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Blogs #Alyea



♥ DreamDoll ♥

14 Suha, Nov 24, 2016

All my friends that i care about
On order of my friendlist, inspired by ashszoke's blog
iamremedy - One of the nicest and most genuine people on this website < 3 I'm so glad we talk outside of games and you make up 90% of the undeleted read mail i have
LasVegas - QUEEN of my existence.  You are the EPITOME of someone i would vibe with irl, you remind me of so many of my friends and you're the first person I went on call with on TG
Frozenshadow09 - you've had so many accounts, I think i first met you on #alyea back when I was on my emmzx account, but eventually we reconnected on BR and ever since we've been friends.  We go BACK, and i vaguely remember thinking you were a straight brazilian guy for some reason but i'm stupid so that's probably why.  GET BETTER & HAPPY THANKSGIVING < 3
rollingderp - First friend on tg i still talk to, I've known you since you were like 13 and now you've grown into such a good person < 3
skyler1822 - i'm sure you don't need me to ramble on about how much of a good person you are because you know that, but always keep in mind you have a very positive impact on people's lives here and we really appreciate you
_Matt - I don't know how much english you can understand, But you are SO nice and you have such a beautiful personality,  the people who attack for for being brazilian are irrelevant, don't listen to any of them ♥♥
rperduex11 - We don't talk much but i'm always here to plus your spam and you're always there to plus mine.  You haven't given me a reason to dislike you so why would I? < 3
ashszoke - I wish we could slay more, you keep getting evicted in games LMAO.  Underrated queen of this website < 3 And cotton eyed joe has been stuck in my head for a week now
Roshy - DADDY.  You don't like a lot of my friends and a lot of my friends don't like you but I don't have a reason to dislike you.  You're a good person at heart and no one can take that from you.
BigBunny - frookies queen xo
Krisstea - You put a lot of work into spamming and i have no idea how but I hope you enjoy your gifts xo ♥
fabianoo - Also don't know how much english you can understand, but you are my BOO.  And I wish we could play more games together < 3
rozlyn - A shit ton of people hate you but I DONT, you're ICONIC and a bomb ass frookies player so why would I hate you?  Icons flock together.
captainzacsparrow - BGC bestie !
Violets - #TEAMQUEENS of slaying the fugly @DillionMac and @crestofshit together in that casting. 
Pegasus1234 - Icon !
amandaP - queen of slaying fastings !
teamclay - haven't talked in awhile but you're cool !
soccerproctr - Queens of..



2 fireandice101, Oct 24, 2015

i am halo183 and i used the account #alyea



0 fireandice101, Oct 24, 2015

I was #Alyea
aka ally Prescott

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