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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

New's Movie Taste S2 - FINALE (RESULTS)

Mar 10, 2022 by NewNightmare7
With that we end the game today.

I would like to thank everyone for participating and giving it an amazing effort. I love hosting this game and I hope you all enjoyed it!

With that, what a strong final 4! Here are the critiques:

Booyahhayoob - Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Honestly...a masterpiece just from every aspect and when I say masterpiece I truly mean it. From the opening Hoth scenes to the Dagobah system to Floating Cloud city. This is truly a movie where I don't think a single moment is wasted and it comes to phenomenal directing and writing. Taking everything that worked about the almost masterpiece of A New Hope and heightening it to an all time high this movie just makes everything that came after suffer in comparison because the best expansion that could have been made...was made. Talking about your journey, you have definitely taken a more mainstream approach to this game and people can take that as a negative but you made sure to pick mainstream movies that were sucessful for a reason and that kept you consistently safe and never in danger of being eliminated. While it can be viewed as the safe approach, it worked for you and this movie could be the one that puts it over the top.

CarolinaSteele - Titanic (1997) - If there is anything I appreciate more is that I have never seen a filmmaker spent so much time into researching. I love how much he is obsessed with Titanic but god I would not have wanted to be a part of this movie. I love that James Cameron was labelled "The Scariest Man in Hollywood" because of this movie and the fact that he literally got poisoned by another person who was fed up is shocking. But the effort really shows in this movie. I personally think this is one of the best movies ever made. I know people love to harp on it for its success but I don't care. I grew up on this movie watching it when I was 8 for the first time and just bawling my head off. Ever since then I love watching it. I think it has something for everyone to enjoy. Historians will appreciate most of the accuracy, romance people will adore the characters, people who are more action oriented will be invested the latter half when the ship sinks. It just has everything and I can't stress enough how much I truly love this movie. For your journey, you have definitely kept up with submitting long as hell movies but all of them I have thoroughly enjoyed and you started strong and dominated a majority of the competition. I love how you chose movies that were true to your enjoyment so we'll see if thats enough to win!

Voila - The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) - Oh fuck yeah I love this movie. When I first watched it I was young, in the closet and a loner that was extremely depressed looking for a place in this world and I really related to this movie. It is so well directed and the 3 lead performances are stellar! Ezra Miller is a comedic highlight and Logan Lerman is extremely sympathetic. Peeling back the layers of his character as the movie progresses, its so heartbreaking. I don't have much else to say in the moment but I really do love the movie and I think it really completes your journey! You have arguably fhe most diverse taste. From comedies to intense action to the most fucked up movie I have seen in this competition so far. I love some of the risks you have taken and this could be the risk needed to win!

JayElVeeIsBack - The Dark Knight (2008) - Ok. One of the best openings to a film ever. The way everything is set up, the heist itself and the introduction is just beautiful. I love how Nolan tried to do something similar for Tenet. Speaking of Nolan, one of the best directors working. God this movie is just phenomenal. I rewatched Batman Begins before this (1. Because its been a long time so I could understand this one better and 2. In prep for The Batman) and I said Begins was my favourite but now after watching this im not sure. They are both great for different reasons and I might be in favour of The Dark Knight solely for its performances and action. Heath Ledger has already been praised so much for his performance and its amazing. Aaron Eckheart as Harvey Dent though is severely underrated and I loved his performance in this movie. Having both of them was such a brilliant choice and is so fucking great. The score is awesome as well. The build up in the strings whenever Joker does something is intense and great. I love Batman Begins because it focuses more on Bruce as an origin story but to be honest, i'm not a fan of the playboy persona so I like that this focuses more on the Batman ego as well as the villains. Ugh what a great movie and in any other round this would have won easily but stacked in the end, its gonna be tough.

And with are the FINAL RESULTS:
You ARE the FINAL 2 of the season!

Booyahhayoob & JayElVeeIsBack I'm truly sorry but the journey ends here. You both are super strong competitors in this game and I really appreciate the effort and am greatful! Thank you so much for playing <3


Voila congrats on getting 2nd. You did Marvellously and I am so happy for your participation! Thank you so much for playing

CarolinaSteele this was your game from the beginning. The domination was real and we are very aligned in taste so for that, you are the winner! Congrats and thanks again for playing!!!

With that another season down! I have 1 more season in mind...then ALL STARS! And that will be that!

Thank you all again <3 see ya soon!


1st - CarolinaSteele
2nd - Voila
4th/3rd - Booyahhayoob
4th/3rd - JayElVeeIsBack
5th - NanoNerd
6th - tanarexix
7th - Iindsay
8th - Thirteen
9th - Lifeiscool
10th - Yawnha



Eh. I’m just a little more mainstream in general rofl. Aside from music. I think most pop nowadays is pretty crap.
Sent by Booyahhayoob,Mar 10, 2022
Speaking of Nolan, one of the best directors working.

it’s giving lies
Sent by turkeylover,Mar 10, 2022
turkeylover when I saw your blog I was like oh lord we gon have problems
Sent by NewNightmare7,Mar 10, 2022
turkeylover Are you stalling because I submitted one of his films which is also one of my all-time favorites and you don’t wanna break my heart by giving me 10th
Sent by Booyahhayoob,Mar 10, 2022
OMGGGGG THANK YOU!!!! Gahhh this was so fun, and kinda awesome we have such a similar movie taste so far!! <3 <3
Sent by CarolinaSteele,Mar 10, 2022
Aww thanks. I had so much fun
Sent by Voila,Mar 10, 2022

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