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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Final Survivor Redemption Island Power Rankings

May 16, 2011 by rajrhcpfreak
Here is my final recap of the season and how they finished in my rankings.

Before I get into the rankings I will be mentioning my ranking of seasons. This part of my formula is nowhere near perfect because its hard to tell what is hard or better in making a season and how do you calculate it. My current rankings which is under a version 2.6 right now takes the amount of players and see how many are in the 75th% quartile, 25th% quartile, then take the amount of challenges

1. Rob Mariano (79.80) - Sole Survivor
vs Rob Mariano (78.94) - Survivor All-Stars Runner-up

Yes his game play was very close to the same. He was a more physical threat in All Stars since he was younger. But those 8 votes for him really nudged him over. For the record this makes him the 5th and 6th best performances on survivor.

Now on my ranking the survivor seasons by toughness of competition and number of challenges, Rob drops to #18 six spots lower than his #12 performance in All Stars because lets face it, he was going up against some tough guys.

Now I also have a Professional Survivor List where I combine all the previous seasons for each survivor that appear at least twice and get an average. Then I put a multiplier on the seasons and Boston Rob ends up at #25 out of 41. Which I think is very fair since he either goes to the finals or doesn't make the jury.

Now back to his game play because it sounds like I am taking away from his win today. Because I kinda am, but I do need to give him his props. He won great. He has the title, great. He owns a bunch of survivor records (most wins, most group immunity wins, most individual immunity wins, tied for most challenges participation, most days on the island, second most votes for a contestant, third most votes against a player, 25 times voting with the majority block which is tied for the most with 3 other people, second most times in tribal...).

Now please retire.

2. Ashley Underwood (74.4) - Jury
This girl really surprised me. I think she might have been sandbagging those early challenges. Going off just the numbers shes ranked 23rd. She got the raw end of the deal that alot of people get when you just miss the jury, ie. Rob Cesterino. She really would have made a better stand against Rob, might have made it a 5-4 vote.

Now my rant on how bad a player she is. and how much of a Bitch she was towards Andrea and in general. She keeps protecting her game play that was clearly flawed. Keeping Rob that late in the game was a huge mistake that probably wouldn't have paid off even if she went to the finals. Yes she knew about the HII. But why didn't she tell Andrea we need to vote Philip. that would have made it 3 girls and Rob. Andrea would have been on their side and if she won then Rob would have gone. Had Rob won like he did this last time then Andrea would have gone and Ashley would have been in the final 3. But this is the problem with the whole tribe's thinking, no foresight. They would rather play with their "friends" than branch out and try other ways to the finals.

3. Mike Chiesl (72.4) - Jury
Went out gracefully and would have been the highest rated person had his team had the upper hand in the merge. Maybe not win, but he would have been ranked high(er) like Colby.

4. Grant Mattos (70.2) - Jury
Sure he was kinda bitter. But hes married and was such a nice guy. I wonder if he wasn't more in control than the editors wanted us to think.

5. Andrea Boehlke (69.4) - Jury
Well she got back in the game and then got Elrod'd. She did all she could her life depended on Matt the whole game. Had Matt avoided shaking the Zap's hands after the challenge he wouldn't have been next. Had He joined the Zap's and not told Rob he would have been safe. Then her next shot was with out Matt and I really have to say that Ashley is... OK I took this out and rewrote it up next to Ashley. Andrea really did try her hardest and put her self in good positions. But you can't help it when all three times the person that you needed on your side wasn't playing the game.

6. Matt Elrod (67.7) - Jury
Great job man. As a fellow Christian I admire his faith and how he stuck with it. I wish he would have won the 100,000$ instead of listening to Jeff say that Rob's already millionaire wife gets to go shopping with it.
Of course his game was very one sided. His Outwit score was 42.73%, the only people to get 100% were medivac'd out of the game. That ranking puts him #310 out of 389. His Outplay was 68% at #17

7. Natalie Tenerelli (67.0) - 2nd Runner-up
Too young. and I really hate hearing that oh she is only 19. She was mature enough to get on the show and we other young contestants like... jenna Morasca (winner, 21 years old) eliza orlins (36 days, 21 years old) rafe judkins (38 days, 22 years old) todd herzog (winner, 22 years old) ken hoang (36 days, 22 year sold) jud birza (winner, 21 years old). So these amazing players were only 2-3 years older than Natalie, weve only had 3 under 21 players Frosti, Purple Kelly, and Natalie T. All three of them making it past the merge. So I really dont see her just showing up and not quiting means we should give her game respect.

8. Ralph Kiser (63.1) - Jury
Oh he was fun. And who would have guessed he was going to throw a vote towards Phlite.

9. Philip Sheppard (60.3) -  1st Runner-up
You made it. but damn I was expecting something a little better regarding your final speech.

10. Julie Wolfe (58.4) - Jury
Wow you claim you found God and you become pretty bitter on the jury.

11. Steve Wright (57.2) - Jury
Nice to see Philip forgive you. But man you are so boring and were so out of it.

12. Sarita White (55.3) - OUT
Yeah, you needed to be better in challenges to make it farther. Or maybe have someone better in challenges, like replace steve with gary hogebom and you would have been final 3.

13. David Murphy (50.3) - Jury
nice jury speech but he was hyped too much for me to be satisfied with him. its like CBS hired a lawyer to be on the show to make sure Rob wins.

14. Stephanie Valencia (40.3) - OUT
Feisty little firecracker. You needed to 1: work harder to get back into the fold because they turned on Sarita so it was possible. 2: dont ruin your chances by aligning with the minority so fast and openly.

15. Krista Klumpp (37.5) - OUT
Nice on RI, boring in the show.

16. Kristina Kell (31.0) - OUT
Oh, such potential. luck of the draw she was on the wrong team.

17. Russell Hantz (30.8) - OUT
Please wait 5 years before you get back on the show. Then you might be able to win it. If you can make it back on the show and make the jury you might be better than Rob.

18. Francesca Hogli (10.7) - OUT
Wrong tribe. Or maybe just bad casting on her tribe.

OK this season is over with and we will be back to Samoa. as long as im not on the show next season i will be back doing my power rankings, probably on my own site.
redemption island coming back, ehh hopefully its tweaked. end it at the merge and beef up the challenges.


I think Rob would have won even if Ashley had got to the final three instead of Phillip. She might have "talked to" the ex-Zapatera people, but they would have seen her as just a little better than Natalie.

The mistake they made was not to vote out Phillip in the final 5. That would have increased her chances.
Sent by Philomena,May 16, 2011

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