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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Most traumatic moment in your life?

Apr 25, 2010 by tinabeena
What was the most traumatic moment in your life? (So far)

Mine happened when I was pregnant with my daughter. My mother had this gray and white turtledove named Stormy. I'm not a big fan of birds, so whenever my mother asked me to feed him, I'd put up a stink because the damn bird would peck and hiss at me.

So this particular summer day, my mother asked me to feed the bird. When I went down to feed the stupid bird, and when I looked in his cage (this is the part that gets kinda gory) and the bird was dead, in a horrible way. The bird's insides had exploded.

Even though I hated the bird, being 6 months pregnant and very sensitive, I burst in to tears. My mother cried too, and seeing this horrible scene, it was stuck in my head for the longest time, and from time to time, I still think about it.

It was really traumatizing.

I could go in to more detail, but it is very gory.
We still haven't figured out what happened to the bird to make it explode the way it did.

Has anyone else had a traumatic moment like this?
I'd like to hear about it :)


my dog got hit by a car and I found him laying in the street on Friday but he wasnt mangled up :/
Sent by joey96,Apr 25, 2010
Once I went outside to visit my annoying llama, and it had exploded.
Sent by krisharris,Apr 25, 2010

I can't think of mine right now.
Sent by tymu888,Apr 25, 2010
Sent by MaddKat,Apr 25, 2010
awww Joey I'm so sorry :(

LOL @ exploding llama!!
Sent by tinabeena,Apr 25, 2010
did it eat rice?
Sent by BengalBoy,Apr 25, 2010
Once "Big" Butch Stryker stole my charizard pokémon card in the playground
Sent by FrOntIeRpSyChIaTrIsT,Apr 25, 2010
I was once held up at gunpoint... that was pretty scary
Sent by Clayton,Apr 25, 2010
My dog got hit by a car, the driver didn't stop, he was draged down he street, and hen the driver left :/
Sent by owee13,Apr 25, 2010

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