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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

LMMO @ Some Blogs!

Nov 25, 2009 by pink03angel
First of all the LMMO is intentional it wasn’t a mistake. (Inside thing it will catch on.) Well I guess I am writing this because it’s like almost every day someone new except for a few repeat offenders writes a blog ablout how they are gonna leave tengaged. They often say “but I’ll stay if I get so many plusses, comments, etc.” Or the really needy ones often try to get friends to write blogs about them leaving. I’m gonna be nice and not mention any names cuz you know who you are and so does most of the rest of Tengaged since you have probably already asked them to write a blog convincing you not to go. Why waste time writing lies when you know you are not leaving? The TRUTH they are actually just seeking attention and pity. They write the blogs to feel wanted. Cuz they WANT to read No please don’t go……,stay……..,we need you………, etc. And guess what, a lot of the time the nicer tengagers will reply or plus satisfying their craving /need for attention at that moment. And a few days later another blog about leaving will appear.


#1 If you really wanted to leave you would.

#2 If the people on here were really your friends you could msg. them off Tengaged on Skype or Yahoo, etc.

#3 The Truth Hurts Sometimes- The reason you write these blogs is for ATTENTION! I have much respect for all the well known tengagers on here because they are well known for their game play whether good or bad.

TIP: If you want attention work on your game play and shoot for making the HOF, or learn to make some awesome designs and get known for that.


Sent by randomkid22,Nov 25, 2009
i agree with you
Sent by Runner430,Nov 25, 2009
Finally! A blog worth reading, and a blog that speaks the truth. Im tired of all the stupid ass blogs talking about things people dont give a fuck about. Gratz on keepin it real boo!
Sent by ShowMe99,Nov 25, 2009
I love your blogs Pinky! They make me smile AND think...a nice combination! LOL :D
Sent by CapricornsGhost,Nov 25, 2009
I agree with you that it seems artificial when someone says they'll stay if they get so many points, especially if someone writes the blog for them.  It's like that person taking the time to write the blog wasn't enough.. they need so many plusses to get them to stay.
It also can get old when someone threatens to leave every time something doesn't go their way.  I understand being upset, but after a while it feels empty.
Sent by krisbliss,Nov 25, 2009
Can't say I don't disagree with any of this. I'm not sure if the day I leave if I will blog I'm leaving or just up and walk away from the site.
Sent by farside,Nov 25, 2009
Sent by Kaffreya,Nov 25, 2009
Plussed :)
Sent by Patrick319,Nov 25, 2009
Sent by tiaraweaver,Nov 25, 2009
Sent by timecat,Nov 25, 2009
+7 Well said.
Sent by Jawshii,Nov 25, 2009
Sent by Babiiigurlll,Nov 25, 2009

People want attention. Thats the complete center point of all of the useless blogs, and all of the fake, ego-boosting alliances out there..
Sent by Josh742,Nov 25, 2009
+6 <33
Sent by vicious,Nov 25, 2009
hahaha yeah, I've said this before and actually kept a list of some people and how many times they've "quit" the site! lol
Sent by NoelSarah,Nov 25, 2009
++++ :)
Sent by DayDreamer,Nov 25, 2009
True.! ++++
Sent by Matthew09,Nov 25, 2009
I used to think that..
I totally disagree.
People sincerely want to quit when they say it.
This site is a drug, you don't understand how addictive it is until you are gone.
It's not fair to assess somebody's situations so quickly without getting to know the basis behind their actions..
but + anyways.
Sent by AlohaLani,Nov 25, 2009
love i love u pink
pls never leave I'll miss you soo much :(
Sent by Abrogate,Nov 25, 2009
#3 The Truth Hurts Sometimes- The reason you write these blogs is for ATTENTION! I have much respect for all the well known tengagers on here because they are well known for their game play whether good or bad.

Sent by RiDsTeR,Nov 25, 2009
im glad somebody finally said it lol
Sent by mack3199,Nov 25, 2009
xo Pink!
Sent by Umaw,Nov 25, 2009
Sent by tommyg,Nov 25, 2009
sooooo true :)
Sent by BlueLagoon506,Nov 25, 2009
omg so freaking true!
Sent by GurlBai,Nov 25, 2009
My first +6  :)
Sent by Austin,Nov 25, 2009
You're stoopid.
Sent by FancyTickler69,Nov 25, 2009
Plussed <3
Sent by BelleAme,Nov 25, 2009
I totally agree with you Pink. I have noticed that before. There is many other ways to get attention just meet new people and just get to know them. Play the games to have fun and meet new people not to win. If you win congrats if not well then you met some new people. :)
Sent by Riddle,Nov 25, 2009
Sent by wafflecone,Nov 25, 2009
+'s 8D
Sent by 2hillaireus,Nov 25, 2009
Yeah, I know what you mean. However, these people are probably alos often seeking not only attention, but money, which is oh so hard to get off of blogs nowadays, because they don't get plussed fairly.
Sent by FoxxyCleopatra,Nov 25, 2009
Sent by SurvivorDJ,Nov 25, 2009
HUGZ PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent by capguy1,Nov 25, 2009
I agree with Pinky's blog and everything, but I also agree with Aloha's comment. This site is a DRUG. And when you try to quit or take a break, you're always thinking about joining a Casting, Rookies, checking who's up in Stars, checking the new banned people and red noses. You simply can't get away D;
Sent by Phenomanimal,Nov 25, 2009
Um, OR they made the goodbye blog, letting everyone know, because they fully intended on quitting, only to be sucked back into the site at a future time.
Sent by LaQuawnda,Nov 26, 2009
Plussedd <333 x
Sent by Nikkayy,Nov 26, 2009
Sent by Ellie992,Nov 26, 2009
LOL I know a lot of people who do that!

I just left and came back and made one "sup?" blog. With no contents. But some people want all of tengaged pleading for them to stay. Its so sad!
Sent by 2cool4school,Nov 26, 2009
i did that
Sent by hoodieboy7449,Nov 26, 2009
i negged cuz youre fake!
Sent by Spo7584,Nov 26, 2009
LMMO Some people also make blogs like this to get T$...
Sent by Mikeey,Dec 14, 2009

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