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Survivor Redemption Island Episode 4 "Odd Man Out"

Mar 2, 2016 by hsb123
*Post Tribal Council*
That Tribal was insane! I had no idea who was going to be eliminated. Obviously I’m happy that Toby left but at the same time, I wouldn’t have been disappointed if Justin had left.

*Aparri Camp*
*Jessica and Mac are talking in the jungle*
Jessica: Mac, I know I haven’t been the nicest to you in the past but I need a favor from you.
Mac: Ok… what is it?
Jessica: I think Red and Zach are working together against me and Luis. I want you to join our side. Luis and I need you.
Mac CONFESSIONAL: Finally I am in power! I am the swing vote between Romeo and Juliet vs. Red and Zach. I honestly have no idea who to choose.
Mac: Let me think about it.
Jessica: Ok thank you Mac.
Luis CONFESSIONAL: Right now, I need to try to break up the Red and Zach duo. Hopefully I can manipulate one if them, to join our side.
*Luis and Zach are talking together*
Luis: Zach how much do you trust Red?
Zach: Why do you ask?
Luis: Well… you two seem to be drifting apart and it’s pretty obvious.
Zach: I guess so. I mean I overheard Red and Mac talking while I was eavesdropping. They said how they could easily get my vote and use me.
Luis CONFESSIONAL: This couldn’t be going any better! He’s confessing everything to me.
Luis: I see. If you join us, we can split up Mac and Red.
Zach. I don’t know for sure… you know what? I’ve made up my mind. I’m in.
Luis: Great!

*Solana Camp*
*Corinne, June, Candice, and Nathan are talking*
Corinne: June and Nathan. Me and Candice feel that Jax isn’t doing so well in challenges, and doesn’t do much around camp. We were thinking that if we lose this next challenge, we should take him out.
June: I like that idea.
Candice: Secretly, Corinne and I have decided to split the vote between Jax and June. Hopefully June and Nathan both vote for Jax. However this vote falls, I won’t be disappointed.
*Nathan and Jax are talking in the jungle.
Jax: As you can see, the girls outnumber us, 3-2. If we can pull one of them onto our side, then we can gradually take over the tribe.
Nathan CONFESSIONAL: Jax is a nice guy but I don’t feel that he’s cut out for this. He freaked out multiple times when Francesca was voted out. What a wimp!
Nathan: I guess. I mean the least we can do is try our best and hope right?
Jax: You’re right.
Jax CONFESSIONAL: I am at the bottom of this tribe and I am trying my best to stay in this. I think I have Nathan and I might be able to pull June onto our side as well.

*Luzon Camp*
Sai: Well last Tribal was a mess. A good mess. It just shows that the other alliance doesn’t know what the hell they are doing.
*Dylan and JJ are relaxing in the water*
Dylan: JJ! The plan was to get rid of Toby.
JJ: I know. I’m so sorry. Last minute, I decided I couldn’t go through with it.
Dylan: Whatever. Just don’t screw up this time. You were lucky that someone voted on their own.

*Justin, Sai, and Bob are talking by the fire*
Justin: We’ve decided that Dylan’s time has come to an end. Although he is a loyal alliance member, we simply don’t need him anymore.
Justin: We want you to vote with us if we lose. We want to get rid of Dylan. Although he has been an asset to Sai and I, he is becoming a threat to us.
Bob: I understand. I can see how Dylan is a threat.
Sai: Great! Dylan it is.
Do these two take me for idiots? I would never vote with them. I am hoping to get Dylan and JJ to vote with me and take Justin or Sai out.

*Immunity Challenge* One member from each tribe at a time will dive to a buoy in the water. They will dive down to a series of buoys submerged at different levels. The first buoy would be 1 meter underwater, the second 2, and so on. Once all the buoys have been brought back to the platform, they will shoot the buoys into a basket out in the ocean. The first two tribes to get all their buoys in the basket win immunity.


*Aparri Camp*
*Jessica, Luis, and Mac are talking in there shelter*
Jessica: Well this sucks
Mac: Ya I know.
Luis: At least we are safe.
Jessica: You got that right.
Mac CONFESSIONAL: It was so awkward sitting in our shelter with them. I honestly don’t know who I’m going to vote for yet.
*Red and Zach are talking in the jungle*
Red: Zach lately we haven’t been talking, but I need you to vote with Mac and I. We want to split up the power couple.
Zach: I overheard you talk to Mac before and you said basically that I would follow you no matter what.
Red: About that. I needed to persuade him, and I apologize.
Zach: I guess. I’ll vote. I’ve been dying to get one of them out. The problem is, which one?
Red: Luis is really physically strong in challenges, while Jessica is very very strategic and smart.
Zach: Let’s decide at Tribal Council.

*Tribal Council*

Harry: Come on in and take a seat.

*Aparri members sit down*

Harry: Ok. Let’s start off with a discussion. Jessica. You look very confident right now. Can you give us some insight?
Jessica: Well I feel confident that I won’t be the person being voted out tonight.
Harry: Ok moving on. Mac. You’ve been on the bottom of Aparri since the very first episode. Has anything changed for you?
Mac: Yes. I am the swing vote between two different alliances. On one side we have Jessica and Luis. On the other side we have Red and Zach. They have all come talk to me, and I have to say, both of their offers are compelling.
*Zach nervously looks at Red*
Harry: Zach and Red. Right as he said both of their offers are compelling, you looked at each other.
Red: Well Harry, I guess you never know where loyalties lie and this vote will draw lines.
Zach: I agree with Red and this just shows how tough this game can really be.
Harry: And with that, it’s time to vote.

*Everyone Votes*

Harry: If anyone has a hidden immunity challenge and would like to play it, now would be the time.

*No one stands*

Harry: Ok. Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person will be asked to leave.

*Opes Urn*

First vote goes to…






Second vote goes to…






Third vote goes to…






Harry: That’s 1 vote Jessica, 1 vote Zach, and 1 vote Mac.

Fourth vote goes to…






Fifth vote goes to…






Harry: That’s 2 votes Mac, 2 votes Zach, and 1 vote Jessica. Since we have a tie, there will be a re-vote between Mac and Zach.

*Everyone Re-votes*

*Opens Urn*

First vote goes to…






Second vote goes to…






The third and final vote goes to…





Fourth person eliminated is…






Harry: Zach, please bring me your torch.

Harry: Zach. The tribe has spoken *Snuffs Torch*

Harry: Zach please head to shore. There is a boat waiting to take you to Redemption Island.

Zach: Good luck guys.

*Zach’s Exit Interview*
I thought I would have done better than this but I have to give it to Luis and Jessica. That was a great blindside. I really wanted to make merge or even the finale. I hope Red gets far because although we had our ups and downs, we ended up being friends.



For Mac: Zach and Red
For Zach: Luis and Jessica
For Jessica: Mac


For Mac: Red
For Zach: Luis and Jessica



Francesca - corgi
Toby - Falconbait26
Zach - Tommy123


Eliminated Castaways:

18th - Carlson - Carlsonyoungaf



Sai - DumbGinger
Bob - islandsurvivor
Justin - scooby0000
Toby - Falconbait26
JJ - Jjred45
Dylan - opslove

Zach - Tommy123
Red - Redwing91
Mac - macda27
Carlson - CarlsonyoungAF
Jessica - boogie23
Luis - _Adidas_

June - Orkun
Corinne - CorinneKaplan4460
Candice - Zenka1725
Nathan - Matedog1209
Jax - aj1111
Francesca - corgi



Rating out of 10:
Favorite/Least Favorite Character?
Who do You Think is Going to be Eliminated Next?

#casting #survivor #rookies





Omg tag me
Sent by _ivyyy_445,Mar 2, 2016
Sent by scooby0000,Mar 2, 2016
Dayum they tried to blindside me..
Zach or Toby
Sent by Macda27,Mar 3, 2016
I think Zach will lose on RI
Sent by RedWing91,Mar 3, 2016

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