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Big Brother and online Hunger games. Walking Dead Episode 4

May 2, 2014 by DeathGrip
The group decided that it would be in their best interest to start moving again because whatever killed Jaylen probably isn't very far away. They started moving deeper into the forest until Beth stumbled upon something familiar, it was Allan's AK. Realizing that they were moving on one of the paths that Jaylen moved on they decided to go in the other direction. They kept walking until they found a road; it would be too dangerous to walk on the road so they moved in the forest about 10 yards away from it. They kept doing this for 2 days, avoiding hoardes of walkers and groups of people and killing any stray walker that happened upon their path (Jemima killed most of them because her weapon caused the least amount of noise). Connor also managed to find a machete stuck in a walker's torso and started carrying that with him. He said it was just like Jemima's weapon, but better. On their third day following the road they came across a gravel path branching out eastward from the road they were on. They decided to follow the road and after about a half mile of doing so they came accross a fairly large log house sitting in front of a small lake. The sight of it almost made Lynette cry as it was only thing they'd seen since this whole epidemic started that looked like everything did before it started. The lake was serene, the house had no boards or broken windows, and there was even a car parked out front that didn't look like it had driven over any walkers or been in any wrecks. It looked normal. This just made Carlos that much more cautious of walking into it. The part of Florida they had walked into isn't a very populated area but that doesn't mean that some houses are going to be able to stay completely normal looking without someone living inside of it. Someone that's very good at guarding themself. He had people walk the entire perimiter of the house (In a very police like fashion that he had taught them while they were on the road) and had them look in any window that was on eye level to see if it looked like anyone was still living in there. Beth and Allan were the tallest and thus looked in most of the windows and both agreed that the inside of the house looks like it hasn't been touched by a soul in the recent past. Everything was where you'd expect it to be in a house like this but there was a thick layer of dust over everything. As far as they could tell whoever owned this house when this whole thing started left and never came back. So they decided to walk inside (Carlos wanted to kick down the door but Anthony turned the doorknob and found it unlocked) they wandered the house and decided that this was a place that they should stay for as long as they can because it seemed perfect. It was big and no one seems to notice the gravel road leading to it off the main road so the amount of walkers and people they see should be minute. Connor proposed that they board up all the windows and doors first because as it was they were completely exposed to anyone else that might stumble upon the place (Plus Anthony had tripped and fell down a flight of stairs into the basement and found a bunch of plywood so since they have the supplies to do it they might as well. Anthony's ok, by the way...) They spent the rest of the day boarding up all of the doors and windows they could find and after doing so they rounded the house again to make sure they got everything Connor ended up finding a hatch that led into an attic so he went up there to see if there was a window they could turn into a peep hole. Jemima and Noah were downstairs eating dinner when they heard the boom, it was so loud that Noah could've sworn it made the walls shake. Then they heard a shrill scream that sounded like Lynette and they ran upstairs to see her standing below the attic hatch. There was blood dripping down from it and she refused to walk up there so Noah went first. The first thing he saw was Connor with a big hole in his chest and a hand holding a shotgun on the other end of the room so he immediately jumped behind group of boxes in protection. After sitting there for almost 15 seconds and not hearing a noise he peeked his eyes slightly above one of the boxes he was behind to discover that the hand holding the shotgun wasn't moving. He slowly crept his way over there to and found an old lady passed out holding the shotgun. Just then he heard people calling his name from below the attic door asking him if he and Connor were ok. He told them to come in and see for themselves. Everyone was horrified to see Connor with a shotgun wound in his chest. Noah got Carlos to help him carry Connor's body outside and finish it before he turned. Joyce further inspected the old lady and determined that she was dead. From what she could tell, she had been up in the attic the entire time with that shotgun, maybe even since the whole epidemic started. Her stomach was emaciated from lack of food and she seemed dehydrated. Joyce assumed that when Connor walked in the attic she had shot him and the shock of what she had done gave her a heart attack and she had died moments after killing Connor... Later that night everyone was trying to sleep and forget about what had just happened to their friend but Carlos and Allan were on watch. Carlos seemed stressed out while they were talking and Allan asked him why. Carlos said he was worried about Noah and this further confused Allan. Allan began to think about the conversation he'd had with Connor about who'd taken the drugs after Carlos told him that Noah was the one that made sure Connor wouldn't turn, and he could've sworn he heard him laugh while he did it....

DEAD - Connor
Walkers killed - 20




cool! :D
Sent by anthonyds__,May 2, 2014
this is so good!
Sent by workhardplayhard247,May 2, 2014
I love Joyce and Lynette.
Sent by Vanille101,May 2, 2014
Allan is like the leader ish aka me :3
Sent by GoodAllan,May 2, 2014
I've been enjoying every episode!!! =D
Sent by wym395,May 2, 2014
Sent by cjuddy,May 2, 2014
Lol, sorry XD
Sent by DeathGrip,May 2, 2014

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