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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

PYN for opinion

2ndMay 7, 2013 by torimarie

Obscurity - Ugh a muslim, yum. Sagar you're actually hilarious. I still remember the stars I was in where you posted porn in your pollbox. Anyways, I thought you were a huge troll on Obscurity and I was like, ew. Plus I thought you were tbrown.. Anyways, you're hilarious and you Gerard make me laugh all the time, glad we're friends (:

Nmh95 - Even tho we don't talk much, I'm glad we started talking again. We were really good friends at a time and like you said, all we do is talk about how we used to be good friends, why not try it again? (: You're a really nice person and you seem like you've grown up a lot since we were first friends. I think you and I have potential to be really good friends, talk to ya laterr (:

Mattmon3365 - Oh goshhhh. Well honestly I think you're hilarious and you're really fun to talk to. I'm glad that we talk more than just a "Hi, how are you" and you've easily become one of the few people that I genuinely enjoy being around on this site. So I hope we keep talking (:: Buuuuuut you still have to join a game with me because you haven't yet besides that gay castings, KAY BYE.

Jallina15 - Liinaa. You're really adorable and I enjoy your outspoken personality because I feel have the same problem. I just don''t think it's as big of a problem as others do, you stand up for yourself which is good. I also think you're very sarcastic which I love in a person, however you seem like someone that can genuinely sit down and have a real conversation, hope we start talking more (:

IanFitz0012 - Despite you thinking I hate you, I actually am really glad we're friends because I feel like there's been a lot of awkwardness between the two of us lately and I'm glad that we're mature enough not to go lashing out on eachother like certain other people do. Anyways, the only thing I hate about you is the fact that you're just reallllly paranoid for no reason.

JacksonJoseph99 - Ew. Just kidding, you're actually pretty funny and I don't hate you despite the comments I throw towards ya. You're still pretty fucking gay and I have no idea why anyone would ever take a picture like the picture you took on the carousel buttt ya. Anyways, I hope that we can actually become friends some day rather than a "I hate you". I enjoy sarcasm but sometimes people need to be able to just talk to eachother, YA KNOWWW. Anyways, the power of Christ compels you. Stop being gay.

Monomial - Ughhhh, I feel reallly bad for what I did to you but I hope you know it's a game and I'm a reallly bad stars player so I had to pull out all the stops I could to get farther. I do hope we're still friends because you're a really nice guy and I'm really proud of you for making it so far in your last stars (:

xryn0618 - EVEN THO YOU  VOTED ME OUT OF SURVIVOR MULTIPLE TIMES, I still think you're really cool. You and your cousin are both people that I would like to get to know more, anyways I think sometimes you fall into the shadows of the people that you hang out with, aka the OC. I always just knew you as one of Jons boytoys.. however, I'm glad to see you progressing. Goodluckkkk.

Artpop - On Mermaid you and I talked from time to time with RJ but we were never really close. Anyways the first time I heard about you on ARTPOP you commented sometimes on my blog making fun of me or something so I was like.. oh shocker another switchbully that has no originality but after the past couple days I noticed that you're not so bad and ya kinda helped me repair a couple of old friendships as well without knowing it. Anyways, hope we keep talking because you're actually pretty cool.

xbadgirlblondex - I really don't want to make this because you're not gonna let me live it down but I'm realllly glad we're friends because honestly, I think you're amazing. I hate getting all mushy because well, you're a cunt ass bitch but you're hands down my best friend on this site right now and I'm glad that we talk everyday because I feel like we're really similar in some aspects and I think that's the easiest type of person to get along with. However, I do think there is some things that you really need to take care of some loose ends you need to tie up with people because you're a lot better person than I am and I don't want you to end up in some of the same sticky situations that I'm in so hopefull yyou do that. Anyways, you're gay, bye :*

LemJam6 - I actually don't know you at all, sorry. I think we've played a game or two but all I really pegged you as was one of Aquamarines many followers. I hope you're not tho. Talk to me sometimes!

Holllyy1230 - I actually like you, some people seem not to.. anyways you and Jennii are both really cool. You guys always added me to those chats with those really peculiar acting people but I genuinely enjoyed ya guys. Well.. you two anyways. Talk to me someday.

Lonlee - Laura we go way back, you might not remember because I may or may not have had a vagina at the time. Anyways, we were both really good friends with the BT. Anyways, I've heard some really bad things and I'm really sorry for that but I'm glad that you're still with us today. Talk to me someday if youd like (:

Prince_Eric - I've actually never talked to you and we've both been here for a long time.. you seem nice tho.

Olympia - I actually like you. Like there isn't many people of the switchblade kind that I can say I like but you're just not as annoying as most of them. You actually have a personality outside of making fun of cancer and dead moms. Anyways, we should join a game together soon so we have a reason to talk (:

Dash - Well we obviously go way back to the Viper era but I mean those are all just memories now. There was a time that you were my best friend here and it scares me that I'm willing to forget someone so easily but I think we've both grown alot and we just don't have as much in common as we thought we did. Anyways, I'm glad we were friends for the time we were. (:

Luis_Leal77 - You begged me for a gift one time, I actually think you're annoying.


Sent by obscurity,May 7, 2013
Sent by nmh95,May 7, 2013
Sent by mattmon3365,May 7, 2013
Sent by Jallina15,May 7, 2013
Sent by ianfitz0012,May 7, 2013
Sent by jacksonjoseph99,May 7, 2013
Sent by Monomial,May 7, 2013
Sent by XRyn0618,May 7, 2013
oh and FUCK YOU for removing me from dat chat!
Sent by Jallina15,May 7, 2013
haha me
Sent by ARTPOP,May 7, 2013
Sent by xbadgirlblondex,May 7, 2013
Sent by Lemjam6,May 7, 2013
Sent by holllyy1230,May 7, 2013
Sent by lonlee,May 7, 2013
Sent by prince_Eric,May 7, 2013
Sent by Olympia,May 7, 2013
Sent by Dash,May 7, 2013
Sent by luis_leal77,May 7, 2013
Sent by Idgaf,May 7, 2013
Sent by DanielKennedy111,May 7, 2013
Sent by KingB24,May 7, 2013
Sent by Lachie227,May 7, 2013
Sent by Padfoot,May 7, 2013
Sent by Typhlosion37,May 7, 2013
meh why the hell not
Sent by Bo_oM,May 7, 2013
Sent by RoboZoe,May 7, 2013
Sent by jenniibabyx,May 7, 2013
Sent by skyforce25,May 7, 2013
Sent by austino15fffan,May 7, 2013
Sent by MintCokeify,May 7, 2013
Sent by DarkTyphoon23,May 7, 2013
oki sure :)
Sent by Snix,May 7, 2013
Sent by superkevin79,May 7, 2013
Sent by teamjacz,May 7, 2013
Sent by AustinRules6969,May 7, 2013
Sent by joey96,May 7, 2013
Sent by Steel,May 8, 2013
Sent by mattygeee,May 8, 2013
Sent by jm101,May 8, 2013
Sent by KyleDile,May 8, 2013
Sent by Notsae,May 8, 2013
Sent by Vans,May 8, 2013
Sent by Utsumi,May 8, 2013
Sent by RoseMaria,May 8, 2013
Sent by sjsoccer88,May 8, 2013
Sent by LucyX3Jean,May 8, 2013
NotAfraid < 3
Sent by NotAfraid,May 8, 2013
Sent by MrPokeguy9,May 8, 2013
Sent by koolness234,May 8, 2013
Danny, impressed if you ever make it this far down
Sent by danny,May 8, 2013
mee :) and excuse me?!?! what do u mean 'UGH , A MUSLIM' what the fuck was that? we are just the same as everyone else
Sent by Caitlynn7,May 8, 2013
me bff
Sent by dmann,May 8, 2013
Sent by Insanity,May 8, 2013
Sent by devileye1395,May 8, 2013
Sent by schmooboy,May 8, 2013
Sent by anthony2011class,May 8, 2013
Sent by diamond1894,May 8, 2013
Sent by JaneIIe,May 8, 2013
you wont finish this but hi
Sent by zimdelinvasor,May 8, 2013
Sent by BradWalace,May 8, 2013
Sent by ShayyBayy,May 8, 2013
Sent by TylerK,May 8, 2013
me pls
Sent by XxLoveWakizaxX,May 8, 2013
hopefully you update this, me :)
Sent by TaylorStLouis,May 8, 2013
Sent by Florina,May 8, 2013
Sent by black0ut247,May 8, 2013
Sent by BlondBabe,May 8, 2013
Me Please
Sent by KarmaArrived,May 8, 2013
Sent by StaRfReSh33,May 8, 2013
sure :)
Sent by AxKxAxBatman,May 8, 2013
ok plz tag when u do :)
Sent by Kpnna,May 8, 2013
Sent by amf7410,May 8, 2013
me ty.
Sent by chibideidara,May 8, 2013
Sent by jakehou97,May 8, 2013
Sent by Bridgette77,May 8, 2013
Sent by mikec51,May 8, 2013
Sent by CocoaBean,May 8, 2013
Sent by Slice,May 8, 2013

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