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Big Brother and online Hunger games. Walking Dead Episode 7

May 5, 2014 by DeathGrip
The morning after Lynette had died at the group's house Carlos was packing his bags. Allan came down from his room and asked what Carlos was doing, Carlos explained to Allan that it was stupid to stay after all that's happened. Carlos said that the intruders have now scoped out the area and if they have more people at wherever they stay (If they have a place to stay) then all they have to do is regroup and attack them again when they're not expecting it, Carlos thought that they'd only lose more people by staying. Allan was evidently against the idea. Allan said that all they had to do was move their lookout spots around a bit so that the intruders wouldn't immediately know where we are if they tried to sneak onto the premises. Allan also didn't think that the intruders would want to come back after having over half their men killed without killing a single one of their group (Lynette was killed by a walker so it didn't count). Allan thought that moving would only disturb their quickly shrinking group and leave them more vulnerable for more death to occur, as many bad memories were in this house they just couldn't leave.
            Beth sat in her room staring at her crossbow on the floor. She knew what she had to do, if Noah didn't die then their group would just keep getting picked off. She just didn't know how to do it. She couldn't think of a way to adequately tell the group that he was a murderer and make them believe her (And also keep Noah from finding out that she was telling people. There's no telling what he'd do if that happened). She had to stage it. She had to make it look like Noah had been killed by a walker (She liked the idea cause she's pretty sure that that's what he did to Lynette). But she needed to find the right time to do it, and she needed to find the courage to kill a man.
            In the living room Allan and Carlos' arguing had gathered a crowd. It was no secret that Allan and Carlos were both leader-like figures in the group and thus their ideas clashed sometimes (Anthony said it was like the John Locke/Jack situation from Lost with more zombies). When Joyce walked in she took Carlos' side saying that she started to have nightmares about the people that had died in and around this house. She said there was just too much death here and that they needed to leave or risk insanity; Jemima also took Carlos' side for similar reasons. Anthony and Noah took Allan's side. Anthony said that if anyone would go insane in this house that it'd be him after Alexandria and that he was fine. He said that he felt safe here and that he never felt safe while they were walking by the road and that he barely got any sleep. Noah said that the thick brush and uphill slope behind the house was good protection from intruders. He said it'd be nearly impossible for the intruders to sneak behind their house at night without any previous experience in their woods in the daylight. Anthony suggested that they let the final vote go down to Beth and whatever she said the rest of the group would do. Everyone agreed that Beth had been the most reliable and honest person in their group since this epidemic started (While remaining eerily quiet for a lot of it at the same time) and that they trusted her decision almost more then they trusted Carlos and Allan's opinion (Which they both took a small amount of offense to but they let it go).
          Beth had almost convinced herself of what to do when the whole group burst into her room and asked her about leaving or staying. Allan and Carlos gave what they thought were the best points to doing one of the two and told her that since it was a tie and she was the only one that hadn't voted that she should decide. Beth didn't have time to think about this. She glanced at Noah momentarily knowing that he was the one she needed to worry about. She almost took the leaving side just to oppose him but decided that there was no point in that. She had to plan how she was going to kill Noah and putting thought into leaving or staying the house was just more stress that she didn't want to worry about. She told them all that it was a big decision and that she would need time to think about it so Carlos gave her until the end of the day, he said that was because he didn't trust spending one more night in this place so if they were to leave then they needed to do it before it got dark.
          Beth said that she would take a walk to clear her mind and wandered into the woods. This was apart of her plan to kill Noah, she was going to sneak around the woods until Noah came outside by himself and then she would kill him, take a walker out of Jemima's pit and make it look like Noah got suprised by it. Everyone knew that Noah had an introverted personality and liked to be alone a lot so it shouldn't be too long before he was outside doing something. It actually was a long time before beth saw anyone. She saw Jemima get water from the lake and Anthony chase a cat (He really didn't like cats and stray ones kept sneaking in the house to try and eat their food. He ended up tripping on the back porch and fell down the stairs... Again...) Beth began to get really worried that Noah was onto her, or that he was busy with a project inside and wouldn't come out before Beth had to make a decision on leaving or staying, he did say something about tightening his katana handle last night.... But finally he came outside with his katana. He set up a couple logs and began tapping them in differnt formations for practice. Beth lined up the shot, her hands would not stop shaking. Her arrow was already loaded and the safety was off, but the shot was difficult with her hands shaking this much. She had finally convinced herself that she needed to do this and wouldn't put another thought into any other plan, and she wanted to scream at her hands to get them to stop shaking! She was ready to kill...
             Noah wrapped up his katana practice and went inside to get a towel to dry off his sweat (It was like 90 degrees outside but they had no thermometer so there was no way of knowing). Carlos came downstairs and asked Noah if he knew where Beth was, Carlos really wanted to get going soon and he thought Beth had been given enough time to decide so he thought he'd make her answer a little earlier than he thought. Noah had no idea where Beth was and he let Carlos know that (But he called him Carl teasingly cause it really pushes his buttons) so Carlos began to walk out into the front yard to continue his search. He immediately ran to the backyard when he heard Jemima crying. Carlos and Noah were the first 2 outside to see 4 walkers scattered around on the ground. and Beth's mangeled body in the middle of them. After they managed to calm Jemima down and the rest of the group had joined them Jemima explained what happened. She said that she was making another water run when she saw 4 walkers hunched down in the backyard, Jemima thought that they had just gotten to one of the cats or something until she saw Beth's crossbow. She ran over and killed all the walkers and saw Beth's body on the ground, but she was still barely alive. Her stomach had been torn apart and a chunk of her face was missing but she was still holding on somehow. Jemima said she knew that she had to put her down but before she did Beth managed to utter her last words. Jemima told them that Beth said she wanted to stay. Joyce and Anthony led Jemima inside to comfort her while Allan, Carlos, and Noah went to bury Beth's body. They got finished after dark and went inside, Carlos said that he was willing to stay to respect Beth's last wishes and then went to bed.
            Noah went to bed that night wondering if he would've come inside from katana practice if Jemima hadn't killed Beth. Noah saw right through Jemima's sob story, she was a sociopath. It's nearly impossible to tell if a sociopath's lying, unless you're one too. Jemima had approached Noah the night Jaylen died and told him that they would watch out for each other because of what they are, she said that without each other the others would quickly find out what they were and dispose of them. So they had, Noah dug a trench for Jemima to keep her "Pets" in, he even built a little hatch that fell into a ramp that allowed Jemima to easily let the walkers out of the hole, he covered it in sticks and leaves though. In return Jemima was the brains of the operation. Whenever Noah felt like doing anything sporadic he always came to Jemima so that she could figure out a way to do it without being caught, all Noah had to do was be the bronze of the operations. He killed Lynette when Jemima asked him to after Lynette accused her of stealing food (She had done it to feed her "pets". Noah knew that it was unneccesary but he didn't want to upset her) and he would do it again. Jemima was even smart enough to see that Beth wanted to kill Noah and used that in her plan to get the group to stay at the house (She took the side of the people that wanted to leave so that when Beth died and Jemima told her supposed last words that people wouldn't think she was just saying it to get what she wanted).  Jemima hadn't told Noah about that last part but Noah was pretty sure of it, Jemima would never want to leave the house with her pets in the woods. Jemima was smart...

DEAD - Beth
Walker killed - 43
Remaining Survivors - Joyce, Allan, Jemima, Carlos, Anthony, Noah



This is so addicting!!!!
Sent by wym395,May 5, 2014

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