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V&W S3: Galápagos Island Confessionals

Topic » V&W S3: Galápagos Island..

1506 days ago
Day 8: Mike E. // Survivor8

Another day of people barely talking and I can’t tell if it’s because Nadi is the easiest bote of all time of if people are planning shit behind my back.

Anyways, obviously the vote is for Madi. She just seems like an easy vote and Jake & I could have numbers for whatever move we want next depending on like advantages and what not.

She did want to add Brian to SwapAgusto but like it was too late and she didn’t give us a name to vote so like...
1506 days ago
Day 8: Jake B. // Lemjam6

*flips vote*


Just in case something weird comes up at tribal, I gotta keep my Azul members safe.

*places vote in urn*
1506 days ago
Day 8: Jake B. // Lemjam6

I feel like I've been the one really leading the Madi vote. It's a safe, but sometimes the safe vote is also the smart vote. I think not ruffling feathers is the perfect move here if Azul is going to eventually take control.

I'm starting to get an uneasy feeling that Alcedo might be making a move, which I would understand. I think that would be the right call and Brian has been kind of stand-offish to me which unusual. Maybe I'm getting in my own head, but I'm starting to feel the paranoia. I'm immuned, but I do want to keep Azul safe.

Me and Britt decided to throw two votes on Sagar in case everyone actually was voting Madi and she somehow found an idol. I doubt that dumb bitch has an idol, but you never know. No harm in throwing two votes. If Alcedo was making a move, our two votes would not make a difference.
1506 days ago
Day 8: Brittany J. // LaFierceBrittany2

Coming back to camp knowing that almost everyone voted out Caleb is good and bad. Good because everyone was on the same page and bad because everyone was on the same page LOL I really thought it was going to be Azul vs Alcedo but I’m guessing that’s not a thing? Which, I think is sketchy because Jake is preaching “Azul Strong!!!” and it seems like everyone else is in on the plan anyway... people have been telling me that they know Brian, Jake, Sagar and Mike are close outside of the game and that they’re in an alliance together. Now, this isn’t good for me because I’m in an alliance with Mike and Jake but if what I just said is true, I’m definitely not in their plans for final 3.

I kind of want Madi to stay and in turn, take out Sagar or Brian but I honestly think it’s too soon for all of that. Especially since Madi is nowhere near the top of my allies list. I do think it’s better to throw a couple of votes on another person in case an idol is played if someone is being sneaky. I know the majority is going towards Madi but I want to keep my game safe, if it is on the line because I know Sagar and Brian are going to want me out sooner than later. People have told me that they haven’t heard my name so I gotta trust them.

*writes Sagar’s name on parchment*

This is in case an idol is played. I would rather it be you than me and if the word gets out that I threw one on you, then so be it. I was a target on your list before anyway. You’re good At the game and this is just to scare you a bit, I hope Madi doesn’t have a big mouth and doesn’t RAT me out LMAO. This game is going to get interesting after tonight.
1506 days ago
1506 days ago
Day 9: Kai L. // streamxx

CF: now that madi is gone and we’re at final 10 I think it’s time for me to start finally trying to make a move. Mike said he wanted jake out soon, but I think it’s ideal for me
NOT to do that whilst jake trusts me. Brian has hardly spoken too me but has spoken too a lot of other people so he probably is my target for the upcoming round!
1505 days 14 hours ago
Day 9: Michael Z. // FairyBoss

So...since they're just hanging there and I'm too pretty to hang for few hours I'll just make a confessional!

So...another bad day for me...what a surprise :) Lost my vote AGAIN. Just bought tons of plastic straws so fuck u turtles.

But anyway, the first time I lost my vote I used is as a bonding strategy. I told them to people so they knew I trusted them. It was risky but at the end of the day I gained few good allies. So I did the same thing again. I told Britt and Kai about it. I think they trust me more and more with everyday.

My relationship with Kai can be described as 2 gay quarantine...lonely...flirting...but working together! So that's an interesting dynamic. With Britt I only talk about strategy, but I really need to bond with her more and personal level so she trusts me even more.

But ya, Daniel came up with the idea to vote out Madi, easy vote, I was down for it.
Idk why Sagar got 3 votes lol Idk whats going on with that.

I actually talked to Sagar and Jayson today too. I made an agreement with them that we need to stick together so we can vote out Jake's alliance. Daniel apparently talked to them too and it kinda looks like we may vote someone from Jake's side this tribal.

The only thing that worries me is that I have an alliance with...everyone but Jake and Mike. So...that's a dangerous situation to be in lol, but I'm working my ass off to stay alive and win this thing!
1505 days 14 hours ago
Day 9: Kai L. // streamxx

CF: me and Michael are getting closer and closer as we speak all day everyday!!!??? but for this round I’m going to try and pull in Jayson Ryan & Britt (people who ive spoken too and trust me) and split up mike / jake / Brian / sagar, because they are lowkey running things rn.
1505 days 7 hours ago
Day 9: Kai L. // streamxx

CF: I’m really working my social game this round too target Brian, I really don’t like him.. I feel like he’s just sheeping jake, and players like him will be the reason jake goes further & further. I’m talking to jayson, britt, Ryan, Michael & myself.. but we need a 6th to know for sure he will go, but I’m trying to do it as low key as possible. MESS INCOMING
1505 days 3 hours ago
Day 9: Ryan T. // Eclipse9

conf: no one responded to my message that i posted on the azul strong chat.

something is up. when i messaged sagar about last vote he ignored me completely (didn’t even read my message). what the hell man? that’s just uncool. he’s literally the only person i would not give my vote to if he makes it to the FTC.

right now, i’ve outlined a decoy plan of daniel/sagar. in actuality, kai came up and asked me about taking brian out instead, to weaken Jake’s numbers as fast as possible.

problem is, we only have 5/10 people for this vote. Jake is now in the den and if he wins an advantage (extra vote) this entire vote can be blown to pieces. i am for one just praying he fucked something up there and lost his vote.
1505 days 3 hours ago
Day 9: Mike E. // Survivor8

Okay I was thinking maybe I was getting soft for my old age of 28 because I like everyone left and legitimately don’t want to lie and vote someone off now, BUT someone if fucking lying to me and that changes everything. So either Brittany/Kai/Ryan are voting Brian without telling me (which isn’t a huge deal, he’s not my closest ally, but you gotta include me). To quote the great Nairobi “Soy la puta ama” ... I’m the fucking boss.

I’m going to hit everyone up and find out what’s the truth and make sure I pick who is going home. If I decide Britt/Kai/Ryan are trying to pull a fast one, I’ll end Ryan today. I want to save my extra vote as long as I can, but if my aggressiveness puts the target on my back I may need to use it.
1505 days 3 hours ago
Day 9: Brittany J. // LaFierceBrittany2

So this is the round where I start getting to know people’s relationships with one another. Everyone is kind of clumping Mike, Jake and Brian together with Sagar as a number with Kai and Michael being a duo (me as their not so obvious trio) while everyone else is being a lone soldier and just going with the flow? Something is in the works tonight and I really hope word doesn’t get out that I’m in on it. Lines will be drawn tonight and the sides will be transparent which will force people to show their cards. I’m aligned with lots of people still left in the game so it’s going to be tough moving forward but I have to do what’s best for me this time around, Im going to prove that I am a good player. I will make it to the final 3, I’m manifesting it now!!

Me, Kai, Ryan, and Michael are voting Brian tonight with Jayson and Daniel being brought into it as well. I, however, don’t really trust that Jayson or Daniel will keep their mouths shut about the plan so I’m a little worried about being thrown under the bus. Risks have to be taken, though, and this is the only time we can make a move this big before getting outnumbered by the challenge beasts.
1505 days 2 hours ago
Day 9: Jake B. // Lemjam6

I did stay on for around 10 hours yesterday to win immunity and it was an amazing feeling. I know I’m a threat in this game and Survivor is always changing. I didn’t think I NEEDED immunity but in a fluid game like this, if I can be safe I’m gonna be safe. I think it put an even bigger target on my back winning two in a row especially this one, but I’m not here to play down my target. Sagar is playing down his target and trying to act incapable in challenges, but I know him better than that.

And wow am I happy I have immunity. Everything hit the fan today. I woke up late, but I was filled in quickly. Apparently Kaya/Britt/Ryan/Michael tried making a move against Brian. Kaya was dumb enough to tell Jayson (Brian’s friend) and it got leaked. I wanted us Azul to stick together to take out an Alcedo, but clearly we all have different agendas. Anyway, Jayson leaked the plan to Sagar who told Mike who told Me. And what did I do? Run back to Kaya. I trust Kaya and although he was coy with me he ended up spilling everything. He has an F2 with Michael and an F2 with Ryan AND he has an idol.

I heard he had an idol and hmph...I can do damage with that. I make a chat with Ryan/Kaya/Britt and tell them they’re all in danger. I know they won’t want to go to the end with me, but I like to keep multiple avenues open. This game has so many friendships it’s hard to keep track.

Then I look at Sagar. Sagar is friends with Daniel. Sagar is friends with Brian. Sagar seems relatively close with Jayson. Sagar and Mike ARE close. But I’m not friends with Sagar.

So then I think well if I can vote with my alliance but somehow get the “misfits” to use their idol and vote Sagar then I just took out my biggest adversary in the game without having to write his name. Sagar may be loyal to me short term, but I’m not in his long term plans. If the misfits were smart they’d use their idol and take out Brian. But I’m hoping I can convince them to do my dirty work for me and get Sagar out of this game.
1504 days 20 hours ago
Day 9: Jake B. // Lemjam6

There are so many ways this plan can backfire. Idiot Kaya wants to use his idol on imagine. Or if they use it correctly and take out BRIAN that completely destroys my game. Hopefully they just listen to me. I obviously know it won’t stay a secret that I leaked the vote, but I’m still going to try my best!
1504 days 20 hours ago
Day 9: Mike E. // Survivor8

Alright so I told Jake about the Brian vote and obviously chaos broke out. I convinced Brittany to keep the vote as Brian, but say it’s Sagar because I can see Jake trying to blindside Sagar. It seems like Kai was the leader of the pack in voting Brian and not telling me, but based on his reaction about everything I feel like I can trust him after today still as long as I survive.

There’s a lot of sneaking and lying AND I think I’m the only one who knows everything happening, but it was so chaotic that I could be voted out. Who knows. I heard every name except mine today, so that would be an iconic way to kill me off. Either way Soy la puta ama!

I decided we should vote for Ryan because I trust him least of Kai/Britt and I think he has an advantage that he didn’t tell me about when asked so if he’s blindsided he wont use it or an idol. Brittany continues to say the vote is Brian, so really as long as it’s not me whatever.

I’m praying it’s a Ryan blindside, but I did want to play off like I voted in minority and won’t be able to. If it’s me I want someone to come kill me

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