as the whole thing is going on also made it quite annoying.

My account being logged into had nothing to do with me or Johnny, which means that something should have been done to prove that. It should have been common sense that I wouldn't log into my own account anyways because Johnny got to black level and it was just me left to try and get there as well and this whole thing would have been over soon. Why would I waste 3 weeks of my life playing games that I don't even enjoy playing for it all to be for nothing, lol, it makes no sense..
Sent by LucyX3Jean,Mar 30, 2015
I mean come on.. he has no reason to complain. This site is all in good fun lucyx3jean and I felt as though at times he took it different levels with excessive blogs telling him how terrible of a games coordinator he is. Johneh is still trying to learn how to run games in a proper way.

Imagine if you had your balls busted every day if you were trying to make a fun game for everyone..
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 30, 2015
And like I'm friends with Aquamarine but I can see why Johneh did what he did without a hesitation ..
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 30, 2015
If he's still trying to learn how to run games, then he should have put more thought into it before it started and came up with all the rules beforehand, not while it was going on, MikeRORO.
Sent by LucyX3Jean,Mar 30, 2015
The guy isn't getting paid for this.. Do you understand how ridiculous this sounds? LOL Lucyx3Jean

Everyone is ultimately arguing over something that means nothing.
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 30, 2015
Ultimately the bottom line is people make mistakes, perfection isn't possible.

Johneh has been harassed consistently over a pixlated game. How would you feel? lucyx3jean
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 30, 2015
MikeRORO please stop sucking up to Johneh it's making me legitimately despise you because he's clearly in the wrong about this.
Sent by Aquamarine,Mar 31, 2015
You harassed him the entire fucking RTB Aquamarine

You expect him to jump through hoops afterwards? LOL
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
MikeRORO, he took the position, so clearly he should be better and coming up with things and working out how it's gonna be done before it even starts. That is the bottom line. Sure, people make mistakes, but don't take the position if you don't think you can handle the process of doing what needs to be done. He should have known what he was getting into, so he should be embracing the fact that there's other people out there that he can take some advice from. If he's not gonna listen, then obviously people are going to get annoyed and say shit.
Sent by LucyX3Jean,Mar 31, 2015
Advice? People harassed him as soon as he came up with the concept lucyx3jean
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
Nobody harassed him until they saw the way he was running the whole thing, MikeRORO. Seriously, just stop trying to suck his dick. As you can see, you're basically the only person who is sticking up for him. Everyone knows he's doing a horrible job and that's that.
Sent by LucyX3Jean,Mar 31, 2015
Johnny as games coordinator would be horrendous. That whack job does not need any power
Sent by HelenCoops,Mar 31, 2015
great blog.. Really sorry to see #Yts1 banned! :(
Sent by acyuta,Mar 31, 2015
But if Johneh claims to not be a mod how can he say "attacks on moderation"?
Sent by mminervini219,Mar 31, 2015
lucyx3jean Ok I'm going to tell it straight now since you decided to be a bitch in your last post and it's early in the morning.

You've been on this site for nearly 10 years now and you're still fucking on your hands and knees blowing somebody as the winner of a fucking game.
Grow up and go do something productive because this shit is old. It's a god damn pixalated website and if all this means that much to you then you're a fucking moron.
Nobody deserves to be treated the way he was treated over a fucking dumbass website

And if you cannot see that then you should seek some psychological help. Because you're a god damn psychopath.

Sucking his dick? What would be my purpose? He's a games coordinator not the first coming of Jesus Christ. You're a god damn moron that's too hung up on this site to the point where you can't let it go.

Just because he made a mistake doesn't mean he deserved the constant belittling and blogs from people that can't hit the log out button. If you think it's morally correct to harass someone consistently over a position he's not even getting paid for. Be my guest

It shocks me that you still give a fuck about what goes on here.

Open your door, feel the fresh air and realize that there is a world out there other than your online friends.

Holy fuck.
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
And saw the way he was running the whole thing?

For fuck sake Lucy he isn't running a god damn charity for Ill people

It's a fucking game. Open your eyes.
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
And not to mention "you're the only one who sees it that way"

I'm the only one who's voicing my opinion differently on the matter.

Nobody truly gives a fuck with the exception of you and Johnny. Along with a couple of your friends.

Case closed.

I could never hate Johnny but honestly you're behaving in a pathetic manner. Almost like this is your entire life.
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
My favorite thing on tengaged is the irony of people criticizing others for caring too much about this site by taking the time to write a long monologue about it.
Sent by mminervini219,Mar 31, 2015
Thank you mminervini219

Totally agree.
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
You say you totally agree with mminervini219, MikeRORO, but you did exactly what he said was ironic..

Let me just point out that you have been on this site less than I have and have almost the same amount of games played as me, yet I'm the one who clearly has no life here.. But my point in actually saying what I have been saying in my previous posts was that if this site has the potential to become better and not continue being shit, it's best for someone who actually has ideas for the site already planned out to make it become a reality instead of someone who has to make up rules as something they're running is going on. If it's this shit now on his first attempt, he honestly shouldn't even bother to come up with anything else, because it's going to be just as bad, especially when it's his own fault that he's getting criticized, since he didn't wanna listen to ideas of others in the first place.

You can continue saying retarded stuff that applies more towards you if you want, but I'm done posting here. :)
Sent by LucyX3Jean,Mar 31, 2015
Lmao MikeRORO agreeing something is dumb that he's completely doing himself
Sent by Kaitx,Mar 31, 2015
lucyx3jean Yes, but when I play games I have fun I don't play them to win. Nor care.

And another point, who gives a shit if this site becomes better? It's a website that means nothing.

And I was agreeing with this point because I don't give a shit what happens here, it's useless in my life as well as yours.

I don't care what happens here, compared to you
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
How so?

I don't care what goes on here, kaitx

I stated numerous times that the attacks on Johneh are useless
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
LOL  mikeroro I was talking about you. How can you say someone cares too much about this site or has no life when you have probably spent at least an hour or more writing all these posts just on this one blog
Sent by mminervini219,Mar 31, 2015
You obviously care enough about tengaged to spend your time commenting on this blog. If you didn't care you would have never commented in the first place
Sent by mminervini219,Mar 31, 2015
This is almost as ironic as the idiots who spent their time following every move of bluestar's merge streak and then made blogs saying she has no life.
Sent by mminervini219,Mar 31, 2015
Mikeroro had to write something long and detailed to have even a small chance at getting reality through half of your thick ass skulls.

Like he said, its a website that is essentially pointless to all of us, and Johneh gets belittled for something that he doesn't even get paid for. It's ridiculous.

Johnny wrote like an 8 page essay on the topic and we're not discussing that?
Sent by mastropola,Mar 31, 2015
Thank you mastropola!!!
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
Another thing to add to your attempt to saying I have no life.

I work 2 jobs, go to school, and have plenty of friends.

If I chose to play an hour long game for my leisure then I don't see a problem with it

Your habits are pathetic for the soul fact that you actually give a fuck what goes on.. lucyx3jean
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
And no @mminiervini219

My comments on a blog take no more than a few minutes for me to write.

I'm commenting on this because I don't think it's right to harass other people for mistakes that they make.
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
mikeroro I love you mike but you're being kind of an asshole right now

To you this website might be pointless, but to brag about how little you care about it does nothing but make you look like an ass. A lot of us have made lifelong friends on this website and it's a hobby we enjoy in our spare time.

Who the hell cares if lucyx3jean or aquamarine care about it as more of a job than a hobby? Who are you to judge them and call them a "psychopath" for a hobby they enjoy doing?

You act like people's lives stop and they're stuck in some virtual world or some shit. Lucy had a life and friends that she hangs out with frequently, and Johnny is in college.

So Johnny is a bad person because he doesn't go out and get wasted in his spare time, instead he plays tengaged?

You're being as ridiculous as you're calling them out for. No one here should fucking judge anyone over what hobbies they like to do. I like to play the sims, does that make it my entire life? No, I still have school and a job, but in my spare time and Asa hobby I like playing games

I just think it's fucked up for anyone on this fucking website making comments or playing ANY games to judge someone else for having tengaged as a hobby.

Done with my rant now.
Sent by BluePill,Mar 31, 2015
I read your first sentence and laughed bluepill

Take into consideration what johneh has gone through and I'm the asshole in the situation?

Come on now
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
Not to mention a majority of what I did, was when I was a kid.

bluepill I like you but holy shit I don't think you could be anymore wrong
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015
hwest14 with a top blog for doing nothing but reposting :P
Sent by ChilltownBB7,Mar 31, 2015
mikeroro johneh HAS fucked up and that's a fact. Johnny has anger issues, that's also a fact. That's his personality and he shouldn't have to change it for anyone because (like you said,) he doesn't give a shit what anyone else thinks.

Did you even read my comment? I'm not attacking johneh at all and I don't think Lucy was either. I feel like the point of my last comment went totally over your head.

But really roro, you're here fighting on a blog about it making multiple comments in a row. Which must mean you're watching the blog waiting for responses, so why do YOU care so much? Youre not even involved, but yet here you are.
Sent by BluePill,Mar 31, 2015
mikeroro I have to go back to work now, but seriously stop acting like Lucy and johnnys lives are on hold for tengaged. There's this thing called balancing. Since you care so little, I'm sure you do it with school and work.

They choose to balance their social life and tengaged and that's their decision. That doesn't make them a psychopath and it's wrong and pathetic that you're calling them that over something that doesn't involve you.
Sent by BluePill,Mar 31, 2015
In all fairness BluePill I spend a lot of my damn time on here.
Sent by Aquamarine,Mar 31, 2015
There we go bluepill ^ enough said.

There's a difference in the way I play games and there's a difference in the way they play games. It's more aggressive and I don't agree with it. I don't agree with the way they treat Johenh, in fact Johnny made a blog comparing him to Helen Keller.. If you think that is correct then idk what to say. There's ways you handle things. The way they handled this whole situation wasn't proper. The way they talked to him wasn't proper.

If I'm still the asshole in your eyes although they've attacked him for a month then that's fine. I don't really give a shit what you have to say.

I chose to play a lot of games when I was younger in my leisure. I don't anymore.
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 31, 2015

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