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Topic » “EYES. ON. THE. PRIZE.” -..

3999 days 7 hours ago
You know what Walkman I'll share with you.

*I don't know if I should give him the chance but him on my team, secretly of course, won't be that bad*
3999 days 7 hours ago
oh damn
*Gets up and walks to diary room*
3999 days 7 hours ago
Looks over at Daniel, "Let's go for a walk, then?"

Confessional: "I don't know why, but I feel like I'm totally just playing with these people like my action figures when I was 5."
3999 days 7 hours ago
Big Brother (to Gavin): "Who is your least favorite house-mate, and why?"
3999 days 7 hours ago
Sure bro.

Confessional: I see right through him. I can't trust him. Ever. He's someone sneaky. Gotta watch him at all times.
3999 days 7 hours ago
Mr. walkman cause he's rich and I fucking hate rich people, plus i get the impression that he thinks he's the biggest thing since sliced bread
3999 days 7 hours ago
((Keep in mind, you actually DO have to have that dramatic moment of telling someone your most devastating memory. However, you can lie to other house-mates to make them think you're actually telling them your real secret.))
3999 days 7 hours ago
Big Brother: "Who do you think you will be sharing your devastating memory with, and why?"
3999 days 7 hours ago
I begin to walk with him, "So, why're you on the show, dude?"
3999 days 7 hours ago
(wait hold on. So real moment to the person but fake to everyone else)
3999 days 7 hours ago
(You can do whatever you want to everyone else... You can tell them nothing, o you can lie, or whatever suits your character. But, you HAVE to *actually* tell it to one person.)
3999 days 7 hours ago
I hate that the entire world is gonna know, but I can't risk not telling someone and not getting half the prize money so I don't know guess that kid who said he wanted to share with me because he seems to trust me
3999 days 7 hours ago
Yeah I guess I don't have a choice but to share my story.
*sits down with Daniel*
Lucy and Mary are both 6. Mary has straight brown hair like my dad and I, but Lucy has curly blonde hair like my mother. They're the reason that I wake up every morning. Big Brother said to talk about our most devastating memory though. *looks away*
I was fourteen. The war was winding down and the government said that the troops would be home somewhat soon, but my dad's platoon was stationed in an isolated area near an enemy camp. The communication capabilities were poor because of how far they were from the UK, so they didn't get news about the ceasefire in time. They attacked the enemy with the hopes of bringing the war to an end. Little did they know that it was already over. A battle is a battle though, and my dad was killed. By the time we got the news, my friends' dads had all come home and could play ball in the street with them and take them for a walk through the neighborhood and stuff. Not my dad. *stares into the fire* My mom was out buying groceries and she left me home to look after my sisters. There was a knock at the door, so I answered it. Two men in uniforms stood staring at me and I thought that they were going to tell me about when my dad would be coming home, but they said that he had been killed in the final battle of the war. Everything after that is sort of a blur but I just remember crying so much that my eyes stung and I had a headache. And the twins were crying because I was screaming and then my throat hurt and my mom was just standing there when she got home and it was just a nightmare. *shakes head* I don't like thinking about it.
3999 days 7 hours ago
Big Brother (to Gavin): "What will you do if he betrays your trust and tells someone?"
3999 days 7 hours ago
(ok) I'm on the show because I have nothing. I've never had anything unless I stole it. It would be nice to get stuff that I worked hard for. What about you Walkman?

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