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Survivor Season Rankings #4 Apr 21, 2020
Season 4 (Marquesas) was honestly just a sweet cast. There was more of a 'family' feel to both tribes, even so far as having annoying siblings. The alliances TRANSCENDING the swaps was honestly so amazing. And the fact that the final 2 came from two different tribes, and were both women, was a huge first.

The Pre-Merge was kind of intense to be honest. A lot of people wanted to rule the roost so fast, and then they kept eliminating strong competitors BEFORE the merge. Boston Rob was a douche of a mastermind, and I can totally see why he was invited back again. Then the swap screwed him over, much like the four young'uns from the last season. When people who had all of the power on one tribe were eliminated on the other.

This was the first season, even though swaps were implemented beforehand, that it actually played into the alliances, and newer groups were formed. I really liked the part of the merge where Kathy, Vecepia, Neleh, Paschal, and Sean grouped together, it was AWESOME. Honestly I was rooting for all of them, even though the rest of the merge was pretty good competitor wise.

Now... Let's talk about the Rotu alliance. While I can appreciate what they were trying to do, most of the Rotu alliance treated both finalists like shit. The Rotu alliance was made up of people who betrayed, lied, and fooled all of the others. Some of them were EXTREMELY self-absorbed and just rude to everybody. And in the end, they would have been the final 4 if not for the mixed alliance that took them out.

As of the Final Tribal Council, I really didn't think either of the finalists would have won against Kathy because of the bitterness of the Rotu people, but I was NOT expecting the Rotu alliance to be such douches. John (biggest self-absorbed high-oh-his-own-horse prick of them all) voted Vecepia to win, I knew it was in the bag. Between the two of them, I believe both deserved it, but honestly I rooted for Vecepia more just because (As John pointed out) she owned her game, whereas Neleh tried to explain it away.

As far as the season / island as a whole, I found the finalists AND the island to be a bit lack-luster. They had no food, water, or fire, which I thought was AMAZING... until they started looking around. I mean my god. They had fucking fruit trees IN THEIR CAMPS. It's crazy to think about how easy they had it food wise. Part of survivor is starvation, but in this game it seems like most of the work was done FOR them by the environment. Few storms / rains, plenty of food and water, the only real challenge they had was fire and making a good shelter. That was it.


=== Best ===
Australian Outback (S2)
Borneo (S1)
Marquesas (S4)
Africa (S3)
=== Worst ===


=== Best ===
Tina Wesson (S2)
Richard Hatch (S1)
Vecepia Towery (S4)
Ethan Zohn (S3)
=== Worst ===


purplebb4 - Just cause they love tina Wesson
Survivor1998 - cause he commented on my last one XD if you don't wanna be tagged just lemme know

Do you agree with my rankings so far? If not, comment below and let me know what a dumbfuck I am :D
Points: 58 1 comments
Survivor Season Rankings #3 Apr 21, 2020
Okay guys, let's jump right in. Season 3 (aka Africa) was...…….. boring. I mean seriously, pre-merge it was FANTASTIC for me, but post-merge there were really so few highlights that I really just got bored of the whole thing.

Some spoilers for the uninitiated: The fact Clarence stole food day 1 and didn't get voted off until merge pissed me off. Comp threat or not, he was a thief.

Then the whole Samburu tribe was a fucking nightmare. I mean seriously. Four young'uns who would not do ANYTHING but lay around making necklaces banded together to take out the four hard workers, shamed one of them for being successful in life, and then cried WHILE VOTING THE OLD FOLKS OUT AND HAVING A GOOD TIME WITH IT because they were getting votes and would not survive a fucking tie. People, I was so fucking pissed.

When they had the series' first tribe swap, and both sides of that fucking foursome started getting voted out one by one, and were crying in their confessionals, I was SO FUCKING HAPPY!!! IDGAF IF ONE OF THEM HAD A FUCKING TOUCHING TRIBAL THEY FUCKING SUCKED!!! They DID NOT play the game, they literally acted like DUMBASSES, and were lazy as fucking hell!

Next up, we had merge. And the only thing I really remember from that is Lex's paranoia after getting a vote, which led to Kelly getting eliminated over the BS when she didn't even do it. And which then went on to influence the final tribal council.

TBH people should've targeted Lex earlier than that. He was SMART and he knew it. Then he kept winning immunity challenges. They SHOULD HAVE taken him out LONG before final 3. And the fact he only lost that one because of diarrhea is depressing as fuck. Still, I'd have rather had him as a winner over the two finalists. (Him or Frank)

Now... the rest of the cast is pretty forgettable. I had to fucking look up the winner's name and I just finished watching the finale like ten minutes ago. I remember the animal scenes more than I remember the people's interactions. Not even joking. Memorable season, but forgettable cast.

Current Rankings:


=== Best ===
Australian Outback (S2)
Borneo (S1)
Africa (S3)
=== Worst ===


=== Best ===
Tina Wesson (S2)
Richard Hatch (S1)
Ethan Zohn (S3)
=== Worst ===


purplebb4 - Just cause they love tina Wesson

Do you agree with my rankings so far? If not, comment below and let me know what a dumbfuck I am :D
Points: 47 2 comments
Survivor Season Rankings #2 Apr 20, 2020
Let's just jump right in. Mike would've won. Hands down. I cannot believe he got medically evacuated for something so... yikes.

ANYWAY onto the game. This season saw strategy play right from the get-go, a much better cast who knew the game and knew how to play it, and FUCK was up with that weather? It literally rained every tribal council for a LONG ASS TIME. And those poor castaways had to deal with the weather at EVERY FUCKING TURN. Everything from their merged camp being swept away in a flash flood to having to deal with forest fires, these guys had it ROUGH AS FUCK.

By the end of the game, despite having turned on their own tribemates (Kudos to them) I still felt bad when the winning group left only Elisabeth from the Kucha tribe, but I'm happy she made it that far. HUGE kudos to the Ogakor tribe for killing it. That first merge tribal literally set the stage for their victory (the two tied votes oh my god I was dying. I couldn't remember who got votes until they said XD)

As far as the merged tribe goes, there were SO MANY GOOD PLAYERS, and after the last game SO MANY OLDER PEOPLE XD

In the end of it all, I was VERY happy with the winner. Long live Tina Wesson. In my opinion, she deserved the win more than Richard from S1 just because she was against SO MANY PEOPLE who were playing the game, whereas Richard was one of only two or three people trying.

Current Rankings:


=== Best ===
Australian Outback (S2)
Borneo (S1)
=== Worst ===


=== Best ===
Tina Wesson (S2)
Richard Hatch (S1)
=== Worst ===


purplebb4 - Just cause they love tina Wesson

Do you agree with my rankings so far? If not, comment below and let me know what a dumbfuck I am :D
Points: 44 3 comments
Survivor Season Rankings #1 Apr 19, 2020
Kay guys! The first season of Survivor was FUCKING INTENSE!!! I mean holy crap on a cracker, it's like nobody STARTED the game thinking about the fact they'd have to eliminate each other. Without Hidden Idols and shit like that, it was crazy to see people simply voting to eliminate people they didn't like, only to end up with a final two they didn't want!

Now, it was kind of boring in the sense that only ONE real alliance ever existed, and with such a small cast they easily dominated. The final 4 (Kelly, Sue, Richard, and Rudy) were all members of the one single alliance that literally chose who went each week. However, Kelly betrayed them several times with her votes, only to have Sean (The last surviving member of their tribe besides the alliance) accidentally vote with her allies each time using an 'alphabetical' system of voting since nobody would talk game to him. Kinda ironic there.

As for the finale, I would say that people were very bitter towards Kelly and the alliance in general, as some chose Richard simply because he was the 'lesser of two evils' but in the end it turns out he was the mastermind and so it was hilarious from a viewer's point. XD Especially considering he did not think himself to be safe for SO LONG in the game, and was constantly downplaying his own achievements in his own confessionals.

In a way, this season had it's own twists thanks to the players, and in the end I am happy with the winner and the alliance. They stuck together even when facing adversity within their own ranks, and somehow made it all the way. VERY few alliances can claim as much in ANY show.

Current Rankings:


=== Best ===
Borneo (S1)
=== Worst ===


=== Best ===
Richard Hatch
=== Worst ===


Points: 29 0 comments
Can't Delete Mar 26, 2019
Points: 295 0 comments
Can't Delete Feb 14, 2019
Points: 265 0 comments