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Jury Questioning

Topic » Jury Questioning

1724 days 15 hours ago
The jury has said you've played a really strong game but I don't see it tbh. Maybe that's just on me, idk. Can you highlight what exactly you were responsible for that nobody besides you can claim ownership of?

Julian - One thing that happened that only I can claim ownership of was the LQ vote. If I hadn't pushed as hard as I did for that, I truly don't think it would have happened. I think that that really set the second half of the merge in motion and led to my core alliance getting far into the game, with only AJ being voted out early.


I did, but I didn't try hard with you bc I thought you were sheeping Sagar. I spent HOURS trying to flip Ashanti onto Felipe yesterday though.

If you think I was sheeping him, you're wrong. I truly pushed for a lot of what happened in our alliance. While yeah, Sagar was good at challenges and was very vocal with others about what was happening, that doesn't mean I wasn't putting in the work behind the scenes. I stayed loyal to him and the rest of my alliance because I knew that, after the AJ vote, it was the only way I, or any of them, had a shot of winning.
1724 days 14 hours ago
for me I would have the hardest time voting you! Not because you didn’t play a good game because believe me the jury or shoving your game down my throat! But I don’t think we had that much of a connection I kinda felt like it was forced a little! Tell me what part of your game was the strongest and why, was it social, strategic or physical?

LQ - Even though we didn't have the strongest social connection, I honestly believe that my social game was the strongest out of the three. I genuinely tried to connect with people, but for our relationship it was kinda hard to find something that seemed like we were both into talking about. I think had we spent a bit more time in the game, or I had mentioned tj maxx earlier, we would've been able to talk more. Anyone in my life that has had a conversation w me about shopping (which happens a lot) KNOWS how much I love talking about tj maxx. My questions that I asked you were of genuine interest, but I usually back off from talking to people if they don't seem receptive to talking to me, which sometimes seemed like the case with you.

Honestly, hmu if you (or anyone) wants to talk about tj maxx or shopping or clothes!! i have a problem, and my bank account when I worked there can attest.
1724 days 14 hours ago
K well, here I go.

Mike- I do think you played a good pre-merge game, avoiding being the target at the first tribal councils by the skin of your teeth I’ve heard. However, I don’t see anything in the merge that you did besides winning immunity that really you can put on your resume. Prove me wrong, and don’t try and take credit for moves you didn’t make.

Kenneth- I thought we were tight, and I was disappointed when you voted me out, but yet that’s the pattern I seem to get from your EVERY time, not leading, but being a goat when it comes to the vote. I don’t think you did much of anything in this game, except for have pre-existing relationships that you were just lucky some of us didn’t realize, and I think personally that that is what got you to the end, so also prove me wrong, however as I said to Mike, don’t take credit for others peoples move that you think I wouldn’t realize.

Lexie- Now Lexie, I’m not even going to ask you a question, I’m actually going to speak directly to the jury.

JURY, I don’t think that ANYONE of us could ever wish we could play as much as a phenomenal game that Lexie did. She came into this game as a newbie to the world of Tengaged, no pre-existing relationships with ANYONE, she had NOTHING. And what did she come in and do? Played the best game I’ve ever seen anyone play on this site. From the second those tribes were announced she was the underdog, practically a lost member in the cast, and she went and made relationships with everyone, learned to adapt and how to play the whole game as a whole on here in just a few hours, and was at the top and none of us, NONE OF US expected it. Why? Because she knew that that would put a target on her back so she stayed subtle, let us make moves against eachother, while she was STILL ultimately deciding the votes, and she always made sure that her target was the one that went out. At Ponderosa alliances were discussed, and almost every single alliance that was revealed when we were out of the game, Lexie was in it, because she had such good relationships with EVERYONE, and everyone thought she could be easy to go to the end with because they thought that that would be an EASY WIN. But no no no, Lexie, strategic master like I’ve never seen before, competition goddess even when she didn’t need to win and nobody viewed her as a threat even when she was winning the immunities, and she did EVERYTHING from scratch. From nothing to the Lexie we now know, Lexie, you have my vote, hope you get at least five more, and I’d be honored for you to represent our season as winner of Survivor: Fans vs Failures. Good luck to you all.
1724 days 13 hours ago
Okay so kevin let me say this! While you say it was hard for Lexie to make a name for herself I actually think this helped her! Believe me I was voted and targeted a few times because of my past connections in games, same with Julian, sagar, mike etc. So you saying Lexie has it hard I think that needs to be scratched! Her being unknown wasn’t a hinderance it was an aid in her game
1724 days 13 hours ago
I think it depends if circumstances and based on what I heard most people were on good terms so I do think it was harder for her, and even if it did help her it doesn’t take away from the Phenomanimal game she played
1724 days 13 hours ago
Congratulations on getting here guys! I have uh 3 questions for all 3 finalists.

Name at least 1 non-game related fact about each in this game. This shows your social game wasn't just viewing people as chess pieces but building relationships. These facts can be related to education, hobbies, jobs, etc., just make sure what you share isn't something the juror wouldn't want shared. Please give at least 1 fact for each juror.

Really basic but I dig this one, please compare each juror to a CBS Survivor player and explain WHY.

Who on the jury truly embodied the title of 'Failure' (regardless of whether they were a fan or failure) and who on the jury did the best at becoming more than a Failure.

Thank you in advance.
1724 days 13 hours ago
10. Livingston: i greatly greatly greatly disagree with your political opinions. that isn't game related but it has to be said

I was so shook when I was left out, I was like "Damn, I really was irrelevant this game." Burt like most of my opinions are pretty centrist!
1724 days 12 hours ago
2/10 votes received.
1724 days 12 hours ago
@ Kevin's Speech:

Do... do you not know. Lexie is the girlfriend of former BigBen's Survivor winner DBWs, so to say that she is just a 'random white level' who had 'no existing relationships' is just completely false. For those of you that don't know who Dylan is, Dylan is one of the best group game players that I have ever hosted, and he has played in a game with a large majority of the people on this jury. She has 100% been coached and given advice by Dylan for the entirety of the game, and was given intimate knowledge about who knows who and who to align with, and she definitely used this relationship as a starting point with the people who did know Dylan. Do you think that it was just a random coincidence that she fell into this Day 1 Fans alliance with SAGAR, ASHANTI, and KENNETH, all people who are friends with each other? She was not an underdog, and she was not in control of this game. Lexie & I didn't have a single game-related conversation until around Final 9 or Final 8, and despite her claims that I was 'the front runner to win' she didn't target me for the first FIVE rounds. If she was so in control of the votes and who left, why wouldn't she talk a shot at me sooner if she wanted me to leave and was dictating the votes? Ultimately, Lexie had a HUGE advantage in this game as she was able to pose as an innocent and unknown 'first time group game player' , but the whole time she had intimate information about all of the preexisting relationships in the game.
1724 days 11 hours ago
@ Kevin: Thank you for your speech. You honestly highlighted a lot of what I thought of my game pretty well, even if a bit of it was far reaching. I did come into the game with almost no connections, and I really think that I was able to overcome that by finding a strong group on day 1 that would end up being my ride or dies. Without that, I think this would have been a very different game for me.

@LQ: I honestly don't think many people were targeted because of how they played in previous games. While it was something that was talked about, a lot of it never came into fruition. This can be seen in Mike getting to the end, because like he said, he's normally an early merge boot because of how renowned he is for his game history. A lot of the votes were self-contained within this game, to be completely honest.

@Mike: I made it clear to everyone within my first or second conversation that Dylan was my boyfriend. As for him "coaching" me, I literally went /against/ a lot of what he was saying to me, which wasn't even that much to begin with. I could hardly remember a lot of what he'd told me about past games, as all but 2 of them happened before I even met him. Throughout the duration of the game, what actually pushed me to do the things I did was my alliance rather than Dylan. The majority of the time that Dylan and I talked about this game, it was about the conversations I had had, not about strategy. If you think that he coached me and told me what to do, you're wrong. I wouldn't even want to play like him anyways - he's too messy and not as social as I am.
1724 days 11 hours ago
@Livingston I wanted to answer all of that really quickly, and since your question is a bit long I'm going to have to answer it later today. I have an exam I need to study for that's coming up in an hour and then a quiz after that, but I'll be sure to answer your question completely after I get out of class. Sorry!!

Also @ forgetting you, I'm SO sorry lmao. I was looking at the list of people on the forum page and got a text in the middle of the insults and I didn't even realize that I skipped your name. It wasn't a dig against you by any means, just me being tired at 7 am and getting distracted lmao
1724 days 11 hours ago
^^ the same goes for anyone else's questions that they may ask from now until 3 pm est - I'll answer them all as soon as I get out of class and onto the bus and have a chance to give my answers the focus yall deserve!
1724 days 11 hours ago
Like, I don’t understand why Mike went after her boyfriend. Lexie told everyone that she was with Dylan, so I don’t understand the frustration here. And regardless of having someone coach her, she still made the moves she had to, and worked with people Dylan has never been particularly close to, namely me and LeQuisha
1724 days 11 hours ago
Ermm I’m very close with Dylan! We always align in games so...
1724 days 11 hours ago
Also it really weirds me out how people actually date on this site like how does that shit even happen?

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