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S6 All-Stars Discussion

Topic » S6 All-Stars Discussion

4021 days 8 hours ago
Who likes the font imma use for Season 7?
4021 days 8 hours ago
I like it - seems Asian maybe?
4021 days 8 hours ago
So much confessional...
4021 days 8 hours ago
More confessionals :)
4021 days 7 hours ago
Dylan B. confessional

I guess it's called All-Stars for a reason, and I''ve never been part of a pre-season like this before. It's pretty crazy. So on Seraing there are two legitimate alliances that have already formed: The majority alliance of me, Aly, Game and Cory. And don the other side there's the alliance of Reynold, Josh and myself. I dislike being stuck between two alliances in the game already so early in (mainly because I hate voting out allies, i'm way too emotional as seen in Brazil), but both wanted to recruit me I guess. I'm probably closest to Game on my tribe, so I want to stick to him. I also really like Aly and Cory, and I also really like Josh. Reynold hasn't talked to me yet and really intimidates me, so he'll be my main target.
4021 days 7 hours ago
Logan confesh

Well, I'm starting to play the game before it even begins because I've been given the chance to!

My strategy to begin the game goes like this:

-Make connections with people to be VERY sociable and make it hard for them to vote me out.
-Try to not make these connections very apparent.
-Stay mainly behind the scenes.
-Get pulled into an alliance.

These points are going to be hard to accomplish, I already know, but the game is very unpredictable and I may be well on my way if my strategies line up.

I am cool with working with anyone on my tribe, but I have a great fear that they will look at me and go, "I don't want to work with this guy" or "he's a big threat, did you see Mongolia?".

At the same time, if I bust my ass in challenges and we get on a winning streak I don't have to even worry about the vote to begin with.

Game has expressed his feelings about really wanting to work with me and they feel legitimate. Though, I will watch to see if he's using the social game to his advantage.

My main goal is to get out of this situation and always into a better one. As far as idols go, they weren't in my season, so maybe they will make me this season! Or perhaps break me.

If I get out early, I know I will be disappointed, but if I try my hardest to stay in the game with the right strategies, I should be able to do well.

We'll see!
4021 days 7 hours ago
Evan confessional

I've only talked to Logan (I messaged blueu, no response, and sparks, who's been offline for a day). He seems pretty trustworthy, and I think I've found my BENLINUS for the season. Hopefully he can take all the hits for our alliance and I can float by like I did in HvV and maybe I can FINALLY win one of these things. Alyx and Dylan say they don't hate me, so if all else fails, I may be able to start a GB alliance at merge.
This will be a bumpy ride!
4021 days 7 hours ago
Stephen confesh

I have an alliance with Mana, Janelle and Jamie, but I also have one with Colleen and Jamie. Me and Jamie agreed that we're gonna go with Janelle and Mana, just because with them, we'd have a clear majority. Will is obviously on the outs, no one has an alliance with him as far as I know, and Colleen, I bonded with her, I really don't want to vote her out. I like Will as well, but his unanimous win keeps me worried. No one anticipated he'd win in Jordan, but he did and he did it brilliantly. He'll be the first one to go, unless he has done something brilliant again haha. :)
4021 days 7 hours ago
Reynold confesh

So my main ally right now is Alyxandra because I know I can trust her. I'm telling her everything she needs to know.

Bigbro and Dylan begged me for an alliance so I said yes, but I'm kinda hesitant right now because I already worked with Gametime and I know his word is good. And it's actually smart on their part because unlike the other contestants, I'm not that hungry for a second win, tho I tend to get a little bit greedy when everything goes my way. lol

But right now I'm just trying to be a team player and win as many challenges as I can because it's really tricky when there's three tribes.

this for you and only you (don't put in the vl :P)

I'm really tight with Simvivor and Manalord so if we reach the merge together, it's our game to lose. But one of us is bound to go pre-merge and I'm gonna make sure it's not me. :D
4021 days 7 hours ago
Hmmm me thinks Logan will be out first boot :/
4021 days 7 hours ago
Give us recent ones :O
4021 days 7 hours ago
Joe confesh (in seven mails, joined together)

JOECEPIA IS BACK FOR ALL-STARS BITCHES!!!!!!! Okay now that I got that out of the way, this is the part where I'm a smug asshole and talk about how I will demolish everyone despite that almost never happening. (Sadface) Nevertheless, I'm going to talk about my 17 fellow All-Stars, and maybe I'll sound savvy enough that I'll actually know what I'm doing. No but really, I'm not playing for fan favorite this time around or to be loved, I'm playing to finally get the win I've been wanting ever since Survivor: Fiji. I'm no Cochran or Will, but I'm still going to give it a shot. Starting with my own tribe. The tribe of spiders.

We got PeaceOut14, he's been a huge friend and ally of mine since a Big Brother game. Things didn't go as planned, but we got our shit together in Gaia's game and dominated that and made the final 3 together. He's definitely improved on the likability factor and that can win him over a couple of future votes if he makes the jury phase and eventually the final 2. Aside from Gaia's Estonia, I've never seen him a play a full-on villain's game and if he makes the final 2, he might win based off the sole fact that he barely has a mean bone in his Survivor body. Does that mean I'm portraying him as a saint? Of course not. He can still lie, cheat, and manipulate his way to the end like the rest of us could and this might be a new PeaceOut. If that's the case, I'm looking forward to playing with him, and if he has to be voted out, it won't be the pizza screwing him over.

Next is LoganWorm, he always plays strategic just as much as I do and I think we're on the same boat of success. We both have strategic minds, we both talk big games, and we are usually cut short of the finals every time. However, we did win some games out of our Tengaged careers so not all is lost for us. Logan offered me an alliance that I'm willing to go with for now. However, I know how strategic Logan can get and after playing with Will last season (who I got some words for in a moment), I'm definitely keeping my guard up more than it was last time. While Logan did dominate the first half of his season, he lost his domination to Tyler which is another thing we have in common I should add, but he definitely took pointers after losing Mongolia and will definitely try to keep a better grip on his alliance. If he tries pulling that stuff on me or tries to run the show rather than be a duo or an alliance, I'll definitely vote him off.

Blueu22 and Etaco75. I've never really played with either of them a lot, though I briefly played on HvV with Etaco but I don't recall ever playing with Blueu. Anyway, I know Blueu is a social player and I know he'll work that to his gameplay. It did get him to the finals last time after all and if Jadie was on the jury, he could have won the game. As for Etaco, while Blueu is more social, I know Etaco is a lot more strategic and physical. He's a double threat as far as I'm concerned and if he ups his game, he'll be a triple threat when he starts talking to people. I want him gone early. I know he'll try to do a redo of Great Boretain and run an alliance to the end but unlike last time, he gets to the finals. Still, I don't want him going far because I can already see his potential unraveling at merge. Overall, I can't really say much about them since I don't recall playing a lot with either of these two so yeah. Moving on.

Finally there is Simon. Another super social threat, he won Palau and survived the Espada slaughter in Nicaragua because of his social game. Unfortunately, he is currently at 2 days offline so if he pulls a BENLINUS and leaves before the game starts, he's first boot fodder for all I care. Next is Charleroi, or as I'm calling them, the Charlies.

From the Charlies, we first got a lot of old friends of mine.

My former Breakfast Bunch 2.0 buddy Jamz is back and like a lot of players (like someone I'll be covering shortly), he's a big socia
4021 days 7 hours ago
social threat (I'm sorry I'm repeating myself, but a lot of these players are super social threats). Anyway, he can also be somewhat sheepish on some occasions. The most notorious case is Gabon, but when he isn't sheeping like in Gabon, he really becomes a social powerhouse and it almost got him the win in China last generation. Anyway, I've seen Jamz in action a lot of times, so I'm looking forward to what he has up his sleeve. I'd go far with Jamz until I'd have to cut his throat.

Another pal of mine and another former fan favorite, SimvivoRWay is back as well. Despite being cursed with having worse luck in group games than me by still not winning a single game, he is a triple threat as I've seen him play an all-around strategic, social, and physical game. As much as I like Sim though, he could win if I took him to the end and I don't know if this can end like BENLINUS' HvV where I aligned with him in secret and we got to Day 39. As much as I'd like that, I doubt it can happen again especially when some people know how friendly I am with Sim and Jamz. Still a good player though.

Then there is Manalord. He is notorious for being rather ruthless at times, especially shown last time he played when he ran Saint Lucia and almost won. We share a good connection and I see him and I going far in this game. He set up a massive alliance of nine which I'm apart of so I hope that stays together but with Sparks being inactive at the moment, we might lose a member rather earlier than intended. As much as I like Manalord, I got to watch out for him too, since he is a villain who does like the blindsides like myself so my eyes will be on Manalord for the first chunk of this game and onward if needed.

The last three Charlies and two of them are targets of mine.

My first target is CK11, he's an old friend of mine from last season. He won in a stellar 7-0 vote and from the get-go, he emerges as a threat in my eyes and if the Charlies lose an immunity challenge, I'll try and do some convincing to vote out CK first. He's strategic when he has to be, he is social when he has to be, and he shown in the last two immunities he has some physical game in him, so he is someone I do not want making the merge.

My second target is the girl who is NEVER the villain, Mittens. She is too nice. Whatever I said about PeaceOut having no mean Survivor bone, it can imply 10x more for Mittens. I've seen from villainy from PeaceOut, but never from Mittens. She is always loyal to her alliance and will stick with whoever she was with from the beginning. However, the one thing Mittens is known for is her being the queen of the social game. She can win just on her social game alone. I can already see the potential threat if Mittens merges and like Will or Etaco, I don't want to deal with that kind of threat come merge.

To wrap up the Charlies, we got Dylan J. AKA Janelle_Pierzina. According to another ally who I'll get to in a moment, he wasn't the smartest tool in the shed on his season. Apparently, he just did whatever Stonerphage wanted him to do until he went on his immunity run which could've solely gave him the win but was ousted at the final five. I say different since I've seen Janelle play a solid game in other groups. In one Big Brother game, he completely dominated with little to no competition and won. He also dominated one of Mearl's Survivors, so he really is a force to be reckoned with, but if I can make some kind of alliance with him for the time being, it can help at the merge if I need a vote and I have a physical wall to help me prevent my targets winning.

Let's start with Alyxandra. She and I started our dynamic duo and we dubbed it the Cutthroat Couple. Yeah, I have a lot of deals going on, but I need more than one alliance if I'm going succeed. That was my downfall in Jordan. If I didn't depend on Will too much, I wouldn't have felt too bad on getting him out (which BTW I won't have any regrets doing it to him this time). Her
4021 days 7 hours ago
and I are tight just as much as Manalord and I are and I would LOVE Alyxandra, Manalord, and I in the top 3 but the trust factor isn't very strong between them right now, so I'll get to work on that when the game actually starts. Anyway, she was the CPN5 HBIC and the only thing interesting about Great Boretain. She dominated for most of that season and her winning would have made that season somewhat satisfying but nope, she gets cut right before the top 3 by the next best person to win the game, Kiko. I'm hoping she plays more subtle this time so our alliance isn't noticeable and the fact we are on separate tribes helps conceal it. If we both merge, we are hoping we queen up All-Stars and twerk it in the end. She is still a great player and when she has to win competitions, she does so I hope its more of the same from Alyx only a little more quiet for already mentioned reasons.

Next is my arch-enemy from Survivor: Jordan, my Romanian frenemy GameTime. While we did make up yesterday, that still won't change the fact that he's still a huge threat to my game. He's very strategic and will try everything to keep his alliance in tact which is why I got the rough end of the stick most of the time last season. GameTime is also a huge physical player and that will put a target on his back if he makes it to the merge. If there is one thing I noticed though is that Game's social game is rather lackluster. Anybody who isn't in his alliance usually gets the shaft from him and he will stop at nothing to get the outsiders out. So if I need help getting him out if I have to end up doing that, I know who to look to for extra votes. Hopefully, Alyxandra does quick work of GameTime the same way I'll make quick work of Etaco.

Next up is Bigbro263, my old rival from another group series. In Link's Galapagos, his strategic prowess showed when he tried leading everyone to the slaughterhouse that was a threat to him. I eventually saw him as a threat and got rid of him. Thankfully, there is no bad blood between us and I already made some kind of alliance with him too so if he merges, I got that to fall back on too. He can be villainous at times, so like Manalord, I'm keeping a close eye on Bigbro. If I have to vote him off, I will, but if I got all these deals going on, I want to keep them for as long as I can.

The last three I got to cover.

The other winner returning this season, Kantus. While he wasn't the show runner Manalord was (or as big of a showrunner at least) in Saint Lucia, he won over him for his social game and he still played a respected game to warrant a win. He is back and he is also a close friend of Manalord's. Like CK, I'm unleashing my inner Jenna Lewis and want these winners out. Not because they won, but because of the reasons they won. CK won by being an unknown triple threat and Kantus won for being the nicer version of Manalord. Kantus, like Manalord, is very strategic and will play to win a second time. He is in the super alliance of nine, so if it does get down to that nine (that IDK, 4% chance of happening), he is the one I'll try to target first.

Next is probably the most underrated player here. The other Dylan, DylanBT (or DylanBTBT because of fucking Facebook). DylanBT, like Mittens, is known best for his deadly social game and like Mittens, I would not mind seeing him go early. If he won the last challenge in Brazil, he'd be another winning here. He's definitely a hero like Mittens so he won't try to ruffle feathers with anyone and if he makes final 2, he'll win unless he's up against Mittens. I swear those two are on in the same; they even appeared on the same season.

And last but not least is Lifer107. When he shows it, he can play a mean strategic game (Mearl's Survivor). At other times though, he is rather behind the scenes from what it looks like because someone else is usually playing bigger than he is on most of his seasons. I would not underestimate Lifer though. I would not underestimate anyo
4021 days 7 hours ago
anyone here. He can win immunity challenges when he needs to, he can strategize and pull off huge blindsides when he needs to, and unless he's with noobs or more UTR players, he's always hidden among bigger players which might give him an advantage. This season won't be different for that aspect.

I'm keeping an eye on a lot of these people and I played with almost all of them once in the past so they know me just as well as I know them. I was nice last time, I'm usually nice and for that I always blindsided. So this time, I'm pulling what TV Tropes calls, a Face Heel Turn if I have to because like I said in Part 1, I'm not playing for Fan Favorite this time around. I'm not playing to be liked. After failing 8 total times to win this fucking series, I'm not playing super nice this time. I will be mean, I will be ruthless, I will be a bastard and if those situations happen where I backstab a friend, they will know were all playing to win and I will own it all in the end. Vecepia is known for two things, being religious and being a backstabber. I was religious last time, take a guess at what Joecepia will be this time. >:)

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