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Book of Woe

Posts 250 posts

Ozzy really is clueless Feb 15, 2017
Ozzy Lusth : "Cirie was part of me getting knocked out. At the same time, it wasn’t her. It was her girls’ alliance. Really, Amanda and Parvati are the ones who got me out."

Amanda was as blindsided by his vote out as he was lol. What's he talking about?!?!

Points: 326 12 comments
Survivor 34 Cast Ranking Feb 12, 2017
1.Cirie: All time favorite right here. I was worried about her odds when the cast first flew out being that she doesn't have the best history with some of the players (Ozzy, J.T.) J.T. however seems willig to work with her based on pre game interiews, and Ozzy doesn't seem too focused on her. She's also in the best shape she's been in entering any season. So hopefully she'll manage to get a good foothold in the game and go far. Not getting my hopes up though.

2.Tony: One on the most deserving of the title "Game Changer". I never in a million years would have thought he'd win with his erratic gameplay. I couldn't stand him at first, but he grew on me sometime in the premerge. He's hilaious, and has a natural TV presence. That being said, I don't think he'll even maje the merge lmao. He can't be trusted and going into the game probably has the biggest target out of anyone. I'm rooting for him regadless though and hoping a miracle happens.

3.Sandra: I'd love to see her do well, but she's going to have to lay really low not to be targeted ealy on. She's one of the worst in challenges, so being on a strong tribe early on will benefit her greatly. I think she's in a decent shot if she manages to merge, since her demo isn't targetted early on in the merge phase. Regardless it's going to take a hell of a lot of work to get that third win. Also I'm worried about the beef between her and Cirie. I thought it was all a myth until I saw on e of Sandra's pre game interviews. Hopefully they manage to team up, because they could do serious damage as a duo. If it came down to it, I'm team Cirie over Sandra though.

4. Jeff Vaner: He has one of those love him or hate him personalities. I've rooted for him whenever he's played, but admitidally, he needs a lot of work strategically. He came into Cambodia WAY too agressive, and if he doesn't tune that down, he can be in hot water early on. He seems willing to change based on interviews, but actions speak louder than words. He's also one of the best confessional givers on the cast, which gives him points with me

5. Tai: It's hard not to like Tai as a character. His natural joyful personality is going to go a long way in regards to getting people to like him. He's also not super weak challenge wise, isn't bad strategically, isn't a huge threat on paper, and has a few connections. Those connections however, may work against him since people are targetting his season since they're coming in with 4 people.

6. Malcolm: I think he's in a good spot because he's a people person, strategic, good challenge wise, and there are also bigger fish to fry. He's also cutthroat as hell and is willing to take out just about anyone, without thinking twice to further his game. Hiding behind bigger targets like jeremy did, will up his chances greatly.
7. Andrea: I think she has one of the best chances to win this, and honestly I'd be all for it. She's shown potential in every season she's been in, and I think this season might be her best shot to win. Not being a huge target, being cutthroat, decent challenge wise; but also not a threat, are going to work in her favor big time. I'd be shocked if she wasn't final  at least final 6.

8. Caleb: Alright I'm not gonna lie. I'm a Caleb fan for pretty much ironic reasons, lmao. He was cringeworthy early in his BB season, but kind of became a likable doofus later on. Unintentionally funny people (Coach Wade) are one of my favorite types of realty tv charcters, so that's pretty much why he ranks this high. He doesn't have a strong strategic sense though and I could see the really smart players (malcolm, aubry, cirie, countless otheres) strumming him along. I like watching the guy, but he's doomed. Hopefully he can provide a few funny moments before he's out though.
9. Aubry: She's going to be one of the ones to watch for. The things working against her are: Her season being targetted, and having her season finsih airing not long before the game began. If anything we've learned from Aubry though is that she knows how to make a comback. I think she has a huge chance to win, and has the fire in it to do so after losing in season 32. If I were to bet on the season, i'd place my money on her.

10. Debbie: Similarly to Caleb, I kind of like her for ironic reasons. She gives good confessionals, and is funny to watch. I do think the one thing that sets her above Caleb though is that she isn't completely inept strategically. I can't envision her winning, but I can see her making it deep.
11. Sarah: I think other than Aubry, she has the best chance to win. She showed subtle signs on strategy throughout cagayan, and isn't a challenge slouch, while also not being a challenge threat. There's no real reason for her to go pre merge unless she ends up on the wrong side of the numbers. She also needs to watch whom to trust. Trusting Tony bit her in the ass big time, in Cagayan.
12. Ciera: I like her for the most part, but she's getting way too much mileage out of voting out her mom. She was kind of insignifigant in camodia, so i'm kind of confused about seeing her back so soon. She's alright over all though. Just not one of my favorites, and back way too soon.

13. Ozzy: For such an iconic survivor player, I've never had a huge opinion on him throughout the 10 years I've watched him. I don't think he's as douchey as most people think he is. He's just kind of bland to me. He also might not be as much of a challenge beast as pasts years, but that reputation might come to bite him.
14. Michaela: I'm torn on her for the most part. She's pretty great athletically, and to an extent strategically. Aside from that though, she needs to learn how to put her foot in her mouth every once in a while. She has so much potential when she's not squabbling with people over petty stuff. I know the appeal of her for most people is her sass, but survivor is a social game, and if you can't get people to like you than you're screwed.

15. Troyzan: I don't dislike him as much as most people do. He was one of the few people with somewhat of a personality in One World. Not a major fan though, and am interested to se what he brings though. He might get annoying if he hogs the screen time however.
16. Zeke: I don't have that strong of an opinion on him tbh. Decent player, but he might be hurt by the fact that no one knows who he is. I also don't think bringing him back this soon was necesary. David, Jay, and possibly Ken would have been better male choices from that season to bring back. Maybe they declined though. I do think being a true super fan can either hurt him or help him. On one hand he knows everyones game, on the other hand he may get star struck playing with some of these legends.

17. Hali: I don't dislike her, just never had a strong opinion of her. One thing I do love about her is her intensity coming into this season. She's out to make a mark this time around, and I appreiate that. Very interested in seeing what that brings.
18. Sierra: Like Hali, don't have a strong opinon on her. Hali made somewhat of an impression on their season, while I feel like Sierra was just there. I'm also kind of bummed that Natalie backed out and they chose her lol. Theres a few altenates like T bird or Sophie I would have rather seen, but it's whatever

19. Brad: He'll need to tone his asshole tendencies way down in order to do well this time around. The way he acted in BvW won't mesh well with a lot of the people on this cast. I think naturally he's used to being in a leader postion. I think he needs to find that fine line between being a competant leader and being an abrasive dictator. It's been a few years since his BvW days, so hopefully he's learned somewhat

20. J.T.: Alright the main reason he's last is because he was huge in getting Cirie out in HvV. I do think he is a solid player though. He was beloved by his cast in Tocantins. He needs to play more of a tocantins game than a HvV if he wants to last a while. I believe he's willing to do so. I do also appreciate that he's willing to work with someone he doesn't have the best history with (Cirie) in order to further his game. It also works in his favor that a lot of people are going to be targetted before he does (Cirie, Sandra, malcolm maybe, ozzy, TONY) despite him being a winner. I can see him doing decently well. Maybe even a winning shot depending on what happens.

Points: 17 6 comments
Ranking the Challenge Champions Feb 5, 2017
In honor of the premiere Tuesday

Cara Maria


Go away pleasee:

Points: 26 7 comments
Thanks a lot! Feb 5, 2017
For the gifts vlad21. Pleasure doing business with ya!

and for the deliveries arris and seaking
Points: 38 3 comments
Thank you! Jan 20, 2017
For the gift arris and for the delivery dinosaurdan!

I need volunteers for haters now, to wave this sign at!
Points: 27 4 comments
When you think you got away Jan 18, 2017
With that early morning key snatch, and then get called out!!

woeisme 36 min ago
Morning! And thanks xula
+0 pointsxulaka_7 1 hour 58 min ago
congrats for the key woe

xulaka_7 ;0
Points: 30 1 comments