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Blogs #TeamElle



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0 Insanity, Apr 26, 2015

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Big Brother Story NZ Episode 3

5 Macda27, Aug 15, 2014

Previous episode
Announcer-Previously on Big Brother! Since Ben won the first HOH this summer,some scrambled to make sure there back wasn't on the chopping block.Elle and Ben became the showmance 'Belle' and Mikayla told everyone that Grace was her sister! Elle told Ben to nominate Annie since she interrupted 'Belle' but Ben went with threats and put up Nicole and Henri.Who will win the the POV? And will it be used to save Nicole or Henri? Find out on BIG BROTHER!
Kaitlin-Thanks *pulls last key*............Harrison,you are safe
Harrison-Thanks Ben
Ben-I have nominated you Henri,and you Nicole for eviction.Henri,you are quite friendly and thats quite risky to keep in the house for MY gameplay and Nicole,I have nominated you cause your a maneater and I don't trust you.But there is the POV to get ready me.This nomination ceremony is ajourned.
*The HG's stand up and hug Henri and Nicole*
*Flashback ends*
Harrison (DR)-I HAVE noticed Nicole talking to the guys aka Henri but I don't think thats why you should put them up?
Elle (DR)-Ugh,Seriously,Harrison AND Annie are safe,im gonna talk to Ben about this....
*Elle enters the HOH room while Ben eats some crackers*
Elle-Why aren't they put up?
Ben-Annie is not going to win anyway,shes is REALLY shy and Harrison is an outsider,he isn't going to be a threat or make moves
*Harrison listens to there conversation*
Harrison-Won't make moves eh?
*Harrison moves to the kitchen and smashes all the glasses and Annie walks in*
Annie-What happened?
Harrison-*Gasps* Annie,what did you do?
Annie-I didn't do anything!!!
Harrison-Why would you smash every glass cup in the WHOLE HOUSE *Shouts on Whole House to call everyone in*
*Rueben and Jessie walk into kitchen*
Jessie-What happened?
Harrison-Annie broke every glass because she is on the block!
Annie-No In didn't!
Harrison-What,you are now going to blame me?
Annie-I didn't I swear!
Rueben (DR)-Really Annie? Breaking things isn't going to help you in the game!
Jessie (DR)-I don't honestly know who did it? Annie,Shes too sweet to do it
*Rest of the house enter the kitchen*
Ben-What happened? There is glass everywhere!
Harrison-Annie did it!
Annie-What? I can't believe you Harrison! I HATE YOU!
Harrison (DR)-Out of 'Belle',yes I have been sneaking around and overhearing some...things and found out of the duo,im #TeamElle so far,before me of course,wonder what America thinks?
Announcer-Well now they can! Each week,comment #Team(HG name)  to support your favourite houseguest in the house!
*Kaitlin,Annie and Mikayla*
Annie-Ok,I did NOT do it! I walked into the kitchen and saw Harrison smashing glasses and saying 'GL when everyone hates you!' and you all came in
Mikayla-Your to nice to do it
Annie-Awwww thanks!
Kaitlin (DR)-I don't..

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