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S27 Kiribati Discussion

Topic » S27 Kiribati Discussion

3223 days 12 hours ago
Brendon confesh

so it looks like Courtney or me could be going home, but through Austin I have gained a lot of info and I am making him think I trust him again just because I know he is in the power seat right now.

The way the votes are looking,


are voting for Morgan\

Austin is voting for me


are voting for Courtney

Joel is the swing!
3223 days 12 hours ago
Austin confesh

Well, after everything that happened - Brendon finally trusts me again and is on my side. Unfortunately, it's a little too late for that. Now that I learned that he truly doesn't have the idol... he is definitely going home. I want to save him, but I've already gone way out of my way to help him already. If he would have told me the truth earlier, it would be a different story. Ultimately, I have to do what is best for my long term game.
3223 days 12 hours ago
Courtney confesh

OH MY GOD! This game is FUCKING CRAZY! Let's start from the very start, right after our tribe lost that challenge where you had to run as quick as possible while three stooges tried to pin you down to the ground, which Andy Samberg like to throws stuff on. So, at first, the plan should have been fucking obvious. Since Nick was banned and was and at the tribal council, it should have been obvious that Nick would be evicted, and we would never see NickDaBannedBitch again. In fact, Josh, who I talked to, hoped Nick would be in the Tribal Council. In fact, Brendan, who I've realized has somehow turned me into Natalie Tenerelli, which I'll get to later, was fine with it. BUT THEN, the shit hit the fan. Right after I voted for NickDaBitch, it turned out that Noah and somehow Nick even though he's banned was spreading "lies" about Brendan, so the target somehow became Noah. Then, we had to make it seem like Brendan had an idol, and Brendan thought that I didn't want to vote for Noah. And then Austin told Brendan that people were going to split between him and me, and also I had to tell Josh all of this shit as well while getting him on our side, which I did. Also, for the record, I'm just as lost as you, I'm literally using my mails to help me remember what the FUCK happened.

But, it gets even better than that shit, because Brendan wanted me to ask Christian and Jasper who they were voting for by just being like, "hey bitch tell me the vote",'like I'm some shady drug dealer selling cocaine. I mean, hoe, they'll clearly lie to me since they know how much I'm close to you, but whatever, I'll still do that shit. And that shit, I did, RIGHT AFTER Brendan told me how he doesn't trust Jasper even though he was the one who brought Jasper into the alliance in the first fucking place. So, I did that shit. They both told me they were voting for Noah, which was good news to Brendan. BUT THEN, Brendan, who somehow has become my master, told me to ask Noah who he's voting for. I mean, bitch please! You're the snake charmer, and I'm the snake, so why don't you try charming for once! Also, that was a really bad analogy but whatever. So, I asked Noah, but, as it turns out, Noah TRULY has a double-digit IQ since he told ME who asked him out of the blue, to vote for Brendan. I mean, how stupid can you be? You bet I told Brendan, and you bet we told that double-digit IQd monkey-fighting ace out of here. Oh, and also, Christian had an idol which he played on his master, and it turned out, surprise, Jasper lied to us! Now, at this point, you might as well have made a Straight Outta meme about me because I was Straight Outta Fucks at this point.

Now, since this confessional is 99% a jumbling mess of me trying to explain strategy, all I'll say is that I was pleasantly surprised there was a merge, and also, I loved the Amazing Race challenge, but that puzzle was hard as fuck though since I had no idea you had to rotate the pieces, I mean, it took me twenty one valuable minutes to complete, that truly WAS hard as shit. But anyways, Christian got immunity, and all I say is good for him, he's an ally, so good for him! Now, I know I'm going to go to hell for this, but the first thing I did was ask Brendan who to vote for, and he told me to vote for whoever I felt like, and I'm like, "Bitch, you told me to do what you wanted to do, don't drop me off in the middle of nowhere". He told me to team up with Josh and Joel, and while I already considered myself teamed up with Josh, I didn't know about Joel actually, considering we fought once in Bingo's Survivor, so it might have been hard to team up. But, then again, I just sent him the deal at the time of me sending the confessional, so good luck to me. Also, everyone's voting off Morgan, and since that snake is irrelevant as fuck, we're going to do just that.
3223 days 12 hours ago
Courtney confesh (part 2)

But probably the most important thing of all is that right after it turned out Jasper was lying to us about voting for Noah, he quickly came up to me and apologized, but not before unleashing some honest truths about me. He told me that he was planning on voting for Brendon, before telling me after why he did it, in case Brendon was voted off, but that never came to light. And then he told me everyone sees me and Brendon as a pair, and then it hit me like how the train hit Becky. I realized that I was probably playing Brendon's game, that I was the Tenerelli to his Boston Rob. I realized that I shouldn't bring Brendon in the final 2 in fear of being seen as the goat, which is why I want to keep Brendon for as long as possible, and then get rid of him. Because I truly am in it to win it.
3223 days 12 hours ago
Morgan confesh

"Hey Morgan you're safe."
"Hey Morgan, you're not on anyone's radar."
"Hey Morgan, don't worry about tribal you're fine."

... I was one vote away from being blindsided :///////
like oh my gosh, I don't feel safe in this game at all.

Moving forward I'm content with my alliance with Weby, Jasper, Nick, and I but I don't feel comfortable. I want to shake the game up and go my own path but i know that they will probably take me farther than anyone right now... I don't trust them much at all BUT they did save me so there's that. Hopefully something will arise in the next few days that will put in a goodposition.

Thank you,
Morgan :)
3223 days 12 hours ago
Joel confesh

OMG I AM SUCH AN IDIOT!!! I VOTE FUCKING COURTNEY? I bet I'm the laughing stock of the whole cast. I am shocked I even made JURY considering how invisible I've been for the majority of the episodes. I think this is my time to pull off a few tricks out my sleeve
3223 days 12 hours ago
Nick confesh

Good days are just great aren't they? Brendon was voted off last night (which means MY plan was successful (; ), I got unbanned, and the lying skank Josh will have his demise tonight. I am not in the writing mood so i'm going to try and make this quick. The group of four with Austin, myself, Morgan, and Jasper was solidified. I made a final two with Austin and my friendship continues to grow with Morgan and Jasper. Austin and I believe that taking out Jasper down the road will be a good idea, his little I don't care if I get voted out yesterday thing was completely game and Jasper really is a major threat. For now we must stick together though. I talked to both Josh and Joel about last nights vote, both of them claimed they voted Courtney. I asked for screenshots from both of them and Joel was the only one who replied with two pics (one of them where Josh literally told Joel that he voted Morgan) while Josh just went "offline" probably invisible tbh. Going into the immunity challenge our main target was Christian and he ended up winning, I tried hard but ended up falling short by 2 points and got second :P The shitty thing about Christian winning is that he makes it another day which gives him time which is extremely important, AND it gives him a better chance of getting the immunity idol. Since he has immunity my bet is that he will think that we will vote Courtney, if he thinks that he will hopefully play the idol on her if he has one which wouldn't do anything since I proposed the idea of voting for Josh. It would be another complete blindside orchestrated by yours truly *bows* (: I will tell both Addriana and Josh that I will be voting Courtney, Josh will obviously not follow but Addriana might. Joel will most likely vote with us as well seeing he has remained trustworthy and is mad at Josh for throwing him under the bus and saying he voted Morgan. If this all works the vote will be 5 to 3 to 1 with Josh going hehe (:< This game is just falling into my hands and I am absolutely loving it. Lets just hope I don't get too cocky. Btw I am done with that dumbass peace thing I used to do. (also damn that was not short at all oops)
3223 days 12 hours ago
Nick confesh

Confessional - So I decided to talk to Addriana and originally I was going to tell her to vote Courtney as a throw away vote but that changed kinda fast. She appears to be completely alone and wanted to make some kind of group. I agreed and asked Austin if he wanted to be apart of it. I had to play a bit dumb on the chat and pretend I didn't know about the whole Josh thing and that Austin came up with it. I actually like Addriana and she isn't exactly a huge threat so bringing her far wouldn't be a bad thing. So yeah I'm glad this happened. Also she did agree to vote Josh so just another vote towards him yay haha. -Nick
3223 days 12 hours ago
Joel confesh

RAT DETECTED! RAT DETECTED! NAME:JOSH. You thought you could frame me voting Morgan and you voting Court.. well guess what? I've planted the seed and shown my evidence, and you are now walking out of this game. CYA!
3223 days 12 hours ago
Josh confesh

Well last round I voted Morgan kinda as a Hail Mary that something would work. I barely talk to Morgan, kinda doing so to look like a floater, but unfortunately both Joel and I are claiming we voted Courtney. I had a feeling that nick and Austin were lying to me, and it's not like there was an idol to help things, but in the end Brendan unfortunately left.

It's looking more and more like I made the wrong decision voting Ollie out at the last Riaria vote. I just didn't see how connected nick and Austin were to other players, namely Jasper and Morgan. Right now all I can do is vote Courtney and hope that once her and Christian are gone, I'm able to pull a group together to eliminate Morgan, Nick and Austin in whatever order.
3223 days 12 hours ago
Jasper confesh

I am so surprised that the vote somehow shifted from me to Morgan yesterday. I was certain that I was going to get cut right before Jury. I don't know if votes will be headed my way today, but I'm feeling more confident than yesterday that I'll be sticking around.

Right now my main priority is to get Christian out. Although I have faith that the Buarikaria Four will stay strong, I KNOW that Austin and Nick are a pair and they will take each other over everyone else to the finals. I NEED to get Christian out of here because that frees up Courtney and Adrianna to be able to work with me. Because right now, as long as they're in the game, I don't feel like I can trust them with information without it getting back to Christian.

Right now the plan is to split the votes between Josh and Courtney, in order to save ourselves in an Idol play. I'm supposed to be voting for Josh, but as I'm typing this confessional I'm starting to think that it might be more beneficial for me to keep him. He's voting Courtney today, he has my trust, and he would be okay with going after Nick and Austin.

Heh heh heh... I think maybe I should shake things up a little bit. I'm in jury anyways so fuck it, why not?
3223 days 12 hours ago
Austin confesh

Well, Brendon's elimination went how it was supposed to go. But, that doesn't mean this one will.

After a devastatingly predictable immunity challenge, Christian won again. It seems as if there are two sides to the house. One side is Christian, Courtney, and Josh. The other side is me, Nick, Jasper, Morgan, Joel, and Adrianna. The problem is - am I right about who is on which side?

Yesterday, Josh claimed that he voted out Courtney. Me and Nick separately confronted Joel about the vote and he sent us two screenshots. One of them was the vote, while the other was Josh saying that he was voting Morgan. Josh was trying to play us (as I suspected) and is with the other side. The problem with Adrianna is that she didn't get the chance to vote at the last tribal council. We don't really know how she would've voted or if she was secretly aligned with Christian. She has done a very great job at getting people believe that she is against the other side. However, she doesn't have any strong relationships that I'm aware of on our side. There is a chance that Adrianna could vote with Christian and sheep.

And then, there's the chance that Jasper and Morgan could just turn on me and Nick and vote out one of us. But, that wouldn't be a great plan because the remaining one of us would still be in the game to make trouble. I probably sound like Vanessa at this point. It's easy to be paranoid when there isn't a limit to the amount of idols potentially in the house.

There's a chance that I could go at this tribal. So, I have to mentally prepare myself lol. And if I go, at least I made it to jury and in this season - that is quite the accomplishment because this game is crazy as fuck.

Anyways, the plan is for our side of 6 to split votes between Courtney and Josh. 3 votes will go on each just in case an idol is played. It'll be a very intense tribal like all the other ones, so grab your popcorn.
3223 days 12 hours ago
Courtney final words

Well, I can't say I'm shocked that I was evicted/eliminated from the game. I mean, when Brendan was evicted, I just knew that Christian and Josh and I were fatally screwed, I tried hard to keep myself in the game, but unfortunately, I was the first victim of the remaining alliance without Brendon. I am however shocked that it was a 4-3-2 vote, I mean, I didn't expect to receive 4 votes to send me home, I mean, that's not even the majority of the votes, that's like some Francesca Hogi shit right there. But then again, when Josh told me he voted me out right as I was writing this final words on the notes app, I wasn't that shocked since he needed to save himself. So, all I can say is that I hope Christian or Josh makes it to final two, since if they do, then both of them deserve the win.
3223 days 12 hours ago
Joel confesh

BET YA DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING! I beat the comp beast Christian and his bags may be packing this tribal council and I couldn't be happier. I went from the clueless stupid player to final 8 with immunity around my neck. No matter whether there's an idol or not, I'm not going to be the one out because of it. Thank god.
3223 days 12 hours ago
Austin confesh

Yay! Courtney went at tribal council. Although it didn't go exactly how we wanted it to go, Courtney going isn't really bad for my game. A lot of people would have wanted to drag Courtney after Christian got voted out because everyone could have beat Courtney in the end. She accomplished nothing this season. She was just there. Luckily, I don't think I'm one of those people that needed to bring Courtney to the end to have a shot at winning. However, the road to get there is still very long.

The vote tonight is obviously on Christian. But, there is a good chance that Christian has an idol because of his last few comp wins. We need to split the votes again and this time I won't be as paranoid about our plan backfiring... unless of course both Christian and Josh have an idol. Then, someone (very possibly me) could be fucked.

Now, it's important to focus on the path ahead. I doubt that Jasper and Morgan will stay loyal to the Buarikaria Four alliance or really just Jasper. He knows that I'm a smart player and I'm sure that I'm next on his target list. He is also next on mine. He is definitely the next biggest threat after Christian and I don't think that people should keep him in the house. I know that I could also be the next target of everyone else after Jasper goes... so I need to create an alliance that I really put faith into. I'm currently envisioning an alliance of me, Nick, Adrianna, and Joel. I think that we have a lot of potential to work as a group. I guess now it's time to see what actually happens.

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