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The HaloKing's blog

Posts 53 posts

THE WALKING DEAD: Treat Apr 27, 2016
Someone asked for my rankings of the characters, 10 being they are just amazing as a character. If I rank any character as 1, that does not indicate anything, i promise. All characters will be treated equally, despite my opinions on their personalities.


Kara Allard, F, 24 - 7
Sky Lavenza, F, 8 - 5
Justyn Morin, M, 13 - 6
Charlene Lester, F, 25 (Lee’s best friend) - 7
Lee Carter, M, 25 (Charlene’s best friend) - 5
Stanley Quentin, M, 43 (Payton and Adrian’s father) - 4
Julia Quentin, F, 42 ( Payton and Adrian mother) - 7
Payton Quentin, F, 17 (Daughter) - 10
Adrian Quentin, M, 13 (Son) - 8
Jesse Ferguson, M, 19 (Son) - 3
Charlotte Ferguson, F, 44 (Jesse’s mother) - 5
Peter Grey, M, 16 (Ikaris’ partner) - 2
Ikaris Love, M, 16 (Peter’s partner) - 5
Quinton Love, M, 16 (Ikaris’ brother) - 8
Felix Kull, M, 23 - 7
Missy Hughes, F, 34 ( Alex’s mother) - 9
Colby Hughes, M, 36 ( Alex’s father) - 8
Alex Hughes, F, 16 (Daughter) - 8
Josh Hunt, M, 29 (Missy’s brother) - 7
Aria Luna, F, 21 - 8
Mac Anderson, M, 19 (Kate’s brother) - 6
Kate Anderson, F, 16 (Mac’s sister) - 8
Molly Smith, F, 19 (Mac’s best friend) - 9
Sharon Anderson, F, 40 (Mac and Kate’s mother) - 5
Natalie Smith, F, 18 (Olivia’s sister) - 9
Olivia Smith, F, 16 (Natalie’s sister) - 5
Points: 31 4 comments
THE WALKING DEAD: Lost Long Before (S01E06) Apr 24, 2016
If this episode has noticeable mistakes, just try to ignore them. I wasnt able to check it thoroughly because I have been busy :P

Kara Allard, F, 24 ( Osiris)
Sky Lavenza, F, 8 ( Osiris)
Justyn Morin, M, 13 ( scooby0000)
Charlene Lester, F, 25 (Lee’s best friend) ( Icarus_Mark)
Lee Carter, M, 25 (Charlene’s best friend) ( Icarus_Mark)
Stanley Quentin, M, 43 (Payton and Adrian’s father) ( TheStan)
Julia Quentin, F, 42 ( Payton and Adrian mother) ( TheStan)
Payton Quentin, F, 17 (Daughter) ( TheStan)
Adrian Quentin, M, 13 (Son) ( TheStan)
Jesse Ferguson, M, 19 (Son) ( survivorken23)
Charlotte Ferguson, F, 44 (Jesse’s mother) ( survivorken23)
Peter Grey, M, 16 (Ikaris’ partner) ( tkoj555)
Ikaris Love, M, 16 (Peter’s partner) ( tkoj555)
Quinton Love, M, 16 (Ikaris’ brother) ( tkoj555)
Felix Kull, M, 23 ( MickyBoomy9)
Missy Hughes, F, 34 ( Alex’s mother) ( RyanAndrews)
Colby Hughes, M, 36 ( Alex’s father) ( RyanAndrews)
Alex Hughes, F, 16 (Daughter) ( RyanAndrews)
Josh Hunt, M, 29 (Missy’s brother) ( RyanAndrews)
Aria Luna, F, 21 ( Sportygirl22)
Mac Anderson, M, 19 (Kate’s brother) ( Macda27)
Kate Anderson, F, 16 (Mac’s sister) ( Macda27)
Molly Smith, F, 19 (Mac’s best friend) ( Macda27)
Sharon Anderson, F, 40 (Mac and Kate’s mother) ( Macda27)
Natalie Smith, F, 18 (Olivia’s sister) ( Coolkat)
Olivia Smith, F, 16 (Natalie’s sister) ( Coolkat)
Kale Kashton, M, 20 (Charity’s brother) ( blatastic1234)
Charity Kashton, F, 14 (Kale’s sister) ( blatastic1234)
Kol Finnton, M, 16 ( ThePug)
NaOnka Mixen, F, 24 ( ThePug)


11th May, 2016, 1:20am: Sky Lavenza (2 DAYS AGO)

Sky’s eyes slowly gradually opened her flickering eye lids to find her room dark, with the monsters that stalk her at night lurking in the dark shadows. As a young child does, she needed her mother as she was officially awake for the next few hours. Only a single night light illuminates her bedside and her face. She lay so gently and innocently on the bed with a pink unicorn blanket and also wearing her night gown: a pretty white dress of sorts that reaches her ankles. She snuggles with a stuffed unicorn that has a pink horn.
“Mommy?” She calls quietly, hiding under her blanket from protection of the darkness. It is a good thing her curtains are closed as her windows spans into the nearby forest, towards the edge of Louisville. She peaks her eyes occasionally, hearing pots and pans rustle downstairs, assuring her that her parents are still awake, relaxing her and providing her the courage to leave the safety of her unicorn blanket, but still holding onto her unicorn, pressing it against her chest.
“Mommy?” She calls again. She stands. Alone. In the shadows of her room as she hears metal clank once again downstairs. Even for her age, she understood it was too late at night for her parents to be cooking. She approaches her bedroom door, and exits, closing the door fast behind her to lock the bedroom monsters inside. Luckily, the hallway is dimly lit with candles. Sky, with baby steps, still clutching to her toy, walks down the dim hallway, passing her parent’s bedroom door. She takes a peak in, and sees a bucket filled with vomit in the corner of the room, not too far from her. She could smell it too, as well as the sweat that her father emitted and soaked into the bed sheets. He hadn’t been well lately and caught a bad fever.
She continued down the hallway and reach the very top of the stairs, but once again, darkness approached her. Downstairs was darker than her room with no artificial light, only the moonlight that did not even reach into the house. She knew that it was scary down there, but once she reached her mother, she would be safe. Her preparation technique was to take a few deep breaths. One. Two… Three!
She dashed down the stairs, tripping on the last one and banging her knee on the wooden living room floor, surrounded by darkness. She cut her knee slightly and it began to drip with blood. Only gently though. She hurt herself, as kids do. She jumped to her feet almost instantly, rushing past the couch and through the archway, into the kitchen that overlooks the midnight garden and forest with large windows. That’s when she saw it.
She wanted to call for her mother, but her fear wouldn’t allow her. Her body froze. She was forced to watch, fearfully, her father tugging at the innards of the mother she loved and needed so desperately. Her father slowly brought Sky’s mother’s organs into his mouth, chewing down on them. Sky could not see his face, but his pyjamas were drenched in sweat from the fever. Sky holds her unicorn tighter than ever before, beginning to make a wincing noise as tears roll down her cheeks. Her mother, who was in fact still alive, faced Sky. Her body was like a rag doll, being tugged and re-positioned as her husband at her, pulling out her guts. Sky would have not been able to tell if her mother was alive if it wasn’t for her eyes moving to Sky’s direction, allowing a single teardrop to hit the kitchen floor as she slowly stretched out her hand to Sky, wanting to hold her daughter’s hand one last time.
“MOMMY!” Sky screams, dropping her toy unicorn to the ground. A short second after Sky screams, police break into the kitchen door from outside, attempting to arrest the father who violently resisted… hoping to save the mother which everyone, even Sky, knew was a lost cause. She had already died moments after the police entered. As Sky stands alone, a male trainee officer, by the name of ‘Lee Carter’ bends down to her level.
“You’re safe now,” he says.

1st May, 2016: 11:02pm: ALEX HUGHES (2 WEEKS AGO)

Alex’s is woken by the gentle bumps and rocks that her body endures. As her eyes open entirely, she appears to be inside a car, a rather fashionable one. She has a seatbelt fastened over her shoulder while curled up in a ball, asleep in the passenger’s seat. She pivots her head to the driver’s seat next to her to see her boyfriend, Mark.
“Hey, babe,” Mark smiles, rubbing his hand through her hair, taking his eyes of the road for a few moments. She sits up, rubbing her eyes.
“Are we there yet?” She asks, looking out the car window to her right. She searches outside the window and is in a place she doesn’t recognize. All she can see is a creepy woodland with a low level of mist engulfing it and the road. It is a very clear night with a huge moon.
“We have only just left the state. We’ll get to New York soon,” Mark laughs.
“I can’t wait.”
“Neither can I. Between the car already breaking down and you sleeping on me, it’s been a shitty road trip,” Mark sighs, but smiles it off.
“We broke down?”
“No we didn’t.”
“Alex,” Mark sighs, “you was asleep. Are you alright?” mark fathoms.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m just tired,” She smiles faintly, raising her posture in the seat. He stares at her concerned still despite her saying so.
“You wanna take a photo? It’ll last longer,” Alex giggles. Mark laughs, looking back at the dark road, illuminated by the headlights. A bright ray of light belonging to another car passes and have not turned their headlamps off, blinding Mark, and he panics. He grabs the wheel, steering out of the direction of the oncoming car, and it begins to spin out of control, what feels like forever, until a sudden jolt. Alex’s thoughts go dark.

Her head rises, suddenly and swiftly, but can barely move her body without paying the price of agony. The windshield was shattered around the dirt outside the window, and on Alex’s lap which have left small cuts on her thighs. Maybe if she wasn’t wearing short jeans this night, she may have spared herself this. She lifts her head far enough for gravity to pull her hair behind her head. Blood drips from ear. How exactly it started bleeding, she is unsure. The scene is very, very quiet. She can only hear her breathe, the ticking of the repeating indicator (whos orange light occasionally illuminates her face) and the wind blowing through the trees. It took a while to clock that the car had hit the trunk of a thick, strong tree, compacting the front of the car, almost crushing her legs entirely, one leg crushed badly, but repairable.
“Mark?” Alex croaks, crying slightly. Her neck hurts to look, and can’t face Mark, who doesn’t responds. It was the most uncomfortable situation she had ever been in. Fresh blood dripping from her crushed leg, her ear, and worst of all, the tranquil that surrounded her seemed to mock her.

The car that had encouraged the accident had stopped, and the owner came to the rescue, phoning the police and ambulance, pleading for Alex to forgive him for his guilty driving. They escorted Alex in an ambulance. The very last seconds before being lifted into the ambulance, she sees Mark’s body on the floor that had to be carefully removed from the vehicle. That wasn’t much to look at. If she knew this was the last time she’d ever see his body, she would have tried to treasure it.

17th January, 2000: 8:50am: SHARON ANDERSON (16 Years Ago)

“So, you’re going to leave me!? I… Need you,” Sharon pleads, on her feet, not knowing it would be the apartment she lives in 16 years later. She begs at the feet of her husband.
“Is she mine?” He asks, looking down at Sharon.
“How will we pay rent? How will I buy food for our children! You- you can’t leave me like this,” she begs again, gripping onto his shoes. At this moment, dignity is not her priority, “My job isn’t good enough pay-“
“Is she mine?” He repeats, in a deep voice. She begins to cry quietly.
“I’m sorry-“ she whispers with tears. He turns instantly, walking out the apartment door.
“WAIT! SHE COULD BE!-” But he is already gone, and the door slams on Sharon’s face. She collapses against it, sinking to the ground as she screams into the door, crying.
“It was a mistake,” She cries, “I’m sorry-“
“Mommy?” Young Mac asks, roughly 3 years old. For a moment, she doesn’t respond, crying into the door.
“Yes?” She asks, turning around, smiling and wiping away the tears. As if nothing happened. But Mac knew something was wrong, at his age.
“Will Dad be back?”
“Yes, honey. He’s gone away for a little while. But he’ll be back,” She says, sitting Mac on her lap. They both stare at thing air while she begins to wipe her tears again. She bounces him on her lap.
“Mommy, when will Kate start to talk?”
“I dunno. When she’s ready.”
“Do you think she will be smart?” Sharon laughs.
“Smarter than me baby, that’s for sure.”

20th August, 2015: 10:44pm: PAYTON QUENTIN/STAN QUENTIN (9 MONTHS AGO)

At an abandoned apartment complex, Payton waits on the sixth floor. There is no light in the hallways, and a lot of moonlight is prevented by the leaves and dirt accumulating on the windows. The entire complex has a ‘druggie’ smell to it. From the outside, although abandoned, it has a majestic appearance to it, and used to belong to the upper class. No one would have ever expected it to be the centre of drug dealing. Unknown to Payton, her father, Stanley, had followed her. The apartment door she knocks on opens.
“Hey Reg, it’s me,” Payton states, walking into the apartment.
“I see Kasey’s weed isn’t enough for you babe,” Reg laughs, leaving the door open. The room is silent, as well as the rest of the complex.
“Is it just us?”
“Yea,” Reg coughs, inhaling a cigarette, “The boys are out. Now,” he gets up from his seat, and grabs Payton by the throat, “where is my fucking money.”
“I-“ she stutters, “I- I have something else. You’ll like it more.” Reg seems interested, relaxing back into his chair, blowing smoke at Payton who stands in front of him, ready to present her scheme.
“Go on,” he grins, “impress me.” Payton takes a deep breathe, but she needs to pay him back somehow for the drugs she had previously brought from him. It was obvious in her eyes that she did not want to do what she was about to do. She lets her clothes fall, revealing sexy tights and skin-tight leather clothes, with revealing underwear. From this moment onwards, Stanley is close enough outside the apartment, listening through the open doorway, hoping no one comes out. He becomes incredibly uncomfortable.
“Alright baby, you just go next door and get yourself ready,” Reg smiles, slapping Payton’s behind as she walks into the bathroom.

Reg is alone in the smoked out living room and paces, whispering ‘my fucking money’. Stanley spies, clearly watching Reg pull a gun from his belt, and aim it gently at the door Payton just exited through. Whether he was going to pull the trigger or not is unknown, as he is stabbed to death by Stanley with a broken bottle which he had found on his journey up. Shard of glass stick into Reg’s neck. He has no time to scream, but time to bleed. Stanley backs away, with red over his hands. He watches Reg desperately claw at his neck, choking his final breaths down his throat in silence. Although he saved his daughters life, he could not handle what he saw, and fled from the scene.

27th April, 2011: 3:50pm: ARIA LUNA (5 YEARS AGO)

Aria, who was smart, successful, popular and naturally beautiful at school, her walk home is terrifying. She holds the straps of her backpack tightly for comfort while shivering in fear as she walks down the sidewalk, approaching her home down a suburb road in Detroit. Her friends thought she was perfect and lived a perfect life. If only they could see her now, and who she was at home… around her father who returned from the military today on leave. Afraid to knock on the front door, she walks slowly around into the back garden. Her back garden is a mess and maze of growing vegetables and fruits. Her mother had a strange, yet dedicated hobby. As she removes her keys from her pocket, vibrating in her grip, being as silent as possible, when she knocks a wind chime with her bag, hanging from the porch ceiling.
“STOP MAKING THAT RACKET!” Her father shouts from indoors. Aria jumps from her skin, but remaining stable, taking the verbal abuse. Her mother opens the door quickly.
“Just go upstairs right now,” the mother cries, tugging Aria in the direction of the stairs. Aria notices a dark bruise on her mother’s cheekbone. Her makeup is smudged; she has been crying. Aria would ask, but she knew exactly what their father had done to her, and accepted it. Aria obeyed her mother, lacking emotion or personality as she walked past the living room archway, to the staircase. “HEY!” her father shouts, who could see her from where he was sitting in the living room, through the archway.
“She was work to do,” her mother scolds, pushing Aria past.
“I know, but I want a little talk first,” Her father smiles. Aria’s mother, unsure of what to do, walks back off to the kitchen, giving Aria a look of sympathy as she approaches her father. He was a muscular man, but had an abusive ‘look’ to him.
“Have fun at school?”
“Yes.” Aria responds blankly.
“Why the long face? You not glad to see your old man again?” Aria does not respond.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asks, raising his posture in his seat, looking at her with anger. She only shies away.
“You will speak when you are spoken too!” He screams, raising from his seat, spraying his speech into Aria’s face, who does still not react in fear of showing her father his weakness. Unintentionally, his father had trained her to be strong through abuse.
“Let’s go upstairs,” her mother grabs her from behind, gently, taking her away.
“No you fucking ain’t,” he grits his teeth, slapping the mother around the face with all his might, knocking her to the ground. Aria helps her to her feet as he approaches them both, backing them up into the kitchen, to which the mother grabs a long, kitchen knife.
“What you gonna do with that, bitch?” He grins, wrestling her.
“RUN!” Aria’s mother screams. Aria cries, covering her mouth as she watches her parents abuse each other. But, despite this, she runs into the vegetable garden out back, hiding in the maze of vegetation. She ducks to her knees, crying silently while holding her breathe as she peaks through the gaps of the leaves. She left the back door open, but can only hear screams, not see them. Mainly her mother’s screams that die out eventually.
“ARIA!!!!” her father screams after silence falls upon the house. Aria hyperventilates, closing her eyes, repeating what her mother always told her to relax her as a child.
“When my soul shall rise,” she whispers to herself “I can leave my body behind,” she hears her father’s footsteps on the pavement, about 20 feet away from her, calling her name. When she peaks from behind her hands, she can see his military boots vaguely through the plants.
“When my soul, shall rise, I can leave my body behind,” she continues to whisper to herself, as he hears his heavy footsteps, that get closer, and closer, and louder. Anxiety fills her veins and is frozen in this position from which she cannot escape. She hears sirens in the background, which clam her down and she prays that they are to take her father away. At a sign of hope, she opens her eyes, to see a pair of legs directly in front of her. As her eyes follow the body up, it was her father, looking down at her.

9th May, 2016: 4:49am: ARIA LUNA (4 DAYS AGO)

“YOU KILLED MOM!” Aria screams at he father, who reside in the country, in a small cabin, surrounded by pines and lush rivers and waterfalls can be found in the local area, and the sound of rushing water heard. The sun begins to rise this early summer morning, leaving a red gaze over the forest, and through the dimly lit cabin., “YOU KILLED HER! Then you didn’t even have the guts to admit it to the police. You ripped me away from my friends…” She grits her teeth, “my mom, who was there more than you ever was. Now… you’re just a pathetic shadow of a man.”
During her speech, the puddle of blood had engulfed the wooden floor, elaking through the gaps into the foundation of the cabin. Aria looks at her feet, and her father lays dead, a bullet wound to the chest. She had shot him with his own pistol. She had taken it, despite him thinking she had no idea where it was. After years and years of abuse, and finally can move forward, especially after not having her loving mother by her side for years. She turns her back on him, with her backpack ready, hidden under her bed, prepared to run away from the police who will be looking for her. With her back still to the scene, and all ready and dressed to leave into the wilderness, she hears him groan, indicating he is still alive. Once again, she is forced to look upon what she had done. Every time she looks at him, the past only floods back.
“Stay down, or I’ll-“ she says calmly as she faces him, but he has risen fully, with his back to her entirely, slouching, arm by side. Panicked, she rushes for her pistol, tucked in her pocket, and whips it out. Concerned for a number of whispers, she whispers him.
“…Dad?” She whispers, pointing the gun at his skull. How could he be alive, she wonders and ponders. He turns his entire body, and his eyes were filled with an unhuman rage. His skin had faded to an unhealthy shade of white, and he glared into Aria’s eyes, stumbling towards her. She shoots him again in the chest, to which he does not respond in pain, or death, bot a growl as he gargled saliva in his mouth. He keeps going for her. For the first time in years, she is scared of her father, just like when she was younger. He had possessed a power and resistance to pain that she had never seen before. So, in a hurry, she exited the lodge and ran away from her father, what she should have done years ago.

12th April, 2016: 8:37pm: A small village in Russia: OLIVIA SMITH/ NATALIE SMITH (1MONTH AGO)

It is dark outside, and fresh snow has just landed on the streets outside their home. The scene is so… peaceful, except for one thing. Olivia, while peeking out the window, saw a trail of blood along with footprints in the snow, leading into their next door neighbours’ home. The entire street was very rich, with large, modern homes.
“Natalie!” Olivia calls in her familiar Russian accent, looking back to the outdoors, also watching the snow fall from the grey sky.
“Look. Should we call the police?” Olivia asks. Natalie looks in dismay, then with unsympathetic eyes.
“Leave them. They’ve been assholes to the neighbours, and us, the whole week.” Natalie begins to walk away, until another scream is heard, drawing their attentions back to window. Olivia presses her nose against the cold glass. They see the old lady next door running into the streets, calling for help. Her husband stumbles out of the front door behind her, bare footed, into the snow with only his pyjamas on. There is blood all over him. He grasps towards his wife in the freezing cold. They then decide to call the police.

12th May, 2016: 11pm: Louisville: OLIVIA SMITH/ NATALIE SMITH (1 DAY AGO)

Olivia rocks quietly in her chair on the jet, while their parents are up in the control room. They were just below the could line, able to see the cities clearly in the dark from all the light they created. Luckily for the sisters, their parents were rich, and could afford their own private jet. They had been flying over the ocean for hours, and finally reached land. Every major city the flew over was engulfed in flames, or what looked like riots.
“They’re hear too,” Natalie sighs, “at least their cities were not bombed, shot down… not yet.”
“They’re everywhere,” Olivia dully speaks. While passing over Louisville, it seems quiet. There are no fires, yet. The lights are still one, and their uncle lives there. It could be a safe place for them. It could be protected by the army for all they know, so their parents begin to land the plane outside the city.

13th May, 2016: 00:19am: Louisville: OLIVIA SMITH/ NATALIE SMITH (CURRENTLY)

Natalie and Olivia claw themselves out from the wreckage of the plane that had crashed into a corn field. The half of the jet that contained their parents was ripped off during the crash after one of the wings ripped off from the plane mid-air. Although that was left of the plane was a metal interior, with the occasional plate of metal walling, but most had been ripped off. It was barely recognizable as a plane. Luckily for the girls, it did not explode, and they only escaped with bruises. After hours of sobbing for their parents, they look into the distance to see Louisville.
“We need to find our Uncle,” Natalie demands, sucking up the emotional, ripping her way through the cornfield.
“We need to wait for people to help us,” Olivia sobs.
“No one is coming, Liv,” Natalie screams, pulling Olivia to her feet, “not even the owners of this farm. They’re probably dead, like everyone else. This city has already been hit,” her Russian, aggressive accent becomes more pronounced during these last lines, “their city is already gone, and they don’t know it,” Natalie falls silent for a moment, looking back at the wreckage, “We need to find our Uncle.”

Ending music:


Who’s past shocked you the most and why?
Does this indicate who you think will die next?
Kara has been missing for a while. What has happened to her?
Any other burning desire to discuss?

Please comment!!! If your character has not yet been introduced or has not yet been added to the introduction video, they will be once they have been introduced.
Points: 40 9 comments
THE WALKING DEAD: Update Apr 19, 2016
Kara Allard, F, 24 ( Osiris)
Sky Lavenza, F, 8 ( Osiris)
Justyn Morin, M, 13 ( scooby0000)
Charlene Lester, F, 25 (Lee’s best friend) ( Icarus_Mark)
Lee Carter, M, 25 (Charlene’s best friend) ( Icarus_Mark)
Stanley Quentin, M, 43 (Payton and Adrian’s father) ( TheStan)
Julia Quentin, F, 42 ( Payton and Adrian mother) ( TheStan)
Payton Quentin, F, 17 (Daughter) ( TheStan)
Adrian Quentin, M, 13 (Son) ( TheStan)
Jesse Ferguson, M, 19 (Son) ( survivorken23)
Charlotte Ferguson, F, 44 (Jesse’s mother) ( survivorken23)
Peter Grey, M, 16 (Ikaris’ partner) ( tkoj555)
Ikaris Love, M, 16 (Peter’s partner) ( tkoj555)
Quinton Love, M, 16 (Ikaris’ brother) ( tkoj555)
Felix Kull, M, 23 ( MickyBoomy9)
Missy Hughes, F, 34 ( Alex’s mother) ( RyanAndrews)
Colby Hughes, M, 36 ( Alex’s father) ( RyanAndrews)
Alex Hughes, F, 16 (Daughter) ( RyanAndrews)
Josh Hunt, M, 29 (Missy’s brother) ( RyanAndrews)
Aria Luna, F, 21 ( Sportygirl22)
Mac Anderson, M, 19 (Kate’s brother) ( Macda27)
Kate Anderson, F, 16 (Mac’s sister) ( Macda27)
Molly Smith, F, 19 (Mac’s best friend) ( Macda27)
Sharon Anderson, F, 40 (Mac and Kate’s mother) ( Macda27)
Natalie Smith, F, 18 (Olivia’s sister) ( Coolkat)
Olivia Smith, F, 16 (Natalie’s sister) ( Coolkat)
Kale Kashton, M, 20 (Charity’s brother) ( blatastic1234)
Charity Kashton, F, 14 (Kale’s sister) ( blatastic1234)

I just wanted to say im sorry episode 6 is taking so long! My exams are arriving in the next month and I have to prioritize those! But, the series are still 100% continuing, just at a slower pace haha.

Just to keep you interested, the next episode is all about certain character's past, leading to where they are now.

Sorry again :(
Points: 43 8 comments
THE WALKING DEAD: The Devil's Number Calls (S01E05) Apr 4, 2016
Kara Allard, F, 24 ( Osiris)
Sky Lavenza, F, 8 ( Osiris)
Justyn Morin, M, 13 ( scooby0000)
Charlene Lester, F, 25 (Lee’s best friend) ( Icarus_Mark)
Lee Carter, M, 25 (Charlene’s best friend) ( Icarus_Mark)
Stanley Quentin, M, 43 (Payton and Adrian’s father) ( TheStan)
Julia Quentin, F, 42 ( Payton and Adrian mother) ( TheStan)
Payton Quentin, F, 17 (Daughter) ( TheStan)
Adrian Quentin, M, 13 (Son) ( TheStan)
Jesse Ferguson, M, 19 (Son) ( survivorken23)
Charlotte Ferguson, F, 44 (Jesse’s mother) ( survivorken23)
Peter Grey, M, 16 (Ikaris’ partner) ( tkoj555)
Ikaris Love, M, 16 (Peter’s partner) ( tkoj555)
Quinton Love, M, 16 (Ikaris’ brother) ( tkoj555)
Felix Kull, M, 23 ( MickyBoomy9)
Missy Hughes, F, 34 ( Alex’s mother) ( RyanAndrews)
Colby Hughes, M, 36 ( Alex’s father) ( RyanAndrews)
Alex Hughes, F, 16 (Daughter) ( RyanAndrews)
Josh Hunt, M, 29 (Missy’s brother) ( RyanAndrews)
Aria Luna, F, 21 ( Sportygirl22)
Mac Anderson, M, 19 (Kate’s brother) ( Macda27)
Kate Anderson, F, 16 (Mac’s sister) ( Macda27)
Molly Smith, F, 19 (Mac’s best friend) ( Macda27)
Sharon Anderson, F, 40 (Mac and Kate’s mother) ( Macda27)
Natalie Smith, F, 18 (Olivia’s sister) ( Coolkat)
Olivia Smith, F, 16 (Natalie’s sister) ( Coolkat)
Kale Kashton, M, 20 (Charity’s brother) ( blatastic1234)
Charity Kashton, F, 14 (Kale’s sister) ( blatastic1234)


Charlene, still retaining her sloppy ponytail and grey tank top, speed walks down the hallways of the hospital, nervously looking into windows of adjacent rooms to find dead patients attacking their doctors. Although, she finds it very difficult to see as the electricity has failed. She understands that her best chance of survival is to adventure to the hospital roof. The hospital is 12 floors tall, without working elevators. In Norton Hospital, there are 3 stairwells that access all floors to the hospital. Charlene journeys to the nearest.
Charlene, while progressing down the large, marble hallways in the darkness, kills a few infected with her knife, attached to her waist for when she needs it. It is already splattered in blood. Charlene has entered survival mode.
“Thankyou!” A survivor at the hospital screams in urgency as Charlene kills her attacker. Charlene ignores her, continuing down the hallways, knowing she will never probably see that girl again. The further into the hospital Charlene enters, the darker it gets as there is no natural light from the outside world.
Charlene, using the sense of touch, finds the closest stairwell after a ten minute, cautious walk. She fondles the handle bars up the stairs for protection and guidance.
“Ugh, god!” Charlene gags as the scent of death hits her nose, followed by the silent hum of groaning. She squints her eyes and listens more carefully, to find, the groaning getting louder, and hears a tumbling. She grips her knife. Fortunately for her, the emergency backup lights powered by the generator ignite, providing her a red glow, to find walkers tumbling down the stairs, knocking her down with them in a chaotic movement, around the corners of the stairwell. She clings for the handle bars for desperation, jerking her to a stop as the tumbling walkers continue down the stairwell. She exits on this floor rather than continuing up, scared for her safety, only achieving four floors out of the 12.
She enters through the main glass entrance to this floor, leading her into an empty lobby. Luckily, some moonlight floods in from the window to her left, also with a lobby desk to her right, coloured patches in the carpet, shaped like puzzle pieces. The window to her left reveals an outside section within the hospital walls, with a small child playground at the bottom level. She also notices teddy bears and toys on the desk and floor, with trails of blood. She realises she is in the child treatment ward. Charlene cannot find the strength to continue, falling to the ground in tears, gripping her face in hysterics. Luckily, no infected humans attack her during her moment, indicating she was alone. After about a minute of crying, her sadness transformed into determination, to which she pushed through the ward. After much fathom, she understands that these children where either evacuated or walked out, and they would have not walked out as themselves either.
As she is about to reach the second stairwell, and passes a room named 2a, to which she sees strange movements in there. Her paranormal interests encourage her to investigate.
“AGH!” She is hit over the head with a small surgical hammer as she enters, cracking her skull badly, to which she winces at and is tackled to the ground by a strange boy in a turquoise medical gown. She does not knows this boy, but could not miss the obvious fact he had an ear missing. The boy looks into her eyes, and see’s colour.
“I’m so sorry,” he says quietly, raising from her slowly. As her realises she is a real human being, his apology intensifies, “I’m so sorry!”
Charlene raises, holding her rapidly bleeding skull.
“Come in!” the boy says, pulling her into his surgical room, and Charlene finds a dead surgeon on the floor, a sharp tool sliced neatly through his skull, and lays in and awkward position on the operating theatre floor.
“Was this your surgeon?”
“I didn’t even know I had a surgeon! I just woke up here after seeing a car swerve towards me and my boyfriend.”
Charlene grabs bandages from the draws, named appropriately: “bandages”. She wraps them around her skull to help slow the bleeding, “hey, don’t worry about it. I mean, it hurt like crap but, I know why you did it,” Charlene sympathises, “I’ve seen them too.”

“Are the kids asleep?” Colby asks, panicked, rushing in with blood split on his top.
“Yeah, what happened out there?” Missy asks, concerned, touching her husband’s forearm. He immediately leaves again, only to help Jesse carry in his bleeding mother.
“Then the couch will do,” Colby explains, basically dropping Charlotte onto it in a hurry. The bleeding still continues from her shoulder.
“Oh my god, I’ll go get the first aid,” Missy gasps, covering her mouth in shock. Colby, first, looks the front door behind him, and places a candle near Charlotte, illuminating her presence.
“Thank you,” she whispers, her eyes gaining bags from exhaustion and blood loss. Her skin gradually turns pale over time.
“I’m sorry, I do not know any first aid, but my wife does. Shit, I’ll go stay with Josh,” Colby sighs, leaving through the garage door, leaving Missy with the strangers. Missy returns, with rubber gloves on her hands.
“What’s your names?”
“Jesse- she’s my mom-“
“Charlotte- I can still speak!” Charlotte chokes, sweating. Missy slowly pulls Charlotte’s sleeve over her shoulder, but the blood has begun to thicken, making a disturbing, glue-like sound as the blood strings between her shirt and shoulder.
“I only know basic first aid from life guard training,” Missy explains.
“But can you help her?” Jesse stresses, pacing up and down the living room, covered in his mother’s blood, he throws his top on the floor walking bare-chested. He has lost all respect for other people’s home in the current messy situation.
“I-“ Missy stutters, pulling out an alcohol container. Jesse and Charlotte’s eyes widen, “I can, but it’s going to fucking hurt!” Missy sighs as she throws the alcohol onto Charlotte’s bite. Her fresh flesh froths and sizzles as it heals almost instantly, like a miracle. But as Missy promised, it ‘fucking’ hurt. Charlotte’s limbs twitched in pain as a scream louder than the heavens, until her body passes out from pain.
“WHAT DID U FUCKING DO?” Jesse screams, pushing Missy to the floor.
“Saving her life! I needed to clean the wound!” missy screams back, crawling away from him, backwards, on her hands and feet as her approaches her in anger. Colby burst back into the room, restraining Jesse who is overcome with rage. Missy returns to her feet.
“Your mother would have died unless I did that. It had to be done. It’s done.” Jesse continues to fight Colby’s restraint on him, until he breaks free, walking off hastily into the kitchen. Colby and Missy give each other a look of disappointment in Jesse’s behaviour.
“Why did you bring them? You know that’s the only first aid I have right?”
“I don’t know, I heard them scream. I was trying to do the right thing,” Colby explains, sitting, hands on his face for support.
“I know. Yeah, I know. Ugh- While she’s unconscious, I’ll stitch up her bite. Hopefully… she’ll be alright.”

“What was that?” Molly questions, not worried but instead intrigued as she hears a strange human noise from down the dark, unlit hallway. On each side of the hallway, there are doors, numbered from 662 to 712. Out of room 666, one of the closest apartments to the three of them, an infected human, smothered in blood from tip to toe, snarls her lips and gnashes her teeth as she lets her hands guide her towards Mac specifically. Kate cannot see and Mac is preoccupied with his trapped arm in the elevator door. Molly approaches the horrific woman, slowly.
“DO YOU NEED HELP?” Molly screams, rushing to the lady, who ignores her speech.
“Shit, it’s Miss Lionel. What happened to her?” Mac asks, concerned. Kate remains crying in the elevator, trying to push Mac’s arm out of the elevator, “I heard about this on the news. I thought it was- a – a joke.”
“We can help you miss Lionel,” Molly whispers as Miss Lionel approaches, faster and more brutal. Molly’s voice begins to tremble, nervous about Miss Lionel’s behaviour. They’re finger tips are close to touching, when Miss Lionel is shot down by rapid gun fire. Molly screams, ruining her hair, and collapses to the floor in panic. She looks up to see military soldiers helping her to her feet.
“WHAT’S YOUR NAME?” The soldier shouts.
“M-Moll-“ But before she can finish, another male soldier shines a torch into her eyes.
The soldiers, thinking ahead, had torches with them and on their helmets to help see the hallways. They rapidly fire again, shooting down another walker. Molly begins to cry, along with Kate who is still caged in the elevator. There was 4 soldiers, offering them protection, with a few scared civilians with them. They waste no time, ripping Mac’s arm from the elevator doors, dislocating his right arm, to which he screams partially at, but refraining from showing pain in front of soldiers and his closest family. They shine the torch into his eye, just like Molly’s.
“WAIT!” Kate screams as the elevator begins to jolt, dropping a few inches. She stares, worried, at the floor below her. Mac widens his eyes, viewing Kate through the small gap between the elevator doors. He has too look down at her after her minor fall. Kate looks up at Mac, just before the elevator falls. Flashing panels of metal flash before Mac’s eyes as he hears Kate scream his name as she falls to her death, imprisoned in the elevators. All he sees after that is sparks of electricity, and an empty elevator shaft.
“NO! NOO!” Mac screams, but the soldiers drag him away with them. Although Molly never liked Kate, she feels sympathy for her and Mac. She never wanted Kate to die. She runs off behind the soldiers also.

Payton leaves Adrian’s side for a few seconds to help the girls. He has to balance on one leg to avoid damaging his broken leg further.
“It’s okay,” Payton attempts to reassure, but basically fails too, but nevertheless helps pull the rubble from Olivia’s body, one piece at a time. The fire grows bigger, filling the tunnel with smoke, and beginning to touch Olivia’s feet.
“AHHHH!” She screams, to which Natalie cries at.
“Hang in, baby sis, hang in there!” Natalie whimpers, holding Olivia’s leg on her lap while Payton pushes the rubble to one side. The strange, bloody mark on her ribcage, luckily, was just an odd looking cut from the metal. But one of Olivia’s legs is crushed beyond repair, as well as burnt from the fire. Her other leg is slightly burnt, but usable. Payton and Natalie drag her to her upright, scrapping her damaged leg across the tracks and rocks, leaving a blood trail, but the blood leaking is only gentle. Because the leg was crushed rather than cut, there is not too much blood.
They begin to hear walkers groaning as the passengers of the crash begin to arise. A few in the distance of the tunnel.
“We should help those-“ Adrian begins leaning against the tunnel wall, pointing.
“They’re not people, Adrian!” Payton explains, “They’re dead! And they’re coming for us!”
Payton and Natalie carry Olivia to a ladder that leads to the surface.
“How is she supposed to climb?” Natalie wonders, worried.
“I’m so sorry, but she will have to go last up. We can’t risk her dragging us down with her.”
Natalie begins to get upset and angered, but this dissolves once she realises Payton is right.
“It’s okay, I’ll- be okay,” Olivia tries to smile as the walkers behind them begin to climb over the rubble.

Natalie arises out of the top of the ladder first. Using her muscles, she pushes the top of a sewage drain lid from above her head, revealing a city-wide riot on the streets. Natalie, followed by payton, arise like ants crawling from a nest, followed by Adrian who had trouble with his broken leg, shedding a few tears in pain while climbing. But Olivia hangs onto the bars of the ladder with her elbow, letting her damage leg dangle. The walkers at the bottom of the tunnel reach their hands up to her dangling legs. Luckily, she is too high for them to reach… unless she falls. Olivia cries, with only a few more handle bars to go until the surface.
“AHH!” Payton screams as she gets attacked by rebels, forcing her to the floor. She is stripped of her denim shorts by two men, ready to rape her, when one gets bitten by a walker and gets munched on a few meters away. The other, backs away slowly, to which Adrian knocks him unconscious with a stray brick laying on the streets from the rebel’s destruction, saving her life essentially. Payton jumps to her feet, no having time to reflect on the recent experience, but Adrian stays in shock.
The streets are on fire, rebels still attacking military on the streets who do not withdraw their fire no longer. Shops and apartment blocks burn, a bullet fired every other second while they still chant “THIS IS THE END”. Payton can see Mac’s apartment complex from where she is.
“We won’t make it, come on.” Payton helps Adrian hop to a shop boarded up from the inside. Shadows can be seen moving in the inside through the holes of the metal sheet that covers the shop, usually only used to signal the shop is closed. Payton begs for them to open the door. After a few seconds of convincing, the door is opened by civilians, pushing away any rebels that try to enter.
“Wait, we have to wait for them!” Payton demands, holding the door open for Natalie who still tries to help Olivia. Natalie bends over the tunnel exit.
“Olivia, I know it hurts, but you need to be brave! Push through the pain!” Natalie cries reaching her hand down. Barely, Olivia grabs it. Natalie’s super strength ignites and she pulls Olivia to the surface and into her arms, and carries her to the shop entrance, through the people and the walkers who attack them. The civilians in the shop are quick to close the metal gating to the shop behind them, protecting themselves from the streets and riots.

Peter and Quinton are in the distance of the room meanwhile Julia has her back to them, with a few pills in her hand which she throws into her mouth, her substitute for drugs or a needle. Afterwards, she looks to the ceiling, praying in her mind to god, that she will get to see her kids again, hoping they are okay. Lost in the moment, she hears someone calling her name.
“JULIA!” Quinton shouts, looking at her, she turns around, with one pill still in her hand. She looks us, shaking her head, as if she knows what he is thinking. It is quiet for a moment, and the walkers can be heard, desperately trying to claw into the operating theatre they have looked themselves in with Julia’s key card.
“What are you doing?” Quinton asks, annoyed, registering the pill, “did you swallow some?”
“I-, I” Julia stutters, looking around the room for support, to only find Peter looking at her from the distance.
“Great, my brother’s saviour is a fucking druggie.”
At this exact moment, Julia’s arm swings around, slapping Quinton to the side of the face. She looks at him in anger, not regretting what she had done. Her eyes alone are enough to alert him not to talk to her that way again. Peter still stares from the corner.
“You have something to add?” He shakes his head, “Good.”

They hear glass break. There are two small, circular windows at the top of the metal doors Julia had just locked, or at least there was two. Now there is just one, the other shattered on the ground. If a walker happens to get sudden boost from somewhere, it could squeeze through the hole. Unlikely, but not worth the risk.
“Can’t we take the vents?” Peter asks, scared, pointing to the ceiling.
“You’ll have to jump first, you’re the strongest,” Quinton demands, boosting Peter up to the vent before he can refuse in fear. In the ventilation shafts, it is even more dark, until the red emergency lights come on below, reflecting some into the vent also. Peter drags Julia into the vent also, at the same moment the metal doors give way and about 3 walkers come crashing into the room below. Peter dangles his arm down for Quinton, only to retract in fear, and crawl in the opposite direction down the vent.
“PETER!” Quinton shouts. Luckily, Julia comes to rescue, managing to drag him up by herself, the walkers just missing his feet.
“Thank you,” Peter exhales, breathing heavily in the vent. Julia smiles.
“I know you don’t like me,” Julia explains, “But you don’t know me either.” Julia turns to follow Peter. Quinton thinks about what Julia said, and decides to drop his prejudice against her drug use, considering a stranger just saved him before his brother’s partner did.

The sun is just rising over the horizon, adding to the red glow that the fires on the street already create. Lee and Sky stand in the bottom level hospital lobby, alone. It is very quiet. Sky stands beside Lee, holding his hand.
“Don’t let go, okay?” Lee demands.
“Okay Lee.”
That is when the smell hits them, along with a gun to the back of Lee’s head. He is forced to the ground by military soldiers, who flip him over and shine a torch in his eye.
“Clear!” They shout, bringing him back up to his feet. They do not hurt sky, but despite her crying, must shine the torch in her eye to check if she is infected, “clear!” they shout again.
“ARE YOU INVOLVED IN ANY REBEL ACTIVITY?” A soldiers spits in Lee’s face, taking Sky away.
“DON’T SHOUT AT ME, CIVILIAN!” The shoulder shouts, shoving him onto his knees to show his dominance over Lee.
“I work for the police department,” Lee explains. The soldier checks his pockets, finding his evidence in his wallet.
“I’m sorry, sir, Carter,” The soldier apologizes. Lee cannot see the majority of his face as it is covered by a helmet and a ski mask to help prevent breathing in smoke pollution from the fires, “Mr. Carter, we are evacuating any innocent civilians into the hospital for security. Please follow us with your daughter.”
“Oh- I’m not…” But the soldiers already walk off, with civilians tagging along behind them. Lee picks Sky up and places her on his shoulders. They both walk off at the back of the group.

The sun rises in Louisville. Stanley is at his home, awake all night from the stress. He heard a few gunshots through the night, but thought not too much about them as they sounded far from his home.
“Payton? Adrian? Come down, please!” Stanley demands, standing up from the kitchen table, where he had been sitting since last night.
“Come on! I’ll drive you to school today!” Stanley shouts again, “I need to talk to you,” Stanley whispers, slowly opening Payton’s door and peaks in. She is not there?
“Payton? Adrian?” He calls again, looking into Adrian’s room. They are both empty. He uses his cell phone, but there is no service.
“Not again,” Stanley sighs, knowing that Payton has run away again, like she used to when she was on drugs. But this is a first time for Adrian. This makes Stan slightly more concerned. The first thing he knows to do is drive to Julia at work, in the city centre. He leaves his house, unaware that he may never return again. Stanley takes the red, shiny, brand new pick-up car, unware yet of the riots, due to his solitude and isolation all night long.

Aria leans against a timber pillar within Felix’s house, close to the large window viewing the river that reflects beautiful morning light into his home, creating strong shadows within the lodge.
“Nice sight,” Aria says blankly, squinting her eyes in the bright sun. She looks over at Felix, to find him asleep in an upright position on the stairs.
“Felix?” She asks, worried that he had died, pulling her gun out. But he was alive, and breathing, which relieved her. After putting his house back the way it was before she trashed it, she finds it rather rude for him to fall asleep on her. He walks up to him, with a full water bottle. She hesitates to begin with, but then chucks the liquid into his sleeping face. She was unaware he was faking. She throws his hands into her stomach, knocking her the ground. He also has the knife in his other hand the she slid to him earlier that night, but doesn’t want to use it. Aria’s gun slips from her back pocket as her head hits the harder part of Felix’s floor. He makes a dash for front entrance, leaving his new ‘friend’ behind.
“FELIX!” She calls, but her head spins a she raises it, feeling dizzy and nauseated. Her voice becomes distant as he quickly jumps down his glass steps that guide him down to the cliff-side of the river, and the dirt-track road that leads back to the city. He is about to jump into his car when he sees a police car and an officer wandering outside of it. The logic side of his brain assumes that he is here to question him on yesterday’s accident at work, but he needs the officer for protection from Aria. From the shade of the trees the officer’s face cannot be seen until he enters the sunlight, only a few meters away from Felix. His face is pale, wrinkled, and… dead looking. His eyes leak blood slowly as his rows of teeth bash together at Felix. Felix is silent, stepping away, almost falling of the short cliff into the river.
Aria has recovered from her headache enough to attempt to shoot the walker. She trembles, scared for her aim. What if she missed? She is far away, at the lodge entrance, and has yet to walk down the stairs to Felix’s level below her. She gains the courage to shot. She fires down, but the bullet of her gun enters Felix’s shoulder, not the walker’s head. Felix does not have time to scream, but dives out of the way of the police officer, who stumbles over and into the shallow river, dragged off downstream. Felix collapses to his knees, holding the blood into his shoulder with his hands. It does not bleed or hurt as bad as he thought it would.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t-“ Aria panics, rushing to Felix, he punches her around the face, smashing her to the ground, cutting her cheek.
“This is all your fault,” Felix grits his teeth. He knew it was the perfect time to attack her. She trashed his home, prevented him from helping his family, threatened his life and shot his shoulder. Also, he now knows she has no bullets left.
Aria pulls his legs as she lays on the floor, belly first, and he comes tumbling too. They both wrestle in the mud from last night’s rain.
“You, shot… ME!” Felix screams, but unable to form proper sentences during battle.
“I didn’t hurt you… I SAVED YOU!” Aria explains, blocking Felix’s attacks for now, “you would have died,” Aria shouts, punching his face with every word, “WITHOUT- ME!” Felix’s face begins to bleed from every orifice. The fighting continue for a good few minutes, until they are both camouflaged in blood and mud. They both fall from exhaustion, panting. They are both as injured as each other and lay facing the morning sky that shines through the leaves above them.
“I- was just beginning to like you,” Aria almost smiles, as her face bleeds.
“Why me?” Felix pants and repeats, “why me? Why my- house? Everything was going fine.”
“I’m Sorry-“ Aria cries, “I didn’t want- to hurt- anyone.”
They both continue to lay there, in the mud.
“You fought- well,” Felix chuckles, “I’ll- come with you. To, Norton Hospital.”

Ending music:


I don’t have any questions to ask this time haha! Just I’d like to hear you thought and comments!!! :P
My only question is, who do you think the main characters are most developed characters so far and why?
Next episode, we hall introduce two new characters, kale and Charity!!! I’m excited haha.
Points: 64 22 comments
Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 predictions: Apr 3, 2016

I think Nick will have trouble with his addiction, but will overcome it. I think the audience understand that for him to survive, he will literally have to quit his addiction involuntarily as drugs will soon fade in the new world.

As much as I don't like it, I think Alicia will bite the dust. I think out of the Clark family, she is the minor character and has been the least revealed to the 'real' world. Also I don't know if anyone else is the same, but I feel like the audience have tried to make her appear to kind and friendly and supportive. Robert Kirkman loves killing the good guys for an emotional audience #Beth #Andrea #everyoneelse

I think Strand will also die. He is so pre-occupied with surviving by using humans (Nick) as tools to survive, the others will eventually begin to dislike him, getting him killed.

Travis and Chris will survive I think, and we will get to see their relationship develop into a healthier one as people die around them, especially now that ***** is dead. Although, Chris isn't a major character and is seen to be quite weak, but brave. That is a deadly combination.

Madison does have potential, but I am still uncertain. I think she is strong, the strongest female by far at least. I feel like she's the new Andrea, and we all know what happened to her. I cannot see Madison surviving or dying.

I think Daniel will somehow sacrifice himself for Ofelia or his death will somehow encourage her too become stronger or be 'useful' to her in some way. Ofelia will use this to become stronger and survive in the new world.

What do you guys think if you've watched it?



Definite survivors:

Points: 34 7 comments
THE WALKING DEAD: This is the End (S01E04) Mar 28, 2016
Kara Allard, F, 24 ( Osiris)
Sky Lavenza, F, 8 ( Osiris)
Justyn Morin, M, 13 ( scooby0000)
Charlene Lester, F, 25 (Lee’s best friend) ( Icarus_Mark)
Lee Carter, M, 25 (Charlene’s best friend) ( Icarus_Mark)
Stanley Quentin, M, 43 (Payton and Adrian’s father) ( TheStan)
Julia Quentin, F, 42 ( Payton and Adrian mother) ( TheStan)
Payton Quentin, F, 17 (Daughter) ( TheStan)
Adrian Quentin, M, 13 (Son) ( TheStan)
Jesse Ferguson, M, 19 (Son) ( survivorken23)
Charlotte Ferguson, F, 44 (Jesse’s mother) ( survivorken23)
Peter Grey, M, 16 (Ikaris’ partner) ( tkoj555)
Ikaris Love, M, 16 (Peter’s partner) ( tkoj555)
Quinton Love, M, 16 (Ikaris’ brother) ( tkoj555)
Felix Kull, M, 23 ( MickyBoomy9)
Missy Hughes, F, 34 ( Alex’s mother) ( RyanAndrews)
Colby Hughes, M, 36 ( Alex’s father) ( RyanAndrews)
Alex Hughes, F, 16 (Daughter) ( RyanAndrews)
Josh Hunt, M, 29 (Missy’s brother) ( RyanAndrews)
Aria Luna, F, 21 ( Sportygirl22)
Mac Anderson, M, 19 (Kate’s brother) ( Macda27)
Kate Anderson, F, 16 (Mac’s sister) ( Macda27)
Molly Smith, F, 19 (Mac’s best friend) ( Macda27)
Sharon Anderson, F, 40 (Mac and Kate’s mother) ( Macda27)
Natalie Smith, F, 18 (Olivia’s sister) ( Coolkat)
Olivia Smith, F, 16 (Natalie’s sister) ( Coolkat)
( blatastic1234)

BTW guys I am taking a few people's advice and if you comment less, your character's will probably die off quicker than others. because when you don't comment: 1. I don't even know if you're reading. 2. I put hours into each episode, a 5 minute comment isn't much to ask. I even layout a questionnaire to fill LOL. But that doesn't mean if you comment, your characters are safe entirely, I can kill anyone, MUWAHAHA.

Adrian and Payton walk down the long and tiresome streets of the city. The roads seem awfully barren, about as half as many cars as there usually are at this time of night.
“Quiet…” Payton states. They both hold their chest for warmth as the rain still pours onto their unfortunate heads.
“Maybe we should just…” Adrian begins, but is interrupted by shouting and a strange glow around the corner. They both squint their eyes as they approach the orange glow, to discover a large building on fire. It was arson as they could see the committers on the streets in masks, throwing Molotov’s at the building. There must have been at least 50 people involved in the riot on the street, all acting rather paranoid or bizarre In Payton and Adrian’s eyes, “yeah, we should go home.”
“No, the police have it under control, look.”
Both Adrian and Payton watch for a moment in the rain and dark, until gun shots are suddenly fired and a police man drops dead immediately. The riot brakes apart running in every possible direction, melee weapons in hand. Adrian screams and instinctively runs to the subway stairs directly to his right. For Payton, time slows down as rebels sprint past her, along with police officers who chase them. Moments before she turns to run behind Adrian, a young man with a hood and black scarf covering his mouth stares at her. His eyes are glossy and bloodshot.
‘She got attacked by some homeless guy’ Payton thinks back involuntarily, as she continues eye contact with this man.
‘The women is staring directly at Payton continuously.’ Payton’s vision blurs as she sinks further into her thoughts and hears a distorted voice in the background. This voice shakes her arm violently until she reawakens into reality, the strange man gone.
“PAYTON!” Adrian shouts into her eardrums. Payton turns to face Adrian, barely able to make out each other’s face as the only source of light is the building on fire. Rebels and police officers still continue to scramble and fight over the street. Some even climb up lamp posts shouting ‘THIS IS THE END’. Adrian drags Payton to closest, yet safest area. The underground station. Despite being floors underground, they could still hear smashing and violence above their heads.

Charlene is still in the cold storage room within the science facility, deep underneath Norton Hospital. She has taken her gown off, revealing a grey tank top and has tied her hair behind her head in a sweaty ponytail. She is very stressed by the circumstances, and looks upon her final scan she has printed.
“Oh… shit!” She gasps, stumbling back a few steps. In her hands, she has photographed the process of becoming a ‘walker’. First, the brain dies, but only stem of the brain is reactivated, meaning whoever that person was, is lost forever. There is no gaining them back. Their bodies are essentially a body for the infection, a host.
“No, no, no, no!” Charlene prays to herself as her mind continues to spiral into anarchy. She just figured, the brain re actives after death itself, not the bite. The bite is merely a catalyst for death. That’s when she released she is in a hospital.
“I’m in a fucking graveyard.”
Charlene wastes no time grabbing a knife from the metal table beside her and pushing herself through the glass doors leading into the laboratory and walks down the long, dark hallway, which transforms into a panicked run. A few workers wonder what she is planning, giving her strange looks through the glass from behind their desks. Her vision is focused on a large red button beside the elevator doors at the end of the hallway. She pushes it.

The lights on the ceilings of the hospital flicker, until they shut down entirely. Quinton gets nervous, and grabs Peter’s hand for support. They both stand, looking down either hallway. It suddenly seemed very quiet as only ten minutes ago, it was filled with chaos.
“What’s happening?” Quinton asks.
“I-I don’t…” Peter stutters. The lights turn red, flashing on and off every other second. As Peter and Quinton focused their hearing, screams and a large hum, like a groan, could be heard very far in the distance of the hospital.
“Oh my god,” Quinton gags, as the screams become louder and more distressed. As the lights flash red, shadows of humans around the corner can be seen attacking each other, ripping flesh from the bones. Although, it cannot be seen directly. Blood trickles on the shiny marble ground, around the corner, into view.
Peter and Quinton both curse as they dash in the opposite direction in fear, to hear a much louder scream directly in front of them. The surgeon of Ikaris, Julia, is being attacked by a naked female walker.
Both Peter and Quinton panic, unsure of what to do. The groans behind them continue to get louder and more uncomfortable to listen to. While paralysed by fear, Julia is tackled to the ground, until Quinton plucks the courage to kick the lady off Julia, who rises with urgency, pulling the two boys into a large operating room behind them and locking the door with her key card. Once again, every time the lights flash red, a rotting walker’s face can be seen clawing at the door, hungry for flesh.
“What the fuck was that!?” Quinton shouts, kicking things in anger.
“I don’t know, but thank you,” Julia whispers in shock.
“Is this some sort of epidemic or something?” Peter asks quietly.
“I don’t fucking know! Okay! I don’t…” Julia cries, ripping her gown off her body. Her hands are seeping with blood as she had accidentally ripped skin of the walker’s body while being attacked.
“Did she hurt you?”
“…No. I… didn’t mean to. It just, slipped off so easily!” Julia stares at her hands in disbelief, wiping her hands violently on her trousers, hoping for the blood to disappear before she loses her sanity. The question everybody’s been wondering, Quinton dares to ask.
“Where’s my brother, doctor?”
“He’s in… operating lab 2a. Two floors down.”
“We have to get my brother! I can’t leave him!”
“Are you mental! Right now we’re safe, and so is he. I locked the room before I left.”
“You left him on his own?” Quinton shouts, “How could you!”
“People were watching him through the surveillance cameras, alright!? I’m sorry! But, the army will be here soon. It is priority to exterminate infection outbreaks.”
“And what will they do with us once they find us surrounded at every door with those… walkers, whatever they are! You think they’ll just let us go!? They’ll fucking shoot us DEAD!” More and more walkers build up at the doors and the lights still flash red repeatedly. The screams outside continue, occasionally seeing a poor human being attempting to fight back outside the doors. They are forced to listen to the continuous anarchy outside their safe-haven, refusing to open the doors at any cost.

The rain has stopped falling from the sky. Lee drives a police car, although he is not yet legally allowed to. But no one notices as most of the streets are bare. Luckily for them, Norton Hospital is only a few minutes away.
“Now spill,” Kara demands, “what is happening? That person, all these mental people!” Sky sits calmly in the back of the car, with wide eyes, listening to the conversation. Lee notices this and restricts his tone of voice to a sensitive one, considering how her parents died.
“There’s a bad… flu. It’s like the flu. It makes people ill,” Lee smiles, looking in the mirror of the car to find Sky who appears slightly cheered by his last remark.
“The fucking flu? Oh, I get it. A joke. No, come on, make me laugh,” Kara almost smiles, but Lee shoots a powerful look, resulting in her smiles disappearance, “this is more than just the flu, Lee.”
“How do you know my name?”
“You know you wear a badge, right?”
Lee turns a sharp street corner, plummeting into the city riots. Endlessly in each direction there are fires, rebels and police officers attempting to remain control, but generally failing. Shops have been robbed and the rebels generally wear mouth masks and hoodies to protect themselves from smoke and appear as a new sign of humanity. They chant “THIS IS THE END” while charging at the police officer car.
“LEE!” Sky screams. The rebels, rather than wanting Kara, Lee and Sky, want to vandalise the car as a rebellious message against the infection. They rock the car side to side as police officers shot them to the ground occasionally.
“LEE!” Kara also screams. Lee attempts to open his car door, but his strength does not match those of 3 who push the door back closed. The police car tips over onto its back. Lee presses down on the acceleration, accidentally grinding a human face against the car wheel. While still in the car, Kara, Lee and Sky lay on the roof. Kara sees hands reaching into the car windows.
“Lee,” she whispers, scared. They hands grab her feet, dragging her out the car in a matter of seconds.
“LEEE!!” She screams a final time before she is lost in the riots of Louisville. The streets are bright with fire and rebellion. Lee cannot think about Kara right now, but instead Charlene and Sky. Lee grabs Sky, throwing her out the car along with himself, but they exit out the opposite side Kara does. Lee carries Sky a distance from the car, rebels still brushing past at any opportunity. Lucky for Lee, he was not wearing a police uniform, otherwise he’d be dead by now. Sky whimpers on his shoulders, no longer able to see Kara, watching their car get stripped, burned and vandalized, only to make a point: “THIS IS THE END”. One woman, also wearing a hooded jumper, stands on top of the car, pulling her hood brutally from her head, death-staring Lee while she screams into the air, riling up the humungous crowd of savages. Luckily for them, the entrance to Norton Hospital is a few meters away with the large building towering over them, this sign reading ‘NORTON HOSPITAL’ flickering occasionally.

Alex remains under the blankets, with Justyn, who has begun to calm down. Alex holds Justyn’s hand, and if she is frank with herself, enjoys the comfort of Justyn’s hand too. The television has been turned off, a technique allowing Alex and Colby to be denial of the situation at hand. Colby has already locked every window and door on the bottom floor, almost immediately after Misy requested him to. While, standing, unsure of what to do, his hands find their way to the blinds, separating them with his fingers to create a gap to spy through. Luckily for his family, their house is in the suburbs of the city, away from all the conflict and riots. Although, he can see a strange orange glow and smoke of the city skyline. His eyes continues to pan the dark neighbourhood. Most people’s home lights are switched off. That’s when he sees her. A strange lady, with head lagging behind her body movement. Although their eyes do not meet, Colby is almost curious to watch.
“Dad, what do you see?” Alex asks, yawning. But rather than replying, he continues to face his back to Alex, staring, as if possessed. The woman has a bite mark on her ankle, with blood stained into her pyjamas. She wanders the street aimlessly.
“…Dad?” Alex asks, a tone of concern.
“It- It’s fine,” Colby whispers. As he is drawing from the window, his eyes resist for a few seconds while fixed on the walker’s movements. He switches the living room light off, leaving the room in darkness.
“Dad, what are you doing?” Alex questions, raising her head from a laying position of the couch, using her eyes to follow him around the room, “Was mom… right? Did you see one?”
“I, I don’t know. Can, you go find some candles for me,” Colby requests, “please, Alex?” giving her eye contact this time.
“Um, yeah sure,” she agrees. Wondering through the arch way, into the kitchen, she grabs small candles which she hands to Colby, she continues to walk upstairs.
“Hey, where are you going?” Colby asks.
“Bed? Have you seen the time?” Alex asks. Colby looks to see it is almost one in the morning (author note: ironically the time I am writing this XD).
“Oh, sorry, goodnight. Hey! Can you… um,” Colby scratches his forehead, “Take Justyn to the spare bedroom please?”
Justyn rises from the couch, and smiles at Alex, who guides him up the stairs and into the spare bedroom. The spare bedroom, like every other bedroom in the house, is on the smaller side. But Jusytn is appreciative.
“Goodnight,” Alex smiles, closing the door behind her, afraid to go to sleep as she wanders into her own bedroom in her pyjamas. She questions whether she will have the same dream about Mark again.

Josh, on the cold garage floor, is on his hand and knees.
“Josh?” Missy asks, standing at the garage entrance in shock, afraid to approach him, “…Josh?”
Josh does not raise his head, a patch of sick on front of him, mixed with blood. A strange groaning noise emits from his throat. His face planted on the floor in agony, but refuses to raise it towards Missy.
“Josh, look at me,” Missy cries, running up to him, trying to pull him up into a secure sitting position, but Josh’ body refuses.
“I need… my,” Josh gurgles as he hurdles another patch of sick to the floor. Missy runs to the cabinet in the bathroom, retrieving Josh’ pills to help reduce the symptoms of his cancer treatment, alongside a glass of water. The lights throughout the house, at this moment, flicker for roughly 10 seconds. But she ignores.
Missy, for the final time and all her strength, forces Josh to raise his head and opens his mouth with force.
“Swallow them, you son of a bitch!” Missy cries in anger. But underneath the layers of emotion, her anger stems from desperation for her brother’s survival. Eventually, Josh takes the pills into his dry mouth while Missy almost drowns him in the glass of water. The pills go down. Despite the struggle, Missy understands that while Josh wants to recover, it is hard for his body to accept and swallow the disgusting pills.
“It’s done, Josh! They’re down! They’re down! In about 5 minutes, you’ll feel better! Okay?” Missy cries, tears flooding and ruining her make-up. She sits on her knees, holding Josh in her arms. They both squirm while hugging as Josh squirms in pain, coughing up blood onto Missy’s chest, “OKAY? You’ll be okay, shh! Shh!” She cries, rocking Josh’s head back and forth. Colby stands at the doorway, frowning in discomforting, allowing Missy to opportunity to help her brother.

Felix sits uncomfortably on the stairs of his modern lodge house, looking out the window below into the shallow river. Burden carries on his shoulders and face expression as he looks out the window, ignoring Aria’s reflection.
“Get up… pussy,” Aria mumbles under her breath, sliding a knife across the ground to his feet which lay on the ground floor.
“What’s that for?” He groans, rubbing his face.
“The walkers.”
“Uh huh. You know, because I know who they are,” Felix laughs, raising his eyebrows, “The walkers. Sound like nice people.”
“Oh, shut up!” She shouts, attempting to make his house clean again by putting furniture back the way it was, “The walkers, those things that keep biting people.”
“Wait, what do you mean?” Felix’s attention is drawn to this sentences, taking a few steps closer to Aria. She does not bother looking at him, but instead loads her gun, pretending to fire it.
“The walkers. Walkers. A good name, I think. These ‘walkers’, they’re infected people. The bites is how they spread. If you’re bitten, you become one. They’re spreading over the city, haven’t you seen the news?” Felix is about to turn it on, but the house loses power entirely. Luckily, the lights from the city in the distance and the moonlight are enough light.
“I have to leave then! I have family in the city!”
“I’m sorry,” Aria frowns, “but I can’t let you go, I need you.”
“For what!?”
“I need you to help me get to Norton Hospital. My… father… used to work for the military and said the hospital was always intended to be a quarantine area in case of an epidemic.”
“So, I can’t leave,” Felix says louder, taking more steps towards Aria, who draws her gun nervously, causing Felix to retreat back to his steps, where he views the river once again, in silence. A few seconds pass as he gives her one last look, “I hate you.” For the first time, Aria seems sad, although Felix does not notice this. She quickly turns her head before she can, ensuring that the door is locked.
“We leave tomorrow morning.”

Kate’s voice is barely audible as she screams out tears, “she… HATEs m-me.”
“No she doesn’t, you know it’s just her drinking problem,” Mac reassures, pulling Kate in for a tighter hug. Molly watches with envious eyes in the corner. But Kate is unable to accept how Sharon has out casted her and bursts from her bedroom and out of the apartment and into the hallway of the apartment building. Sharon holds a wine glass in her hand, a single tear rolls down her eyes, starring at the city below, almost possessed by her own thoughts. She sees the riots below, fires being started in the streets. Mac quickly rushes out, following Kate into the dark hallways, followed by Molly.
“Mac, I’m scared!” Molly panics, as the hallway lights flicker on and off. Also, the hallways of the apartment block have a maze-like concept to them. Mac holds Molly’s hand, providing her a huge smile behind his back. Mac listen’s carefully to Kate’s footsteps, which Molly notices, and therefore interrupts with, “You know, she’ll come-“
“SHHH!” Mac hushes, “this way! KATE! KATE!?” He shouts dragging Molly behind him through the hallways. After about three corners, Kate can be seen jumping into the elevator.
“KATE!” Mac screams after, hoping to get her attention, but he instead watches elevator doors close on him as she cries in the corner of the elevator. He shoves his hand into the closing door, but at this very moment, the power goes out throughout the entire complex, leaving them in utter darkness. Molly still holds his other hand. Mac’s face is pressed up against the elevator door. He tries to pull his arm out, but where the power has failed, his arm is stuck in the elevator door by his elbow.
“Shit,” he whispers to himself, tugging harder. Kate’s cry transform into a state of worry, for Mac and herself.
“Should I go get Sharon?” Molly asks, letting go of Mac, “we need to get your arm out.”
“No, I don’t want her help.”
In that instant, Mac and Molly heard a strange growling sound around the corner of the hallway. Mac’s arm remains stuck.

Jesse yank the dead body off of his bleeding mother, who’s lips are constantly screaming in pain.
“I need- the hospital,” Charlotte gasps.
“No, no, no we can’t go. There’s riots, FUCK!” Jesse panics, although the tears have not begun for him yet. Jesse scoops his mother up in his arms, and leaves the house for help.
“HELP!” Jesse shouts in the centre of the street, “please!” Charlotte squeaks also. After about 30 seconds of pleading, their act did in fact grab someone’s attention. Colby’s, who lives about 3 doors down. He runs over, with a knife in his hand.
“ARE YOU-“ Colby says, but stops as he sees the bite mark on Charlotte’s shoulder, “shit, man.”
“Please, help us!” Jesse now cries, looking down at his mother’s top that is engulfed in blood, now dripping down his forearms.
“uh… yeah,” he nods in a quiet voice, “follow me, we have kids, so we’re going straight to our bathroom okay? We have bandages there.”

“Adrian!” Payton shouts, shrugging Adrian’s shoulder until he wakes up. Both their hair and clothes are still wet from the rain, “the trains here.” Adrian’s poor body is tired purely from the events of today, and just needed a place to rest, with his head positioned against his sister’s shoulder, his back against the wall and bottom on a metal bench. They both rise, and quickly enter the train before it leaves but noticing no one else enters, or is waiting for the train.
“that’s ours,” Payton states plainly. Both Adrian’s and Payton’s eyes and personalities lack individuality or humanity, sucked dry from themselves from what they have seen. Payton’s movements are slow, as she looks upon two girls of similar age to her standing, appearing a nervous as them, the other side of the carriage. They must have already been on.
“What’s happening,” Adrian asks. Reflecting on the day.
“I don’t know.”

The power suddenly shuts down, leaving them in darkness. The other girls scream, but Adrian and Payton only looks nervously. The car shakes along the rails, until they feel it detach and the car tips to its side. Adrian, Payton and the other two girls are thrown across the carriage like rag-dolls while screaming. The sound of metal grinding on metal screeches through their ears and the the smell of burning metal floods their noise. Shards of broken glass cut their skins and sparks from metal grinding against metal burns them also. The violent nature of the crash forces them to just  hold dearly onto any stable thing they can, until the carriage comes to one final stop, initiating a fire, the only light down the entire tunnel.
“PAYTON!” Adrian cries, trying to stand on his leg, only to scream. He sees a small bone poking from his jeans. He touches it, only to fell extreme agony.
“PAYTON!” He screams once again. Payton climbs vigorously over scraps of metal in the dark tunnel. They are both still inside the carriage technically, although it has hardly recognizable with only a few seats here and there still intact. Adrian’s body lays up against an intact wall, but a broken window. Payton still has a small splinter of glass lodged in her cheek which she rips out, only to bleed a little. They both lack words. Payton pulls Adrian to his feet, and he hopes alongside her.
“What’s… happening,” Adrian repeats, crying.
“I don’t know.”

“HELP! HELP MY SISTER! PLEASE!” They hear a Russian voice call. They stop moving across the rubble and scan the area. They find the girl calling them but with difficulty as her face is black from dust and smoke, camouflaging her into the wreckage. The fire burns brighter, creating a stronger contrast of light and dark in the tunnel. Payton and Adrian limp over, but still remaining distance. A desperate face asks, “Please, my sister, Olivia- she needs help!” Olivia, her sister, appears to be trapped deep under rubble. Only her head and chest are uncovered, the rest imprisoned by metal. Olivia appears seriously hurt, but the other girl has apparently only escaped with a few grazes.
“DON’T JUST STAND THERE! HELP US!” The girl cries.
“It’s okay, Natalie. Leave me,” her sister whimpers under the rubble, also with a Russian accent, now and again screaming as a technique of relief from the agony. As the fire grows bigger, it gets closer to Olivia’s legs. Adrian and Payton both notice a strange bloody mark on Olivia’s ribcage.

Sharon watches, while she cries, the entire city lose power and light. The power goes out in sections, the furthest away parts of the city holding onto their electricity an extra few seconds. With her eyes locked in a trance of sadness, she doesn’t react to the darkness of the city.

Ending music:

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Episode out of 10?:
Best moment of this episode?:
Thoughts on Natalie and Olivia?:
Who will die next (excluding Charlotte) and why do you think this?:

PLEASE COMMENT!!! HAHA! This is a long one, damn! You can thank me for such a quick episode LOL.
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