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TSC 220 Final

Topic » TSC 220 Final

3185 days 15 hours ago
1.  Amber Run
Oh, I like his voice. A lot. Has Amber Run been played before? The name sounds familiar. I love this. Especially the end. I'm not sure how well it'll do because it's not your typical TSC song but I'm sappy this morning and it gave me feels. ;)

2. Leon
I'm too lazy to do the accent over the e on my keyboard. :(
She has another good voice. The whistling is fun too. Both great starts to the contest.

Ok, it took 20 seconds for this song to start. I'm limited on time this morning. It sounds very "Garbage" ish. Or maybe not. Scratch that. I feel like her voice isn't strong enough to match the instruments. It was different, though.

4. Skylar Grey
Another familiar name. I think this is a TSC with all of our favorites. I can't wait to get down there to the new chvrches
Oh, featuring the xambassadors. This was good. I liked it a lot. I wonder if they're touring together. I saw them twice last year here. I love the tempo in this song.

5. Inna
I was sure I wouldn't like this, but I do. It was a fun listen. This is going to be a tough contest! I can tell already.

6. Nussy
I read nussy and thought "hussy." Poor thing. She must have had it rough in school.
This isn't bad, but I don't think it's going to stand out to the other stronger songs. Nothing about this wow'ed me.

7. Allie X
Blah. This was a bit monotonous for me. Especially towards the end. It took foreverrrrrr to end!

8. Brothertiger
Awww I was so hoping this would be better. Please tell me that it picks up. Blah, it does somewhat but nothing too exciting.

9. Audien
This was sooooooo good. I love the synths. I could so dance around to this. I have no idea who this guy is or who "RUMORS" are but I like them both.

10. Oh Land
Seriously, this is probably going to be one of my favorite contests, Can you guys stop playing good songs?
This is very TSC'ish with the deep and dark female voice. I could see others loving this too. She reminds me of so many other tsc artists and I want to not like it, but I do. Ok, honestly, the tempo pick up for about five seconds isn't my favorite part of the song, but it's still good.

11. Halsey
See? Another dark and deep female voice that I want to not like, but I do. Stop doing this to me, TSC! I love the sound to this but they lyrics were pretty random.

12. Hilary Duff
I think it'll take a lot for me to enjoy a Hilary Duff song and this wasn't one of them. I'm sure others would love this, though!

13. Nano
His voice is sooooooooo good. It's a bit random but I like it. Ok, it's a lot random, but I like it. Oh, I can so get down with this song haha. Whatever, bring on the hate, I like it.

15. Gorgon City
This has a good beat but it's not my thing. Finally a song that I'm just not crazy about.

16. Tinashe
I like typing her name. Tinashe. TINASHE. TinaSHE. TINAshe.
Ok. That's what I did while listening to this song. It wasn't that exciting. Sorry. Keep out, PLAYER.

17. Sia
Ooooh more Sia. Take it, TSC. That woman can sing. It's ridiculous. My song is never going to win this tsc haha. I love so many others. This is good, but it's not one of my favorites by her. It's also a bit long but that's my fault. I'm rushed this morning. :(

18. Chvrches
Oh, fun. I love this little band. It definitely gets me moving! Synthpop with coffee is a good way to wake up in the morning. :)

19. X-Wife
Oh, this surprised me. Haha. I like this too. How am I going to vote? :( :( :( Can I just give 10 tens? To make things fair?
3185 days 15 hours ago
I'm so happy I got this done. I am going to have a crazy busy weekend. :)
3185 days 14 hours ago
Ooooooh, it's Sarah. Hope you can stick around!

01) Amber Run - Wasn't bad, but not really my bowla soup... cuppa bowla wuuuuut?
02) Leon - It's been on my list, but eh, obviously I decided against it for a reason. I liked it more on my first listen, but it's still solid nonetheless.
03) HALO - See number one, but take away the "wasn't bad" part.
04) Skylar Grey - Toe tapping UTR goodness.
05) Inna - No pun intended, it's a bop.
06) Nussy - I definitely read this as Mussy. Damn it all. Damn it all to hell. Manginas Garden and Mussy forever. I miss you, Mack. I saw a few of the comments and was expecting to love it (mainly based off Steven's), and I wish I hadn't, because it probably raised the standards. It's iight, but expected more.
07) Allie X - Oh dear god, this isn't what I was expecting, nor what I was hoping for. Have heard stuff that is much better from her (understatement).
08) Brothertiger - This is one of the rare cases where I'm positive that I'm not in a shit mood, I'm just not into a majority of the songs thus far. That epitomizes that feeling.
09) Audien - HANDS UP FOR THE FILTHY DRO-...oh. The drop is iight, but the rest of it is really lackluster, which is kind of saying something because I can usually get into EDM in this setting.
10) Oh Land - This will definitely be a contender. Congratulations.
11) Halsey - Had no idea that she was eligible again. Damn you. I imagine this will also be  a contender.
12) Hilary Duff - I was hoping to really Duff Mive head first into this (again, I'll Be Missing You, Mack), but I'm quite a bit less enthusiastic about this as I was hoping to be. Not bad, but high expectations (don't judge).
13) Nano - Give me all of that Scott Savol FaFu realness, babe. I was a bit mad at the structure of this by the time the chorus came around the first time, as his voice is pretty great. By the time the chorus rolled around for a second time, I was FEELING IT.
14) Rae Morris - Dairy Queen.
15) Gorgon City - Considered it for a few seconds. Ultimately, it's not me enough to enter, but it's definitely me enough to give points to.
16) Tinashe - Tinashe, you have better, girl. I think I gave her 12 last time she was entered. Don't expect a repeat performance of that, but I'm still mildly into it.
17) Sia - Of course this was coming. Someone has NO SHAME. I'm not going to be too mad at it if it ends up winning, as it's Sia and the song is legitimately good. That said, don't know if I'll be able to heavily contribute to that win because of my TSC OCD.
18) CHVRCHES - Much more fond of older CHVRCHES (god, I sound like a douchey youtube commenter). It's IIGHT.
19) X-Wife - MLB2k6 soundtrack material. Not for me.
3185 days 11 hours ago
Guess what, IM BACK............AGAIN!

01) Amber Run – I enjoy the music very much, but this song is pretty forgettable
02) Leon – This is a song I would hear on the radio where her voice is magical and also the song
03) HALO – Okay, this is a mess of a song where it doesn’t sound great where it doesn’t mix
04) Skylar Grey – What the hell am I hearing, the music is all wrong where I only liked the singer
05) Inna – This feels like someone is having an orgy where it is childish and the chorus is the worst
06) Nussy – This is unique where her voice is out of this world and I feel like I want to hear it again
07) Allie X – The music sounds like someone is screaming and her voice can be shouty at times
08) Brothertiger – I felt that this was peaceful where it is tolerable and I got to give a thumbs up
09) Audien – OMG, THIS IS AWESOME! The music and the voice is perfect
10) Oh Land – Not bad, this isn’t getting me interested, but I think it is different in a good way
11) Halsey – I feel that this was very boring where I felt that I was going to sleep
12) Hilary Duff – Now this is a song where it kept me listening and I love the voice and the music
13) Nano – It’s like they are not even trying where I can even sing better than them and it’s annoying
14) Rae Morris – DISQUALIFIED
15) Gorgon City – This is something I can party to, but it would get worst when you hear it again
16) Tinashe – I can sing this song all day long where I really enjoy the voices and the music
17) Sia – She is alive in this song where, WOW IT IS SO POWERFUL!
18) CHVRCHES – I hate the music where it is repetitive and I guess the singing is alright
19) X-Wife – I am shocked, of how brilliant it is where the music is so catchy and the voice is magnificent
3185 days 8 hours ago
01) Amber Run – This was kind of boring to me. Never been much of a fan of amber run and this is so… idk meh. Didn’t hate it though
02) Leon – This was okay. I liked the shouty singy thing so not bad
03) HALO – No.
04) Skylar Grey – This was okay. I like other skylar grey stuff a lot more than this though tbh.
05) Inna – I definitely liked this. I think. Im gonna listen again later because im not too sure but im pretty sure I liked this
06) Nussy – This just dragged on for me. It was missing something desperately
07) Allie X – This is very quirky/Allie X. lol I like her pretty good song. Pretty vulgar though tbh bibs wont like this
08) Brothertiger – This was really lacking everything tbh
09) Audien – Actually pretty good I liked this one yes go you.
10) Oh Land – Instead of higher it sounds like she is saying hay ya like she is fighting or something. But seriously I really liked this
11) Halsey – I like hold me down a lot better but this is still good. Not my favorite of hers though.
12) Hilary Duff – That opening brough me back to like 2005 when pop tried to have these soft guitar things and it was a horrible experience. BUT after that it wasn’t disgusting
13) Nano – Now this is something I can get behind. Idk why I loved the music so much but I did. A little repetitive in the chorus though. So. Not amazing but I like it. Okay after listening to the whole song im not as much as a fan as I was LOL.       
14) Rae Morris – DQ’d
15) Gorgon City – If this was played at a party I would be turnt. I liked it, it was catchy and fun yeah. Woo. Other parts were good too but that chorus.
16) Tinashe – Once I saw this on spotify new music or w.e I knew it was only a matter of time before this showed up. Not a big fan of this. I feel like its lacking. Chris Brown didn’t help.
17) Sia – Also expected this and kind of mad I didn’t submit it. It was typical Sia but… I mean I love typical sia stil so…
18) CHVRCHES – I didn’t expect to love a chvrches song so much but I really did wow.
19) X-Wife – This was… weird? I mean I didn’t hate it but like what. Kind of liked it idk.
3185 days 5 hours ago
01) Amber Run – a bit 1975 meets coldplay, but I liked it, I liked the instruments and the vocals. Like that harmonising at the end.
02) Leon – I like the tune, good base guitar, but her voice is a tad annoying, but the tune over rides that!!
03) HALO – a bit rocky, prefer the verses more than the chorus.
04) Skylar Grey – whistling and clapping!! That drum is splitting and its annoying, not doing much for me.
05) Inna – so basically they got the lyrics from about 20 songs, cut out a line from each and made a rubbish song with them!! Bop bop needs to stop or at least change the tone!!
06) Nussy –not sure about this one, on the one hand it’s a bit old school, on the other it’s a bit toe tappingish!!
07) Allie X – reminds of that Russian duo tatu, it’s a bit slow a bit 80s horror film with that background synth style sound.
08) Brothertiger – a bit 80s Michael j fox film background noise!!
09) Audien  - the opening 10seconds I thought this was going in the direction of the theme tune from twin peaks, but then it went all pacman boy band dancy!!
10) Oh Land – this got better as it went on, didn’t think I was going to like it, but the tune was pretty good, her vocals were passable!!
11) Halsey – reminds me of adele, it’s got a strong theme, a tad slow, a bit bondish, which is more than I can say to the actual bond theme!!
12) Hilary Duff – sounds like mini bibs playing guitar, when she first started, it’s a bit too basic. Shes to syrupy has shades of ed shearan!
13) Nano – who got an echo mike for his birthday!!!!
14) Rae Morris – dqed, aww!
15) Gorgon City – I do love the crackle of a vinyl!! Im sure I danced to this at batchwood on a Friday night, in the 90s!!!!! why do songs do that now, have an interruption!!
16) Tinashe  I hate chris brown and this will taint my opinion, as will all those swear words!!!! 
17) Sia – im never sure about this woman, I didn’t like chandelier when it first came out but now I like it, I might have to listen to this again. Actually is growing on me!
18) CHVRCHES it’s a bit off kilter, but so many songs have that 80s/90s synth thing going on, just prove that theres nothing new under the sun!!
19) X-Wife –loved it! Great way to end!
3184 days 5 hours ago

02) Leon – BORING. Yawnerific. Boring. I can’t even write an interesting sentence about this.

03) HALO – Thank goodness for this. I thought this was going to be dire, but it was not too bad. :p The best so far by a country mile. It’s a nice change of pace for sure.

04) Skylar Grey – Yeah good….quite a standard entry. Just floated on by. She has a good voice, but that’s about it. The whistling nearly put me right off it though…so you’re lucky you found me in a good mood. :p

05) Inna – This was entered into Beta this week as well…and I’m still not impressed with the diseased sounding saxophone. :p She carries this tune and I don’t understand why they felt the need to include that sound.

06) Nussy – Like it! The chillness is real…I do like it….but maybe I would like it really more if she attacked the words.

07) Allie X – Dreamy Lana Del Rey! I’m not sure I quite like the underwater like qualities of her song. But I can get behind the hook of the song….I’m sure Bibbles can as well. :p

08) Brothertiger – This is an 11:54pm song. Does that make sense? The sort of sing you listen to, to help you drift off to sleep. It’s good. I’m not going to rush off to listen to his other stuff but honestly this isn’t bad. :p

09) Audien – The sort of voice is ten a penny nowadays. It’s pleasant enough, but there isn’t anything particularly interesting about it either. The cheesy beats nearly finished me off. Finished me oof big timeeeeee. :p

10) Oh Land – A real change in this contest and it was needed. Loved this from start to finish….adoration for this song and I’m pretty sure I hated their last entry. :p

11) Halsey – She sounds drunk at the start. Honestly you should have entered the video version as it detracts from just her voice. Her voice sounds very raw here and frankly she does sound like she’s been downing vodka since 7am. Don’t get me wrong, I think this is very good, but honestly I adore the video, even if they are shouting through-out. :p

12) Hilary Duff – I can imagine her fresh from Lizzie Mcguire (sp?), singing this song on the beach with her tweenage possy. This is a whiny mess….but it isn’t terrible. :p So take that as a compliment or not….:p

13) Nano – I adore this….his voice is stunning….stunning……I didn’t want this to end. :(

14) Rae Morris – If you’re going to re-enter a song from Rae….do ‘closer’ it was robbed!

15) Gorgon City- in this mediocre/pleasant contest…this fits in very well. Why didn’t they continue playing in the tornado? That would be cool :p

16) Tinashe – This is good….but honestly strong female singers need to stop relying on Chris Brown as a featured artist. He will not say now as he wants to stay in the public eye. But if I ignore his cringey part, this is something I really enjoyed.

17) Sia – A goddess…I adore her voice. It took me a long time to appreciate Chandelier and I love it now. This is not as good, but it’s still phenomenal. :D

18) CHVRCHES – This is currently being played to death on radio 1.It’s good, but it lacks any real punch. Sending me to sleep majorly lol :p

19) X-Wife – Gawd this goes on and on and on and on and on  and on and on and on….this is was dire…sorry. :(
3184 days 4 hours ago
1. Amber Run - I remember them quite well, didn't they win TSC when I sent Serena Ryder's 'What I Wouldn't Do?' This is quite passive. I'm not really sure what am I supposed to make of from this song, as it's just quite one-dimensional.
2. Léon - Starts off quite well, but it fades out very quickly...The beginning of the song completely overshadows the rest of it. The chorus is pretty decent as well, but I'm a bit torn on this one after all...
3. HALO - This isn't my kind of music at all. Pretty easy to tell that I'm not a huge fan of this entry.
4. Skylar Grey - Both Skylar Grey and X Ambassadors have some great songs in their history, so putting them together makes sense. In practice, however, the energies of both artists seem to have cancelled each other out a's very typical indie-pop. I quite enjoyed it, but it's definitely not the strongest material from either of the acts.
5. Inna - She used to be one of my favourite artists. The album 'Hot' is one of the best dance albums, but the recent stuff she's been releasing have so far been utter disappointment, this also being included on that list. She's lost the spark that songs like 'Amazing' and 'Sun is Up' had.
6. Nussy - It just plodded along. Nothing there really captured my attention.
7. Allie X - She's here yet again...she's definitely become a regular. Her style reminds me of a mix of Lana Del Rey and Marina & The Diamonds. The chorus is honestly quite painful...a bit too "in-your-face" song. The verses are quite solid, but the chorus is just a catastrophe.
8. Brothertiger - A prime example of a song that lacks everything from production to vocal quality. Derp.
9. Audien - I remember really enjoying his song with Lady Antebellum, so expectations are quite high with this one. This is definitely not as's not even as half-nice as his previous entry. The effects used make the matter even worse. Pretty cheap-sounding song.
10. Oh Land - I swear I've heard this song before...It's been awhile since their last appearance in TSC. This has that buildup style that I really enjoy, but her pronounciation of the word 'Higher' is throwing me off a little. It's a very solid entry, though, and a first one that is actually some kind of a contender.
11. Halsey - Yeah, this is my favourite song from Badlands. A clear standout in this contest. Liking this very much.
12. Hilary Duff - She's in the contest again? A bit underwhelming for her, honestly. All About You was definitely much better. It's alright, but not memorable.
13. Nano - TOO. MUCH. ECHO. WHY? Completely misuse/overuse of that effect is quite disturbing in this case.
14. Rae Morris - rip
15. Gorgon City - Ready For Your Love is their best song, and this song doesn't change my view on that. It's a solid UK Dance song, not shocking considering the quality of music Gorgon City has been giving us since like 2013. I'm quite into this.
16. Tinashe - WHY FEATURE CHRIS BROWN??? Tinashe's voice is actually very pleasant to listen to, so why ruin it with a typical overused R&B male artist that is featured on every other song in the industry? Waste of a decent song, now I'm quite torn...
17. Sia - Yeah, I've considered submitting this before. Yes, I quite like this song a lot. It's not Sia's best, but her songs have always been top-notch, and this is no exception. Another contender.
18. CHVRCHES - I miss their old releases like Gun or The Mother We Share. Their newer stuff, including this, lack the punch that the songs I mentioned have. It's still a decent song, but eh....
19. X-Wife - Not the best way to end this contest...this was just quite painful.
3183 days 23 hours ago
01) Amber Run
Some kind of Coldplay meandering in-one-ear-out-the-other business
02) Léon
I wish the verses were as beefy as the chorus, but it's nice
03) HALO
04) Skylar Grey
The beat change at the chorus really, really bugs me and somehow still doesn't make this song interesting.
05) Inna
Nice and punchy, but it didn't quite hold my interest the whole way through.
06) Nussy
Her voice operates at a mildly unnerving frequency but I'm kind of digging this one.
07) Allie X
Proof that all you need these days is GarageBand and a Sony Handycam. Not into it.
08) Brothertiger
Oh my God I'm totally into this type of breezy reverby synthy restro pastiche stuff
09) Audien
Before playing: I'm not going to like this. First verse: I don't like this. Pre-chorus & chorus: Oh, of COURSE. Get out of here.
10) Oh Land
This needs a little more oomph to elevate it, but I don't hate it!
11) Halsey
"Monico" lol. Literally everything about this is Tumblr sensibility and I'm just not into it. I'm just too old for it, I think.
12) Hilary Duff
Oh boy.
13) Nano
My point distribution so far is pretty dire and this song isn't helping much.
14) Rae Morris
15) Gorgon City
Feelin' it. This is the type of music that sounds phenomenal at, like, 2-3 in the morning.
16) Tinashe
Chris Brownnnnnn :( I don't know a lot about Tinashe, but this got me feeling some kinda way.
17) Sia
This is Current Sia by Numbers and I wish she'd serve some Some People Have Real Problems teas again. Typical Sia is still good, fortunately.
It's no "Mother We Share" or "Lies" but YAaaAAaSsSsSSSSsSsSSsSSSS
19) X-Wife
This girl is feeling her fantasy. These vocals aren't for me, but I understand the song's thesis and in a contest like this, that's enough for me.
3183 days 22 hours ago
01) Amber Run - Great start. I like his English draw, this gave me a rocket to the moon meets 30 seconds to mars vibe. Good voice.
02) Leon - Not bad! Definitely enjoyed her voice, had a nice beat to it as well but it wasn't allll that special.
03) HALO - This was rather boring and uneventful. Her voice stayed the same throughout. I hate that electronic rocker chick fade.
04) Skylar Grey - I like the whistling. Aside from that the song was a bit of a snoozer.
05) Inna - Bop booo wop wop bop! lol this song was exactly how I thought it was going to be. Weird at first but had me hooked towards the middle.
06) Nussy - Her voice made me dizzy! Make it stop!
07) Allie X - Trippy Af....something about it drew me in .....but still sooo weird.
08) Brothertiger - Groovy. I digged it. Gnarly. I'm running out of cheesy words.
09) Audien - I got into this pretty quickly. He didnt use too much autotune and the rhythm is pretty sick. Nice bass drop.
10) Oh Land - That chorus doh! I loved it. So catchy.
11) Halsey - I could've sworn this was already submitted! Can't believe it. I also miss the opportunity. I bet there will be people against this though cuz it's so "common"
12) Hilary Duff - I don't see the overall hype for her because her voice isn't all that good to be quite honest. BUT, this song was fairly decent. It has it's good parts.
13) Nano - I didn't expect to like this as much as I did and it's a shame because I can see 90% of you hating it :p
15) Gorgon City -  FOR A SECOND I THOUGHT IT WAS GORON CITY AND ALMOST JUMPED UP AND DOWN! This wasn't bad. A bit catchy twards the middle.
16) Tinashe - Very underrated artist I am surprised  she hasn't gotten more love.
17) Sia - Because I think this is an easy route to 1st I am ignoring this! Jk I like it but it's not her best work.
18) CHVRCHES - CHVRCHES is very hit or miss with me. This was pretty good! Definitely a hit.
19) X-Wife - Anddddd on that note time to end this contest xD
3183 days 22 hours ago
01) Amber Run - Blergh, I don't HATE it but it does Nothing for me at all.
02) Leon - Once again, Nothing bad, a decent beat throughout but Something was missing for me to really like this.
03) HALO - Lacey from ROL < 3333333333333333333 Anyways this song alone is pretty good for what it is, I like her voice and the beat really isn't that bad. Into this.
04) Skylar Grey - snoozefest. I don't hate the male vocals at all but the female voices don't do it for me which is odd for me to say
05) Inna - I mean it's Inna so right off the bat I know I'll love it and it doesn't disappoint. Although the guy is too much she totally makes up for it. Good stuff < 3
06) Nussy - Oh yeah I really felt this too, very pleasant for the ears and overall just a very fun song :)
07) Allie X - Initially I hated Catch so I decided to listen to this twice and see if it grew and it didn't. Just felt weird and didn't enjoy it all that much.
08) Brothertiger - nope Goodbye.
09) Audien - I loved the beat, the vocals really left me wanting more though. I like it but it could be better.
10) Oh Land - I wasn't sure what to think of this but it got to a point where I was dancing around and there's a particular part of this song that I'm absolutely in LOVE with. Anyways yeah, solid song despite a tad repetitive.
11) Halsey - BALLENCIAGA! All jokes aside, I loved this.
12) Hilary Duff - Make that 4 decent-Good songs in a row. This is closer to decent but still pretty solid and I mean it IS Hilary Duff so can't really go wrong.
13) Nano - way to ruin the mood asshole.
14) Rae Morris - so sad
15) Gorgon City - I would love this so much more if the "Saving My Life" wasn't so goddamn annoying. Ugh i'm torn with this.
16) Tinashe - Living for this too and for all the good reasons, slay me Tinashe.
17) Sia - I'm sorry but I don't like Sia and no songs of her will change my mind. Especially this one with only basic ass screaming. Nope.
18) CHVRCHES - I love CHVRCHES and this song is also amazing. Absolutely loved this too.
19) X-Wife - Wasn't TOO bad but some parts bugged me. Okay overall though
3183 days 20 hours ago
lmao so chvrches is winning this one
3183 days 20 hours ago
01) Amber Run - I dont know why I expected this to be a female artist only to be let down by a boring ass white male.
02) Leon - This is going to be forgettable and lost in a sea of other entries this week but will probably due well to odd voting lately.
03) HALO - This reminds me of when I submitted Within Temptation and it flopped. I like this female rock style but most people don't in here.
04) Skylar Grey - What an overused TSC artist I love it except not really since this song was boring as all hell.
05) Inna - I really dont know how to feel about this since I like her but not him and there were certain portions that were unforgivably bad and others that were good.
06) Nussy - Tell me they were in a goddamn bathtub in another goddamn song. I'm so excited that the bathtub has returned. Auto points from me for it.
07) Allie X - Immediate cringe. Next.
08) Brothertiger - This is the weakest contest in awhile. Nothing standout so far. I might 12 the damn bathtub song.
09) Audien - I think this is better than the song with Lady Antebellum so there I said it.
10) Oh Land - I just remember she was in a song with Gym Class Heroes and it was ok so maybe I'll be friendly here.
11) Halsey - LMAO at this not being entered yet and I'm forced to 12 it because I love this damn song. Also shoutout to Monaco being mentioned in two songs this week so far.
12) Hilary Duff - Someone in here is submitting Hilary as much as I submit Neon and it's getting a little old since she's kind of basic to begin with.
13) Nano - What even was this song honestly?
15) Gorgon City - This isn't a song I particularly care for but in this week it was somewhat better I guess.
16) Tinashe - Something about the way she whistles her S's just never gets old to me. The song isn't that exciting though.
17) Sia - Wow we wasted NO time using Sia immediately and while other people will be biased and I'm tempted to be as well, I like the song.
18) CHVRCHES - Grrrr I'm mad because I've consistently expressed my dislike for this artist and I didn't hate this mostly because of the background music. Idk what to do.
19) X-Wife - This made my eye twitch. No.
3183 days 19 hours ago
1) Amber Run - Pleasant instrumentation. The vocal was somewhat intriguing. A couple of nice, soothing elements but the song as a whole didn't blow me away. But not bad by any means.
2) Leon - I was really into this from the very start. A bit groovy, a bit cool. Nice progression. The chorus delivered.
3) HALO - This was unexpected. Not a huge rock fan but I was definitely into this. There were enough poppy vibes throughout for me to like this, I guess. But yeah, I liked this a lot.
4) Skylar Grey - I liked the backing music but both their vocals were a bit dreary. I wish this was a bit livelier.
5) Inna - That guy was annoying. It sounded like a whale was dying. Inna's parts were fine but this wasn't outstanding as a whole. The chorus was a bit on the underwhelming side.
6) Nussy - This was quirky, but not attention-grabbing enough.
7) Allie X - I don't think I like this to the caliber of her previous entries, but it wasn't bad. Definitely strange, but I was sort of digging it.
8) Brothertiger - Not for me. That's all.
9) Audien - I wanted to like this but both the vocal and the beat were a bit cheap-sounding. Disappointed. Nothing special.
10) Oh Land - Decent beat with a competent vocal. Not bad.
11) Halsey - Don't listen to Halsey but I liked this. Great progression, and it mostly kept my attention throughout. I'm really digging the beat as it goes along. Potential winner?
12) Hilary Duff - Slow start and while it gets better, it's not for me. Cute song though.
13) Nano - A bit too echo-sounding but the actual song wasn't bad. Middle of the road.
15) Gorgon City - Grabbed my attention from the very beginning. Nice progression, and the chorus delivers. A bit psychedelic in that regard. I liked this.
16) Tinashe - I didn't expect to think much of this but it was fine. It got better as it progressed. I think I'm actually feeling it.
17) Sia - Not as noteworthy as other Sia songs, but it was still a good song.
18) CHVRCHES - This song gives me a good feeling, but I probably wouldn't come back.
19) X-Wife - Annoying.
3183 days 18 hours ago
1)        Amber Run – You know I love me them male vocals.
2)        Leon – This was super fun!
3)        HALO – I wasn’t a fan of the tone of her voice.
4)        Skylar Grey – Didn’t really start liking it until the 3 minute mark.
5)        Inna – Definitely a grower, not a shower.
6)        Nussy – I liked everything about the song except for the vocal.
7)        Allie X – Not my cup of tea.
8)        Brothertiger – A nice change of pace from the other songs.
9)        Audien – Oh yes, oh yes, this is right.
10)        Oh Land – It sounds like she’s speaking in Chinese when she says high.
11)        Halsey – Wasn’t she just submitted?! I don’t get the hype, but it’s not bad.
12)        Hilary Duff – What’s happened to her?! I much prefer some Come Clean.
13)        Nano – The chorus was a big let down for me : (
14)        Gorgon City – This is a feel good song.
15)        Tinashe – Always love the vibes that Tinashe gives.
16)        Sia – Unsurprisingly good, ‘cause Sia. Y’know?
17)        CHVRCHES - This was a pleasant tune!
18)        X-Wife – Yikes, this is not for me.

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