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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Charlie's Survivor: Trend vs. Stars Episode 12

6thJun 1, 2013 by charlesdawn

Last time on, Charlie's #Survivor:

Diva realized in order for her to stay she needed to split up the duos.
Mike won in the reward challenge which gave him access to the jury for a day with Kenya.
Diva's winning of the immunity put a nail in one of the duo's coffin, and Kenya was voted out and she became the eighth member of the jury.

Merged Mezzy Tribe:
1. andychuck08: Andy
2. Diva1: Diva
3. TaylorStLouis: Taylor
4. Bo_oM: Mike

5th: AngelOfWater: Kenya (Mezzy Tribe) Jury #8
6th: STOKES2009: Teresa (Mezzy Tribe) Jury #7
7th: obscurity: Sagar (Mezzy Tribe) Jury #6
8th: dav_o_79: David (Mezzy Tribe) Jury #5
9th: Trust: Trust (Mezzy Tribe) Jury #4
10th: donaam: Caroline (Mezzy Tribe) Jury #3
11th: RoboZoe: Gerard (Tarro Tribe) Jury #2
12th: Teddybear: Alexa (Tarro Tribe) Jury #1
13th: LiteCitrus: LC (Sulli Tribe)
14th: dools: Dools (Sulli Tribe)
15th: TheSexiestDude990: Julian (Sulli Tribe)
16th: Survivor8: Mikayla (Sulli Tribe)


At the Mezzy tribe, Mike was having withdrawn with the loss of Kenya. Andy tried to comfort him but Mike said that he needed some time alone.

Mike: (To camera) I'm now here all by myself. I need to fight for my life to stay in this game. Kenya, I won't let you down.


(Theme Song)


In the morning, Diva and Mike gathered to have a discussion. Diva explained to Mike that she had a really hard decision to make and she didn't want to face Kenya in the finale because she knew that the jury would love her. Mike said that he understood her decision and he wouldn't hold it against her. Diva said that she would vote with him at this point because she wouldn't let a duo go into the finale. Mike agreed.

Diva: (To camera) I can't believe I made it this far in the game. I just need to make sure that I make it to the final three, and to do that, I need to sever the duo's relationship.


Good morning, everyone. Today's reward challenge is all about how well you know your tribemates.

You're going to answer a series of questions about your tribemates, then I'll tally the results. This questions were also asked to everyone else that has already been eliminated from the game, that means everyone from Mikayla to Kenya all have a say to the questions. Your job is to guess what the group says as a whole. Each time you get one right, you get to chop one of your tribemate' ropes. After three chops, you'll be out of the game.

What you're playing for is a special picnic with a tribemate of your choice. You will be taking a helicopter ride to enjoy some sunshine, exquisite cuisine and ice-creams. Here's your surveys, fill them up!


I have tallied the results. Remember, you're trying to guess the consensus.

First question:
Who does not deserve to still be here?

Andy says Taylor. Diva says Mike. Taylor says Mike. Mike says Taylor.

The answer is: Mike. *Mike mouthed wow.*

Diva chopped Taylor's rope. Taylor chopped Diva's rope.


Second question:
Who would you trust the most?

Andy says Diva. Diva says Andy. Taylor says Mike. Mike says Taylor.

The answer is: Taylor. *Diva said, did they answer it ironically?*

Mike chopped Andy's rope.


Third question:
Who is most in need for a wake up call in life?

Andy says Mike. Diva says Mike. Taylor says Mike. Mike says Andy.

The answer is: Andy. *Andy looked confused.*

Mike chopped Diva's rope.


Fourth question:
Who is the biggest poser?

Andy says Andy. Diva says Andy. Taylor says Mike. Mike says Andy.

The answer is: Andy.

Andy chopped Mike's rope. Diva chopped Mike's rope. Mike chopped Taylor's rope.


Fifth question:
Who does the least for their tribe?

Everybody says Andy.

The answer is: Mike. *Mike mouthed what?*

Nobody gets to chop.


Sixth question:
Who would you like to be stranded on an island with?

Andy says Mike. Diva says Mike. Taylor says Taylor. Mike says Mike.

The answer is: Mike.

Andy chopped Mike's rope, Mike is out of the game. Diva chopped Andy's rope. Mike chopped Taylor's rope, Taylor is out of the game.


Seventh question:
Who would you hope to never see again after this game?

Andy says Andy. Diva says Diva. Both Andy and Diva have one rope left.

The answer is...


Diva. DIVA wins rewards! You can pick one person to go with you to the picnic.

Diva: I haven't spent a lot of time with Andy for a while. I'm choosing Andy.

Charlie: Andy and Diva, you will be flown by helicopter for the picnic, and you'll be back tomorrow for a special tribute to the entire cast before the immunity challenge. Mike and Taylor, I've got nothing for you. I'll see y'all tomorrow.


Back at the Mezzy tribe, Taylor and Mike discussed the final three. They agreed that now it had come down to the final three, they couldn't let any kind of personal feeling color their judgement. They needed to make the most strategic move possible to further themselves in the game. They were debating on whether they should drop Andy because he might be well liked by the jury. Both of them were close to Andy but they knew that it had come down to the end of the game and they couldn't decide on proximity.

Taylor: (To camera) I'm going to make sure that I make it to the finale. And to do that, I'll do anything possible to win. I did not survive all these times for nothing.


At the picnic site, Andy and Diva caught up and enjoyed a great picnic. They talked about the finale and how things could go down. Diva was trying to convince Andy that Taylor would be a huge threat to bring to the finale, because she had been winning a lot of challenges. Andy agreed that some of the jury might think of that as a winning quality. They also discussed Mike's vulnerability in challenges and how he really hasn't won anything in this game. They discussed briefly how their relationship went and Andy confessed that he had always treated the two of them as a showmance. Diva said that she understood and now they needed to push that showmance to the finale.

Andy: (To camera) I have made it through this game without having any major enemies and now I need to exploit that and make sure everyone will bring me to the finale with them.


Andy, Diva, Taylor and Mike were hiking on a path as a tribute to all the former contestants. They would encounter torches along the way that symbolizes each of the former contestant. They would pay tribute to each and one of them and at the end, collect all the torches and toss them all in a grand fire to make the final tribute.

Survivor8: Mikayla
Mike: I have always enjoyed your company and your contribution to the tribe. I wish you the best and I'd love to meet you after the game.

TheSexiestDude990: Julian
Taylor: I really love having you around at the beginning of the game. You're so patient and caring. I miss you since the beginning and I'd love to hang out with you again.

dools: Dools
Diva: We had a really nice moment together and I really like how you can always manage to find the silver lining and continue to strive. You're definitely somebody that I would want to be friends with.

LiteCitrus: LC
Andy: We really hit it off when we got paired up that time. I still can't believe that we were at the same game that summer. We have so much in common it really is a shame that I didn't get to work with you in this game.

Teddybear: Alexa
Mike: We were both on the outs back then, and you gave me strength to continue on in this game. I really appreciate your warmth and I hope to see you again.

RoboZoe: Gerard
Andy: We were so close to make it to the merge. I miss the time we had together and you're a really good friend.

donaam: Caroline
Diva: We almost made the girl alliance happen. You're so warm-hearted and I really enjoy the time we had together.

Trust: Trust
Taylor: You're definitely one of the fiercest competitors in this game. I enjoyed working with you from the very beginning and you really could have made it so far in this game. I wish you all the best, and I'd love to chill with you after the game.

dav_o_79: David
Taylor: You're my hidden immunity buddy. I can't stress enough how much I've missed you since you're gone. You're definitely my best friend in this game, and you gave me so much love and respect and I really appreciate that.

obscurity: Sagar
Andy: We are the three amigos. We made it so far in this game and I sincerely enjoyed your company. I wish you could've stayed longer and I love how you can always make me laugh. This is so hard for me not to see you here with me and I wish you the best in life.

STOKES2009: Teresa
Diva: You're so close to me at the end of this game. You're the only person that I can really talk about anything to and I wish we could both be standing here today. I really appreciate how honest you are to me and how you never give up. I miss you.

AngelOfWater: Kenya
Mike: You will always be my final two. I am still coping with you not being here and I'm trying my best to survive without you. You're definitely my soulmate and you're the missing puzzle piece in my life. I love you and I love our time together in this game. There is no doubt in my mind that we will still be best friends outside of this game.

As a final tribute, all the torches were tossed in the fire. The remaining four contestants stared at the big fire at awe and they were all reminiscing the moment they had in this game. They all did a final bow to the fire and headed off to the immunity challenge.


Welcome back everyone! You have just done an overwhelming tribute to your former contestants and now it's time for our last immunity challenge. First thing first, Diva, I will need your idol back. *Diva reluctantly handed back the idol.* The final and most important immunity is up for grab. This immunity will guarantee you a spot in the finale and this immunity will be the hardest ever.

In this final immunity, you will be challenged both physically and mentally. On my go, you will race up to a three-story tower, where you will untie three bag of puzzle pieces one by one, launch yourself down the slide, drop your bag, and continue collecting the bags. Once you collected all three bags, you'll use the pieces to build a fire puzzle. First person to finish, wins immunity and guarantees a spot in the finale, where you will get a chance to plead your case to the jury about why you deserve 1 million dollar and the title of sole survivor.

Survivors ready. GO!


Everybody ran up the stairs to untie the first puzzle bag. Mike was the fastest in untangling the knots and he went down the slide to put down his first bag. Taylor was close behind and she followed Mike down the slide. Diva finished untangling her first bag when Mike and Taylor were already running back up the stairs. Andy was having no luck untangling the bag and he was getting a bit frustrated.

After the while, Mike and Taylor had the lead as they finished untangling all the bags and were coming down on the slides to start working on their puzzles. Diva was close behind as she's working on untangling the last bag. Andy was catching up and he just finished untangling the second bag.

Diva finished untangling the last bag and raced to the slide. Mike was quickly assembling the puzzles together and he seemed to be doing a good job solving the puzzle. Taylor was having no luck solving the puzzle as she couldn't even figure out the first piece to put on. Andy started working on untangling the last bag but he seemed to be out of the game.

Mike was still steadily piecing the puzzle together, and Diva quickly caught up with him and they were neck and neck in this challenge. Andy collected all the bags and he finally started working on the puzzle. Taylor started looking at other contestants' puzzle to try to figure out where the pieces fit.

Taylor finally caught on and she managed to put up her first piece of the puzzle. Andy was trying his best to catch up to Mike and Diva, as they were both figuring out the pieces quite quickly. Mike and Diva started looking at each other's pieces to try to see what they were missing.

Mike and Diva both realized that each of them had assembled a different part of the puzzle, and they started mimicking each other on the rest of the puzzle. Andy and Taylor were not giving up and they were still trying to catch up as they looked at how Mike and Diva were doing from time to time.

At the end, one of them finished the puzzle, and...


Charlie: DIVA wins final immunity! Congratulations Diva, you're guarantee for a spot for the final tribal council, and you will get a shot for the 1 million dollar. For the rest of you, nobody is safe tonight. Good luck and I'll see y'all tonight at tribal council, where one of you will be the last person to be eliminated from this game.


Back at the Mezzy tribe, Mike felt that he would be in danger as Diva could join Andy and Taylor to make it an easy vote to vote him out. Taylor and Andy approached Diva with a proposal to get out Mike. Diva said that anything could happen at this point and she could stick with voting out Mike or she could try splitting up their duo.

Diva told Andy and Taylor point blank that she wouldn't vote Mike out, and she made sure Mike heard it. Mike joined the conversation and Diva said that she'd rather split up the duo of Andy and Taylor so she'd be voting with Mike tonight. Mike was glad to hear about Diva's decision, while Andy and Taylor were panicking a little bit about what they should do.

Diva said Andy and Taylor had two options, either to stick with each other and vote for Mike and see if one of them get lucky in the fire making challenge, or they could decide to turn on each other which might make it easier for them to stay in this game.

Andy and Taylor were debating for a while and they seemed to have agreed among the two of them that they couldn't just turn on each other and they'd stick with the votes against Mike.

Diva and Mike discussed about whom to vote for and they had come to a decision and they approached one of the duo to see if they'd flip...


Tribal Council:

Charlie: Final four. It has been nearly a month and we've finally reached this point of the game. How do y'all feel now that we're so close to the end?
Mike: We're all so glad to still be here, and I wish everybody the best for the finale.
Charlie: Diva, how do you feel about winning this final immunity?
Diva: It definitely soothed my mind a lot because I could've been voted out tonight as it might've been an easy vote to just get me out.
Charlie: Is that true? Would Diva be voted out tonight had she not won the immunity?
Taylor: I don't think it's necessarily true. But I guess we'll never know.
Charlie: How do you feel, Andy?
Andy: This has been such a great ride and I genuinely like everybody here, so it'd be an emotional vote tonight no matter what.
Charlie: With that, it is time to vote. Taylor, you're up first...


Taylor: *writing on the sheet* (Vote not shown)
Andy: *writing on the sheet* (Vote not shown)
Mike: *writing on the sheet* (Vote not shown)
Diva: *writing on the sheet* (Vote not shown)


Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will have to leave the tribal council immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, Mike. One vote Mike.

Second vote, Andy. One vote Andy, one vote Mike.

Third vote, Andy. Two votes Andy, one vote Mike.

Fourth vote...


The thirteenth person voted out of Survivor: Trend vs. Stars, and the ninth and final member of our jury, is, Andy. Please bring me your torch.

*Jury was shocked but amused.*
*Taylor looked down as Andy was still frozen from the news.*
*Mike hugged Diva and gave a grin to Kenya from across.*

Charlie: Andy, the tribe has spoken. (Torch Snuffed.) Time for you to go to Ponderosa.

Andy: *still in shock* I really don't know who I'd vote for to win now. Good luck to you all.

Congratulations, Mike, Diva, and Taylor. The three of you have made it so far in this game and you will all face the jury tomorrow to plead why you deserve the 1 million dollar prize and the title of sole survivor. The power now shifts to the jury, who will vote for the winner of this game. So be prepared, as there will be some interesting grilling at tomorrow's final tribal council. Have a good night, everyone!


Next time on, Charlie's Survivor Finale:

Mike, Diva, and Taylor will plead their case to the jury.
A player will be crowned Fan Favorite Award by the public.
One person will outwit, outplay and outlast everyone else and become the sole survivor.


4th: andychuck08: Andy
5th: AngelOfWater: Kenya
6th: STOKES2009: Teresa
7th: obscurity: Sagar
8th: dav_o_79: David
9th: Trust: Trust
10th: donaam: Caroline
11th: RoboZoe: Gerard
12th: Teddybear: Alexa
13th: LiteCitrus: LC
14th: dools: Dools
15th: TheSexiestDude990: Julian
16th: Survivor8: Mikayla


Tributes to andychuck08: Andy:

(Yeah, Andy, you get two tributes. :P)

Before the finale episode, I will post a poll blog where you will trend or hashtag a player that you would like to see be awarded the Fan Favorite Award. Anyone in this game can be awarded. I will also be posting a survey in the poll blog to get some general feedback about this blog game series :D and a Casting blog will be open for application for my next series :P

This is the final challenge episode and everyone in the game is tributed :D I hope y'all have enjoyed the series so far and I'd really appreciate any feedback :P Please plus and comment to show your support! :) Thank you!


lol BOOO ugh I wanna kiss Diva1 before I go
Sent by andychuck08,Jun 1, 2013
omg the riff off! you researched me charlesdawn < 3
Sent by andychuck08,Jun 1, 2013
Haha andychuck08 yes I did :P < 3
Sent by charlesdawn,Jun 1, 2013
Sent by Booyahhayoob,Jun 1, 2013
lol the poll is not up yet :P Booyahhayoob
Sent by charlesdawn,Jun 1, 2013
*blows andychuck08 a kiss for that jury vote*
Sent by Diva1,Jun 1, 2013
I know :3
Sent by Booyahhayoob,Jun 1, 2013
Sent by XxFionaXx,Jun 1, 2013
Sent by underwzc,Jun 1, 2013
+13 this is so extensive
Sent by TheThomas,Jun 1, 2013
man, charlesdawn this series is expansive and detailed.
really cool! great stuff.!
Sent by Claud,Jun 1, 2013
Sent by djdawg,Jun 1, 2013
Sent by sportsgeek12,Jun 1, 2013
awesome!! & diva1 wins reward :)
Sent by k4r4k,Jun 1, 2013
Thanks! Claud :)
Sent by charlesdawn,Jun 1, 2013
Sent by unkown,Jun 1, 2013
I dunno what this is for so I vote for Diva1 to win :P
Sent by Girllover101,Jun 1, 2013
Sent by canadiankid,Jun 1, 2013
I read both episode 11 and 12. I can't wait to hear what the jury asks in the Final 3!
Sent by movielover1996,Jun 1, 2013
Girllover101 it's a blog game series :P #TrendVersusStars and I'll post the poll blog soon :D
Sent by charlesdawn,Jun 1, 2013
Sent by Jenna2010,Jun 1, 2013
Sent by MariahAnn,Jun 1, 2013
love it
Sent by Elvira,Jun 1, 2013
thumbs up!
Sent by cdmnumber1fan,Jun 1, 2013
+15 nice :)
Sent by AxKxAxBatman,Jun 1, 2013
Love it
Sent by saraj10,Jun 1, 2013
Sent by colombiano,Jun 1, 2013
taylor shall win D;
Sent by treyhurt13,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by jimboslice,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by MariaBalcanFlower,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by kittykatz553,Jun 2, 2013
love it :)
Sent by Carlisle,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by Jenna2010,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by lonlee,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by Ilikebugs,Jun 2, 2013
This is great! :)
Sent by Cromatique,Jun 2, 2013
Plussed ++++
Sent by Chloeox,Jun 2, 2013
Diva or TaylorStLouis better win this tbh.
Sent by kevinbryan22,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by BigBrother06,Jun 2, 2013
love it!!!!
Sent by Jordanxo,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by JosephinaAlexis,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by Aquasor,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by Zbase4,Jun 2, 2013
+9   love this blog!
Sent by Briana4HouTexans,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by _Aria,Jun 2, 2013
Awesome #trendvsstars
Sent by BBFan5000,Jun 2, 2013
this is just an elaborate ploy to get diva to gift you isn't it charlesdawn
Sent by CK11,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by owlb0ned,Jun 2, 2013
Diva1's gonna win
Sent by supergoten,Jun 2, 2013
yay diva
Sent by rhysarnie14,Jun 2, 2013
All i can say is wow. Nice blog series.
Sent by DavidM,Jun 2, 2013
Sent by cjuddy,Jun 2, 2013
CK11 lol if only that is true :P
Sent by charlesdawn,Jun 2, 2013

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