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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

2ndMar 27, 2013 by brandonpinzu
Now idk if it's for sure 27 so correct me if I'm wrong, and I know these blogs are boring as fuck and shit but I really wanted to make one cause I owe a fuck load of people apologizes and thank yous.

This game was one fucking hectic game and I will be taking a long ass break from Hunger Games since I don't think I have pissed so many people off in one game in my entire time on Tengaged. People can say that I only one because I had friends in there, which is partly true cause if they weren't there I would've been shot dead but I also feel like myself and my alliance controlled that game and dictated or had a part in every single persons death.

I don't exactly have that much to say, so I guess I will just go through the cast and say what I think about them, their gameplay, and if I owe them any apologies or thanks than I will give it to them.

Don't read all of these, unless you really want to :P Just skip to yours/ones your interested in.

vh1clown (30th) - I had a part in this, cause I heard you made a chat to arrow me out so everytime you went into the corn I attacked you to lower your health and then Gabriella got people in  the OC to shoot you. I apologize for that cause I actually don't even hate you but I just felt like you were my biggest threat at that part in the game.

1Swampy8 (29th) - I was actually really excited when I saw you in there because I felt like we could've been good allies, but I think somebody must've fucked you over in an XP circle so we didn't get the chance to work together.

Tigger (28th) - One of the deaths I was most saddened about ;_; I felt like we honestly could have fucking worked it LOL you made me die of laughter when you fucked all those people over so early, and then they had so many arrows shot at you that there was legit nothing anybody could do @_@ ily :*

_Aria (27th) - I was really sad when you wanted to suicide because I wanted to play the game with you so bad. We did the first xp circle of the game together and that started off my quest to getting more and more xx I was glad that you decided to suicide to me but I wish you hadn't of done it because I would've given you health had you asked lol. We could've worked it hunny. < 3

Lachie227 (26th) - I didn't talk to you at all I don't think during that game, I don't exactly remember, but when I woke up you were dead. I was kind of happy when I saw you were out, even though we are friends, just because I didn't know how Eddie's friends felt about me after I was a part of getting rid of him.

Qwertyioup (25th) - LMFAO your death was a long as fuck one, but you were a xp threat at the time so I had to get you out. I like you though!!

hMzz (24th) - You got got by Desiree. legit. I think we could've done really well together but when I woke up you were dead ;_; ily though < 3

LittleMix (23th) - I think Desiree got you too, oops. We probably could've done really well but idk what happened ;_;

Johnster (22nd) - You were my biggest threat since I felt like you were one of the only people that wanted to get me and Lucy out. You are good at challenges but you kind of made the mistake of trying to get Lucy out, which was kind of the reason why you were shot dead. I think you probably think that I hate you, but I actually don't we just don't always get along in games.

obscurity (21st) - omg I was legit pissed when Fern got you :( I really wanted to play with you because we don't talk that much and I really wanted to talk to you more LOL and I find you absolutely hilarious and ily < 3

BbDamian (20th) - You did try to get me at one point! I didn't really have anything to do with your death, except when people asked me if they should shoot you I kind of told them that it'd be good for their game and shit, but I actually really wanted to play with you so I was kinda annoyed when all that happened, but at the end I guess it kind of helped me. ily < 3

Aquasor (19th) - Holy shit you were actually one of the first people that I owe an apology for. I really do apologize for what I did to you, but it was part of the game. The game was going really slow until you died, because me and Desiree started trying to set people up. I wanted to play with you because I liked you, but like we had to take all chances to get people out of the game as we could or it would've taken absolutely forever. I do still like you though!!

JGoodies (18th) - I had no idea you were being shot dead, but people wanted to get people out that might have helped Bamold in the game or something, so you were shot dead while I was at school. I do still love you! :*

MichelleObama (17th) - I legit had no idea what you were doing all game LOL but I love you and I actually wished you tried more because I think you would've done better cause you are likable and people would've probs given you health!! :P < 3

bamold1999 (16th) - I honestly felt bad doing this to you, and I hope you aren't going to hate me forever over it. It was something that I felt was required for me to get to the end and win. Yeah, you were a very loyal ally and I really appreciate that, but at the end of the day I wanted people at the end that I could have 100% beaten, and I felt I would've had a challenge against you, so I needed to get you out. I felt like it was early to do it, but it was my only chance because everybody wanted to do it. I really do apologize, because you are a great friend, we just never ever see eye to eye when we are in Hunger Games. ily.

theraditzofthegroup (15th) - Surprisingly I only shot one arrow at you, because you were dead before I had the chance to shoot anymore lol. I knew you were being shot at, but I didn't want to do it because I really like you. I felt bad doing it, so me and Lucy didn't plan on doing it. Yeah, I knew most of my alliance didn't shoot bamold but the fact that you told me that you shot was what made me shoot that one arrow at you lol. But, it's alright. I'm glad we got to talk again in this game and hope we can still talk outside of the game because I really do like you.

BOBROCKS333 (14th) - We legit never talked all game, but when I saw you in the game at the start, I didn't really know if we would've worked together or not. I wanted to work with you but I had so many friends that I needed to keep some people that I wasn't alligned with. I knew you and Lucy were close, which is why I didn't do much to you when others were. I actually like you and you're somebody that I wish I knew better.

konohavillage1 (13th) - A death that saddened me ;_; You legit made that game so entertaining at the start LOL I really did like playing with you, even though we weren't the best of allies. I was sad when you got out, but also happy that we were getting close to single digits. I wish I knew you better because you're hilarious.

Trust (12th) - A death I felt terrible about ;_; For people that know me, I am somebody who legit hates backstabbing friends, but in a game like the Hunger Games (especially when the cast is all your friends) it's gotta happen eventually. I felt terrible about shooting at you, but I didn't shoot that many so I guess at the end of the day, I didn't have much to do with your death. I'm really happy that you didn't get angry over it or anything because that makes me feel 10x worse and we still have survivor to talk to each other about ^_^

joe1110 (11th) - Me and Desiree legit tried to get you at the middle of the game lol. You were smart enough to not do it, so props to you! I didn't talk to you besides that, so I don't have much to say.

Fern111 (10th) - Wow you were one hell of a person to get out lol. I really do like you outside of the game, but that game it was hard having you in there. I had to take part in shooting at you with arrows simply because you were trying to take out my allies (which I understood, just didn't want!) Good game and hope we're still friends.

mattmon3365 (9th) - One of the most amazing people in the game ^_^ I respected you so much more after this game, especially when you wanted to fight when the game had potential of ending. I really liked playing with you, and even though we rarely talked during the game I love talking to you outside of the game and I really hope you do well in stars! Good luck! :* Ily < 3

koolness234 (8th) - You are one fierce Hunger Games player ^_^ I really liked playing with you for a 2nd time, but we didn't talk that much. You didn't have that much to bring to the table except a few bushes here and there, which is probably why we didn't speak as much as I would've. I'm really happy we're friends, but I really do wish that we talked more because I miss our calls we used to have every day in the summer.

Gabriellaaa (7th) - I know you don't believe me whatsoever, but I really had nothing to do with your death. I knew Lucy wanted you out and stuff because you wanted her out, but I didn't think she'd go through with it. It was because of Chase telling us about Desirees plan that you were attacked and shot at. It was only because they thought that you were part of the plan, and because I wasn't on I couldn't of said anything about you not being a part of it and stuff. I really am sorry if you think I do anything because I really don't want our friendship to be over because of this game. It wasn't worth winning if I knew I would've lost an amazing friend like you.

dorkishbarbi (6th) Dorkish fucking barbi ^_^ My partner in crime for the majority of the game. Holy shit are you ever good at this game. Your intimidation skills are amazing and you are an ultimate villain when it comes to this game. I am extremely happy that we have gotten close these past couple months because you are honestly an amazing friend. I really liked playing this game with you, even though you tried to get me at the end. I really do feel like that was your mistake. If your plan had worked, you would've won but the chances of you getting both of us killed was very very slim :s I really do love you and I earned so much more respect for you after this game. If it wasn't for you, half of those deaths would have never happened and I probably wouldn't have won. Thank you and ily :*

Runaway (5th) - Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. This game has really made us fight and that really made me upset. I know I said some stuff that I really shouldn't have said, but sometimes I was just so angry that I wanted to say just about anything. I really do like you, and I really want us to be become really good friends. I really hope we can put this game behind us. I know I made some promises that I rarely ever kept, but I really did want to keep them except something always came up where I had to break them. I really do apologize for everything that I did, and again I hope we can put it behind us. Ily :*

infamouskydd (4th) - I was really shocked when you joined this game, but was happy at the same time! I had never played a Tengaged game with you, I don't think so it was great to actually play one with you. I'm glad we're actually friends now because we hated each other at one point but we've put that behind us. I'm glad you got payouts in this game because you seem to rarely ever get karma, and you were legit Katniss Everdeen with all of those arrows you shot Dorkishbarbi style ^__^

KingB24 (3rd) - You were a great ally this game, and it must have been hard for you considering you seemed to always be paranoid about who I would've taken over you and stuff, but at the end of the day I had wanted you in the final 3 with me. At one point I was debating taking Desiree over you, but I never really decided what I would have done if Desiree never came up with the plan to get rid of me and Lucy. I'm glad you finally got the payouts that you wanted, and was glad to make it to the end with you.

LucyX3Jean (2nd) - Holy shit, you are an amazing Hunger Games ally. People may argue about that comment but to me you are such a great ally, and the most amazing best friend anybody could ask for. I am so glad that we have been there for each other the past couple months, and I am so glad that we have become friends. I don't even know where I'd be without you anymore, because you basically introduced me to all my friends now. I love you so much and without you, that game would have been literally impossible. Thank you for being an amazing friend, and no matter how big of fights we have, or what we say to each other, I will always know that we are best friends and I will always love you! :*

One hectic game is over and I am really glad that I can say that I came out victorious. I may have seemed like the cocky asshole that nobody wanted anything to do with, but that was all part of my strategy.


you wrote like nothing about me wow um do you not remember all the shit you made up
Sent by Qwertyioup,Mar 27, 2013
< 3
Sent by Imthtawesom,Mar 27, 2013
Gj :D
Sent by kimmal8,Mar 27, 2013
< 33
Sent by teamjacz,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by jamie19,Mar 27, 2013
i love you
Sent by obscurity,Mar 27, 2013
This game was so frustrating for me because you were there with all of your friends and noone would ever work with me. Glad you won though because Lucy and Dorkish are cunts
Sent by Fern111,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by djdawg,Mar 27, 2013
I plussed this blog ;) ++
Sent by BryanXx,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by bayonetta,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by connorthomson,Mar 27, 2013
grats u
Sent by Halloween,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by LittleMix,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by superkevin79,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by dubstar,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by Aquasor,Mar 27, 2013
u ugly
Sent by Stering_butter,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by sprtsgy1989,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by LucyX3Jean,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by koolness234,Mar 27, 2013
I am such a sweetie. :)
Sent by _Aria,Mar 27, 2013

jk idk how often you join and idc either but grats! :D
Sent by Insanity,Mar 27, 2013
Finally!! brandonpinzu grats =]
Sent by dools,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by MikeRORO,Mar 27, 2013
+ :)
Sent by infamouskydd,Mar 27, 2013
Sent by lonlee,Mar 27, 2013
< 3 gabriellaaa is a bitch, all I can say.
Sent by mattmon3365,Mar 27, 2013
grats brandon :) you finally deserve a win
Sent by Trust,Mar 27, 2013
lol i recognize fake bitches that want to kill me when i see them ^_^
Sent by joe1110,Mar 28, 2013
Lol asking for health is so awkward though
But thank you :)
Sent by MichelleObama,Mar 28, 2013
Sent by AlanDuncan,Mar 28, 2013
congrats brandon :)
Sent by tinabeena,Mar 28, 2013
you only won because i wasn't there :)
jk grats man
Sent by Steel,Mar 28, 2013

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