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Fire and Ice, and everything nice.

Posts 12 posts

The Creature Oct 7, 2014
Silver streaks appear in the darkness
Punctuating the dead cold blackness
A silhouette stirs, and watches
It's breath patient, it's teeth sharp

And then it strikes
Claws drawn, fangs bared
Bloodlust in it's fiery eyes
Frenzied, furious, fast, it rakes apart it's quarry


It's over
The prey is slain
What happened?
Thou have just seen The Creature hunt.
Points: 0 1 comments
Significance of word spacing Sep 13, 2014
imageThe friendzone. Dreaded or loved? Here are two ways to look at it.

You absolutely hate the friendzone. You make a move and all you get for your effort is a friendly wave and smile of thanks. Oh no no no NO! It makes you feel silly because you want to take the step forward and he/she is like, "Here, have a dollar. Now run along and get us both ice-cream". Who would like it if you wanted to do something and there's always that one person that says 'No'?

You love the friendzone. You can say the most inappropriate stuff and not ever risk having any ill consequences. If the person gets offended, leave. They ain't awesome enough to understand your personality. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose staying in the friendzone. Think of it this way, you get all the benefits of a 5 star hotel, complete with room service, all without having to pay (maintenance) or clean up the room afterwards. The friendzone is a great place for vacation!
Points: 28 3 comments
The end of the rainbow Sep 5, 2014
How everyone raves about the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. I don't understand why you would want a measly bucket of gold, when you are literally travelling on colours. Enjoy the colourful journey. It is the new form of gold.

How are bitches and jerks created? Why, by the very people that hate them. It's really simple. Girl/Guy rejects Guy/Girl, rejected Guy/Girl is frustrated and turns into the monsters we know as bitches and jerks (because being a nice person rarely haves you finishing in first place; there are always those who take advantage of your generosity and abuse it, ending ahead of you while you wallow in your 'kindness')

Everything is connected in this world. If I like something because of something else, it may come to pass that if I no longer like the former object, the latter may soon cease to hold interest with me. Or that I would just like the latter, ignoring the former.
Points: 19 1 comments
Birds and Bees Sep 3, 2014
Nope, nothing to do with above-mentioned animals.

Girls are like a delicious dessert, perhaps ice-cream. If you savour it, let the taste and flavour of it flood your senses, let every single tastebud explore every contour of this yummy treat, and basically take your time in enjoying it, you would enjoy it much better than if you gobbled in down in a rush and suffer brain freeze. But what about guys?

Guys are exactly the same! Only difference, the stereotype by society is that they hide their emotions and feelings, and only open them to someone they deeply care about. Then again, this openness is not only restricted to guys, as girls would only let someone into the deep dark spaces of their mind only if that someone meant something to them.

Despite being a verbose person, I find myself struggling to voice my thoughts or feelings when face-to-face with a person. Reasons behind that, as many would agree, range from nervousness to fear. I'm nervous in how I would say it and what if I said it in a way that totally ruined the message I was trying to get across? Or what if I said it such that instead of being romantic/cute, it came across as sleazy or downright ugh? :O The horror! Fear is another reason; we are afraid of what the answer is. Imagine the scene where Harry approaches Cho to ask her out. Boy Who Lived. Awesome tattoo on his face. Nerdy glasses. Well, guess what? The answer was no, because someone already asked. Bummer. Don't you hate when that happens? You pluck up all your courage from the fringes of your character, and then, you are blown away with that simple answer. You feel devastated. So we have this scenario where the person you like says no, because while you were trying to get your words in the right order, some other beat you to it. Doesn't that make you feel like a total loser? Rejection is a bit**.

Oh, don't get me started. That was just the tip of the iceberg; there are worse situations where the person you like turns you down. The 'But I see you as a friend' accompanied with a laugh. The 'I'm not interested in dating now', and the nek minnit, you see them locking lips with some hot dude/chick. Or how about the flat out 'You're disgusting!' or 'You're ugly'? So many winners. There's even the improbable but possible situation where you get the answer 'no' and yet a person with the same name as you gets 'yes'. It's funny and tragic if that happens. Hmm, what else? Oh! Of course, the 'cut and run', where you excuse yourself to the restroom, and are kidnapped by aliens! 'Emergency phone call' about a varying number of reasons. This list is really inexhaustible.

Does anyone have any interesting stories to tell how a date ended, be it good or bad?
Points: 27 2 comments
Relationships Sep 2, 2014
A female friend of mine recently had a breakup. It pains me to watch another individual suffer the pain of heartbreak because it is just so wrong. True, if things were working out fine and dandy, there would not have been a break up. But it really grinds my gears that the other party is so mean to cause my friend this suffering. Why couldn't you make her happy? Every other guy and I can see that she is a keeper, and that you can't even go the extra mile to do so? :( Girls, this situation would also apply to your guy friends who have had their hearts torn apart by their ex-es. You just feel this boiling hatred to that other person who caused your dear friend to be so distressed. Me? I feel like I wish I could step in and take their place. Just because I know I can. Because I will treasure you how you deserve to be, because you are a gem.

I want girls and guys to know, even though your heart is breaking and tears a-sheddin', there will be someone out there who will treat you like the prince/princess you are. If not, I will volunteer and be your prince (or princess! xD)
Points: 62 9 comments
Reasons Sep 2, 2014
Applicable to all genders, orientations, and all walks of life.

The reasons behind me asking you on a date:
1. You make me smile like an idiot and struggle to form a coherent sentence when you are next to me.
2. You say/do things that show that you care for me.
3. You are an awesome person, and I want to be a selfish bugger who just wants to keep you to myself
4. I think that you and I would be a fantastic super-duper couple that breaks all sorts of limits.
5. I think you are a keeper and I don't want to lose you to another who had the guts/foolhardiness to ask you first.

Reasons why I do want to ask you on a date but never did:
1. I'm shy and I have trouble expressing my feelings to you.
2. I have no trouble expressing my feelings but doing so would make me look like a fool.
3. I have an inferiority complex and I just... see you as being out of my league.
4. I know you are not wanting to date and/or you have much on your plate at the moment, so I don't want to become a liability that prevents you from achieving your dreams.
5. I have enough rejection in this world already and having one from you would shatter my tiny heart.
Points: 14 2 comments