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Survivor S31 Power Rankings (Top 12)

Nov 13, 2015 by PowerRankings101
imageChaos Kass is gone. Abi has not stirred up drama in a while. Who is going to take over the title of the "Unpredictable Dangerous Person?" Unfortunately, Ciera set herself up for it this week, though it seems the Stephen move to blindside Joe is coming fast. Here are how we rank the gang after the first merge tribal.

12. Ciera Eastin- It sucks that my number one pick from last week is here in last, but she spoke her mind and could be in trouble for it. Voting with the minority in the first vote is never good, so Ciera really has to make some bonds to stay in. I just don't think she can do enough.

11. Abi-Maria Gomes- Abi was the only other person besides Ciera to vote in the minority. She could be in danger. She's a good goat, but an easy person to take out.

10. Joe Anglim- Stephen wants Joe out. But Joe wins immunities. If he doesn't win, his name will be on the table, but I don't know if he's gone just yet. Fishbach is gonna have to work hard.

9. Tasha Fox- I liked Tasha better on her last season. This time around, she seems snobbier. She was Kass's biggest target, so if for some reason Ciera and Abi get the votes, Tasha could be sent packing.

8. Kelley Wentworth- Kelley seemed on the bottom, but did a good job voting with the majority. She's still not in the core alliance of 6 or 7, but she's definitely not the number one target. Plus, she's got an idol, so even if she's in danger, she'll buy herself one more week.

7. Kelly Wiglesworth- Like Wentworth, Kelly isn't on anyone's radar, but also isn't completely tight with the core group. She's a floater, and needs to show more competitiveness. We want more Wigles!

6. Kimmi Kappenberg- She is also not on anyone's radar, but still has strong ties with Jeremy and Stephen. The Monica boot was a big move from her, but she seems to be fading now.

5. Keith Nale- I like Keith but he was nearly invisible, so he'll stick around, but probably won't win. He's in a solid position to make it to the end though.

4. Andrew Savage- Savage was my choice to go last time, but he definitely redeemed himself by getting in with Jeremy again. He is back in it, and may make it farther than expected.

3. Stephen Fishbach- His "big move" is coming. We don't know when, but it'll happen. I think he can pull it off, but if Joe wins immunity, he's going to have to settle for someone else.

2. Jeremy Collins- He has an idol, he's in the majority, he has Stephen, Spencer, Joe, Tasha, and Andrew in his back pocket. The only problem is, he was in this same position in "San Juan Del Sur" before he was blindsided. His idol is his saving grace.

1. Spencer Bledsoe- Spencer finally gets rid of Kass, and now jumps to the top. He is not only in majority, but still isn't anyone's number one target. It's nice to see Spencer in a power position, and he seems to be a winner.

Jeremy, Andrew, Spencer, Stephen, Tasha, and Kimmi are a solid alliance, with Kelly, Kelley, and Keith in their pocket too, and a strong Joe as well (except for Fishbach, of course). The only people on the outs are Ciera and Abi. I hope they can do something to save them, but it's doubtful. Then again, this season has been so unpredictable.


Going Home- Ciera Eastin


Kelley just Idoled savage out???
Sent by jojo7784,Nov 13, 2015
jojo7784 I know, I'm a few episodes behind, so I'm playing catch up. This is my analysis from 2 weeks ago
Sent by PowerRankings101,Nov 13, 2015
Oh got it
Sent by jojo7784,Nov 13, 2015

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