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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Total Drama Survivor Crossover: Season 1 (Episode 1)

Aug 4, 2013 by Tailslover13
Featuring another fun Total Drama/Survivor game filled with some of your favorite players! Using Random.Org to help out when needed, let's see who can come out on top between the two series! Since there are over 300 Survivor players and only around 40 from Total Drama, only Survivor players who placed in the top three of Survivor seasons will make it into the seasons. Or if they are simply a very, very popular person who everyone wants to see. Here are the teams:

Team #1:
Aras Baskauskas
Colby Donaldson
Jenna Morasca
Richard Hatch
Rob Cesternino
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Twila Tanner
Vecepia Towery

Team #2:

Note that each team has an hidden immunity idol that somehow has found. Anyway, for episode 1, the Total Drama team strikes first and wins immunity. Please vote off someone from the Survivor team (Team #1). Also tell me if you would like to be tagged.



I vote for Twila to be eliminated.

Can you please plus this design?
Sent by JETTEJ,Aug 4, 2013
Sent by survivornerd,Aug 4, 2013
Sent by titanium162,Aug 4, 2013
Sent by NickBrad97,Aug 4, 2013
im voting out Aras Baskauskas
Sent by ThePhenomenalOne,Aug 4, 2013
Sent by SWSU,Aug 4, 2013
Sent by Zecora,Aug 5, 2013
twila tanner and tag me
Sent by Jvisalli,Aug 5, 2013
Sent by Tammy214,Aug 5, 2013
Sent by emily7pop,Aug 5, 2013
*Realistic Results*
16th: Aras Baskauskas (Tribe 1) 3-2-2-1 *orange buff*
15th: Colby Donaldson (Tribe 1) 6-1 *orange buff*
---------Tribe Swap----------
14th: Dawn (Tribe 2/NuTwo) 5-1-1 *blue/red buff*
13th: Heather (Tribe 2/NuTwo) 5-1 *blue/red buff*
12th: Brick (Tribe 2/NuOne) 6-1 *blue/green buff*
11th: Lightning (Tribe 2/NuOne) 3-2-1 *blue/green buff*
---------Merge/Poderosa/Noah gives up immunity to Rob & plays idol-----
10th(1st Juror): Vecepia Towery (Tribe 1/NuOne/NuNu) 9-1 *orange/green/black buff* *Votes Noah*
9th(2nd Juror): Rob Cesternino (Tribe 1/NuOne/NuNu) 4-2-1-1-1 *orange/green/black buff* *Votes Justin*
8th(3rd Juror): Twila Tanner (Tribe 1/NuOne/NuNu) 4-1-1-1-1 *orange/green/black buff* *Votes Jo*
7th(4th Juror): Richard Hatch (Tribe 1/NuTwo/NuNu) 4-3 *orange/red/black buff* *Votes Noah*
6th(5th Juror): Sandra Diaz-Twine (Tribe 1/NuTwo/NuNu) 5-1 *orange/red/black buff* *Votes Noah*
---------Noah & Jo play their idols-----------
5th(6th Juror): Jenna Morasca (Tribe 1/NuTwo/NuNu) BI 3-2 AI 3-0 *orange/red/black buff* *Votes Justin*
4th(7th Juror): Lindsay (Tribe 2/NuOne/NuNu) 2-2/1-1/lost challenge *blue/green/black buff* *Votes Noah*
3rd: Jo (Tribe 2/NuTwo/NuNu) 1 Jury Vote *blue/red/black buff* *$85,000*
Runner-Up(2nd): Justin (Tribe 2/NuTwo/NuNu) 2 Jury Votes *blue/red/black buff* *$100,000*
Winner(1st): Noah (Tribe 2/NuOne/NuNu) 4 Jury Votes *$1,000,000*

Most Indiviual Immunity Wins: Jenna Morasca (2)
Sent by ThePhenomenalOne,Aug 31, 2013
*Winner(1st): Noah (Tribe 2/NuOne/NuNu) 4 Jury Votes *blue/green/black buff* *$1,000,000*
Sent by ThePhenomenalOne,Aug 31, 2013

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