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The BolieverIsBack's blog

Posts 128 posts

Would People Be Interested In a 100-Person Fasting? Dec 3, 2017
I was thinking about this for a bit, and how I saw a 100 person Stars group game. Would people be interested in a 100 person fasting? I suppose it could be a frooks as well, but fasting would be so much easier. I'm curious if people think this is a good idea before I go ahead and do it, though. Let me know your thoughts.
Points: 70 8 comments
Boliever's Q&A Vlog And Face Reveal Dec 2, 2017

Ta da. Enjoy the video. Enjoy the face (or not).

Thanks to the following for asking their questions:
Points: 52 6 comments
Last Call for Questions for Q&A Vlog Dec 2, 2017
Get some more questions in, I'm about to record, you also all get to see what I look like for the first time ever, which is exciting.

The following people have already asked questions and don't need to do so again:

Anyone else have questions? Get them in in the next few minutes or so, I'll be recording shortly.
Points: 0 3 comments
Might As Well Do A Q+A As Well Dec 2, 2017
Not sure if I'm going to vlog or not, but I'll definitely do a Q+A and answer all questions. Ask me whatever you like.
Points: 55 6 comments
I Have Autism: Ask Me Anything About It Dec 1, 2017
I have an idea for a discussion blog here. We see a lot of jokes and comments here relating to autism, but I feel like half of those are in jest, without a lot of information about what autism is actually like, or how it affects people. So, I had the idea for you guys to ask questions and learn about it. Especially with a lot of you who are still in middle school and high school, maybe you haven't had as many opportunities to meet or interact with those on the autism spectrum. So I'll try to offer my perspective here. I expect some troll comments and questions, but any question you ask about me and my autism spectrum disorder, I'll answer it. Maybe something good will come out of it.

A quick background: I have a mild, high functioning autism spectrum disorder, diagnosed when I was 3 years old (I'm 27 now). I didn't speak until I was 4 years old, and I still have some chronic anxiety and what is referred to as "stimming" as a result of this. I can explain what that is later on if people are interested.
Points: 29 6 comments
Boliever's Blog Survivor: Sign-Ups Dec 1, 2017
Since the Blog Brother idea didn't work, let's see if I can get some folks in a Blog Survivor game. PYN to sign up. I'll take 16, 18, or 20 players, depending on how many people sign up. All immunity challenges and votes will be in this blog, and I will have hidden immunity idols. I'll begin as soon as we get enough sign ups. Good luck to all players.

1. BrainJak
2. gsatt12

Points: 10 3 comments