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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Birds and Bees

Sep 3, 2014 by AsHe5
Nope, nothing to do with above-mentioned animals.

Girls are like a delicious dessert, perhaps ice-cream. If you savour it, let the taste and flavour of it flood your senses, let every single tastebud explore every contour of this yummy treat, and basically take your time in enjoying it, you would enjoy it much better than if you gobbled in down in a rush and suffer brain freeze. But what about guys?

Guys are exactly the same! Only difference, the stereotype by society is that they hide their emotions and feelings, and only open them to someone they deeply care about. Then again, this openness is not only restricted to guys, as girls would only let someone into the deep dark spaces of their mind only if that someone meant something to them.

Despite being a verbose person, I find myself struggling to voice my thoughts or feelings when face-to-face with a person. Reasons behind that, as many would agree, range from nervousness to fear. I'm nervous in how I would say it and what if I said it in a way that totally ruined the message I was trying to get across? Or what if I said it such that instead of being romantic/cute, it came across as sleazy or downright ugh? :O The horror! Fear is another reason; we are afraid of what the answer is. Imagine the scene where Harry approaches Cho to ask her out. Boy Who Lived. Awesome tattoo on his face. Nerdy glasses. Well, guess what? The answer was no, because someone already asked. Bummer. Don't you hate when that happens? You pluck up all your courage from the fringes of your character, and then, you are blown away with that simple answer. You feel devastated. So we have this scenario where the person you like says no, because while you were trying to get your words in the right order, some other beat you to it. Doesn't that make you feel like a total loser? Rejection is a bit**.

Oh, don't get me started. That was just the tip of the iceberg; there are worse situations where the person you like turns you down. The 'But I see you as a friend' accompanied with a laugh. The 'I'm not interested in dating now', and the nek minnit, you see them locking lips with some hot dude/chick. Or how about the flat out 'You're disgusting!' or 'You're ugly'? So many winners. There's even the improbable but possible situation where you get the answer 'no' and yet a person with the same name as you gets 'yes'. It's funny and tragic if that happens. Hmm, what else? Oh! Of course, the 'cut and run', where you excuse yourself to the restroom, and are kidnapped by aliens! 'Emergency phone call' about a varying number of reasons. This list is really inexhaustible.

Does anyone have any interesting stories to tell how a date ended, be it good or bad?


Nice blog. :3

I genuinely don't know what else to comment here. :X
Sent by Loopulle,Sep 3, 2014
Thanks Loopulle.
Sent by AsHe5,Sep 3, 2014

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