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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

(+/-) Dan Foley ~ S30: Worlds Apart

Dec 5, 2016 by BlueBarracuda
imageDan was a castaway on Survivor: Worlds Apart and was part of the Escameca (Blue Collar) tribe. He hit it off right away with Mike, whom were the de-facto leaders of the tribe. He got into an argument in the first few days with Lindsey, which led to her, Sierra, and Rodney wanting to vote him out. Despite being an early potential target, he enjoyed safety early on in the game due to Escameca’s winning streak and by the time Escameca went to their first Tribal by Day 11, he formalized an alliance between himself, Mike, Kelly, and Rodney, and together they voted out Lindsey.¬ On Day 12, the tribes were shuffled and Dan remained on Escameca with Mike, Sierra, and Rodney, while Kelly was swapped to Nagarote.  Dan attacked Sierra, fearful she was going to flip on the Blue Collars (gee, I wonder why). He gave an awful apology to Sierra after Mike urged him to, making it worse. In order to save Kelly, he and his tribe threw the challenge. Dan and Mike grew worried of Rodney wavering on them and bonding with Joaquin, so they got rid of Joaquin.

Dan made the merge on Day 17, with Kelly reuniting with the Blue Collars and Carolyn and Tyler deciding to work with them, giving them a decisive majority.  Their majority vote was turned upside down when Jenn played her Idol. Dan reached out to Shirin, who was on the bottom, although he told her she would never win, angering her and making her not want to align with him even more. He received four votes at the second tribal after the merge and frequently received votes against him at subsequent tribal councils. One by one the No Collars were systematically eliminated (Minus Will). At the auction, Dan, Carolyn, and Mike were gonna save their money for an advantage, but Jeff offered them letters from their loved ones and everyone but Mike agreed to take one. Due to social pressure, Mike changed his mind and got his, but this upset Dan and he turned on Mike. Dan ended up winning the advantage (an extra vote). Post-auction, Mike blew up Dan’s alliance, telling Sierra and Dan they were on the bottom of their alliance. Dan’s alliance vowed to get Mike out for his “betrayal”, but he went on an immunity run. They proceeded to take out outsiders like Jenn and Shirin, before having to turn on each other.  Mike was the bigger person and tried to restore his alliance with Dan, but Dan refused. In a ploy to get them to change their votes, Mike told them he was going to Idol Shirin, leading Tyler and Will to vote for Dan instead, which they apologized for. With Mike once again securing immunity, the remaining six in Dan’s alliance turned on each other. Dan was a huge target due to his advantage. The men voted for Mike, who played an Idol, negating Dan’s vote and voting out Tyler. Mike again won immunity at final 5, so Dan decided to target Carolyn with his extra vote, with Sierra, Rodney, and Will joining him with a 5 vote advantage. Little did he know, Carolyn had an Idol from early on in the game and she played it, and with her and Mike voting for Dan, he was sent home with only 2 votes against him, becoming the 13th voted out and the 6th member of the jury.  Despite their rivalry, Dan ended up voting for Mike after Mike unnecessarily apologized to him during FTC. At the reunion show, Dan got a lot of criticism for his sexist comments, including wanting to slap Shirin, calling Rodney’s mom a whore, and other scenes. Dan tried to blame the editing but Jeff pulled out the raw footage.

Dan is from the same hometown (Gorham, Maine) as Vanuatu castaway Julie Berry and was the oldest male on his season. He is the first castaway in the history of Survivor to vote twice at Tribal Council (not counting revotes), although he holds the records for most votes negated by an Idol in a season, with his vote not counting 4 times.  He played was ranked #1 in the “New Biggest Survivor Villains” of 2015 on Survivor Oz.

If you like the castaway, plus (+), if you don't, neg (-). Use your own criteria. Make sure you vote in all the polls on the blogs to the left. Let me know if you want to be tagged (or untagged).
Darbe coolnarwhal88 Timster  BigBrotherfan132 MJFJune  jakehou97 Rozlyn CrimsonEnnui Kelly0412 Olympia lassidoggy survivornerd konohavillage1 Philip13 MickyBoomy9  vh1luvr15 Badboyy2699 AmandaBynes RobbX2 tboss s73100 alwaysvictorious yswimmer96 DumbGinger TayBear17 Brandt69 C_Shizz96 Zed55 Judi jakehou97

#SurvivorWorldsApart #NoCollar #WhiteCollar #BlueCollar #DirtyThirty



Sent by Kelly0412,Dec 5, 2016
_Matt TheBenj14 Birew34 Rocketokid13 Nebula _Ravenclaw_ ziggyzaggy16 ClumsyConnor  hsb123 Mybash_
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Dec 5, 2016
He is one of the nicest contestants I've met in real life and the edit completely screwed him over. He engages with all Survivor fans and doesn't ignore anyone like a lot of the contestants do. I'm a fan, after the season.
Sent by Aquamarine,Dec 5, 2016
Aquamarine that's good to hear that he's not as bad as he seemed. You could tell how frustrated he was about it at the reunion, but I figured that was the typical "I was edited badly" reaction you see from RTV contestants. I recall liking him initially, but by the end, I hated him. But glad to hear that!
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Dec 5, 2016
I assumed the same thing but I've met like 100 reality tv contestants and he is easily top 3 nicest.
Sent by Aquamarine,Dec 5, 2016
Aquamarine who else is in your top 3?
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Dec 5, 2016
Sent by Jinxh,Dec 5, 2016
sabrina thompson
Sent by Timster,Dec 5, 2016
I'm gonna neg the fuck out of Will
Sent by MJFJUNE,Dec 5, 2016
MJFJUNE please do, make it -1000
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Dec 5, 2016
he's disgusting. I think Survivor strips you down to who you are, and he proved to be a horrible person. He can blame the edit all he wants, but he said those things.
Sent by __A__,Dec 5, 2016
__A__ I both agree and disagree with you. Fuck Dan for the stuff he said, he's a socially awkward, annoying grown man who severely lacks self-awareness and should (and has been) held accountable for his actions on the island.

The part I personally disagree with is how Survivor strips people down to their bare self. You go a month with a scoop of rice a day to eat, a few cups of water with dirt and sand in it, sleeping on wood next to strangers, probably having sand in your asscrack 24/7, NEVER being alone and having to constantly maintain your image and what you say and how people see you, and on top of that having to constantly strategize while paranoia eats at you constantly, you're not going to be the same person you are in your day-to-day life. You are GOING to be cranky. When you are in such a deprived condition, you are going to do and say things you don't mean to do and say.

I honestly don't think Dan is really mean-spirited, I think he's just ignorant as to the implications of what comes out of his mouth and how it comes across to other people. Doesn't mean that I like him or that he gets a free pass or anything, but if someone is not intentionally harboring malcontent I really can't harbor much against them myself.
Sent by DumbGinger,Dec 5, 2016
Hated him
Sent by M2thamax,Dec 6, 2016
24, -63 343
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Dec 6, 2016
Awful human being
Sent by RightToCensor,Dec 8, 2016

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