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S27 Kiribati Discussion

Topic » S27 Kiribati Discussion

3218 days 2 hours ago
Nick confesh

Ok so I am having a super busy day so this confessional will actually be fast. Josh not going was a surprise, I was expecting him to vote Morgan with the other two but nope he voted Courtney haha. I figured he just tried to jump off the sinking ship before it was too late. It was still ok that Courtney left though. This challenge was right up my ally but I was on my slow computer and it was just not good timing for me so I was not expecting the win. I was glad Joel won though. It means that we can split the votes on Christian and Josh tonight with Christian going home. Joel also promised to give me the idol clue so things are really looking up. After the both Josh and Christian are gone Austin and I have started to make a plan. We plan on taking out Morgan and Jasper and sticking with Addriana and Joel. I have a f2 with Austin but I don't plan on keeping it, I much rather go to the end with people like Addriana and Joel because I know I can beat them. I guess I can figure that out then though. Well I gotta go, hopefully no blindside will happen tonight!!

3218 days 2 hours ago
Christian confesh

Im fucked

If I somehow magically make it through this:
3218 days 2 hours ago
Jasper confesh

You know, if there's one thing I learned from this past season of Survivor: Worlds Apart, it's that when you have the opportunity to take out a big target, you do it.

I don't care if he has an idol, someone has to send some votes his way and I'm happy to do it.

I told everyone I want his head on a Diamond-Encrusted Silver Platter.
3218 days 2 hours ago
Christian confesh

Nick says to vote josh which I guess I'll do since I'm willing to vote anyone and he literally did the same thing to Courtney last tribal. It's my only shot unless I find the idol but with one hour left it doesn't look too good
3218 days 2 hours ago
Joel confesh

That vote went exactly how it was suppose to and I'm feeling great. I don't think I'm the major threat. Sure I won immunity but I have played a UTR game for the most part. I just wanted to be recognised a bit. Josh thinks I haven't voted him so that keeps him happy for now. I think this vote is going to show cracks though. Since we can't split the vote I expect a possible other target emerging. Going to be interesting to see.

3218 days 2 hours ago
Jasper confesh

With Christian out of the way, I mapped out how I'm going to make it to the final 2.

Right now, Josh is the last member on the outside. He'll be going home next.
Then Joel is the only person I don't have a relationship with, so he gets 6th.

Which means me, Morgan, Adrianna, Austin, and Nick final five.
It's here that The Buarikaria Four will break. Austin & Nick think that Morgan and I will vote for Adrianna, but in reality; Myself, Adrianna, and Morgan are the last remaining original Buariki members. I'm using that connection to blindside Austin/Nick in a 3-2 vote at final five.

At final four we would get rid of the remaining member of Austin/Nick, but if they win Immunity, Adrianna would probably have to be voted off cause I don't think I could convince the remainder of Austin/Nick to vote out Morgan.

So hopefully it's me/Adrianna/Morgan in which I think both would take me to f2 and I would take Adrianna. Or if it's me/Morgan Austin/Nick I have a 2 out of 3 shot to make it to the final two.

Now let's see if I can pull it off. I want me and Adrianna to be the final two.
3218 days 2 hours ago
Joel confesh

WOW.. Austin just told me there was an f4 with him Morgan Jasper and Nick. Luckily he trusted me enough to give me this info and hopefully further myself in the game because of this. Maybe my sights are set on a new target instead of Josh.
3218 days 2 hours ago
Joel confesh

WELL THE TIDES ARE TURNING! Austin is paranoid that there is a 3 person Buariki alliance which is perfect for me. Because I didn't lash out on Josh earlier when he lied or even mention it, he is now on my side because he is desperate. So a final 4 was formed with Me Nick Austin and Josh. In no way I'm concerned they have a final 3 because neither Austin or Nick trust Josh that much. Honestly I think I have a good chance of making it top 3 if this vote goes to plan. My main concern is an Austin/Nick Final 2 which if its more apparant I will have to do something about it.
3218 days 2 hours ago
Nick confesh

Sorry about sending this late, I had a hella busy day yesterday. Anyways Christian going was perfect, I pretended to help campaign for him and I told him that he should vote Josh as his only bet. It was a pure jury management strategy and it seemed to work since he messaged me saying he is going to root for me lol. His vote possibly could get Courtney's and potentially Josh's if he manages to get on the jury as well. Now let's talk about the challenge... If I was on a computer I know I could do pretty damn good but I knew I would struggle since I'm on mobile. I stayed through the whole comp missing like every round but miraculously made it to the end and won the final round lmao. I was stoked to be able to make f6 and kinda just take a breather. After the challenge I was added into another chat with Joel, Josh, Austin, and myself. They want Jasper and Morgan gone, preferably Morgan gone tonight since Jasper could have an idol. I personally don't know if this is the right move for me though, I wanted to take Morgan further. I would be fine with Jaaper but the idol risk is definitely there. I honestly think Josh going might be better seeing if that if he manages to make it to the end he could easily win. I really don't know what I'm going to do, I guess I'll get back to thinking...
On a side note I am loving this position in this game, I honestly think I have a legitimate chance of winning.
3218 days 2 hours ago
Josh confesh

The three guarantees in life: Death, Taxes, and Shadiness

Maybe that last one is just meant for survivor, but considering life and survivor have many parallels, I'm just going with it. This game has been very boring for the last few rounds, mainly because Nick and Austin seem content to just run this to the end and knocking out whatever large-ish threat are in their path. The good news is that the concept is easily dealt with: get a majority against them. The one problem is that people like Morgan and Adrianna seem to be hellbent on removing me from the equation. Not good!

Morgan has found room for me in her schedule out of the kindness of her heart. After all these rounds, you NOW maybe want to work with me? Obviously she's just pandering to prevent votes going onto her, but I think she should be more worried than she actually is. Myself, Austin, Nick and Joel all plan to vote Morgan. Hopefully this isn't a lie, cus what's the point in lying to me? I already know my ass is on the hot seat and if I get an idol in blackjack today, I'm sure as hell using it. But removing me from the game at this point is dumb since I haven't really been in charge of anything outside of kicking Ollie out.
3218 days ago
Noooooo josh :(
3217 days 23 hours ago
Austin confesh

Whoop dee fucking doo. The easiest vote of the season just got real. There were two clear sides. Josh, Joel, me, and Nick vs. Jasper, Adrianna, and Morgan. Our side voted Morgan because we believed that Jasper had an idol. We knew that the other side was voting Josh so we didn't really worry about the vote. It seemed pretty straight forward. However, Nick betrayed us which just completely flipped the game upside down (even if it seems like I'm fine with Nick). Anyone who lies to me is on my shitlist. Whatever final 2 we had (which was clearly fake anyways because Nick would've never brought me to the end) is off.

The problem is now that Nick is arguing that we're still the majority. Apparently, Morgan is voting with us and now we're only against Jasper and Adrianna. However, if something goes wrong like an idol is played - I'm going to go home. I'm sure that Nick wants to vote Jasper next time if he doesn't win immunity and do you know who Jasper and Adrianna will be voting? Me. No one would waste their vote on the halfway inactive Joel.

Nick completely screwed me over and I'm not okay with it. Now, Nick is in the best position and he really doesn't deserve to be in that position. If we do get rid of Jasper, my next target will be Nick (if me and Joel can somehow align with Adrianna). Ugh... but now the road to the end which was pretty clear is now very unclear. My chances of making it there have decreased and this is because of my closest ally? Yeah, I'm NOT okay with that huns. You don't mess with me and go unnoticed.
3217 days 23 hours ago
Nick confesh

Okay so I kinda completely blindsided Josh here. I was supposed to vote Morgan with Austin, Joel, and Josh but decided that it really wasn't good for my game. Josh and I are on horrible terms and he was even mad at me for not giving him the clue. I actually want to go to the end with Morgan so voting him off would be just plain dumb, I plan on getting Jasper out next. Time to do some damage control!
3217 days 23 hours ago
Morgan confesh

Sorry Shawn, have been super busy BUT also have been throwing immunity comps on purpose so I wouldn't be perceived as a bigger threat than I already am.

Anyways, the past few tribals have been fairly easy. Me, Jasper, Adrianna, Nick, & Austin have been voting together and just getting the "other side" out. The last tribal showed how everyone wants to move forward and I should still easily be with majority.  It's...

Me, Jasper, Adrianna, & Nick
Austin, Joel, and now eliminated Josh.

It wouldn't have been a blindside had a left because I knew what was going on but I would have been upset because I've had an idol (from Day 2, might I add) and don't want to use that unless I really have to. I have now been a vote away from elimination twice this season but I'm still going to move forward fighting to make it to the finals. Thanks!

Love you,
Morgan :)
3217 days 23 hours ago
Nick confesh

Okay damn I just fucked myself like badly. I had finished doing damage control with Joel and Auatin and things were looking a lot better. I built trust in both Morgsn and Jasoer from this move and all of my bases seemed to be covered. Then I thought I was privately talking to Jasper and threw Austins name under the bus but it was actually a group chat that Austin was in. Smdh wtf did I do. I have messaged Austin many times swearing to anything that I said it to gain trust with Jasper and all of this bs but I don't think he believes it. I might actually have to stick with jasper and Mogan but I have nobody to blame but myself. This sucks. I have to figure something out...

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