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Survivor South Pacific Power Rankings: Week 1

Sep 19, 2011 by rajrhcpfreak
imageLook at that form by Mikayla.
Brandon is caught staring at her breasts during the challenge. For now on she should stay at camp where she belongs tending the fire. Challenges are for men and ugly women.


his episode made me very happy.
It felt like a throwback episode talking. We had disagreement on leadership styles (Ozzy's west coast approach of lets swim and just sleep on the beach tonight vs the hard workers of Coach's), There was alliance forming (The Upolu 5 and Dawn-PapaBear-Cochran?), all the fans were on their seat hoping their preseason favorite doesn't leave, and TWO CHALLENGES!!!

But lets get into Power Rankings. Note rankings are skewed because we only have 2 competitions and 1 vote. So there are some bunches where statistics are the same, I have ranked them personally from what I know about the tribe interactions.

Outlast: only 3 days have been shown, Semhar wont have her duel until day 6. So I have everyone making till day 6 with 15.4% of the Outlast score.
Outwit: Semhar has a 0%, John has 62.% for surviving, the rest of the Savaii have 100%, Upolu gets 33.3% just because of the spread sheet is setup that way.
Outplay:  The Vets have 50%, Savaii newbies have 0%, and Upolu Newbies have 100%

#1 - Oscar "Ozzy the Dolphin Porn Star" Lusth - 55.1%
I talk about this many times, but Political Capital is very important in Survivor. Here is what wikipedia says:
A politician gains political capital by virtue of his or her position, and also by pursuing popular policies, achieving success with initiatives, performing favors for other politicians, etc. Political capital must be spent to be useful, and will generally expire by the end of a politician's term in office. In addition, it can be wasted, typically by failed attempts to promote unpopular policies that are not central to a politician's agenda.
Jim called it clout, and Ozzy apparently doesnt have enough to encourage his tribe. The reverse side of the coin, Jim won by picking the right person to support and looks to be the leader of the tribe. But Ozzy did one thing smart, recognize that he lost the vote and vote Semhar out. Unfortunately Cochran knows there is a bounty on his head and is aware of Ozzy's motivation.

#2 - Upolu Newbies - 49.6%
Rick Nelson
How can you not love this guy. He won the Sears video contest and hes such a big fan compared to Jimmy T. Then he is likable and makes a smart alliance. Of the people in the alliance I have him at #3 which ever way you break the tribe down. So if they eat their own he will not be the target.

Sophie Clarke
She quickly found an alliance which is good. But she looks like one of the leaders. So if the tribe is down in numbers she will be an early target. If she turns on Lil Hantz, she has relationships with the others on her tribe. From the little scenes I've seen, her and Mikayla look like they might be bondings and they have a common ground with not trusting creepy Brandon.

Albert Destrade
He being the most physical person in the game found a great alliance. Now win challenges.

Brandon "Lill Hantz" Hantz
I have a great quote from Yau Man soon after the show that was on the facebook page 'Previously on Survivor...":
"..he is a 'CHRISTIAN' .. " is the understatement of the Century!!!! He's so pious he makes Jesus and Paul look like backsliders!!! Sorry, the man has no independent thoughts in his head ... it's creepy because he denies his own humanity and all his "output" is regurgitation of what was cramped into his brain by uneducated and uninformed reading of the Bible... a very very sad case of a great religion reduced to simplistic primitive superstition in the hands of the willfully ignorant! I'm beginning to think that MB or the casting crew hate Christians - why else would they cast such an awful specimen! Shame.. shame..
He is acting shady, and he is targeting someone that I dont think he can beat in Mikayla. She will be very handy when you have men vs men and women vs women challenges. Not to mention she is so helpful around camp. He does have the fish thing going for him, but if it was that easy I can see Albert or Coach doing it too. Sophie already knows there is something hiding under the skin, or on his skin. If the alliance of 5 sticks together, Brandon will be an easy first one to go at that point. Unfortunately if it is a merge he should switch but that would be a total villain thing to do and will follow great in his Uncle's footsteps.

Edna Ma
She is so sweet, and she was nice to Coach. This will help her break into the core 5. There is also some weaker people that is below her. Her comment to Brandon about Russell coming back was hilarious. lol.

Mikayla Wingle
She is such a hard worker and I dont see her coming off like Steph did in Palau. Her biggest hurdle is Brandon which looks to self implode. If that happens sweep in and kill Coach with kindness.

Stacey Powell
Not much from her. We know she can be abrasive and only time will tell if she has formed any bonds. She really confused me and Coach during the reward challenge. She isnt the smartest since she totally missed the idol. That tree is very memroable, I would look there multiple times, someone will find the clue before the end of September.

Christine Marksoski
WHY DID YOU LOOK FOR THE IDOL!!! Kristina Kell 2.0
Then she gives the Franqucoco answer about the returning players.
Unless one side or the other makes a power move (Mikayla, Sophie, Coach, or Brandon) then Christine will be an easy first boot.

#10 - Savaii Newbies That received no votes - 38.5%
Jim Rice
I already went over this some. He had big gains and hes a natural leader. He was the main on helping Ozzy in the challenge. He had Papa Bear and Dawn in his pockets since hes the protector of the weak. Then Cochran is indebted to him at least until the merge. Big gains need to solidify the girls of his tribe and get Keith on his side. He needs Keith for physical strength.

Elyse Umemoto
Well Ozzy hasn't sunk his teeth in her yet. And she could be in good with Jim and Cochran. Not to mention shes adorable.

Whitney Duncan
She might be on the outs and on Ozzy and Keith's side. Its hard to tell since they voted with the majority. She did reassure Cochran getting into the water.

Keith Tollefson
He was pretty vocal about getting Cochran out at TC. I dont think hes thinking strategically. Just having a strong tribe wont make you win the game. And they is the only thing Ozzy does when he forms alliances.

Dawn Meehan
Woah, breakdown on day 2? They is why Holly was picked over you. But I do like her, she rebounded and didnt have the vote be between her. I might have been easier if Ozzy targeted her. She also looks like shes in a decent alliance now.

Mark Anthony "Papa Bear" Caruso
I hope this guys stays healthy, I really like him and how he helped Dawn and Cochran.

#16 - Coach Ben Wade "The Dragon Slayer" - 32.9%
Well he got the Russell welcome but quickly became a team player. Made an early 5 person alliance that should build a good basis on this game.

#17 - John Cochran - 26.0%
From Twitter:
eorlins Eliza Orlins
Oh boy this is the @SurvivorCochran show!! We are looooooving him over here at the #Survivor
#NYC premiere party!!!
I got that feeling watching it too. And I love it. I love it when we have great storytellers on the island narrating. My biggest fear being on Survivor is losing the first challenge and being voted out FIRST. My big problem is creating the necessarily relationships in 3 days especially when you have Alpha Male personalities like Ozzy and Jim. Where you find me is the soft sell. And a week into the game you have everyone liking me and we have an alliance. But if I was in Cochran's shoes I would be in deep trouble. He managed to convince the tribe as a whole to keep him. And he tries harder which will make an even better story line next week. I can't see the girls not liking him. Hes like the little brother.

#18 - Semhar Tadesse - 5.1%
Jeff called it. There was more that we didn't see because of how she acted around camp. She will lose RI. She might throw it.

Once again my posts can be found here:

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