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V&W S3: Galápagos Island Confessionals

Topic » V&W S3: Galápagos Island..

1530 days 1 hour ago
Day 5: Jake B. // Lemjam6

As the number of players continue to dwindle, the stress level rises. The merge is a scary place and I know it can come at any time now. Merges can occur at...13...12...11...10...9 really it can be coming at any point and that's when the game really begins. The merge does give me great anxiety because my name is always thrown around as a target because I am a threatening player. It's hard to avoid your target at the merge. When you're part of a tribe you can use your strengths as an advantage, but when you start playing an individual game, your strengths are viewed completely differently. People are looking for any reason to vote someone out and keep themselves safe.
1530 days 1 hour ago
Day 5: Bubba G. // Duffybutt11

Confessional #4:

Fuckkkkkkkk My luck is up.. I literally thought that because I found that idol with nothing but pure luck, maybe lady luck would be in my corner for the Turtle Den, unfortunately that costs me my vote. I am really scared because I have no idea who the target is going to be. I am hoping that there is no idol out there and Caleb and Aidan can vote out Jayson no problem. Jayson has already voted for me once.. so i know he will have no problem doing it again. I know he has allies and that he is only playing the short game with me and Caleb. I do not trust him and I dont want to let my guard down so no one can say they blindsided me. I am trying to make Aidan and Jayson feel as safe as possible so that no voted come me or Caleb's way. I suck at pretending to care about people and carry a genuine conversation, but it becomes easier when you know the person is being fake right back to you.
1530 days 1 hour ago
1530 days 1 hour ago
Day 6: Bubba G. // Duffybutt11

Confessional #5:

Fuck Caleb.

Confessional #6:

Sits on Rock and Cries

I am pissed.. I think it was kinda obvious what was happening with my tribe.. I think those two are working together and threw the fucking challenge. I am pissed. Caleb flipped his vote last second without telling me or anything.. He said that jayson told him he was playing an idol.. I mean WHAT THE FUCK, I knew Jayson didnt have an idol, or if he was he wasnt going to play it! A part of me thinks that it is just a cover story to keep my trust.. I just want to make it one or two more tribals because once I hit the merge I am going to fuck some of these people up. I am so fucking pissed. If I get voted out I will literally walk 500 miles through corona infected streets to cut a bitch.. i need some damn yoga or something right now

Me @ My Tribe

Confessional #7:

Right now, I am talking to Caleb trying to build that bridge and Jayson trying to convince him that I am on the bottom. Now. If those two are working together than I might as well just lay down and die.. There is not much wiggle room when there are only three people voting..They both are making me feel cozy, both acting like they want to work with me, but I am not new to this game, tengaged, or this game played ON tengaged.. People are snakes, all of them.. including me, so I have to listen to my gut and assume they are both together. The only power I have is my idol nullifier, but that wont do shit if they are together because they know I dont have an idol. I am hoping that maybe I can get leverage with Jayson to vote with me.. I mean nothing too crazy, but just build that ego, stroke it, I keep mentioning the Idol play kinda like that guilt thing.. "You voted for me without even talking to me" "I am loyal, I was never given the chance", like some of that shit.. Idk how this will all play out, but if I get voted out... I better be back for Second Chances..cause these bitches suck
1530 days 1 hour ago
Day 6: Jake B. // Lemjam6

I'm sad to see Aidan go, he was confident he was staying. Not it's 8 OG Alecdo vs 5 OG Azul that is not looking good for when a merge comes. I hope I'm not responsible for Aidan getting out after the information I relayed to Jayson, but I needed to build a bridge. Azul are dropping like flies and I need to get some Alcedo on my side if I want any chance at winning this.
1530 days 1 hour ago
Day 6: Caleb J. // CalebJustLeft

Ok so I think I am a tribe killer. Because ME ENTIRE TRIBE IS GOING. I mean there were only 5 of us but the weakest five got put together. But call me an anchor because this boat SANK.

So last tribal I lied to Bubba and told him jayson threatened me with an Idol so I had to flip. Now that sounds like a shitty lie, well it is!!! I know it is but Im gunna keep lying lol. I think im closer to Jayson and Bubba than they are to each other so im going to ride that boat and see where it takes me. Jayson is a Tengaged "legend" and has been around for a while so i am scared he will flip to Jake's group the second he gets a chance. but Bubba is loyal to Madi and I think i want them on my side. Its hard to gauge where everyone is when they are on separate tribes. I dont right now see a path for me to the end so Im going to have to play scrappy.. I think I will be a target going into merge if I make it..... <3

Michael is my #1. His soft beautiful eyebrows sucked me in and I couldnt help but trust him! We only trust each other. If I dont win Michael HAS TOO.
1530 days 1 hour ago
Day 6: Bubba G. // Duffybutt11

Confessional #8:

So I am just thinking about everything that has happened since the swap, and something Caleb said earlier. He told me that he and Jayson were working together on the original tribe. I don't know for sure how he meant it, but to me.. It seems like I am a goner this vote. I have tried to convince Jayson that I am voting Caleb.. and Caleb that I am voting Jayson...but truthfully, I really don't know who I want out more. I don't trust either of them right now, and I just want to make it to the merge so I have more options than A or B to work with. I am convinced they threw that challenge, I mean Caleb barely posted shit, and some of Jayson's answers seemed like really off base.. like where was tea invented.. he said SPAIN!? Hell they probably invented Sangria, but no damn Tea... I am just so frustrated and I want this tribal to end asap.
1530 days 1 hour ago
Day 6: Kai L. // streamxx

CF: winning the past few challenges as a tribe has been great, having the chance to form more relationships & better relationships with my original tribe members on the new tribe is great.

CF: I feel a little on the outs on my tribe atm so I’m trying to socialise as much as I can, it’s clear Brian is trying his best to try and work britt just in case we go to tribal which is annoying because he’s hardly spoken too me but..
1529 days 21 hours ago
Day 6: Ryan T. // Eclipse9

conf: sad to see aidan go because he was one of the people i was working with, but this early in the game as long as it ain’t me im good. i am expecting bubba to get voted out in this vote because firstly, the other two alcedo voted against him in tc3, and also because caleb is a freaking snake. im hosting SSG right now and the only thing he’s proving to me is that he is the Skype version of angelina keeley - in terms of making too many unnecessary moves. i want him gone first chance i get, but im gonna wait on it first and pretend like im good working with him.

i am expecting a second swap tomorrow, just because this is v&w tradition to have 2 swaps and you probably wouldn’t want alcedo to get completely decimated. just hoping in that case i get swapped to a strong tribe, because right now with potentially 2 allies gone i am definitely in big trouble without the majority and many connections. and the idol is just too hard to find despite having so many advantages in knowing which slots have not been picked yet.
1529 days 21 hours ago
Day 6: Ryan T. // Eclipse9

conf: i can’t control the game right now. it will just end up making me a huge target into another swap and the merge
1529 days 19 hours ago
Day 6: Jake B. // Lemjam6

Well...we won again! I'm sad that Aidan got out, but as long as it aint me. I think that Jayson will go now which sucks because he was he only person I have been talking to on that tribe. Ari, Aidan, and Jayson are so dumb. They should have stuck together.

I know that Jayson/Brian/Daniel/Sagar have a final 4 alliance because Brian stupidly told me and he said that Jayson asked them all to throw today. Daniel may say he didn't throw, but based on his performance I'm not too sure I believe that. I scored every point for my tribe and I'm sure that put a bigger target on my back for merge.

I think everyone is expecting the merge soon and I don't feel confident going in...
1529 days 3 hours ago
Day 6: Kai L. // streamxx

CF: finding the idol is definitely beneficial too my game as I feel on the outs on my tribe, hopefully a tribe swap or merge is soon, so I feel more confident with my position in the game. I’ve not told anyone I’ve found the idol as i don’t trust anyone that much atm to confide in them.
1529 days 3 hours ago
Day 6: Mike E. // Survivor8

Okay we won another immunity. Feel like Daniel tried throwing, but nonetheless afterwards expecting a merge I asked if he’d be down to keep the tribe together. Specifically everyone except Madi cause shes boring. We agreed to work together, but doubt either of us really trust that. Should work as an early buffer though
1529 days 3 hours ago
1529 days 3 hours ago
Day 7: Ryan T. // Eclipse9

conf: didn’t expect a merge, but it’s welcome. there is definitely a big alliance of alcedo, as shown when they all targeted me thinking it was a good idea. BUT YOUR BOY WON IMMUNITY!

rn we have to get 2 pool to flip on alcedo if any of us want a chance at winning this game

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V&W Survivor Confessionals

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