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S27 Kiribati Discussion

Topic » S27 Kiribati Discussion

3223 days 13 hours ago
Brendon confesh

I feel like I saved myself by telling Austin I had the idol but then I made myself vulnerable again by telling Jasper and Christian I didn't really have it and they are just using me whoops.

So tomorrow I am going to tell Jasper and Christian I found the idol and I am going to use it on myself.

My last ditch effort worked then didn't work but now might work again!

Maybe I am just too paranoid in this game, because one thing is for sure, I am more lost than a a baby without its mom lol...
3223 days 13 hours ago
Jasper confesh

I have been gaming my ASS off for the past 2 hours. I feel fucking exhausted!

So as Ollie was heading off the island, he decided to add Austin, Noah, and Joel to DGH. I was extremely hesitant about it because although it put us in a majority of 6 out of 11, I know that majority alliances can crack and blow up in your face. So myself, Adrianna, and Christian made a separate chat to keep DGH alive, and I've been referring to the bigger chat as the Bomb Squad (because of how unnecessarily massive it is).

So DGH seemed to be on board with voting out Brendon, so all we needed was another vote. I haven't spoken a single word to Courtney all game so I knew I didn't have hers. Which left me with either Noah or Josh. Although I like Josh as a person, I wasn't totally sure I could trust him, so I went for Noah - who is an original Buariki member like myself.

Cue a bunch of drama that doesn't really pertain to me. Noah told Josh that he wanted to target Brendon and then Josh told Brendon.

Now what REALLY shook up this vote was that AUSTIN told Brendon that everyone was voting him out! So Brendon decided to start throwing everyone under the bus, as he's apparently been doing all game. So then, in order to make sure there's no way /I/ get targetted this vote, I outed Austin to basically everyone in our alliance. And probably as we speak Austin is sending PARAGRAPHS of apologies to basically half of the people left in the game, basically selling himself out.

So now with the dust settled and all of the drama solved. Myself, Christian, Nick, and Noah should be a tight four to vote out Brendon. However, I know that I put my hand in a lot of cookie jars today, and it would not totally surprise me if I get blindsided in this vote.

I know your idol is FAKE Brendon, but you're going to wish it was real!
3223 days 13 hours ago
Christian confesh

A lot has happened. Ollie decided to add 3 people to the chat because he was mad he got rocked out. Then the tempting offer happened. I obviously wouldn't accept because everyone would hate me, particularly Jasper and Nick.

I didnt want to end up on this tribe because I knew the vote would be hard. Austin told Brendon that I was voting him, which is true, but I think I convinced him I'm not. Brendon thinks me, him, Courtney and Jasper are voting Noah, but we're not. I feel really bad about voting Brendon out since I think he would be loyal, but he's been throwing a lot of people under the bus and making a lot of alliances with other people and I dont know if I want to be allied with someone as spontaneous as him. I could always play my idol on him, but I think its better for me to keep it.

I know that Jasper is a huge threat and I'm wary of it, but he's one of my better allies left. I'm not sure about how much I can trust Nick & Austin & Noah & Josh. I'm definitely wary of Austin and Japser though.
3223 days 13 hours ago
Brendon confesh

I should have just shut my mouth after I told Austin I had the idol I wasn't thinking straight and then Christian and Jasper found out I actually didn't have the idol so now they both don't trust me. I am so frustrated, i have been nothing but loyal to Christian
3223 days 13 hours ago
Christian confesh

Now that I think about it, this alliance with Nick & Noah & Johnny is kinda shady. I feel like I'm definitely on the bottom whereas with Brendon & Courtney I have a better chance. I'm kind of conflicted because I feel like if I save Brendon I'll piss off a lot of people, but I feel like Jasper might understand. And I'd probably be a target at the next tribal since everyone wanted Brendon out. I need to do some thinking
3223 days 13 hours ago
Josh confesh

I have no definitive clue where anyone's head is at. Brendan is a maniac and I hate playing with him. I should learn never to talk to him. My only source of potentially accurate info is Jasper but it's an hour away and the last thing I've heard from him is that people may be voting Noah but he doesn't see Noah as a threat.
3223 days 13 hours ago
Noah B. confesh

Whatever happens today, this tribal council is gonna be nerve-wracking. Either its 6-1 brendon goes home which could happen, or brendon plays an idol, and his one vote happens to be me, and my game is over. I think we can pull this off, and it is gonna be awesome! I can smell the fruity fruits and cheese and crackers at that merge picnic that is oh so close to us...
3223 days 13 hours ago
Noah B. confesh

Well I got voted out. It sucks to be done with this game I love and wanted to win so bad, but you know what. I went out in a good way. I didn't get voted out because I was not doing anything. I got voted out cause I was a threat. I want to say I truly enjoyed myself, i wouldn't hesitate to do it again, and I had fun, which is almost as important as a million dollars. Now for my cast assessment:

Brendon: You are gonna be tough to eliminate, you are gonna win challenges and eventually backstab the people that got you to vote for me. This elimination just elevated your game.
Christian: You just shocked the world! I would be mad at you but I don't hold grudges, in the end it was a good move, but watch out, Brendon is gonna take you out soon.
Jasper: Thanks for being my ally. I hope we play again soon. Win this for me!
Morgan: You were great, and I hope you go far!
Adrianna: ^
Austin: I hope you go far as well, and you take down the regime.
Nick: Once you are unbanned you are going to play great. Good luck!
Josh: You played me man. But no hard feelings
Courtney: You surprised me. You are a sheep imo. I knew Brendon was on your side and you will do anything for you. *hears baaaaaa sounds* You're welcome!
Joel: Don't know shit about you, but gl

Thanks to everyone!
3223 days 13 hours ago
Morgan confesh

All my allies keep on getting eliminated and I'm still just "surviving".


I have to go to the bathroom, brb.
3223 days 13 hours ago
Joel confesh

Literally Brendon comes up and approaches me yet again with the paelau final 4 thing. I'll go with it but GUESS WHAT? I'm 4th in that alliance. I will flip when possible. I honestly have no major alligiences and Brendon is overplaying this game. I honestly see a divide and I sit somewhere in the middle again
3223 days 13 hours ago
Brendon confesh


I AM SO MAD ABOUT THE AMAZING RACE ESPECIALLY because i got caught up on the puzzle then had to go out so i guess I'm not voting yay!!

so honestly i feel blessed to still be in the game but I'm not ready to go yet and unlike most of my other first merge tribals everything is a clusterf*ck so there is no line


Idk who to trust at this point so I'm just going to wing it!
3223 days 13 hours ago
Christian confesh

So Jasper & I had a falling out which was expected. I really think I made the best decision even though I wasted my idol since I didnt even know Josh was voting with Brendon! Honestly I felt like Jasper was running the game and this is the first time he's not in control. Also, Ollie continues to play the game when he's OUT of the game which is rather annoying. He told Japser I told him (Ollie) I had an idol, which is pretty annoying.

I think that I have an ok relationship with Adrianna. My relationship with Nick is rocky considering I've lied to him twice now, and potentially now a third time. He wants to vote Courtney, which I dont want to do but I tried to be more honest and tell him I'd think about it. Which is the half truth.

This is a tricky vote since Brendon & Adrianna can't vote. Its better if me, Courtney, Josh and Joel (maybe) vote for someone who CAN vote, since on the revote they wouldnt be able to count and hopefully the other side votes for Brendon who cant even vote originally. Then on the revote, we'd still have all 4 votes.

I really do feel bad about betraying Jasper, but in previous group games I've been too complacent and worried too much about being loyal. I guess I'm a villain this game, so I'll try to embrace it. I'm the misunderstood hero, like Cristina Yang. Also, now that jury starts at 9, I really need to think about who I want to go to the final 2 with because I want to win, not get 2nd.

This game has been a roller coaster and I think its only going to get worse. But as a wise person once said, "You have greatness in you Yang. Dont disappoint"
3223 days 13 hours ago
Austin confesh

Ugh. So, I better just start off with yesterday where I screwed up. The new alliance that Ollie put me into was going great... until I basically ruined that. But, if my plan would have worked, I would have been in a good position... unfortunately it backfired.

Everyone in the alliance thought it was a great time to take out Brendon. Since Brendon is an ally of mine, I wanted to keep him safe. I knew that coming into merge - big targets are going to be the first ones to go. I wanted to keep Brendon in the game so that he would remain a big target. With telling Brendon this information, I would have been in the middle of two sides with no one coming after me. Everyone loves being in that position, but attaining it is not as easy as it seems.

I informed Brendon right after I found out about the plan that he was in trouble. But first, I got him to reveal to me that he had an idol. Now, it's easy to lie and say you have an idol in this game. The way he said it though made me truly believe that he had an idol and I'm still unsure whether he actually had one. Anyways, I told him that everyone besides Courtney was planning on voting him out at Tribal Council (tbh you guys probably know what happened by now, but I'm telling my side LOL). He flipped out and I told him that he needed to use the idol on himself. I told him that everyone was secretly pretending to vote Courtney. Why did I tell him this? Brendon is someone that I've aligned with multiple times in the past. While Brendon has lied to multiple people and broke their trust, he has always remained loyal  to me. I foolishly believed that he would stay loyal to me in this game. But because I'm not a total idiot, I made him promise before I told him the plan that he couldn't tell anyone about it. I made him promise twice. But, he didn't believe me and told Christian. Christian told Jasper and then it blew up in our alliance chat. Then, Brendon also told Christian who told him this. Jasper got pissed off and I knew that I was in deep trouble. The only thing I could do at that point was fess up because Jasper knew that it was me (THANK GOD THAT NICK TOLD ME THIS). So, I fessed up making it look like I was doing this out of the kindness of my heart and not because Nick just informed me that Jasper already knew it was me. Then, I individually apologized to everyone else in the alliance for what I did. Thankfully, everyone seemed to not care very much about what happened. That was yesterday.

After what happened, I realized that Christian is a MONSTER threat. He needs to go ASAP. He is my biggest target. Unfortunately, he won immunity today by a blowout victory.

Now, a lot of people are suspicious of me which isn't what I wanted to happen. I just want to make it to jury at this point. This game is crazy af. Today's vote... is also going to be intense. Brendan and I somehow mended things after he realized that it was a misunderstanding. But, I'm totally not going to trust Brendon or work with him moving forward. What he did is not something I can just put behind myself. I want revenge. I want blood. So, I told Brendon that I'd vote with him at this tribal. I've gave some hints that I want Jasper out (which ultimately I do) and he plans on voting him out along with Courtney, Josh, and Christian. Well Brendon can't vote, but he does still have influence in this game. So, 3 votes will be on Jasper - but the other 5 should be on Brendon. Brendon does say that he has an idol and that he's playing it on himself... so Jasper or Brendon is going home. tbh IDC if either go because both are big threats. If Jasper does go, I'll cover up my vote to Brendon saying that since he had an idol I didn't want to look super shady with my other allies. At this point, IDK wtf is going to happen with the rest of the game. All I know is that it's going to be a huge battle to the end and that I'm most likely going to be a casualty of the battle.
3223 days 13 hours ago
Jasper confesh

So yesterday's vote blindsided me. I was lied to about who was voting who, and my supposed final two, Christian, used his idol to protect the person I was targetting.

It seems now that the line has been drawn in the sand. Christian/Brendon/Courtney are an obvious trio. I have decided that I have to ditch Christian and work with the other side if I want any chance of making it to the end.

Myself, Nick, and Austin came up with a plan: We're going to "blindside" Brendon in tonight's vote by making sure everyone else believes that we are voting off Courtney. The thought process is that if anyone from their side has an idol, they will use it to protect Courtney and Brendon will still be voted off.

I know I'm their target today, so this is my last shot. If Brendon doesn't go home, then it looks like I fell flat right before Jury :( Which would suck!
3223 days 13 hours ago
Morgan confesh

I added you into the conversation because I wanted to show you how dumb Brendan thinks I am. So with that being said I told him the plan was 100% to get Courtney out so that if anyone has an idol they will use in on her. WHEN IN REALITY, we are voting out Brendan.

Genius! ^_^


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