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S27 Kiribati Discussion

Topic » S27 Kiribati Discussion

3220 days 11 hours ago
Jasper confesh

So it's safe to say that from my confessional yesterday I had ZERO idea Morgan was going to Idol me! He said yesterday that he was going to put his game on the line and he'd see me at tribal, but I just thought that meant he was going to go through with tying the vote and going to rocks; thus saving me but putting him in danger!

I am extremely humble to have made it this far into the game, but unfortunately I was exposed going into the final five so I HAVE to bust my ass off in these final two immunity challenges. I KNOW the first challenge I lose I am going to be sent to the Jury. So today you better believe you're going to see me go full #TeamTryHard.

For today's vote, having Immunity means /I/ don't have to worry too much about an Idol play. If an Idol gets played, I would rather see Adrianna stay over Morgan. Morgan has made a final two deal with Adrianna, so I know he plans on cutting me at final three. Adrianna is a little useless in challenges, but I basically feel like I'm fighting by myself anyways so if one of my allies HAS to go today, I'd much rather it be the one who's planning to go against me anyways.

With that being said Viewer's Lounge, I will see you all at the finale, where hopefully next time you see me I'll be getting grilled by the jury at final tribal council :)
3220 days 11 hours ago
Austin confesh

After everything, I ended up in 3rd. I feel like I would have had a shot at winning if today would've been postponed. However, you can't always get what you want. I had one final plea to bring me to the end, but Jasper wasn't dumb enough to buy into it. I hope the viewers liked me. I had a fun time playing in this season. Hopefully next time I'll be playing with people who have brains.
3220 days 11 hours ago
Nick confesh

I just thought I would make one more confessional before FTC. I'm glad my idol ended up working because that really boosted up my chances of making it further. I obviously would have took out Jasper but he sadly won immunities both times. To be perfectly honest my dream f2 would be me and Addriana but oh well. I don't have much hope going into this FTC but I am sure going to put out one hell of a speech. Lets do this thing!
3220 days 9 hours ago
being a finalist, and a viewer, i just don't like essay long opening statements. I just find them to be to risky. If any part of your opening statement is BS, or sounds like BS, then there will always be that one person on the jury, who read it all, and who will call you out on it. Then you have to explain stuff and you could loose some potential votes.
3220 days 5 hours ago
Damn reading this VL is bittersweet.

Thank you to everyone that supported me (except KidA who has an issue for some reason)

But also, f**k you Nick, literally I was rooting for you until I see all this fake shit #JasperWasRobbed
3220 days 5 hours ago
^ Not even gonna re read my confessionals because of the cringe. Just wondering how I was fake though??
3220 days 5 hours ago
Thanks viewers for not hating me!
3220 days 5 hours ago
Omg Joel was robbed af

3220 days 5 hours ago
Chris confesh

Well, it was a friendly game of blackjack at Shawn's house.

I draw a 9 and a 7. I have 16. The odds are against me, but I can't hold. I draw.

5! I got 21! I get an idol!

But then the paranoia sets in. Should I play it now and secure myself at least 16th place? Or do I save it?

I save it of course. But I'll feel like a fucking tool if I go today.

3220 days 5 hours ago
Morgan confesh

I honestly have no clue what to do this vote. It's either Joel or Jasper and I couldn't be any more split.

Joel is a bigger jury threat but I've been aligned with Jasper for so long... really not sure what to do. :'(

ME, A JURY THREAT? please.
3220 days 4 hours ago
This VL was very interesting. After the first few days, the viewers didn't seem very into the game. But, it was still nice reading the confessionals. I can't say anything said was very unexpected... besides the fact that Chris had an idol when voted out LMAO.
3220 days 4 hours ago
Sorry to let down all the fans, you can buy my idol on eBay.
3220 days 2 hours ago
Literally am floored at how much I was perceived a threat, but at least my strategy of distancing myself from Adrianna kept people from seeing us working together. WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE IF SHE VOTED FOR ME THOUGH!
3219 days 21 hours ago
Just read actually read through every confesh, a lot of my confessionals that I sent on Skype sadly didn't make it when I was banned. Some of them were important and kinda did contribute to my win but it's honestly fine. Just wanted to point it out since my ocd was killing me lol
3219 days 21 hours ago
[8/18/15 12:56:29 PM] Nick R: Confessional - Holy fucking shit what the fuck just happened? I think that takes the cake for most interesting tribal council this season haha. I don't know why but I really didn't see Josh having or playing an idol which really almost bit me in the ass. Going to rocks with Ollie was probably the thing I was least concerned about doing during this tribal haha. I mean tbh I didn't even think of that possibility. However this really did work out perfectly. I was actually really wanting to vote out Ollie but Austin kinda persuaded me to keep him for his connections with other tribes and he could definitely help protect me since I have a 3 day ban. It made sense but overall my gut was telling me to take this threat out before it was too late. So lets just say I was ecstatic when Ollie revealed to have had the purple rock. Right after that Ollie started blaming josh and how it was a dumb move or something which really made no sense like seriously Josh clearly did what he had to do lmao. During the fit that Ollie was having he added Austin and I to some chat claiming that we needed to get out Josh or something like that. The chat consists of Austin, myself, Joel, Addriana, Jasper, and Christian. People started saying that maybe the 6 of us should work together since we would have numbers if we happened to merge. Of course I agreed and everyone else did too. So basically we were able to get out the massive threat Ollie and still use his connections without him even being in the game! :D Of course there are some huge threats in this group of 6 but it's what I need to stay alive during the early merge. My allegiance still lies with Josh and Austin though and I believe that us 3 are still solid. Thats not to say I wouldn't blindside them if I had to though haha… The only thing I regret about this day is stating that Brendon is a threat in the 6 person chat, like seriously what dumbass would say that when Christian and Joel (original tribe members with him) are there. Hopefully it went in one ear and out the other but we will see lol. That all I have right now, just happening for a merge soon! Peaccceeee                     -Nick

[8/18/15 1:06:37 PM] Nick R: btw message to people in the VL that care regarding my ban, I obviously will continue being active in this game since I have already put so much effort and I am having tons of fun. Plus my ban is only 3 days so it won't really matter. I will be participating in everything with the exception of challenges  since you can't really have a challenge hosted at Skype and on tengaged at the same time (please prove me wrong on this lol). I was active during todays TC as well and was posting on Skype so I will continue doing that in the future. This came at an unfortunate time but I will make the best of it. - Nick (:
[8/18/15 7:24:51 PM] Nick R: Confessional - A lot has happened since last nights TC. Firstly I was expecting a merge but the fucking ugly Roulette wheel decided to make another appearance. The tribe swap went alright and I happened to be in the group of three people who were involved with the twist. When the twist was revealed to be a temptation my immediate reaction was to accept it, It was the perfect way to stay safe during my ban but I had to talk myself out of it knowing I would be a massive target if I had selected it. It really sucked knowing I had to go to my 5th tribal and I couldn't even do anything about it but I still figured that the vote would be easy enough, …I couldn't have been more wrong. The scrambling has been absolutely insane. There are so many rumors and just plain out crazy things happening I don't even think I can summarize it. All I know is that the vote is supposed to be Brendon (which is what would be best for my game right now seeing how we don't get along too well). It gets tricky though because my closet ally's Austin and Josh have been shady and have been confirmed to both leak information to Brendon. Both of the

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