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The gratefulvw's blog

Posts 250 posts

Newest sky level pyn for an opinion - Updated - feel free to add Nov 23, 2014
I just bought Sky with the adorable jessloveee!  Thought it may be fun to do a PYN since I haven't done one in three years lol.  Thanks for the help with sky my friends

#christossss - We've played a few games together and you have never done wrong by me.  You make me laugh too
#Aydanmac01 - Don't know you, but I'm sure we will play together one day.  Thanks for the grats!
#jojo7784 - You are always true to your word and we have had some great conversations.  So glad that you are back and maybe we can finally join a game together
#silas86 - I just met you this week and you are amazing.  We have become fast friends.  You are funny, kind, and random and I love it.  Thank you for being so nice to me and I know we are going to have a long friendship
#Mikey_Elite - "Oh, you're from Boston. Do you know Mikey"? lol.  I am so glad that Cheri said we had to meet finally because you are my twin through and through, except I am female.  We think the same, know the same spots, and have the same wicked humor.  I know you hate everyone, but thanks for not hating me and for understanding my language.  I adores you completely as you have breeched my icy heart . triskey
#amylou8251 - We just met as well but you are hilarious, kind, and smart.  I love that you can dish it out as much as you can take it.  I would wear the clear heels with you anytime
#Istvan - You were one of my first friends back in the day and I am so lucky you remembered me after three years.  I love you completely and thank you for being the kind, sarcastic, and devilish guy you are.  You are beyond amazing
#DropkickMurphysfan - You have one of the best names on here and that is what made me talk to you.  You are my bestie on here and you are a beyond amazing person.  Thank you for being my friend and casting buddy.  You are probably one of the nicest people I have ever met and our friendship means the world to me. Ily!
#Lucinda - I don't know how dull my life would be if I never messaged you back.  You are adorable, kind, funny, and I adore our friendship.  You never ask anything of me and we love a lot of the same things.  Thanks for being a confident and for being my friend.  We have a date next year in Rome
#jessloveee - I honestly can't image you not being around and being my friend.  Luckily, no matter what you will always be a bestie of mine.  You are sarcastic, kind, generous and lovely.  Thank you for being there for me and for being amazing.  I can't wait to hear about your adventures and thank you for no judgments ever lmao. ILY
#Graneceffect - I am thrilled we met.  In the short time you have taught me so much.  You are a delight, have an amazing whit and intelligent.  You are fascinating and kind.  Thank you for sharing music, fireworks, and random bed time stories with me.
#Obsessed_4405 - Chels! You make me giggle and you have an amazing personality.  We will play again sure I am soon because you are too fun not to have in a game.
#skyler1822 - I have never met you so I don't really have an opinion.  But I hope to get to meet you soon and I love your avi.
#ASupreme - My hubby! I adore you.  You are funny, insightful, adorable, and sweet.  You entertain me and you put up with my silly questions. Thank you for your hello everyday and for being you.  You're are amazing.
#Aesop - Ben, ILY and love that you remembered me when you came back.  You make me laugh and piss me off when you make fun of my football teams.  Only because you are such a darling to I let you get away with it.  You're super bitch always
#meduncan - You are a doll!  WE see a lot of things the same way and I'm so glad I met you.  You are hilarious!!!
#Oliviaxoxo - I don't know you well but the few conversations we've had you have been super sweet.  We have a lot of mutual friends and think the same a lot of times so I know that we will play again and get to know each other better.  you are well loved here and it's easy to see why!
#Sanettei - No one makes me feel more hit on than you lmao.  You are beyond hysterical and you are always true to you.  Don't every change that and thank you for making me blush 
#PotatoSalad - We have never played a game together but we should. I've seen you around and you seem fun.  Your name is yummy!
#Padfoot - I only know that you sometimes steal gifts.  But I love a person that likes designs too.
#blakejenkins14 - Miss you darling!  You are fun, funny, and cute.  You keep games interesting and it's always a great time playing a castings with you
#KatnissEverdeen - Never played with you but I your avi is adorable and you were kind enough to post.  And you seem to like music which I adore
k4r4k - Karish!  You are sarcastic and kind and you care about people.  You are the only one that I will gladly share a headache with
jdog - WE only got to play that one game together while you were in Stars but you were a delight.  I really would like to play another game with you so I can get to know you better.
sosyomomma - Drew, I love how you can be a jerk sometimes, but it's part of your charm.  How I got so lucky that you were always ever a doll to me I will never know.  You're confident and make me laugh always.  You will forever be one of my Survivor buddies
Jettsmith7 - You are super easy going and made the one group game I played really enjoyable.  You always take time to check in and I appreciate that.  You are also a great player
Tyler93 - We need a game date it's so overdue!!  We met in a charity rooks and I am so glad that we did because you are amazing.  You take time to get to know people and have a positive attitude.  You think of others always.  Miss talking to you
JayElVeeIsBack - After a rude introduction we became fast friends.  You are amazing and have been nothing but loyal ever.  You have been nothing short of amazing to me and I am glad we became friends.  Plus your taste in music is fantastic.
Megan - I think we played once or twice a long time ago.  Your avi is always adorable, and you are among the most loved so that says a lot about you.  I appreciate you posting and maybe we will meet again sometime.
Tetsuya - I don't know you but maybe we will play together sometime!  Your avi is ferocious!
yoshicoolman - Miss you!  You are adorable and sweet. Have always been true to your word and I know it's going to be a fun game if you're in it.
JasonXtreme - We haven't played together in so long.  We instantly clicked and I enjoyed our conversations.  You are a cutie and I always love playing a game with you.  We should do it again soon.
JamieAndre - You are the best!  We've had some great conversations on here and you are a blast. 
Delete2544 - I don't know you personally but you have always been helpful to me and you are an AHS fan and I adore that :)
marwane - I don't know you personally but from what I have seen of you, you are down to earth and fun.  I bet you are a darling too!
Thumper91 - We have played some games together and have always nommed one another. If we are ever on the same team we would be unstoppable.  You are always fun to play with even if we are opposing and we you never hold a grudge.
Guigi - You are good friends with some of my favorite people.  We should definitely play together sometime and I love your sarcastic sense of humor that I see.
Minie - Same as Guigi, I have never played with you but we have mutual friends.  You are always friendly and polite when asking to plus spam and your avi is adorable too
sandstormocean - It was great getting to know you in this castings and loved when you had time to chat. Hope to play again
rellizuraddixion - Love your avi and you seem like a guy that likes to have a good time
lexibear - I don't know you besides the mail you send me asking for gifts.  You seem like a cool person though and I hope you get the gifts you want
crazybone5000 - Alfie, I adore you.  You are an amazing person and a delight to play with. Still one of my favs and everyone should know you
deshonBANNEDISBACK - Don't know you but glad you are back from being banned.  Seems you may have a naughty side
acyuta - I have never played with you but heard some great things about you. Seem like a pretty chill guy and maybe we will meet some day
Daytime - You like football it seems and that is a beautiful thing
SomebodyAwesome - I think your name says it all :)
brenLa - I miss you tons my fellow Masshole.  You are simply amazing and always keep me laughing.  So glad I met you and thank you for always making me smile.  I can talk Pats to you all the time and we like so many of the same things.
StraightLoonie - You adorable loon, you are the biggest flirt on here I believe and it's totally adorable. You don't judge, like to have a good time and are beyond fun.  You make me smile and love sports and beer. So glad I met you and you owe me a bedtime story
Points: 575 51 comments
Sunday + Beer + Football = Perfection <3 Nov 23, 2014
Points: 66 3 comments
All I want is to take a nap but I will be awake all night if I do Nov 21, 2014
Points: 15 1 comments
Good luck on your new adventure Jessloveee Nov 20, 2014
I know I will see you around but I will still miss you.  You are going to love your new job and I am so proud of you for taking on this new chapter of your life.  ily jessloveee
Points: 51 2 comments
Loves getting a text from a friend saying that the Nov 20, 2014
coffee you made them this morning was perfect :)
Points: 20 0 comments
Who can entertain me? I'm bored Nov 19, 2014
Points: 49 2 comments