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Failures vs Favorites Confessionals

Topic » Failures vs Favorites..

2103 days 3 hours ago
Ryan W. [Rotorua Tribe]

Confessional - Me and Chandler both picked that we’re playing for second. Very interesting, it was split right down the middle. So Jury vote’s wise, I think we’re both in a pickle. Even more of a reason to take each other

write’s down Aaron’s name on parchment

VC: Second time is the charm

puts vote in urn
2103 days 2 hours ago
Liam M. [Rotorua Tribe]


First up Aaron is the target which to me is perfect because it's someone that isn't me. If Ryan and Chandler believe that i'm in their 4 it could work well for me. But I want to bring them both to the final 3 with me just so I can beat them hehe :)
2103 days 2 hours ago
Liam M. [Rotorua Tribe]

*writes Aaron's name down*

You turned on me so now it's my turn
2103 days 2 hours ago
Ryan W. [Rotorua Tribe]

Confessional -
I’m the greatest Pokepat player of all time. Nobody will match my greatness, all of these player’s think their better then me. Nah

Everybody’s a joke.

They need to get moving.

The time to act is now!

Like get your fucking shit together and make a move to take out a winner
2102 days 4 hours ago
Nopalito L. [Rotorua Tribe]

*walks to voting booth*
*writes name on parchment*

"I think you are a great player and I was a huge fan of yours on your season, and I was even more happy when I saw you win your season, but sadly when you join "Faves vs. Fails", there's someone who needs to drag the sheep to the slaughter, and sadly for you, it is I who has to take you out. I hope this works because it might be you or me going home, buddy. Love you to dead, but in this game, "what doesn't vote you out makes you stronger". It's my time to vote y'all out before I can go down. ADIÓS!

I have sadly decided to vote out... AARON! :(
2102 days 4 hours ago
Nopalito L. [Rotorua Tribe]

*Right before TC*
So after the Tashi blindside I have become such a huge target and people are coming for me. When I tried to mend fences with the Faves, they gave me the answer I was hoping to hear, but it's just too good to be true. Something must be definitely up and I don't like it! It might be time for another move.

With the Faves not talking much to me but rather saying EXACTLY what I want to hear and the Fails giving me clear targets but not much development, I know something is wrong, but I need reassurance.

*At Tribal Council*
So Liam and Hufus finally tell me what's up!
Turns out these sneaky @ss people want to dethrone the king by VOTING ME OUT! Hell no, not on my watch!
With them reassuring what I feared the most, I HAVE TO USE MY IDOL!

*Nopalito uses N&R Idol*
I use my idol and decide to reflect all votes against Logan. He isn't a threat, but the fact that there have been rumors that he has an idol makes me nervous and he is the big move we're doing this TC!

*Logan is voted out*
*At the next day*
People start confronting me and saying my loyalty sucks, but that's not new. My plan was to play both sides for the Faves to be safe in the middle, but now everyone knows how I play and I KNOW I have to win immunity to ensure my safety. The Faves now think I'm more loyal to the Fails and vice versa... at least if I get immunity or survive next TC, I'll have more time to rebuild trust and get people on my side. As of now, my core alliance is Hufus and Liam and I'm glad I have played this game so far with them. :)

*At the Immunity Challenge*
The "Touchy Subjects" Challenge has never been my thing! It's super subjective, based on a lot of luck and assumptions and it's so dam tedious... I KNOW this will be the hardest life-risking challenge to win to save my Survivor life.

*Results are tallied*
So I get some of the first questions right and I get the lead with 3 points, but these questions are exposing me and putting my @ss in the trash... I don't like this challenge! XD

"Question 3: Who is the biggest liar?"
Majority answered... Nopalito!

DAMN! Thanks, Mr. Host Pokey!

"Question 7: Who is the least likely to win this game?"
Majority answered... Nopalito!

That sucks! Then why am I still competing if I might not win... -_-

"Question 8: Who is getting voted out next?"
Majority answered... Nopalito!

Holy sauerkraut! Everyone got it right except me... at that point I know my game is over and unless I can pull through with this competition, I might be going home... :(

*After the Immunity Challenge*
So I didn't win the challenge... that sucks because I was close and did better than back on Italy, but not good enough to save my life... BUT at least one of my closest allies, Hufus, won it! I'm glad because he will get an idol clue and give me a chance to redeem myself. I know as of now 5 people are against me, and Liam and Hufus are on my side. I need to act fast to get people on my good side before my allies decide to let me go this upcoming TC. I don't want for the challenge to determine my destiny and be the "NEXT PERSON VOTED OUT!" I came here to play and I'm not going down without a fight! >:(
2102 days 4 hours ago
Chandler H. [Rotorua Tribe]

Today's tribal can be a mess and my plan will may not work out because Kolby and Hufus dont want to do that and this sucks.
I spent the day trying to convince Kolby to vote with us and its hard because Kolby only follow his plans and with Aaron out he nows that he will be at bottom so he's trying to make me change my mind but i will not and i played the card that i've been voting as he want for a long time and now i want to be heard at list tonight but the thing are if Kolby really help me on this, he's game will be about to over because since i got my marjority of 4 this game will be my!!!!
2102 days 4 hours ago
Chandler H. [Rotorua Tribe]

Adam will play his idol on Nopa and that great cuz with that my move will definitly work out unless someone blindside me, adam or Liam so lets pray for them are voting Nopa.
With this idol out all the idols except de idol merge will be flushed so WHATEVER DUDE JUST PLAY THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!
2102 days 4 hours ago
Chandler H. [Rotorua Tribe]

Yesterday was the first time that something got wrong and i didnt care a little. I didnt want to see Chilum be voted out but at list, Nopa are alone and became a free agent and 2 idols was flushed since both has idols.

I love today's challenge because i usually get well and i was pretty good tonight. I just lost for the time but its okay at list i have the idol clue wich btw i was looking for the past hour and NOTHING!

So far i've been playing a social game with a mix to "As long isnt me, i dont care" to survive a little more but n that challenge ppl said that im playing for 2nd and thats not truth! Im just locking for the perfect moment to do something but since he never came, is time to me force something and with that Aaron needs to go cu he's pretty social and he are someone that everyone wants to keep in the game and i want to be the only person that ppl do that cuz im exclusive and he's but the problem are that only 4 person wants to vote him and i dont want a tie so i need to convince Kolby, Hufus or Slothy to do vote with me today. This will be hard but i believe that Kolby will probably vote with us cuz even if he only follow his own plans without me and Adam, he will not get further here.

My plan for the future is have an marjority alliance with Nopa, Adam and Liam at f7 but for that Nopa needs to survivor one more day and if i get this at f7 Kolby or Hufus will go cuz now is time to vote some threats out since i want to win this game.

I know that i have no chance at winning this game but i need to try. Im proud of the game that a played and i know that is not on of the best but i just played with the pieces that i had and trust me i didnt have much pieces since i was in the bottom for a big part of the game.

My birthday is coming i im so excited! Im just praying for not be voted out in this week cuz i dont want to be someone like Tijuana at Pearl Islands

(I wrote this confessional very quick and didnt check the translator so im sorry if u dont understand something)

2102 days 4 hours ago
Hufus D. [Rotorua Tribe]

*uncaps pen*

Sad you’re gone, but at least it’ll make me the outlasting winner and king of it all. #HeyMaIMadeIt
2102 days 4 hours ago
Slothy R. [Rotorua Tribe]

Im voting nop. We should have the 3 and hopefully hufus on top
2102 days 3 hours ago
Episode #14 - "Everybody's a Joke" - Ryan W.

Immunity: Hufus D.
Eliminated: Aaron F. (Slendie258) 6-2
Liam M. (LimaBean) - Aaron
Chandler H. (Chandelier) - Aaron
Aaron F. (Slendie258) - Nopalito
Nopalito L. (NopalitoLegend01) - Aaron
Ryan W. (AdamLovesEverything) - Aaron
Kolby A. (ThePug) - Aaron
Slothy R. (Sloth_Roman) - Nopalito
Hufus D. (Hufus) - Aaron


Nopalito ==> 2
Aaron ==> 6 (ELIMINATED)
2102 days 3 hours ago
2102 days 3 hours ago
Ryan W. [Rotorua Tribe]

(Aftermath Aaron vote off) - I’m actually kind of thankful that Aaron got voted out. He was a threat to win, the fact that he deny’s this. Is very just mind blowing. And then he owns zero responsibility on his way out.

It’s what ever though. I’m still playing, he’s not. He can stay bitter. I wanted to go off on him for being a bitter bitch and not owning up for anything. But that wouldn’t have solved me anything

I’m playing between two side’s. Kolby and Liam/Nopalito. I have a loyal group.

That’s under my control. They can be bitter, but! I will stay proud with how I’ve managed thing’s

Being so confusing and complex that nobody understand’s me is something that will not benefit me.
2101 days 10 hours ago
Chandler H. [Rotorua Tribe]

With Aaron out im in a great posicion cuz im the middle so i'll decide who gets the prize and this person will be me!

I'm really surprise that ppl really followed my plan yesterday cuz i thought Kolby had another plan but i was smart saying like i always did what he wanted and i wanted to be heard at list one time, cuz this made my way to the final be a little easy now.

Now that we are in f7 the marjority became 4 ppl and i have in one side kolby, Slothy and Hufus... in the other side i have Nopa, Liam and Adam. Both sides needs me so i'll definitly survive one more day but now i need to decide with each side i'll go and will probably be Adam's side cuz i have a better chance with thoses guys cuz we're all underdogs and outsiders.

My plan today is vote either Hufus or Kolby (it depends of immunity). For my game will be best to me if Kolby goes out cuz since i flip he will get really pissed with me and this could blow up my game but after that will be f6 so its time to me play bigger because its like go bigger or go home now. I dont want to sit in the final without a chance, so i need to do something and after my plan to get Aaron out worked out, i already have something started.

So far i want the game be like this:

7th Kolby or Hufus
6th Kolby or Hufus
5th Nopa (cuz Slothy will never allie with him and i dont need him to get to the final)
4th Slothy/Liam (depends of immunity)
3th Slothy/Liam (i hope it be f3 cuz i suck at f2 but just in case...)
2th Adam

ppl needs to be worry now cuz the dragon woke up

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