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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

♥ DreamDoll ♥

12thNov 24, 2016 by Suha
All my friends that i care about
On order of my friendlist, inspired by ashszoke's blog

iamremedy - One of the nicest and most genuine people on this website < 3 I'm so glad we talk outside of games and you make up 90% of the undeleted read mail i have

LasVegas - QUEEN of my existence.  You are the EPITOME of someone i would vibe with irl, you remind me of so many of my friends and you're the first person I went on call with on TG

Frozenshadow09 - you've had so many accounts, I think i first met you on #alyea back when I was on my emmzx account, but eventually we reconnected on BR and ever since we've been friends.  We go BACK, and i vaguely remember thinking you were a straight brazilian guy for some reason but i'm stupid so that's probably why.  GET BETTER & HAPPY THANKSGIVING < 3

rollingderp - First friend on tg i still talk to, I've known you since you were like 13 and now you've grown into such a good person < 3

skyler1822 - i'm sure you don't need me to ramble on about how much of a good person you are because you know that, but always keep in mind you have a very positive impact on people's lives here and we really appreciate you

_Matt - I don't know how much english you can understand, But you are SO nice and you have such a beautiful personality,  the people who attack for for being brazilian are irrelevant, don't listen to any of them ♥♥

rperduex11 - We don't talk much but i'm always here to plus your spam and you're always there to plus mine.  You haven't given me a reason to dislike you so why would I? < 3

ashszoke - I wish we could slay more, you keep getting evicted in games LMAO.  Underrated queen of this website < 3 And cotton eyed joe has been stuck in my head for a week now

Roshy - DADDY.  You don't like a lot of my friends and a lot of my friends don't like you but I don't have a reason to dislike you.  You're a good person at heart and no one can take that from you.

BigBunny - frookies queen xo

Krisstea - You put a lot of work into spamming and i have no idea how but I hope you enjoy your gifts xo ♥

fabianoo - Also don't know how much english you can understand, but you are my BOO.  And I wish we could play more games together < 3

rozlyn - A shit ton of people hate you but I DONT, you're ICONIC and a bomb ass frookies player so why would I hate you?  Icons flock together.

captainzacsparrow - BGC bestie !

Violets - #TEAMQUEENS of slaying the fugly @DillionMac and @crestofshit together in that casting. 

Pegasus1234 - Icon !

amandaP - queen of slaying fastings !

teamclay - haven't talked in awhile but you're cool !

soccerproctr - Queens of slaying astone together, have no idea why you gave into kaylabby's scabby pussy ass but keep in mind she's disgusting!

King_lance - #GANGGANGGANG You've stood by me through a lot and you're truly the definition of a loyal person, or at least you've been loyal to me.

tcold312 - Haven't satisfied my dick deprivation yet

Hawaiianbruh - Very social nice person < 3

Dreamdoll - Fuck you ugly trollop hoe.

jessloveee - Hasn't added me back but you're chill !

Badboyy2699 - Removed me from your friendlist but you're also chill !  You're public enemy #1 right now but I have no reason to dislike you so why would I hop on the bandwagon



Love you.
Sent by Badboyy2699,Nov 24, 2016
omg i love u so much < 33333
Sent by _Matt,Nov 24, 2016
Awwww thank you!! < 3
Sent by Pegasus1234,Nov 24, 2016
Ily hun hmu sometime in pm and I'll give you my snap Skype or anything else then we can chat happy turkey day
Sent by teamclay,Nov 24, 2016
love u boo
Sent by Roshy,Nov 24, 2016
ily queen < 3
Sent by ashszoke,Nov 25, 2016
LOL We did much more than slay, we roasted his ass around the campfire Happy Thanksgiving ;)
Sent by soccerproctr,Nov 25, 2016
Sent by jessloveee,Nov 25, 2016
awww thank you ^.^
Sent by skyler1822,Nov 25, 2016
Add me back on Skype and I will :P
Sent by tcold312,Nov 25, 2016
Love ya sis!
Sent by Violets,Nov 25, 2016
thank you Queen
Sent by BigBunny,Nov 25, 2016
"now you've grown into such a good person < 3"
good person? ok werq
Sent by rollingderp,Nov 25, 2016
Aww Suha, you're so sweet
Sent by Krisstea,Nov 25, 2016

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