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V&W S3: Galápagos Island Confessionals

Topic » V&W S3: Galápagos Island..

1529 days 6 hours ago
1529 days 6 hours ago
Day 9: Ryan T. // Eclipse9

final conf: i got gotten. i should’ve trusted my gut to push for a smaller irrelevant target to go home first and make time for my move but it just didn’t work out.

^also because my stupidity caused me to listen to kai. knowing better i should’ve pushed for him to play the idol on me. and also a mess of a self vote lol
1529 days 6 hours ago
Day 10: Jake B. // Lemjam6

I am LIVID. Kaya is so dumb. If they trusted me, they would still have Ryan here. I'm kinda happy they didn't because they ended up voting Brian instead of Sagar. I'm starting to think I'm not in too great of a place. I know my plan is going to get leaked to Sagar and clearly Kaya/Britt are not with me. An awful turn of events.
1529 days 6 hours ago
Day 10: Jake B. // Lemjam6

I still can't believe the shitshow I just witnessed. With this BS crapshoot competition in play I think there's a possibility I could be next to go. Everything will get out and the others will think this is their chance to take me out. I'm disgusted. I need to count on Britt/Kaya this round and Mike and I want to make a move. I would preferably want to get out Sagar or Daniel. I know Mike won't vote Sagar and I don't think Kaya/Britt will vote Daniel. Luckily, I'm flexible. Jayson isn't my ideal target, but if that's the person we can agree on then I'm ok with it. I just have a bad feeling I'll be receiving votes at tribal.

Mike is starting to worry me. He's pretty close with Sagar and Daniel, two people I want out in the near future. Mike is playing a good game and I think I'm such a bigger target than him based on reputation and that I'm playing hard that he will easily be able to slip through. However, I notice is UTR gameplay and if I have to cut Mike, I'm going to do it.
1529 days 6 hours ago
Day 10: Jake B. // Lemjam6

My plan may have bombed, but I never give up. A move has to be made soon. I trust Brian, but he is complacent. I want to make a move against the big players before one is made on me. Brian knows he can coast and he likes having the big dogs around him. Brian plays the same game every time and it's perfect to get 2nd. Of course I want to make moves to help me win, but Brian needs something to help his resume. Maybe I can talk him into it.
1529 days 6 hours ago
Day 10: Jake B. // Lemjam6

Brian and I are very good friends outside of this game. I trust him, but sometimes a little white lie doesn't hurt. I told Brian that Sagar and Mike are starting to come for him and Jayson. Is that I know Mike doesn't like Jayson, but Sagar isn't involved at all. I just need to start planting seeds of doubt.

I also made a final 2 alliance with Britt. I do like Brittany and she's someone who I do want to go far with if she's open with me. She's a shady bitch, but if she can open up and be transparent with me I will go far with her. Will I take her to finals/ Possibly. I just need to build as many alliances as possible. I have an F2 with Brian, Mike, Brittany, Kaya. I know I'll have to screw people over eventually, but if my connections allow me to make it deep into this game I'll screw people over with a smile on my face.
1529 days 1 hour ago
Day 10: Mike E. // Survivor8

Setting records & taking that threat level to new heights! Putting myself for nearly everything paid off in immunity. But not only am I even more threatening by getting majority of the good options, but also because I was one of a perfect score as if I can read everyone or something.

I expect to be voting between Jayson & Daniel today, but still gotta decide who makes me more nervous. Other than an idol I feel like Jayson had used up any and all advantages he would have received, which might make it an easier vote. Plus I rather go up against Daniel seeing he’s on the wrong side of the numbers rather than Jayson. Jayson I know can squirm out of it, Daniel would have to prove it. On the otherhand Daniel could have an advantage that we don’t know about and getting it out as a blindside is better than him knowing when he might need to use it. Plus apparently none of my allies have idols so everyone else must. I know Alcedo idol is out & Kai claims he had Azul idol. So I may only need to worry about 2.

Poll for the audience: Should I fuck over Jake down the road for the lawlz if it’s a possibility?
A. Yes
B. No

I’ll read it eventually 😂
1529 days 1 hour ago
Day 10: Jake B. // Lemjam6

Whenever I lose a challenge, the paranoia starts to settle in. I know I'm a big target and it won't be too long until these smart players start to come for me. I need to get Brittany and Kaya to truly trust me and maybe, just maybe, we can make something happen. Otherwise, I might be in big trouble.
1529 days 1 hour ago
Day 10: Jake B. // Lemjam6

7 hours...49 minutes...12 seconds...11....10....

I'm just counting down until Michael is OUT of the game. I mean I originally planned on working with him for this round, but he's the person in the game I least have a connection with and I know he wants to target me. I'm ecstatic that he might be out. I think this is good for my game. I can start pitting Brian/Jayson and Mike/Sagar/Daniel against each other and work with Brittany/Kaya.
1526 days 11 hours ago
1526 days 11 hours ago
Day 11: Jake B. // Lemjam6

Michael is out and Jake in the final 7. I love the sound of that. I know I'm continuing to put a target on my back but I do not care. Nothing feels better than safety.

Now although plans didn't go exactly as planned last round, I think the strength of my gameplay is my ability to adjust. I'm flexible. I'm willing to work with people I don't like, I'm willing to work with people I don't trust, I don't care. An alliance is not a friendship, it's people with a common goal.

I talk to Jayson more than I talk with Daniel or Sagar, but in my mind Jayson has to go. If Jayson is gone, Brian is going to be 100% loyal to me and I start getting put into the best spot. Ideally, I'd like Sagar out but I know that Mike is in love with him for some reason.

My plan is for Me/Mike/Britt/Kaya + Mike's extra vote to take out Jayson and then next round Me/Britt/Kaya/Brian take out one of Mike/Sagar/Daniel, ideally Sagar. The problem is that Mike wants to include Sagar in the Jayson vote. I think it's a terrible idea, I don't want it getting out at all. People have big mouths and in this game an idol is luck of the draw. An idol could get played on Jayson which would derail our plans and out our idea to flip on the group. Mike wants to keep his extra vote, which I understand, but it's selfish and illogical. We could make this move right now and take out Jayson, but we need to keep it hush.

Mike is the person i've played this game most closely with, but it's still hard for me to trust him. Mike and I know each other well and at the end of the day, we are both here for ourselves. We love the idea of outplaying the other. But I don't want my internal competition with Mike to ruin my game. I'm willing to give into Mike at times or give into Kaya at times. I don't care. I make adjustments every round to get me in a spot that I feel secure in.
1526 days 11 hours ago
Day 11: Kai L. // streamxx

CF: after wasting my idol & now Michael my closet ally quitting the game i only really  trust Britt & Jake. After talking to Jake & Mike they wanna make a move on Jayson and want me a Britt too help. Hopefully Kai is back in the game sisters. ?!
1526 days 11 hours ago
Day 11: Jake B. // Lemjam6

It’s just blatantly obvious at this point that something shady is going on. Sagar is trying to play stupid but I’m not buying it. He starts messaging Mike about me being shady and now I just wanna take out Sagar. Mike is in the best spot because a war is starting between me and Sagar, while Mike is sitting right in the middle.

Me/Mike are still in on the plan to take out Jayson and the other six agreed to split the vote. I’m kinda pissed off about it because I wanted Mike to use his extra vote. That didn’t work!

As much as I want Sagar gone, I do think if Jayson goes I can get Brian on board to do Sagar next. I just need Britt and Kaya to trust me. I spend so much time talking to those idiots.
1526 days 11 hours ago
Day 11: Jake B. // Lemjam6

This game just keeps getting more interesting by the minute. Britt comes and tells me that Sagar and Daniel are trying to make a move against MIKE. I was completely blindsided. Mike and Sagar are friends outside of this game, I was not expecting to hear that. But this is what makes this season so unique. From the outside, it may not look interesting, but at the core there are so many different layers of friendships. All 8 people left are old school Tengaged. Even Kaya has had like 10 accounts. Everyone knows each other and everyone has people they want to protect and it’s so interesting. I have no idea what’s going to happen because everyone left is playing even if it may not appear that way. It’s a shootout and someone is about to get caught in the firing range.

I am, however, glad that Mike has now woken up on Sagar. I wanted to make a move against him, but people never wanted to. Their mistake. Now Britt and Kaya adore shocker, that’s what he does. I guarantee if I didn’t win immunity, I’d be in danger.
1526 days 11 hours ago
Day 11: Mike E. // Survivor8

Okay folks I’m going home!

My favorite human Sagar is flipping on me (allegedly), but I believe it to be true. It MAY be because I asked him to do Jayson thinking he’d be closer to me than to Jayson, but I guess he fears I’m too close to Jake and they’re not friendly anymore. I honestly was thinking of trying to gove Jake 4th and have like me Sagar/Britt or Kai as final 3, but what are ya gonna do.

So there’s one fake plan that I think only Brian is doing, but he might be voting me idk. But fake plan that no one believes to be happening is everyone except Brittany/Kai split their votes on those two. Jake & I were planning to use that to team up with Kai and Britt to vote out Jayson. Ezpz ya know.

BUT, Sagar & Daniel are trying to make a fucking move for me!?!? Normally this is where I fucking pop off and bully people into doing what I want, but A. I don’t think that will work with them. B. If Britt/Kai are actually on my side I rather it be a blindisde than anything else. I wish we were changing votes to one of them, but we’re not so Jayson it shall be. I’ll probably have to use my extra vote, which will probably draw out an idol. I just gotta hope they don’t idol Jayson.

Also I planted a fake idol on Galapagos Island wiki at some point around merge and now I can’t see the comment so I hope someone found that and its a fail, but that’s all I have. Pray for me!

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