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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

(+/-) Trish Hegarty ~ S28: Cagayan

2ndNov 19, 2016 by BlueBarracuda
imageShe was called skeletor, psychobitch, anorexia, and Malnutrisha by her tribemates, but to her family of horses, she’s just Trish. Trish Hegarty. She was a castaway on Survivor: Cagayan and was a member of the Brawn/Aparri tribe.

Initially named the weakest member of her tribe following the First Impressions vote (by Sarah), Trish emerged as Tony’s right hand lady, crucial in helping him get to the end, due to her social game. She and Tony bonded right away, and the two formed an alliance with Sarah and Woo. Trish joined her alliance in attempting to throw the challenge to get rid of Cliff, although they failed.  A tribe swap occurred and Trish along with the rest of the Brawn tribe (minus Sarah) moved to Solana.  Trish immediately bonded with LJ over both being from Massachusetts and she also flirted with them. This led her nemesis Lindsey to become increasingly suspicious of her. When Solana lost their first immunity challenge as a new tribe, Trish approached Tony about going back to the Cliff-blindside plan, rather than keeping the Brawn numbers. Although Tony was hesitant, he agreed, and the two convinced LJ and Jefra to vote with them, eliminating Cliff and blindsiding Lindsey and Woo in the process.  Immediately following Tribal Council, Lindsey blew up at Trish and the two screamed at each other and Lindsey claimed Trish was bullying her. Lindsey went to the other side of the beach, worrying Trish. Jeff Probst was conveniently on the beach and she decided to quit the game.

Trish made the merge, down in numbers. They needed Sarah for the numbers, but Sarah felt excluded after seeing how close the new Solana was without her.  Trish was sick of her wishy-washyness and approached Kass instead after seeing Kass and Sarah argue. With Sarah not really on their side, Trish asked Kass to vote with the Solana alliance to vote out Sarah, which led Kass to flip with them, giving them the numbers.  One by one, members of the Beauty tribe were sent home, culminating with Jefra going home after Tony and Woo feared the women, including Trish, would band together.  Noticing how close Tony and Trish were, Kass was talking to Woo and Spencer about voting out Trish, which Trish overheard, so the two had a screaming match.  At Tribal Council though, her right hand man Tony joined the others in unanimously sending her home in a 4-1 vote, allowing her to become the 7th member of the jury. Trish voted for Tony in the end, even though she criticized his ethics.
Trish was the oldest castaway on Cagayan – yet she is the youngest women to be considered the oldest castaway of the season.

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Darbe coolnarwhal88 MMAjunkieX CrazyCourtney0 Timster  BigBrotherfan132 MJFJune  jakehou97 Rozlyn CrimsonEnnui Kelly0412 teamjacz  Olympia lassidoggy survivornerd bryantandf konohavillage1 Philip13 MickyBoomy9  vh1luvr15 Badboyy2699 AmandaBynes RobbX2 tboss s73100 alwaysvictorious yswimmer96 DumbGinger KatarinaDuCouteau Brandt69

#SurvivorCagayan #BrainsBrawnBeauty


Zed55 Judi AshlynArehart jakehou97 C_Shizz96 Birew34 Rocketokid13 Nebula RightToCensor _Ravenclaw_
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Nov 19, 2016
TheBenj14    ziggyzaggy16 ClumsyConnor Spencer_Bledsoe TayBear17 hsb123
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Nov 19, 2016
Holy Queen
Sent by SurvivoroftheTocans,Nov 19, 2016

Sent by Obstreperous,Nov 19, 2016
plussed fast
Sent by Patrick319,Nov 19, 2016
Queen of making crap people win
Sent by LoopyCoco1,Nov 19, 2016
Tony wouldn't have won without her. The only good move he did all game was getting rid of her.

I hated her while watching the season, but retrospectively, I respect her gameplay more.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Nov 19, 2016
Sent by BigBrotherFan132,Nov 19, 2016
Trish most come back
Sent by Funnehliner,Nov 20, 2016
Sent by Kelly0412,Nov 20, 2016

Ive met her like 5 times and have her phone number. Favorite survivor of all-time.
Sent by Aquamarine,Nov 20, 2016
Trish would have been the only oldest woman to not be a goat in the end in recent history. She would have won that season.
Sent by Aquamarine,Nov 20, 2016
I'm friends with her on FB and she's a sweetheart
Sent by RightToCensor,Nov 20, 2016
Loveeeeeee Trish!!
Sent by Cornelia,Nov 20, 2016
Queen of making Lindsay quit
Sent by MJFJUNE,Nov 20, 2016
Sent by Timster,Nov 20, 2016
It's spell Hagerty, but okay.
Sent by Loopspeare,Nov 20, 2016
Sent by ItsAustin,Nov 20, 2016

Autocorrect. :L
Sent by Loopspeare,Nov 20, 2016
Not according to anything covering her full name it's not
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Nov 20, 2016
Plussed tbh
Sent by Matt64,Nov 20, 2016
Sent by ItsAustin,Nov 23, 2016

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