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S6 All-Stars Discussion

Topic » S6 All-Stars Discussion

4028 days 5 hours ago
CHALLENGE HAPPENS: Charleroi and Seraing win Immunity, Leuven heads to Tribal. Clusterfuck Tribal One begins.
4028 days 5 hours ago
Simon confesh

So, Etaco told me that Joeker had sent a mail to the whole tribe telling them to vote me out. I asked Joeker about it and he admitted to it due to the fact he was in "Cluster*beep* mode." ... Here's the weird part though? When I asked Blue and Peace about it, they both denied it... Giving me serious doubts on who to believe in this whole thing at all! :/
4028 days 5 hours ago
Reynold confesh

I'm really excited about this win. If I was voted out first I would probably be on suicide watch right now. lol


I'm a bit paranoid at this point because people aren't talking to me as much as I would have liked. I don't know if they just don't care or they're hiding something from me. My best bet would be winning as much challenges as I can and sending them a casual PM saying hi or something.. I'm too innocent for this shady tish.. :l


AND I had my name as "Peace" and people think I'm Peaceout from the Leuven tribe. I can have fun with that tho it might comeback to bite me later lmao
4028 days 5 hours ago
AND I had my name as "Peace" and people think I'm Peaceout from the Leuven tribe. I can have fun with that tho it might comeback to bite me later lmao

^ THIS could be daymn good for him
4028 days 5 hours ago
Josh confesh

Well I'm glad we won immunity but also sad that we didn't get the first segment, but at least we're not going to tribal. After I knew we weren't getting first I actually wouldn't have minded if we lost and went to tribal so I could see where everyone actually stands on my tribe. But since Reynold probably would've gone, and I don't want him gone yet since he'll be a big help to me later in the game, I'm happy we won. Now I get to sit back and relax while I watch the drama unfold at the first tribal ;) Hoping Logan stays, since he could possibly be an ally later in the game, and that Chris goes because he greatly annoys me <3
4028 days 5 hours ago
Joe confesh

I have two things on my mind.

1. All the fucking work I put into that confessional better not go to fucking waste and if I do get voted out, I'm unleashing hell on the first person that gives me shit!

2. As much as a threat Logan is, he is more active than Simon and Simon really got Leuven to fuck up. He's an All-Star and they should both know already what time we start these things and they both in their own ways let us down. I'm open to voting either of them out but I want to vote out who will be the bigger slacker.

Also, if this fucking happens again at a challenge, I'm flipping on this tribe the minute I get the chance. I have several cross-tribal deals and I'm putting them to good use if I get that chance.
4028 days 5 hours ago
Cory confesh

Ok so we won. . .

Anyhow if we lost I would've said fuck you to my Reynold alliance and voted him out. But during the challenge I realized that Joeker really pisses me off. He's trying to win people over with his comedic and lighthearted attitude. It makes me want to puke chunks. Chunks.

I know he's not going tonight though cause he's too "nice." And people will feel "bad," if they voted him off. Well he's only out for himself so people need to stop being dumb.

Also Chris majorly overreacted when Logan lost them the challenge. He needs to calm himself because most people are wondering how he even got on All Stars. Even though Logan does deserve to go and he probably will.
4028 days 5 hours ago
Simon confesh

I found out that Taco/Logan are definite votes onto Joeker... So if I voted him it would assure that I at least get a draw if my alliance is lying to me.

However Peace/Blueu have assured me that they are voting Logan, which means that it's really either sides word vs the others. I know that Logan is weaker than Joek, I'm just trying to work out how much damage I would cause for making a tie, then correcting my mistake by voting Logan out if it turned out the other three were true to their words... Plus I like Taco, and would like to play with them...
4028 days 5 hours ago
Logan confesh

Well, I am in a heck of a position.

Simon and Chris didn't really respond to Evan's request for an alliance and now I am on the chopping block against Simon according to Chris and Joe.

Evan said that if we vote together with Simon we could get Joe off and I am ready to send his shady ass home! I just hope it doesn't go horribly wrong in the process.
4028 days 5 hours ago
Mikey confesh

Evan is up to his sneaky, villainous ways. We were gonna vote off Simon because he didn't show up, and Joe sent a mail to everyone. But then, after that clusterfuck of everything, Logan is going home. But apparently, Evan told Simon that Joe wanted him out, and Simon is questioning that to me and Chris.

I wanted The Spidey Senses alliance to stay true, and me and Chris both lied. :X

We need to take out Logan and Evan immediately.
4028 days 5 hours ago
*looks at all confessionals*
4028 days 5 hours ago
I'm done btw, thats the last of them
4028 days 5 hours ago
Read them all:)

But confused who do u thinks going I'm putting my money on evan
4028 days 5 hours ago
First thoughts.

Nick's mega alliance is a bad idea imo. It will not work. Expecially not how it apparently came about. This is All-Stars, people aren't gunna like one person making a sudden alliance of NINE across three tribes on Day 0.

Seraing isn't too bad strategicaly. They are divided in half of course, but that considering the others in actually OK. This tribe would be able to go to Tribal and sustain minimum damage.

Charleroi has such a mish-mash of good players, it is no wonder things are looking interesting already. I predict when these guys go to Tribal it will erupt into utter chaos.

Leuven however has already plunged into chaos (My black tribes have a habit of this [see Anse la Raye/Amman]). Joe is your typical weak/inactive player outrager, while the other strategists want each other gone over Simon because they can use him later. So IDK what is happening there.
4028 days 5 hours ago
BTW I need Wikia helpers :P

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