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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother Story NZ Episode 5

Sep 7, 2014 by Macda27
Previous episode

Announcer-Previously on BIIIIIG BROTHER! After eavesdropping on Ben and Elle's strategic gameplays,they mentioned Harrison was a floater,so he proved he wasn't by smashing glasses on the floor and blaming Annie,making the whole house convinced.At the Power of Veto challenge,it was rob the nest,BB style.Nicole won the Power of Veto while Olivia won the cave-i-tard.Nicole saved herself off the block and Ben re-nominated Annie.At the live eviction,it was down to the wire in a 5-5 vote,but Olivia made Annie the first houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother house in a 6-5 vote.In the Head of Household comp,the houseguest had to guess the closest number and Mikayla had won the next HOH.Who will she nominate and will a secret alliance be found out about? Find out eight now on BIIG Brother!



Mac-By a vote....of 6-5.....Annie,you have been evicted from the Big Brother house

*Annie walks out*

*Flashback continues*

Mac-The number is.......0,Mikayla,you were the closest so you have just won the HOH!

Mikayla (DR)-I won I won I won!

*Flashback over*


Ben (DR)-Mikayla wins HOH.....ugh,shes so ugly and she isn't an ally

Elle (DR)-Yay! Dat b**ch is out!

Grace (DR)-Mikayla won.....EEEEEEEEEE

*Ben and Elle are in the hammocks,Elle is lying her head on his neck,and they are cuddling,while Kaitlin,Morgan,Mikayla and Grace are outside on the couches*

Morgan-Look at them

*The girls look over at them,cuddling*


Morgan-Why don't you talk so much?

Kaitlin-Im quite shy


Mikayla-Who should I nom?

Grace-Ben and Elle! To piss them off!



Kaitlin-Ok...serious time.Me,Mikayla and Annie just made the KAM alliance,but Annie is gone.I was wondering if we should make a f4 alliance!



Mikayla-Then that settles it...we are....KAM 2.0!

Grace (DR)-On the outside,im like "ALLIANCE...YAY!" but on the inside im like "Mikey was in the KAM alliance and didn't tell me???"


*Harrison,Blyth and Henri are in the cave room,chatting*

Henri-Nicole PURPOSELY wore loose clothing and chatted to me.....she didn't have a bra on

Harrison-Ha,she is SO desperate!

Blyth-I think she is trying to manipulate you Henri

Henri-I was thinking going to talk to Mikayla and asking her to put up Nicole

Harrison-Twice in a row? You REALLY don't like her!


*Mikayla comes out of DR*

Mikayla-Who wants to see my HOH roooooom!


Ben-Geez Morgan....learn how to breathe!


*All go to the HOH room and Mikayla opens door*

*Inside is a table of snacks,photos of her twin Lily and another one of her mother*


*Mikayla starts sliding keys into the box*

Mikayla-My nomination will probably be powerful.....but maybe is my idea the right one??

*Pulls sliding door and Mikayla says "Its time for the nomination ceremony"*

*All HG's sit in kitchen table while Mikayla gets the ceremony box*

Mikayla-This is the nomination ceremony.I will pull 1 key out and they are safe,that person will pull the next key and yardi yardi yah,lets go

Mikayla-*Pulls first key*.....Grace,your safe

Grace-Thanks..*pulls key*.....Morgan,your safe

Morgan-THANKS!!! *pulls key*.....Kaitlin,you are now safe

Kaitlin-Thanks....*pulls key* Blyth,your safe

Blyth-Thanks *pulls key*.....Rueben,your safe

Rueben-Thanks *pulls key*......Nicole,your safe

Nicole-Yay,finally! *pulls key*.....Olivia,your safe

Olivia-Cool,thanks *pulls key*......Jessie,your safe

Jessie-Sweet *pulls key*......Henri....your safe

Henri-Thanks *pulls final key*......Ben,your safe

Ben-LOL!! *puts key around neck*

Mikayla-I have nominated you Elle and you Harrison.Elle,your getting quite close to Ben,a possible showmance and needs to be stopped for my strategic gameplay.Harrison,I KNOW you smashed those glasses,Annie is too sweet and your a big jerk! This nomination ceremony is journed.


Elle (DR)-I made Annie leave...don't make me go after you too Mikayla

Kaitlin (DR)-She didn't completely ruin my plan,only slightly

Ben (DR)-Meh,outta me or her,if Elle leaves,I can get Nicole and probs even bone her


Announcer-Who will win the Power of Veto? And will it be used to save Harrison...or Elle? Find out on BIG Brother!

Who will win the POV-
Which alliance will last the longest-
Who is your fav HG-
Who will be evicted-



15th-Annie WK1



(lol soz its so short)
Sent by Macda27,Sep 7, 2014
Who will win the POV-Harrison
Which alliance will last the longest-Which ones are there macda27
Who is your fav HG-Harrison
Who will be evicted-Elle
Sent by imprincearthur,Sep 7, 2014
KAM 2.0
Sisterly love
Sent by Macda27,Sep 7, 2014
Macda27 I read but with me  writing my own Big Brother Story who is in each alliance again?
Sent by imprincearthur,Sep 7, 2014
KAM 2.0 (Girls alliance) Kaitlin,Mikayla,Morgan and Grace

Belle (Showmance) Ben and Elle

Sisterly love (Sisters,a twist this season) Mikayla and Grace
Sent by Macda27,Sep 7, 2014
Sent by Macda27,Sep 8, 2014
Who will win the POV- Nicole
Which alliance will last the longest-KAM
Who is your fav HG- Blyth
Who will be evicted- Elle
Sent by spinfur,Sep 8, 2014

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