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The pink03angel's blog

Posts 348 posts

Christmas Cupcakes! Please Help Out! Dec 10, 2009
imageMerry Early Christmas! Tis the season to be jolly!!!!! Hopefully to "buy" christmas cupcakes as well! LOL! I just joined a group game and my team is "selling"christmas cupcakes for our task. To help us out and spread the christmas cheer please help out by pming brittyxx : and telling her that you "bought" a cupcake from my team! I would really appreciate it! Also, since I just made BROWN I will be more than happy to spread the Christmas Cheer myself and +9 anything in return!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!
Points: 338 19 comments
Pink is the new BROWN!!!!!!! Dec 8, 2009
imageHey everyone I am so excited I just made BROWN! I have really enjoyed being on Tengaged and meeting all of you all so far! I am more than happy to help anyone who need help, as I'm sure most of you already know! Please help me out by plussing and commenting this blog! Thanks! If you need anything +9 leave a comment and I will return the favor!!!!! I'm ready to plus yall!!!!! I also want to send a CONGRATS to KRISBLISS as well for achieving BROWN today!!!!!!!! Ready to meet more of yall along the way!!!!!!
Points: 515 39 comments
Possible Snow in Houston!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dec 4, 2009
Houston is on track today to break a record with the earliest snowfall ever recorded in the city's history.

Forecasters are still hedging their bets, but say the most likely scenario is 1 to 2 inches of widespread snowfall beginning this afternoon.

Some areas could get up to a half a foot.

But emergency management officials say snow isn't the biggest concern — it's icy roads. A 12-hour freeze period is expected to begin after sundown today, continuing into Saturday, which could cause hazardous driving conditions.

A freeze warning has been issued for more than 20 Texas counties, including the coastal counties of Chambers, Galveston, Brazoria, Matagorda and Jackson, extending northward through Harris, Montgomery, Fort Bend, Wharton and Liberty counties, then stretching as far northwest as the cities of Bryan and College Station and as far northeast as Trinity and Polk counties.

“Even though we can't say for sure this weather event is going to occur, we can definitely say our confidence has increased substantially compared to three or four days ago,” said Fred Schmude, a meteorologist with ImpactWeather, a private, Houston-based forecasting service.

There's a 70 percent chance of precipitation today, which may start as light rain and mixed sleet after 6 a.m. — just in time for morning rush hour.

That should quickly change to a mixture of sleet and snow after 9 a.m. By noon, the precipitation is expected to convert entirely to snow as temperatures hit the low- to mid-30s, Schmude said. Indications are that the heaviest precipitation will fall near the coast.
Points: 47 10 comments
LMMO @ Some Blogs! Nov 25, 2009
First of all the LMMO is intentional it wasn’t a mistake. (Inside thing it will catch on.) Well I guess I am writing this because it’s like almost every day someone new except for a few repeat offenders writes a blog ablout how they are gonna leave tengaged. They often say “but I’ll stay if I get so many plusses, comments, etc.” Or the really needy ones often try to get friends to write blogs about them leaving. I’m gonna be nice and not mention any names cuz you know who you are and so does most of the rest of Tengaged since you have probably already asked them to write a blog convincing you not to go. Why waste time writing lies when you know you are not leaving? The TRUTH they are actually just seeking attention and pity. They write the blogs to feel wanted. Cuz they WANT to read No please don’t go……,stay……..,we need you………, etc. And guess what, a lot of the time the nicer tengagers will reply or plus satisfying their craving /need for attention at that moment. And a few days later another blog about leaving will appear.


#1 If you really wanted to leave you would.

#2 If the people on here were really your friends you could msg. them off Tengaged on Skype or Yahoo, etc.

#3 The Truth Hurts Sometimes- The reason you write these blogs is for ATTENTION! I have much respect for all the well known tengagers on here because they are well known for their game play whether good or bad.

TIP: If you want attention work on your game play and shoot for making the HOF, or learn to make some awesome designs and get known for that.
Points: 393 42 comments
Help! I have a ? Oh and my nephew is being born tommorrow! Nov 23, 2009
Ok yall I have a question.. Tommorrow my sister is having my nephew so naturally I'll be at the hospital all day. So my question is if I take my laptop to the hospital can I get on Tengaged? Or will I get banned? Please Help!
Points: 67 5 comments
Pink03Angel's New BFF!!!!! Nov 16, 2009
Hey everyone I just got a new look with my NEW eyes! So I decided it is time for me to find a new BFF! I just joined in July so have met a lot of really cool people on here but still have no official BFF! So let the search begin!!! I am looking for interested applicants who are loyal and trustworthy. The applications are open for all to apply whether we have met before or not. There will be a series of challenges/games to get to know everyone better and in the end I hope to find my new BFF!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you all join! Please also plus and comment! I always return the favors!!!!
Points: 296 20 comments